#' Detection of metacells with the SuperCell approach
#' This function detects metacells (former super-cells) from single-cell gene expression matrix
#' @param X log-normalized gene expression matrix with rows to be genes and cols to be cells
#' @param genes.use a vector of genes used to compute PCA
#' @param genes.exclude a vector of genes to be excluded when computing PCA
#' @param cell.annotation a vector of cell type annotation, if provided, metacells that contain single cells of different cell type annotation will be split in multiple pure metacell (may result in slightly larger numbe of metacells than expected with a given gamma)
#' @param cell.split.condition a vector of cell conditions that must not be mixed in one metacell. If provided, metacells will be split in condition-pure metacell (may result in significantly(!) larger number of metacells than expected)
#' @param n.var.genes if \code{"genes.use"} is not provided, \code{"n.var.genes"} genes with the largest variation are used
#' @param gamma graining level of data (proportion of number of single cells in the initial dataset to the number of metacells in the final dataset)
#' @param k.knn parameter to compute single-cell kNN network
#' @param do.scale whether to scale gene expression matrix when computing PCA
#' @param n.pc number of principal components to use for construction of single-cell kNN network
#' @param fast.pca use \link[irlba]{irlba} as a faster version of prcomp (one used in Seurat package)
#' @param do.approx compute approximate kNN in case of a large dataset (>50'000)
#' @param approx.N number of cells to subsample for an approximate approach
#' @param block.size number of cells to map to the nearest metacell at the time (for approx coarse-graining)
#' @param seed seed to use to subsample cells for an approximate approach
#' @param igraph.clustering clustering method to identify metacells (available methods "walktrap" (default) and "louvain" (not recommended, gamma is ignored)).
#' @param return.singlecell.NW whether return single-cell network (which consists of approx.N if \code{"do.approx"} or all cells otherwise)
#' @param return.hierarchical.structure whether return hierarchical structure of metacell
#' @param ... other parameters of \link{build_knn_graph} function
#' @return a list with components
#' \itemize{
#' \item graph.supercells - igraph object of a simplified network (number of nodes corresponds to number of metacells)
#' \item membership - assigmnent of each single cell to a particular metacell
#' \item graph.singlecells - igraph object (kNN network) of single-cell data
#' \item supercell_size - size of metacells (former super-cells)
#' \item gamma - requested graining level
#' \item N.SC - number of obtained metacells
#' \item genes.use - used genes
#' \item do.approx - whether approximate coarse-graining was perfirmed
#' \item n.pc - number of principal components used for metacells construction
#' \item k.knn - number of neighbors to build single-cell graph
#' \item sc.cell.annotation. - single-cell cell type annotation (if provided)
#' \item sc.cell.split.condition. - single-cell split condition (if provided)
#' \item SC.cell.annotation. - super-cell cell type annotation (if was provided for single cells)
#' \item SC.cell.split.condition. - super-cell split condition (if was provided for single cells)
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(cell_lines) # list with GE - gene expression matrix (logcounts), meta - cell meta data
#' GE <- cell_lines$GE
#' SC <- SCimplify(GE, # log-normalized gene expression matrix
#' gamma = 20, # graining level
#' n.var.genes = 1000,
#' k.knn = 5, # k for kNN algorithm
#' n.pc = 10, # number of principal components to use
#' do.approx = TRUE) #
#' }
#' @export
SCimplify <- function(X,
genes.use = NULL,
genes.exclude = NULL,
cell.annotation = NULL,
cell.split.condition = NULL,
n.var.genes = min(1000, nrow(X)),
gamma = 10,
k.knn = 5,
do.scale = TRUE,
n.pc = 10,
fast.pca = TRUE,
do.approx = FALSE,
approx.N = 20000,
block.size = 10000,
seed = 12345,
igraph.clustering = c("walktrap", "louvain"),
return.singlecell.NW = TRUE,
return.hierarchical.structure = TRUE,
N.c <- ncol(X)
N.c <- dim(X)[2]
if(gamma > 100 & N.c < 100000){
warning(paste0("Graining level (gamma = ", gamma, ") seems to be very large! Please, consider using smaller gamma, the suggested range is 10-50."))
if(!(is.null(genes.use) | is.null(genes.exclude))){
stop("rownames(X) is Null \nGene expression matrix X is expected to have genes as rownames")
} else {
warning("colnames(X) is Null, \nGene expression matrix X is expected to have genes as rownames! \ngenes will be created automatically in a form 'gene_i' ")
rownames(X) <- paste("gene", 1:nrow(X), sep = "_")
warning("colnames(X) is Null, \nGene expression matrix X is expected to have cellIDs as colnames! \nCellIDs will be created automatically in a form 'cell_i' ")
colnames(X) <- paste("cell", 1:N.c, sep = "_")
cell.ids <- colnames(X)
keep.genes <- setdiff(rownames(X), genes.exclude)
X <- X[keep.genes,]
n.var.genes <- min(n.var.genes, nrow(X))
if(N.c > 50000){
idx <- sample(N.c, 50000)
gene.var <- apply(X[,idx], 1, stats::var)
} else {
gene.var <- apply(X, 1, stats::var)
genes.use <- names(sort(gene.var, decreasing = TRUE))[1:n.var.genes]
if(length(intersect(genes.use, genes.exclude)) > 0){
stop("Sets of genes.use and genes.exclude have non-empty intersection")
genes.use <- genes.use[genes.use %in% rownames(X)]
X <- X[genes.use,]
if(do.approx & approx.N >= N.c){
do.approx <- FALSE
warning("approx.N is larger or equal to the number of single cells, thus, an exact simplification will be performed")
if(do.approx & (approx.N < round(N.c/gamma))){
approx.N <- round(N.c/gamma)
warning(paste("approx.N is set to N.SC", approx.N))
if(do.approx & ((N.c/gamma) > (approx.N/3))){
warning("approx.N is not much larger than desired number of super-cells, so an approximate simplification may take londer than an exact one!")
approx.N <- min(approx.N, N.c)
presample <- sample(1:N.c, size = approx.N, replace = FALSE)
presampled.cell.ids <- cell.ids[sort(presample)]
rest.cell.ids <- setdiff(cell.ids, presampled.cell.ids)
} else {
presampled.cell.ids <- cell.ids
rest.cell.ids <- c()
X.for.pca <- Matrix::t(X[genes.use, presampled.cell.ids])
if(do.scale){ X.for.pca <- scale(X.for.pca) }
X.for.pca[] <- 0
if(is.null(n.pc[1]) | min(n.pc) < 1){stop("Please, provide a range or a number of components to use: n.pc")}
if(length(n.pc)==1) n.pc <- 1:n.pc
if(fast.pca & (N.c < 1000)){
warning("Normal pca is computed because number of cell is low for irlba::irlba()")
fast.pca <- FALSE
PCA.presampled <- stats::prcomp(X.for.pca, rank. = max(n.pc), scale. = F, center = F)
} else {
PCA.presampled <- irlba::irlba(X.for.pca, nv = max(n.pc, 25))
PCA.presampled$x <- PCA.presampled$u %*% diag(PCA.presampled$d)
PCA.presampled$rotation <- PCA.presampled$v
sc.nw <- build_knn_graph(
X = PCA.presampled$x[,n.pc],
k = k.knn, from = "coordinates",
#use.nn2 = use.nn2,
dist_method = "euclidean",
#directed = directed,
#pruning = pruning,
#which.snn = which.snn,
#kmin = kmin,
k <- round(N.c/gamma)
if(igraph.clustering[1] == "walktrap"){
g.s <- igraph::cluster_walktrap(sc.nw$graph.knn)
g.s$membership <- igraph::cut_at(g.s, k)
} else if(igraph.clustering[1] == "louvain") {
warning(paste("igraph.clustering =", igraph.clustering, ", gamma is ignored"))
g.s <- igraph::cluster_louvain(sc.nw$graph.knn)
} else {
stop(paste("Unknown clustering method (", igraph.clustering, "), please use louvain or walkrtap"))
membership.presampled <- g.s$membership
names(membership.presampled) <- presampled.cell.ids
## Split super-cells containing cells from different annotations or conditions
if(!is.null(cell.annotation) | !is.null(cell.split.condition)){
if(is.null(cell.annotation)) cell.annotation <- rep("a", N.c)
if(is.null(cell.split.condition)) cell.split.condition <- rep("s", N.c)
names(cell.annotation) <- names(cell.split.condition) <- cell.ids
split.cells <- interaction(cell.annotation[presampled.cell.ids], cell.split.condition[presampled.cell.ids], drop = TRUE)
membership.presampled.intr <- interaction(membership.presampled, split.cells, drop = TRUE)
membership.presampled <- as.numeric(membership.presampled.intr)
names(membership.presampled) <- presampled.cell.ids
SC.NW <- igraph::contract(sc.nw$graph.knn, membership.presampled)
SC.NW <- igraph::simplify(SC.NW, remove.loops = T, edge.attr.comb="sum")
PCA.averaged.SC <- as.matrix(Matrix::t(supercell_GE(t(PCA.presampled$x[,n.pc]), groups = membership.presampled)))
X.for.roration <- Matrix::t(X[genes.use, rest.cell.ids])
if(do.scale){ X.for.roration <- scale(X.for.roration) }
X.for.roration[] <- 0
membership.omitted <- c()
if(is.null(block.size) | block.size <- 10000
N.blocks <- length(rest.cell.ids)%/%block.size
if(length(rest.cell.ids)%%block.size > 0) N.blocks <- N.blocks+1
for(i in 1:N.blocks){ # compute knn by blocks
idx.begin <- (i-1)*block.size + 1
idx.end <- min(i*block.size, length(rest.cell.ids)) <- rest.cell.ids[idx.begin:idx.end]
PCA.ommited <- X.for.roration[,] %*% PCA.presampled$rotation[, n.pc] ###
D.omitted.subsampled <- proxy::dist(PCA.ommited, PCA.averaged.SC) ###
membership.omitted.cur <- apply(D.omitted.subsampled, 1, which.min) ###
names(membership.omitted.cur) <- ###
membership.omitted <- c(membership.omitted, membership.omitted.cur)
membership.all_ <- c(membership.presampled, membership.omitted)
membership.all <- membership.all_
names_membership.all <- names(membership.all_)
## again split super-cells containing cells from different annotation or split conditions
if(!is.null(cell.annotation) | !is.null(cell.split.condition)){
split.cells <- interaction(cell.annotation[names_membership.all],
cell.split.condition[names_membership.all], drop = TRUE)
membership.all.intr <- interaction(membership.all_, split.cells, drop = TRUE)
membership.all <- as.numeric(membership.all.intr)
SC.NW <- igraph::simplify(SC.NW, remove.loops = T, edge.attr.comb="sum")
names(membership.all) <- names_membership.all
membership.all <- membership.all[cell.ids]
} else {
membership.all <- membership.presampled[cell.ids]
membership <- membership.all
supercell_size <- as.vector(table(membership))
igraph::E(SC.NW)$width <- sqrt(igraph::E(SC.NW)$weight/10)
if(igraph::vcount(SC.NW) == length(supercell_size)){
igraph::V(SC.NW)$size <- supercell_size
igraph::V(SC.NW)$sizesqrt <- sqrt(igraph::V(SC.NW)$size)
} else {
igraph::V(SC.NW)$size <- as.vector(table(membership.all_))
igraph::V(SC.NW)$sizesqrt <- sqrt(igraph::V(SC.NW)$size)
warning("Supercell graph was not splitted")
res <- list(graph.supercells = SC.NW,
gamma = gamma,
N.SC = length(unique(membership)),
membership = membership,
supercell_size = supercell_size,
genes.use = genes.use,
simplification.algo = igraph.clustering[1],
do.approx = do.approx,
n.pc = n.pc,
k.knn = k.knn,
sc.cell.annotation. = cell.annotation,
sc.cell.split.condition. = cell.split.condition
if(return.singlecell.NW){res$graph.singlecell <- sc.nw$graph.knn}
if(!is.null(cell.annotation) | !is.null(cell.split.condition)){
res$SC.cell.annotation. <- supercell_assign(cell.annotation, res$membership)
res$SC.cell.split.condition. <- supercell_assign(cell.split.condition, res$membership)
if(igraph.clustering[1] == "walktrap" & return.hierarchical.structure) res$h_membership <- g.s
#' Detection of metacells with the SuperCell approach from low dim representation
#' This function detects metacells (former super-cells) from single-cell gene expression matrix
#' @param X low dimensional embedding matrix with rows to be cells and cols to be low-dim components
#' @param cell.annotation a vector of cell type annotation, if provided, metacells that contain single cells of different cell type annotation will be split in multiple pure metacell (may result in slightly larger numbe of metacells than expected with a given gamma)
#' @param cell.split.condition a vector of cell conditions that must not be mixed in one metacell. If provided, metacells will be split in condition-pure metacell (may result in significantly(!) larger number of metacells than expected)
#' @param gamma graining level of data (proportion of number of single cells in the initial dataset to the number of metacells in the final dataset)
#' @param k.knn parameter to compute single-cell kNN network
#' @param n.pc number of principal components to use for construction of single-cell kNN network
#' @param do.approx compute approximate kNN in case of a large dataset (>50'000)
#' @param approx.N number of cells to subsample for an approximate approach
#' @param block.size number of cells to map to the nearest metacell at the time (for approx coarse-graining)
#' @param seed seed to use to subsample cells for an approximate approach
#' @param igraph.clustering clustering method to identify metacells (available methods "walktrap" (default) and "louvain" (not recommended, gamma is ignored)).
#' @param return.singlecell.NW whether return single-cell network (which consists of approx.N if \code{"do.approx"} or all cells otherwise)
#' @param return.hierarchical.structure whether return hierarchical structure of metacell
#' @param ... other parameters of \link{build_knn_graph} function
#' @return a list with components
#' \itemize{
#' \item graph.supercells - igraph object of a simplified network (number of nodes corresponds to number of metacells)
#' \item membership - assigmnent of each single cell to a particular metacell
#' \item graph.singlecells - igraph object (kNN network) of single-cell data
#' \item supercell_size - size of metacells (former super-cells)
#' \item gamma - requested graining level
#' \item N.SC - number of obtained metacells
#' \item genes.use - used genes (NA due to low-dim representation)
#' \item do.approx - whether approximate coarse-graining was perfirmed
#' \item n.pc - number of principal components used for metacells construction
#' \item k.knn - number of neighbors to build single-cell graph
#' \item sc.cell.annotation. - single-cell cell type annotation (if provided)
#' \item sc.cell.split.condition. - single-cell split condition (if provided)
#' \item SC.cell.annotation. - super-cell cell type annotation (if was provided for single cells)
#' \item SC.cell.split.condition. - super-cell split condition (if was provided for single cells)
#' }
#' @export
SCimplify_from_embedding <- function(X,
cell.annotation = NULL,
cell.split.condition = NULL,
gamma = 10,
k.knn = 5,
n.pc = 10,
do.approx = FALSE,
approx.N = 20000,
block.size = 10000,
seed = 12345,
igraph.clustering = c("walktrap", "louvain"),
return.singlecell.NW = TRUE,
return.hierarchical.structure = TRUE,
N.c <- nrow(X)
N.pc <- ncol(X)
if(is.null(n.pc[1]) | min(n.pc) < 1){stop("Please, provide a range or a number of components to use: n.pc")}
if(length(n.pc)==1) n.pc <- 1:n.pc
if(N.pc < max(n.pc)){
warning("n.pc (", n.pc, ") is smaller that the provided number of components (", N.pc, "), will be set to the available number of components (", N.pc,")")
n.pc <- n.pc[n.pc<=N.pc]
X <- X[,n.pc]
if(gamma > 100 & N.c < 100000){
warning(paste0("Graining level (gamma = ", gamma, ") seems to be very large! Please, consider using smaller gamma, the suggested range is 10-50."))
warning("rownames(X) is Null, \nAn embedding maxtrix X is expected to have cellIDs as colnames! \nCellIDs will be created automatically in a form 'cell_i' ")
rownames(X) <- paste("cell", 1:N.c, sep = "_")
cell.ids <- rownames(X)
if(do.approx & approx.N >= N.c){
do.approx <- FALSE
warning("N.approx is larger or equal to the number of single cells, thus, an exact simplification will be performed")
if(do.approx & (approx.N < round(N.c/gamma))){
approx.N <- round(N.c/gamma)
warning(paste("N.approx is set to N.SC", approx.N))
if(do.approx & ((N.c/gamma) > (approx.N/3))){
warning("N.approx is not much larger than desired number of super-cells, so an approximate simplification may take londer than an exact one!")
approx.N <- min(approx.N, N.c)
presample <- sample(1:N.c, size = approx.N, replace = FALSE)
presampled.cell.ids <- cell.ids[sort(presample)]
rest.cell.ids <- setdiff(cell.ids, presampled.cell.ids)
} else {
presampled.cell.ids <- cell.ids
rest.cell.ids <- c()
PCA.presampled <- X[presampled.cell.ids,]
sc.nw <- build_knn_graph(
X = PCA.presampled,
k = k.knn, from = "coordinates",
#use.nn2 = use.nn2,
dist_method = "euclidean",
#directed = directed,
#pruning = pruning,
#which.snn = which.snn,
#kmin = kmin,
k <- round(N.c/gamma)
if(igraph.clustering[1] == "walktrap"){
g.s <- igraph::cluster_walktrap(sc.nw$graph.knn)
g.s$membership <- igraph::cut_at(g.s, k)
} else if(igraph.clustering[1] == "louvain") {
warning(paste("igraph.clustering =", igraph.clustering, ", gamma is ignored"))
g.s <- igraph::cluster_louvain(sc.nw$graph.knn)
} else {
stop(paste("Unknown clustering method (", igraph.clustering, "), please use louvain or walkrtap"))
membership.presampled <- g.s$membership
names(membership.presampled) <- presampled.cell.ids
## Split super-cells containing cells from different annotations or conditions
if(!is.null(cell.annotation) | !is.null(cell.split.condition)){
if(is.null(cell.annotation)) cell.annotation <- rep("a", N.c)
if(is.null(cell.split.condition)) cell.split.condition <- rep("s", N.c)
names(cell.annotation) <- names(cell.split.condition) <- cell.ids
split.cells <- interaction(cell.annotation[presampled.cell.ids], cell.split.condition[presampled.cell.ids], drop = TRUE)
membership.presampled.intr <- interaction(membership.presampled, split.cells, drop = TRUE)
membership.presampled <- as.numeric(membership.presampled.intr)
map.membership <- unique(membership.presampled)
names(map.membership) <- unique(as.vector(membership.presampled.intr))
names(membership.presampled) <- presampled.cell.ids
SC.NW <- igraph::contract(sc.nw$graph.knn, membership.presampled)
SC.NW <- igraph::simplify(SC.NW, remove.loops = T, edge.attr.comb="sum")
PCA.averaged.SC <- as.matrix(Matrix::t(supercell_GE(t(PCA.presampled[,n.pc]), groups = membership.presampled)))
membership.omitted <- c()
if(is.null(block.size) | block.size <- 10000
N.blocks <- length(rest.cell.ids)%/%block.size
if(length(rest.cell.ids)%%block.size > 0) N.blocks <- N.blocks+1
for(i in 1:N.blocks){ # compute knn by blocks
idx.begin <- (i-1)*block.size + 1
idx.end <- min(i*block.size, length(rest.cell.ids)) <- rest.cell.ids[idx.begin:idx.end]
PCA.ommited <- X[,n.pc]
D.omitted.subsampled <- proxy::dist(PCA.ommited, PCA.averaged.SC) ###
membership.omitted.cur <- apply(D.omitted.subsampled, 1, which.min) ###
names(membership.omitted.cur) <- ###
membership.omitted <- c(membership.omitted, membership.omitted.cur)
membership.all_ <- c(membership.presampled, membership.omitted)
membership.all <- membership.all_
names_membership.all <- names(membership.all_)
## again split super-cells containing cells from different annotation or split conditions
if(!is.null(cell.annotation) | !is.null(cell.split.condition)){
split.cells <- interaction(cell.annotation[names_membership.all],
cell.split.condition[names_membership.all], drop = TRUE)
membership.all.intr <- interaction(membership.all_, split.cells, drop = TRUE)
membership.all <- as.numeric(membership.all.intr)
SC.NW <- igraph::simplify(SC.NW, remove.loops = T, edge.attr.comb="sum")
names(membership.all) <- names_membership.all
membership.all <- membership.all[cell.ids]
} else {
membership.all <- membership.presampled[cell.ids]
membership <- membership.all
supercell_size <- as.vector(table(membership))
igraph::E(SC.NW)$width <- sqrt(igraph::E(SC.NW)$weight/10)
if(igraph::vcount(SC.NW) == length(supercell_size)){
igraph::V(SC.NW)$size <- supercell_size
igraph::V(SC.NW)$sizesqrt <- sqrt(igraph::V(SC.NW)$size)
} else {
igraph::V(SC.NW)$size <- as.vector(table(membership.all_))
igraph::V(SC.NW)$sizesqrt <- sqrt(igraph::V(SC.NW)$size)
warning("Supercell graph was not splitted")
res <- list(graph.supercells = SC.NW,
gamma = gamma,
N.SC = length(unique(membership)),
membership = membership,
supercell_size = supercell_size,
genes.use = NA,
simplification.algo = igraph.clustering[1],
do.approx = do.approx,
n.pc = n.pc,
k.knn = k.knn,
sc.cell.annotation. = cell.annotation,
sc.cell.split.condition. = cell.split.condition
if(return.singlecell.NW){res$graph.singlecell <- sc.nw$graph.knn}
if(!is.null(cell.annotation) | !is.null(cell.split.condition)){
message(paste("length(cell.split.condition)", length(cell.split.condition)))
message(paste("length(cell.annotation)", length(cell.annotation)))
message(paste("length(res$membership)", length(res$membership)))
res$SC.cell.annotation. <- supercell_assign(cell.annotation, res$membership)
res$SC.cell.split.condition. <- supercell_assign(cell.split.condition, res$membership)
if(igraph.clustering[1] == "walktrap" & return.hierarchical.structure) res$h_membership <- g.s
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