
## Drug sensitivity calling using waterfall plots
## Method:
## 1. Sensitivity calls were made using one of IC50, ActArea or Amax
## 2. Sort log IC50s (or ActArea or Amax) of the cell lines to generate a “waterfall distribution”
## 3. Identify cutoff:
##  3.1 If the waterfall distribution is non-linear (pearson cc to the linear fit <=0.95), estimate the major inflection point of the log IC50 curve as the point on the curve with the maximal distance to a line drawn between the start and end points of the distribution.
##  3.2 If the waterfall distribution appears linear (pearson cc to the linear fit > 0.95), then use the median IC50 instead.
## 4. Cell lines within a 4-fold IC50 (or within a 1.2-fold ActArea or 20% Amax difference) difference centered around this inflection point are classified as being “intermediate”,  cell lines with lower IC50s (or ActArea/Amax values) than this range are defined as sensitive, and those with IC50s (or ActArea/Amax) higher than this range are called “insensitive”.
## 5. Require at least x sensitive and x insensitive cell lines after applying these criteria (x=5 in our case).

## Input:
##  ic50: IC50 values in micro molar (positive values)
##  actarea: Activity Area, that is area under the drug activity curve (positive values)
##  amax: Activity at max concentration (positive values)
##  intermediate.fold: vector of fold changes used to define the intermediate sensitivities for ic50, actarea and amax respectively
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @importFrom stats cor.test
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
#' @importFrom graphics points
#' @importFrom graphics abline
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @importFrom graphics legend
callingWaterfall <-
function (x, type=c("IC50", "AUC", "AMAX"), intermediate.fold=c(4, 1.2, 1.2), cor.min.linear=0.95, name="Drug", plot=FALSE) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (any(!is.na(intermediate.fold) & intermediate.fold < 0)) { intermediate.fold <- intermediate.fold[!is.na(intermediate.fold) & intermediate.fold < 0] <- 0 }
  if (is.null(names(x))) { names(x) <- paste("X", 1:length(x), sep=".") }
  xx <- x[complete.cases(x)]
  switch (type,
    "IC50" = {
      xx <- -log10(xx)
      ylabel <- "-log10(IC50)"
      ## 4 fold difference around IC50 cutoff
      if (length(intermediate.fold) == 3) { intermediate.fold <- intermediate.fold[1] }
      if (intermediate.fold != 0) {
        interfold <- log10(intermediate.fold)
      } else { 
        interfold <- 0 
    "AUC" = {
      ylabel <- "AUC"
      ## 1.2 fold difference around Activity Area cutoff
      if (length(intermediate.fold) == 3) { intermediate.fold <- intermediate.fold[2] }
      interfold <- intermediate.fold
    "AMAX" = {
      ylabel <- "Amax"
      ## 1.2 fold difference around Amax
      if (length(intermediate.fold) == 3) { intermediate.fold <- intermediate.fold[3] }
      interfold <- intermediate.fold
  if (length(xx) < 3) {
    tt <- array(NA, dim=length(x), dimnames=list(names(x)))
    if (interfold == 0) {
      tt <- factor(tt, levels=c("resistant", "sensitive"))
    } else {
      tt <- factor(tt, levels=c("resistant", "intermediate", "sensitive"))
    return (tt)
  oo <- order(xx, decreasing=TRUE)
  ## test linearity with Pearson correlation
  cc <- stats::cor.test(-xx[oo], 1:length(oo), method="pearson")
  ## line between the two extreme sensitivity values
  dd <- cbind("y"=xx[oo][c(1, length(oo))], "x"=c(1, length(oo)))
  rr <- lm(y ~ x, data=data.frame(dd))
  ## compute distance from sensitivity values and the line between the two extreme sensitivity values
  ddi <- apply(cbind(1:length(oo), xx[oo]), 1, function(x, slope, intercept) {
    return(distancePointLine(x=x[1], y=x[2], a=slope, b=intercept))
  }, slope=rr$coefficients[2], intercept=rr$coefficients[1])
  if(cc$estimate > cor.min.linear){
    ## approximately linear waterfall
    cutoff <- which.min(abs(xx[oo] - median(xx[oo])))
    cutoffn <- names(cutoff)[1]
  } else {
    ## non linear waterfall
    ## identify cutoff as the maximum distance
    cutoff <- which.max(abs(ddi))
    cutoffn <- names(ddi)[cutoff]
  ## identify intermediate sensitivities
  switch (type,
    "IC50" = {
      if (interfold == 0) {
        rang <- c(xx[oo][cutoff], xx[oo][cutoff])
      } else {
        rang <- c(xx[oo][cutoff] - interfold, xx[oo][cutoff] + interfold)
    "AUC" = {
      if (interfold == 0) {
        rang <- c(xx[oo][cutoff], xx[oo][cutoff])
      } else {
        rang <- c(xx[oo][cutoff] / interfold, xx[oo][cutoff] * interfold)
    "AMAX" = {
      if (interfold == 0) {
        rang <- c(xx[oo][cutoff], xx[oo][cutoff])
      } else {
        rang <- c(xx[oo][cutoff] / interfold, xx[oo][cutoff] * interfold)
  ## check whether range is either min or max
  if (rang[2] >= max(xx)) {
    rang[2] <- sort(unique(xx), decreasing=TRUE)[2]
  if (rang[2] <= min(xx)) {
    rang[2] <- sort(unique(xx), decreasing=FALSE)[2]
  if (rang[1] <= min(xx)) {
    rang[1] <- sort(unique(xx), decreasing=FALSE)[2]
  if (rang[1] >= max(xx)) {
    rang[1] <- sort(unique(xx), decreasing=TRUE)[2]
  ## compute calls
  calls <- rep(NA, length(xx))
  names(calls) <- names(xx)
  calls[xx < rang[1]] <- "resistant"
  calls[xx >= rang[2]] <- "sensitive"
  calls[xx >= rang[1] & xx < rang[2]] <- "intermediate"
  if (plot) {
    par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
    ccols <- rainbow(4)
    mycol <- rep("grey", length(xx))
    names(mycol) <- names(xx)
    mycol[calls == "sensitive"] <- ccols[2]
    mycol[calls == "intermediate"] <- ccols[3]
    mycol[calls == "resistant"] <- ccols[4]
    mycol[cutoffn] <- ccols[1]
    mypch <- rep(16, length(xx))
    names(mypch) <- names(xx)
    mypch[cutoffn] <- 19
    plot(xx[oo], col=mycol[oo], pch=mypch[oo], ylab=ylabel, main=sprintf("%s\nWaterfall", name))
    points(x=cutoff, y=xx[cutoffn], pch=mypch[cutoffn], col=mycol[cutoffn])
    graphics::abline(a=rr$coefficients[1], b=rr$coefficients[2], lwd=2, col="darkgrey")
    lines(x=c(cutoff, cutoff), y=c(par("usr")[3], xx[cutoffn]), col="red")
    lines(x=c(par("usr")[1], cutoff), y=c(xx[cutoffn], xx[cutoffn]), col="red")
    legend("topright", legend=c(sprintf("resistant (n=%i)", sum(!is.na(calls) & calls == "resistant")), sprintf("intermediate (n=%i)", sum(!is.na(calls) & calls == "intermediate")), sprintf("sensitive (n=%i)", sum(!is.na(calls) & calls == "sensitive")), "cutoff", sprintf("R=%.3g", cc$estimate)), col=c(rev(ccols), NA), pch=c(16, 16, 16, 19, NA), bty="n")
    plot(ddi, pch=mypch[oo], col=mycol[oo], ylab="Distance", main=sprintf("%s\n%s", name, "Distance from min--max line"))
    points(x=cutoff, y=ddi[cutoffn], pch=mypch[cutoffn], col=mycol[cutoffn])
    legend("topright", legend=c("resistant", "intermediate", "sensitive", "cutoff"), col=rev(ccols), pch=c(16, 16, 16, 19), bty="n")
  tt <- rep(NA, length(x))
  names(tt) <- names(x)
  tt[names(calls)] <- calls
  if (interfold == 0) {
    tt <- factor(tt, levels=c("resistant", "sensitive"))
  } else {
    tt <- factor(tt, levels=c("resistant", "intermediate", "sensitive"))

## End

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