setMethodS3("applyByRegion", "PairedPSCBS", function(fit, FUN, ..., subset=NULL, append=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'FUN':
# Argument 'subset':
if (!is.null(subset)) {
subset <- Arguments$getIndices(subset, range=c(1, nbrOfSegments(fit)))
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Apply function region by region")
verbose && cat(verbose, "Segments:")
verbose && str(verbose, subset)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Extract data and estimates
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
data <- getLocusData(fit)
segs <- getSegments(fit)
tcnSegRows <- fit$tcnSegRows
dhSegRows <- fit$dhSegRows
params <- fit$params
# Sanity checks
if (!params$joinSegments) {
stop("Cannot applyByRegion() unless PSCNs are segmented using joinSegments=TRUE.")
dataRows <- tcnSegRows
# Sanity checks
.stop_if_not(all(!$chromosome) & !$x)))
.stop_if_not(length(tcnSegRows) == length(dhSegRows))
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# For each segment...
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
nbrOfSegments <- nrow(segs)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of segments: ", nbrOfSegments)
# Allocate result objects?
if (append) {
dataN <- outputN <- dataRowsN <- NULL
if (is.null(subset)) {
subset <- seq_len(nbrOfSegments)
for (rr in subset) {
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Segment #%d of %d", rr, nbrOfSegments))
# Extract segment
segRR <- segs[rr,,drop=FALSE]
# Nothing todo?
if ([["tcnId"]]) &&[["dhId"]])) {
verbose && cat(verbose, "A divider. Nothing to do.")
outputN <- rbind(outputN, NA)
dataRowsN <- rbind(dataRowsN, NA)
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && str(verbose, segRR, level=-20)
# Extract data
dataRowsRR <- dataRows[rr,,drop=FALSE]
from <- dataRowsRR[[1]]
to <- dataRowsRR[[2]]
ok <- (! & !
from <- from[ok]
to <- to[ok]
keep <- logical(nrow(data))
for (kk in seq_along(from)) {
keep[from[kk]:to[kk]] <- TRUE
dataRowsRR <- which(keep)
verbose && printf(verbose, "Identified %d (%.2f%%) of %d data rows:\n", length(dataRowsRR), 100*length(dataRowsRR)/nrow(data), nrow(data))
verbose && str(verbose, dataRowsRR)
dataRR <- data[dataRowsRR,,drop=FALSE]
verbose && str(verbose, dataRR, level=-20)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Applying function 'FUN' to segment")
resRR <- FUN(rr, segRR, dataRR, ...)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Returned result:")
verbose && str(verbose, resRR, level=-20)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Nothing to update/store?
if (!is.list(resRR)) {
verbose && cat(verbose, "Nothing more to do for this segment since nothing was returned: ", rr)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Extract return data
dataRRN <- resRR$data
segRRN <- resRR$output
# Sanity check
if (append) {
# Modified locus-level data
dataRowsRRN <- c(1L, nrow(dataRRN))
if (!is.null(dataN)) {
dataRowsRRN <- dataRowsRRN + nrow(dataN)
dataN <- rbind(dataN, dataRRN)
# Sanity checks
.stop_if_not(nrow(dataN) == max(dataRowsN, na.rm=TRUE))
# Update segment table?
outputN <- rbind(outputN, segRRN)
dataRowsN <- rbind(dataRowsN, dataRowsRRN)
# Sanity check
.stop_if_not(nrow(outputN) == nrow(dataRowsN))
# Sanity checks
.stop_if_not(nrow(dataN) == max(dataRowsN, na.rm=TRUE))
} else {
# Modified locus-level data
verbose && enter(verbose, "Updating locus-level data")
# Sanity check
.stop_if_not(dim(dataRRN) == dim(dataRR))
.stop_if_not(length(dataRowsRR) == nrow(dataRRN))
data[dataRowsRR,] <- dataRRN
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Modified segment data
verbose && enter(verbose, "Updating segment data")
# Sanity check
.stop_if_not(dim(segRRN) == dim(segRR))
segs[rr,] <- segRRN
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Not needed anymore
dataRRN <- segRRN <- NULL
dataRR <- segRR <- NULL
resRR <- NULL
verbose && exit(verbose)
} # for (rr ...)
if (append) {
if (!is.null(dataRowsN)) {
rownames(dataRowsN) <- NULL
colnames(dataRowsN) <- colnames(dataRows)
dataRowsN <-
# Sanity checks
data <- dataN
segs <- outputN
# Not needed anymore
dataN <- outputN <- NULL
# Return result
res <- fit # "clone"
res$data <- data
res$output <- segs
# Not needed anymore
data <- segs <- NULL
# Update segment-to-locus index tables
if (append && !is.null(dataRowsN)) {
res$tcnSegRows <- dataRowsN
res$dhSegRows <- dataRowsN # Is this really the case? /HB 2011-01-17
verbose && exit(verbose)
}, private=TRUE)
.addC1C2WithStatitics <- function(rr, output, data, robust=TRUE, ...) {
# Calculate locus-level (C1,C2)
C <- data$CT
rho <- data$rho
C1 <- 1/2 * (1 - rho) * C
C2 <- C - C1
CC <- data.frame(C1=C1, C2=C2)
if (robust) {
meanFcn <- function(x, ...) median(x, na.rm=TRUE)
sdFcn <- function(x, ...) mad(x, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
meanFcn <- function(x, ...) mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
sdFcn <- function(x, ...) sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)
# Calculate region-level (C1,C2) means and std devs.
muCC <- apply(CC, MARGIN=2, FUN=meanFcn)
sigmaCC <- apply(CC, MARGIN=2, FUN=sdFcn)
rhoCC <- cor(CC[,1], CC[,2], use="pairwise.complete.obs")
names(muCC) <- c("c1Avg", "c2Avg")
names(sigmaCC) <- c("c1Sd", "c2Sd")
# Update data
data <- cbind(data, CC)
# Update segment table
outputT <- c(muCC, sigmaCC, c1c2.cor=rhoCC)
outputT <- as.list(outputT)
outputT <-
output <- cbind(output, outputT)
list(data=data, output=output)
} # .addC1C2WithStatitics()
.addCACBWithStatitics <- function(rr, output, data, beta=c("betaTN", "betaT"), stratifyBy=c("all", "hets", "homs"), robust=TRUE, ...) {
# Argument 'beta':
beta <- match.arg(beta)
# Argument 'stratifyBy':
stratifyBy <- match.arg(stratifyBy)
# Calculate locus-level (CA,CB)
C <- data$CT
beta <- data[[beta]]
CB <- beta * C
CA <- C - CB
CC <- data.frame(CA=CA, CB=CB)
# Update data
data <- cbind(data, CC)
if (robust) {
meanFcn <- function(x, ...) median(x, na.rm=TRUE)
sdFcn <- function(x, ...) mad(x, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
meanFcn <- function(x, ...) mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
sdFcn <- function(x, ...) sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)
if (stratifyBy == "hets") {
muN <- data$muN
keep <- (muN == 1/2)
CC <- CC[keep,,drop=FALSE]
} else if (stratifyBy == "homs") {
muN <- data$muN
keep <- (muN == 0 | muN == 1)
CC <- CC[keep,,drop=FALSE]
# Calculate region-level (CA,CB) means and std devs.
muCC <- apply(CC, MARGIN=2, FUN=meanFcn)
sigmaCC <- apply(CC, MARGIN=2, FUN=sdFcn)
if (nrow(CC) < 3) {
rhoCC <- NA_real_
} else {
rhoCC <- cor(CC[,1], CC[,2], use="pairwise.complete.obs")
names(muCC) <- c("caAvg", "cbAvg")
names(sigmaCC) <- c("caSd", "cbSd")
# Update segment table
outputT <- c(muCC, sigmaCC, cacbCor=rhoCC)
outputT <- as.list(outputT)
outputT <-
output <- cbind(output, outputT)
list(data=data, output=output)
} # .addCACBWithStatitics()
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