#' Extract the parameters for the R-optimization step
#' @param params list of parameters for the HMM.
#' @param states names of the states.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
extract_emissions = function(params, states = c("mat","het","pat")){
res = lapply(states, function(state){
vec = c(params[["paraBetaAlpha"]][state,1], params[["paraBetaBeta"]][state,1])
names(vec) = c("alpha", "beta")
names(res) = states
#' Generate random parameters
#' @param params list of parameters for the HMM.
#' @param randomize logical variable wether the initial values should be taken randomly.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
generate_params = function(params=list(), rigidity, nstates,randomize = TRUE){
# vstates = c("pat","het","mat")
# mstates = c("+","badP","badM")
# estates = c("pat","het","mat","badP","badM")
if(is.null(params$nstates)) params$nstates = as.integer(nstates)
# transition matrix
if (is.null(params$a)){
# transition matrix a
vstates = ifelse(rep(nstates == 3, nstates),c("pat","het","mat"), paste0("state_", 1:nstates))
a = matrix(0.1,ncol=nstates,nrow=nstates) + diag(nstates)*10
# if (randomize) a = a + matrix(runif(9,min = 0, max = 0.5),ncol=3)
if (randomize) a = a + matrix(runif(nstates*nstates,min = 0, max = 0.01),ncol=nstates)
a = a / rowSums(a)
dimnames(a) = list(vstates,vstates)
# a["pat", "mat"] = a["mat", "pat"] = 1e-16
# a = a/rowSums(a)
# a["het", "het"] = mean(a["pat", "pat"], a["mat", "mat"])
# a = a/rowSums(a)
params$logtransition = log(a)
# beta-binomial emission distributions
if (is.null(params$alpha)){
psi = vector("list", nstates)
priorstrength = 1 + randomize*runif(1,min = -0.5, max = 0.5)
alphavec = ifelse(rep(nstates == 3, nstates), as.vector(c(20,20,1)), sample(c(20,1), nstates, replace = TRUE))
alphavec = alphavec + randomize*runif(nstates,min = -.5, max = .5)
alpha_s = alphavec * priorstrength
names(alpha_s) = vstates
betavec = ifelse(rep(nstates == 3, nstates), as.vector(c(1,20,20)), sample(c(20,1), nstates, replace = TRUE))
betavec = betavec + randomize*runif(nstates ,min = -.5, max = .5)
beta_s = betavec * priorstrength
names(beta_s) = vstates
params$paraBetaAlpha = alpha_s
params$paraBetaBeta = beta_s
params$rigidity = as.integer(rigidity)
# starting distribution for hidden states
if (is.null(params$piv)){
piv = rep(1, nstates) + randomize * runif(nstates,min=-1,max=3)
piv = piv / sum(piv)
names(piv) = vstates
params$logpi = piv
# # probabilities for the marker states
# if (is.null(params$pim)){
# pim = c(8,1,1) + randomize * runif(3,min=-1,max=3)
# pim = pim / sum(pim)
# names(pim) = mstates
# params$pim = pim
# }
} # end generate_params
#' Checks if the txt files from input have the correct format and removes observations with 0 observations
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
checkfileColumns = function(f,samp){
if(!is(f$V2, "integer")){
stop(cat(paste("Second column in file ", samp, " is not an integer.\nGenomic positions must be integers!" )))
if(!is(f$V4, "integer") | !is(f$V6, "integer")){
stop(cat(paste("Either one or both of the allele counts in file ", samp, " are not integers.\nAllele counts must be integers!")))
} # If values are integers
f <- f[rowSums(f[,c(4,6)]) != 0, ]
d = paste(f$V1, f$V2, sep = "_")
f <- f[!duplicated(d),]
#' Checks if the txt files from input have the correct format for raw data
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
checkfileColumnsRaw = function(f,samp){
if(!is(f$V2, "integer")){
stop(cat(paste("Second column in file ", samp, " is not an integer.\nGenomic positions must be integers!" )))
if(!is(f$V4, "integer") | !is(f$V6, "integer")){
stop(cat(paste("Either one or both of the allele counts in file ", samp, " are not integers.\nAllele counts must be integers!")))
} # If values are integers
f$V4[rowSums(f[,c(4,6)]) == 0] = NA
f$V6[rowSums(f[,c(4,6)], na.rm = TRUE) == 0] = NA
f <- f[!duplicated(f$V2),]
#' Create info list for observations
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
create_info <- function(obs){
info = list()
info$sample_names = names(obs)
info$part_names = names(obs[[1]])
info$marker_names = lapply(obs[[1]], colnames)
info$sample_nr = length(obs)
info$part_nr = length(obs[[1]])
info$part_lengths = sapply(obs, function(samp){
dims = sapply(samp, ncol)
info$NAs_matrices = lapply(obs, function(x) lapply(x, function(y){
res = apply(y, 2, function(r) ifelse(, NA, 1))
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