#' getMutex function
#' Given a binary matrix and its corresponding probability matrix pij, compute the Poisson Binomial
#' method to estimate mutual exclusive events.
#' @param A The binary matrix
#' @param PM The corresponding probability matrix of A. It can be computed using function getPM. By default equal to getPM(A)
#' @param lower.tail True if mutually exclusive test. False for co-ocurrence. By default is TRUE.
#' @param method one of the following: "ShiftedBinomial" (default),"Exact", "Binomial", and "RefinedNormal".
#' @param mixed option to compute lower p-values with an exact method. By default TRUE
#' @param th upper threshold of p.value to apply the exact method.
#' @param verbose The verbosity of the output
#' @param parallel If the exact method is executed with a parallel process.
#' @param no_cores number of cores. If not stated number of cores of the CPU - 1
#' @details we implemented three different approximations of the Poison-Binomial distribution function:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "ShiftedBinomial" (by default) that correspond to a shifted Binomial with three parameters (Peköz, Shwartz, Christiansen, & Berlowitz, 2010).
#' \item"Exact" that use the exact formula using the `PoissonBinomial` Rpackage based on the work from (Biscarri, Zhao, & Brunner, 2018).
#' \item"Binomial" with two parameters (Cam, 1960).
#' \item"RefinedNormal" that is based on the work from (Volkova, 1996).
#' }
#' If `mixed` option is selected (by default is FALSE), the "Exact" method is computed for p-values lower than a threshold
#' (`th` parameter, that by default is 0.05). When the exact method is computed, it is possible to parallelize the process by
#' selecting the option `parallel` (by default FALSE) and setting the number of cores (`no_cores` parameter)
#' @return A symmetric matrix with the p-values of the corresponding test.
#' @examples
#' #This first example is a basic
#' #example of how to perform getMutex.
#' data("A_example")
#' PMA <- getPM(A_example)
#' mismutex <- getMutex(A=A_example,PM=PMA)
#' \donttest{
#' #The next example, is the same as the first one but,
#' # using a matrix of class Matrix.
#' data("A_Matrix")
#' A_Matrix <- A_Matrix[1:100,1:50]
#' #small for the example
#' PMA_Matrix <- getPM(A_Matrix)
#' mismutex <- getMutex(A=A_Matrix,PM=PMA_Matrix)
#' \dontrun{
#' #Finally, the last example, shows a real
#' #example of how to perform this function when using
#' #data from TCGA, Colon Adenocarcinoma in this case.
#' data("TCGA_COAD")
#' data("PM_COAD")
#' PM_COAD <- getMutex(TCGA_COAD, PM_COAD)
#' }
#' }
#' @import Matrix
#' @import parallel
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom stats pnorm dnorm pbeta
#' @importFrom PoissonBinomial ppbinom
#' @importFrom ShiftConvolvePoibin ppoisbin
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowProds
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @export
getMutex <- function(A = NULL, PM = getPM(A), lower.tail = TRUE,
method = "ShiftedBinomial", mixed = TRUE,
th = 5e-2, verbose = FALSE, parallel = FALSE,no_cores=NULL){
normal <- FALSE #for mutex option, use enhanced algorithm
message("checking inputs...")
stop("not input matrix A")
if(!is(A,"matrix") & !is(A,"Matrix")){
stop("input A must be a Matrix or a matrix class")
if(nrow(A)==0 | ncol(A) == 0){
stop("input A must have at least 1 row and 1 column")
stop("input A must be binary")
if(!method %in% c("Exact", "RefinedNormal", "Binomial", "ShiftedBinomial")){
stop('method must be "Exact", "RefinedNormal", "Binomial", "ShiftedBinomial"')
message("Building model...")
Mevents <- Matrix(A)
Mevents <- as.matrix(tcrossprod(Mevents) )
ppoisbin_method <- "DC"
ppoisbin_method <- "ShiftConvolve"
###### ShiftedBinomial ########
if (method == "ShiftedBinomial") {
PM_2 <- as.matrix(PM)
l1 <- tcrossprod(PM_2) # expected means
l2 <- tcrossprod(PM_2*PM_2)
l3 <- tcrossprod(PM_2 * PM_2 * PM_2)
pstar <- (l2-l3)/(l1-l2)
nstar <- (l1 -l2)/(pstar*(1-pstar))
sstar <- l1 - nstar*pstar
# TODO: since the matrix is symmetric and takes a lot of time, use lower.tri
# to compute only half of the values. Check the RefinedNormal code.
II <- lower.tri(pstar, diag = T)
ppp <- pbeta(pstar[II], pmax(Mevents[II]+1-sstar[II],0),pmax(nstar[II]-Mevents[II]+sstar[II],0), lower.tail = !lower.tail)
# Previous line equivalent to the following (round needed for pbinom) -symmetric trick not used
# n <- round(nstar)
# s <- round(sstar)
# p <- ((nstar * pstar) + (sstar-s))/n
# ppp <- pbinom(Mevents - s, n,p, lower.tail = lower.tail)
pvals <- pstar
pvals[II] <- ppp
pvals <- as(forceSymmetric(pvals, "L"),"packedMatrix")
###### Binomial ########
if (method == "Binomial") {
PM_2 <- as.matrix(PM)
l1 <- tcrossprod(PM_2)
l2 <- tcrossprod(PM_2*PM_2)
p <- l2/l1
n <- l1 / p
II <- lower.tri(p, diag = T)
ppp <- pbeta(p[II], Mevents[II]+1,pmax(n[II]-Mevents[II],0), lower.tail = !lower.tail)
# Previous line equivalent to the following (round needed for pbinom)
# n <- round(n)
# p <- A/n
# ppp <- pbinom(Mevents, n,p, lower.tail = lower.tail)
pvals <- p
pvals[II] <- ppp
pvals <- as(forceSymmetric(pvals, "L"),"packedMatrix")
####### RefinedNormal #########
if (method == "RefinedNormal") {
PM_2 <- as.matrix(PM)
MeanEst <- tcrossprod(PM_2) # expected means
varEst <- MeanEst - tcrossprod(PM_2*PM_2) # expected variance
gammEst <- varEst - 2*(MeanEst-varEst) + 2*tcrossprod(PM_2 * PM_2 * PM_2) # 3rd order correction
sqrtVarEst <- sqrt(varEst) # expected standard deviations
kk1 <- (Mevents + 0.5 - MeanEst)/sqrtVarEst
kk1 <- as(kk1, "packedMatrix")
ind <- gammEst/(6 * sqrtVarEst^3)
ind <- as(ind, "packedMatrix")
pvals <- kk1
if (lower.tail) {
ppp <- pnorm(kk1@x, lower.tail = TRUE) + ind@x * (1-(kk1@x)^2)*dnorm(kk1@x)
} else {
ppp <- pnorm(kk1@x, lower.tail = FALSE) - ind@x * (1-(kk1@x)^2)*dnorm(kk1@x)
ppp[ppp < 0] <- 0
ppp[ppp > 1] <- 1
pvals@x <- ppp
####### exact ######
if (method == "Exact"){
pvals <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(A), ncol=nrow(A))
mixed <- FALSE
# th <- 1.01 # Just to be sure :)
genes_factor <- factor(PM@rowExps)
Idx <- as.matrix(sparseMatrix(i=as.numeric(genes_factor),j = 1:nrow(PM),x = 1))
miniPM <- as.matrix(PM[match(levels(genes_factor),PM@rowExps),])
llx <- combn(nrow(miniPM),2,)
llx <- cbind(llx,rbind(c(1:nrow(miniPM)),c(1:nrow(miniPM))))
# miniPM_2 <- miniPM[llx[1,],]*miniPM[llx[2,],]
no_cores <- detectCores(logical = FALSE) - 1
my_os <- get_os()
if(my_os=="linux" | my_os=="osx"){
type_cl <- "FORK"
type_cl <- "PSOCK"
cl <- makeCluster(no_cores,type = type_cl)
message("Creating cluster...")
# clusterExport(cl, c("ppbinom","ppoisbin","expand.grid_fast"))
clusterExport(cl, c("ppbinom","ppoisbin"))
i <- 1:ncol(llx)
pvalue <- parSapply(cl, i, function (i, Idx,llx, miniPM,Mevents) {
# idx_kk <- expand.grid_fast(which(Idx[llx[1,i],]==1),which(Idx[llx[2,i],]==1))
a <- which(Idx[llx[1,i],]==1)
b <- which(Idx[llx[2,i],]==1)
idx_kk <- cbind(rep(a,each=length(b)),b)
# mi_pp <- miniPM_2[i,]
mi_pp <- miniPM[llx[1,i],]*miniPM[llx[2,i],]
pvals <- ppoisbin(Mevents[idx_kk], mi_pp, method = ppoisbin_method, lower.tail = lower.tail)
oox <- which(Mevents[idx_kk]==0)
pvalue <- prod(1-mi_pp)
pvalue <- 1-pvalue
pvals[oox] <- pvalue
oox <- which(Mevents[idx_kk]==1)
pvalue <- prod(1-mi_pp) * (1+sum(mi_pp/(1-mi_pp)))
pvalue <- 1-pvalue
pvals[oox] <- pvalue
}, Idx,llx, miniPM,Mevents)
pvalue <-,pvalue)
pvals[cbind(pvalue[,1],pvalue[,2])] <- pvalue[,3]
pvals[cbind(pvalue[,2],pvalue[,1])] <- pvalue[,3]
for(i in 1:ncol(llx)){
# i <- 1
# idx_kk <- as.matrix(expand.grid(which(Idx[llx[1,i],]==1),which(Idx[llx[2,i],]==1)))
# idx_kk <- expand.grid_fast(which(Idx[llx[1,i],]==1),which(Idx[llx[2,i],]==1))
a <- which(Idx[llx[1,i],]==1)
b <- which(Idx[llx[2,i],]==1)
idx_kk <- cbind(rep(a,each=length(b)),b)
# mi_pp <- miniPM_2[i,]
mi_pp <- miniPM[llx[1,i],]*miniPM[llx[2,i],]
pvals[idx_kk] <- ppoisbin(Mevents[idx_kk], mi_pp, method = ppoisbin_method, lower.tail = lower.tail)
oox <- which(Mevents[idx_kk]==0)
pvalue <- prod(1-mi_pp)
pvalue <- 1-pvalue
pvals[idx_kk][oox] <- pvalue
oox <- which(Mevents[idx_kk]==1)
pvalue <- prod(1-mi_pp) * (1+sum( mi_pp/(1-mi_pp)))
pvalue <- 1-pvalue
pvals[idx_kk][oox] <- pvalue
pvals[idx_kk[,c(2,1),drop=F]] <- pvals[idx_kk] # To keep symmetry
diag(pvals) <- 0
####### mixed #######
if (mixed) {
message("Improving low p-values with exact method...")
# Mixed method: use approximation and, if the p.value is small, compute the exact p.value
II <- which(pvals < th, arr.ind = TRUE)
II <- II[II[,2] > II[,1],,drop=F] # Remove half of them
if (nrow(II) > 0){
if(parallel) {
no_cores <- detectCores(logical = FALSE) - 1
my_os <- get_os()
if(my_os=="linux" | my_os=="osx"){
type_cl <- "FORK"
type_cl <- "PSOCK"
cl <- makeCluster(no_cores,type = type_cl)
message("Creating cluster...")
clusterExport(cl, c("ppbinom","ppoisbin"))
pair <- 1:nrow(II)
pvalue <- parSapply(cl, pair, function (pair, II, PM,Mevents) {
genei <- II[pair,1]
genej <- II[pair,2]
pp <- PM_2[genei,] * PM_2[genej,]
pvalue <- prod(1-pp)
pvalue <- 1-pvalue
}else if(Mevents[genei,genej]==1){
pvalue <- prod(1-pp) * (1+sum( pp/(1-pp)))
pvalue <- 1-pvalue
# pvalue <- ppbinom(Mevents[genei,genej], pp, method = "DivideFFT", lower.tail = lower.tail)
pvalue <- ppoisbin(Mevents[genei,genej], pp, method = ppoisbin_method, lower.tail = lower.tail)
}, II, PM,Mevents)
pvals[II] <- pvalue
pvals[II[,c(2,1),drop=F]] <- pvalue # To keep symmetry
genes_factor <- factor(PM@rowExps)
Idx <- as.matrix(sparseMatrix(i=as.numeric(genes_factor),j = 1:nrow(PM),x = 1))
miniPM <- as.matrix(PM[match(levels(genes_factor),PM@rowExps),])
llx <- combn(nrow(miniPM),2)
llx <- cbind(llx,rbind(c(1:nrow(miniPM)),c(1:nrow(miniPM))))
II_2 <- cbind(which(Idx[,II[,1]] == 1,arr.ind = T)[,1],
which(Idx[,II[,2]] == 1,arr.ind = T)[,1])
pos <- factor(II_2 %*% rnorm(2))
# cat("length_pos=",length(levels(pos)),"\nII_2 = ",nrow(II_2),"\n")
pvals_2 <- as.matrix(pvals)
# p_to_ad <- sapply(1:length(levels(pos)),function(i){
i <- 1:length(levels(pos))
p_to_ad <- parLapply(cl, i, function (i, II_2,pos,miniPM,II,pvals_2,th,Mevents) {
ix <- II_2[match(levels(pos)[i],pos),]
mi_pp <- miniPM[ix[1],]*miniPM[ix[2],]
idx_kk <- II[which(pos == levels(pos)[i]),,drop=F]
# idx_kk <- idx_kk[which(pvals[idx_kk]<th),,drop=F]
idx_kk <- idx_kk[which(pvals_2[idx_kk]<th),,drop=F]
miskk <- Mevents[idx_kk]
mispvalues <- vector(mode="numeric",length=length(miskk))
# mispvalues <- ppoisbin(miskk, mi_pp, method = ppoisbin_method, lower.tail = lower.tail)
oox_0 <- c()
oox_1 <- c()
oox_0 <- which(Mevents[idx_kk]==0)
pvalue <- prod(1-mi_pp)
pvalue <- 1-pvalue
# pvals[idx_kk][oox] <- pvalue
mispvalues[oox_0] <- pvalue
if(length(oox_0) == length(mispvalues)){
oox_1 <- which(Mevents[idx_kk]==1)
pvalue <- prod(1-mi_pp) * (1+sum( mi_pp/(1-mi_pp)))
pvalue <- 1-pvalue
# pvals[idx_kk][oox] <- pvalue
mispvalues[oox_1] <- pvalue
if(length(oox_1) == length(mispvalues)){
if(length(oox_0) > 0 | length(oox_1) > 0){
if(length(c(oox_0,oox_1)) == length(mispvalues)){
mispvalues[-c(oox_0,oox_1)] <- ppoisbin(miskk[-c(oox_0,oox_1)], mi_pp, method = ppoisbin_method, lower.tail = lower.tail)
mispvalues <- ppoisbin(miskk, mi_pp, method = ppoisbin_method, lower.tail = lower.tail)
p_to_ad <-,p_to_ad)
p_to_ad <- t(p_to_ad)
pvals[p_to_ad[,c(1,2),drop=F]] <- p_to_ad[,3] # To keep symmetry
pvals[p_to_ad[,c(2,1),drop=F]] <- p_to_ad[,3] # To keep symmetry
} else {
pair <- 1:nrow(II)
PM <- as.matrix(PM)
pvalue <- sapply(pair, function (pair, II, PM, Mevents) {
genei <- II[pair,1]
genej <- II[pair,2]
pp <- PM[genei,] * PM[genej,]
pvalue <- prod(1-pp)
pvalue <- 1-pvalue
}else if(Mevents[genei,genej]==1){
pvalue <- prod(1-pp) * (1+sum( pp/(1-pp)))
pvalue <- 1-pvalue
# pvalue <- ppbinom(Mevents[genei,genej], pp, method = "DivideFFT", lower.tail = lower.tail)
pvalue <- ppoisbin(Mevents[genei,genej], pp, method = ppoisbin_method, lower.tail = lower.tail)
}, II, PM,Mevents)
pvals[II] <- pvalue
pvals[II[,c(2,1),drop=F]] <- pvalue # To keep symmetry
genes_factor <- factor(PM@rowExps)
Idx <- as.matrix(sparseMatrix(i=as.numeric(genes_factor),j = 1:nrow(PM),x = 1))
miniPM <- as.matrix(PM[match(levels(genes_factor),PM@rowExps),])
llx <- combn(nrow(miniPM),2)
llx <- cbind(llx,rbind(c(1:nrow(miniPM)),c(1:nrow(miniPM))))
II_2 <- cbind(which(Idx[,II[,1],drop=FALSE] == 1,arr.ind = T)[,1],
which(Idx[,II[,2],drop=FALSE] == 1,arr.ind = T)[,1])
pos <- factor(II_2 %*% rnorm(2))
# cat("length_pos=",length(levels(pos)),"\nII_2 = ",nrow(II_2),"\n")
pvals_2 <- as.matrix(pvals)
# for(i in 1:length(levels(pos))){
p_to_ad <- lapply(1:length(levels(pos)),function(i){
ix <- II_2[match(levels(pos)[i],pos),]
mi_pp <- miniPM[ix[1],]*miniPM[ix[2],]
idx_kk <- II[which(pos == levels(pos)[i]),,drop=F]
# idx_kk <- idx_kk[which(pvals[idx_kk]<th),,drop=F]
idx_kk <- idx_kk[which(pvals_2[idx_kk]<th),,drop=F]
miskk <- Mevents[idx_kk]
mispvalues <- vector(mode="numeric",length=length(miskk))
# mispvalues <- ppoisbin(miskk, mi_pp, method = ppoisbin_method, lower.tail = lower.tail)
oox_0 <- c()
oox_1 <- c()
oox_0 <- which(Mevents[idx_kk]==0)
pvalue <- prod(1-mi_pp)
pvalue <- 1-pvalue
# pvals[idx_kk][oox] <- pvalue
mispvalues[oox_0] <- pvalue
if(length(oox_0) == length(mispvalues)){
oox_1 <- which(Mevents[idx_kk]==1)
pvalue <- prod(1-mi_pp) * (1+sum( mi_pp/(1-mi_pp)))
pvalue <- 1-pvalue
# pvals[idx_kk][oox] <- pvalue
mispvalues[oox_1] <- pvalue
if(length(oox_1) == length(mispvalues)){
if(length(oox_0) > 0 | length(oox_1) > 0){
if(length(c(oox_0,oox_1)) == length(mispvalues)){
mispvalues[-c(oox_0,oox_1)] <- ppoisbin(miskk[-c(oox_0,oox_1)], mi_pp, method = ppoisbin_method, lower.tail = lower.tail)
mispvalues <- ppoisbin(miskk, mi_pp, method = ppoisbin_method, lower.tail = lower.tail)
p_to_ad <-,p_to_ad)
p_to_ad <- t(p_to_ad)
pvals[p_to_ad[,c(1,2),drop=F]] <- p_to_ad[,3] # To keep symmetry
pvals[p_to_ad[,c(2,1),drop=F]] <- p_to_ad[,3] # To keep symmetry
# pvals[idx_kk[,c(2,1),drop=F]] <- pvals[idx_kk] # To keep symmetry
# }
diag(pvals) <- 0
pvals <- as(pvals, "packedMatrix")
message("Building output...")
pvals <- as(pvals, "packedMatrix")
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