# Copyright (C) Kevin R. Coombes, 2007-2012
# pcanova
# Create yet another class of objects
slots = c(orig.pca = 'matrix',
class.pca = 'matrix',
mixed.pca = 'matrix',
resid.pca = 'matrix',
xc = 'hclust',
hc = 'hclust',
rc = 'hclust',
n = 'numeric',
class2orig = 'numeric',
class2resid = 'numeric',
orig2resid = 'numeric',
labels = 'character',
classes = 'character',
colors = 'character',
setMethod('summary', signature(object='PCanova'),
function(object, ...) {
cat(paste('An object of the', class(object), 'class with', object@n, 'groups.\n'))
cat(paste('Call:\n\t', as.character(list(object@call)), '\n', sep=''))
PCanova <- function(data, classes, labels, colors, usecor=TRUE) {
# note 1: classes must be a subset of labels
call <-
if(inherits(data, 'ExpressionSet')) {
data <- Biobase::exprs(data)
data <- as.matrix(
labels <- substring(labels, 1, 1)
classes <- unique(substring(classes, 1, 1))
# function that yields column vectors with all ones
ones <- function(rows, cols=1) { matrix(1, rows, cols) }
n <- dim(data)[2] # number of samples
g <- length(classes) # number of groups
p <- dim(data)[1] # number of variables
qq <- matrix(0, g, n) # transpose of n x g class indicator matrix
for(i in 1:n) {
qq[classes==labels[i], i] <- 1
nn <- qq %*% ones(n) # number of samples in each class
xsums <- data %*% t(qq) # matrix of class sums
cc <- xsums %*% diag(as.vector(1/nn)) # matrix of class means
xm <- data %*% ones(n)/n # vector of mean values
zz <- data - (xm %*% t(ones(n))) # center the rows
vv <- (cc - (xm %*% t(ones(g)))) # matrix of centered class means
ss <- cc %*% qq - xm %*% t(ones(n)) #
ss0 <- cc - xm %*% t(ones(g))
rr <- data - (cc %*% qq) # matrix of residuals
# first step: do PCA on original data
xd <- SamplePCA(zz, usecor=usecor, center=FALSE)
orig.pca <- xd@scores
# second step: form the vectors of class medians into a matrix
yd <- SamplePCA(ss0, usecor=usecor, center=FALSE)
class.pca <- yd@scores
mixed.pca <- t(zz) %*% yd@components
# third step: compute the residual matrix
rd <- SamplePCA(rr, usecor=usecor, center=FALSE)
resid.pca <- rd@scores
# fourth step: compute transformation matrices from one PC to another
# note: we only keep a number of PCS equal to the number of classes
n <- length(classes)
trans.class.orig <- t(t(yd@components) %*% xd@components)[1:n, 1:n]
trans.class.resid <- t(t(yd@components) %*% rd@components)[1:n, 1:n]
trans.orig.resid <- t(t(xd@components) %*% rd@components)[1:n, 1:n]
class2orig <- rep(0, n)
class2resid <- rep(0, n)
orig2resid <- rep(0, n)
for (i in 1:n) {
class2orig[i] <- 1-acos((sqrt(sum(trans.class.orig[i, 1:i]^2)) +
sqrt(sum(trans.class.orig[1:i,i]^2)))/2) /(pi/2)
class2resid[i] <- 1-acos((sqrt(sum(trans.class.resid[i, 1:i]^2)) +
orig2resid[i] <- 1-acos((sqrt(sum(trans.orig.resid[i, 1:i]^2)) +
sqrt(sum(trans.orig.resid[1:i,i]^2)))/2) /(pi/2)
# finally do some clustering on correlation
hc <- hclust(distanceMatrix(cc, 'pearson'), method='average')
xc <- hclust(distanceMatrix(data, 'pearson'), method='average')
rc <- hclust(distanceMatrix(rr, 'pearson'), method='average')
new('PCanova', orig.pca = orig.pca, class.pca = class.pca, mixed.pca = mixed.pca,
resid.pca = resid.pca, xc = xc, hc = hc, rc = rc, n = n,
class2orig = class2orig, class2resid = class2resid, orig2resid = orig2resid,
labels = labels, classes = classes, colors = colors, call=call)
setMethod('plot', signature('PCanova', 'missing'),
function(x, tag='', mscale=1, cex=1, ...) {
opar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
plot(x@orig.pca[,1], x@orig.pca[,2], pch=x@labels, col=x@colors,
xlab='comp. 1', ylab='comp. 2', ...)
title('PCA by Element')
groups <- sort(unique(x@labels))
reps <- unlist(lapply(groups, function(g, lab) {sort(grep(g, lab))[1]}, x@classes))
plot(c(x@mixed.pca[,1]/mscale, x@class.pca[,1]),
c(x@mixed.pca[,2]/mscale, x@class.pca[,2]), type='n',
xlab='comp. 1', ylab='comp. 2', ...)
points(x@mixed.pca[,1]/mscale, x@mixed.pca[,2]/mscale,
pch=x@labels, col=x@colors)
points(x@class.pca[reps,1], x@class.pca[reps,2],
pch=groups, col=rep('black', length(groups)), cex=2)
title('PCA by Class')
plot(x@resid.pca[,1], x@resid.pca[,2], pch=x@labels, col=x@colors,
xlab='comp. 1', ylab='comp. 2', ...)
title('Residual PCA')
plot(c(0, x@n), c(0,2), type='n', ylim=c(0, 1),
xlab='Number of Components', ylab='PC Correlation')
points(cumsum(x@class2resid)/(1:x@n), type='b', col=oompaColor$OBSERVED, pch=15)
points(cumsum(x@class2orig)/(1:x@n), type='b', col=oompaColor$PERMTEST, pch=16)
points(cumsum(x@orig2resid)/(1:x@n), type='b', col=oompaColor$EXPECTED, pch=17)
legend((x@n-1)/2, 1, c('d(Class, Residual)', 'd(Total, Class)', 'd(Total, Residual)'),
col=c(oompaColor$OBSERVED, oompaColor$PERMTEST, oompaColor$EXPECTED),
pch=c(15, 16, 17), cex=cex)
title(paste('Cumulative PC-ANOVA', tag))
setMethod('pltree', signature(x='PCanova'),
function(x, ...) {
opar <- par(mfrow=c(3,1))
plotColoredClusters(x@xc, labs=x@labels, cols=x@colors, ...)
title('Clustering the Samples')
plotColoredClusters(x@rc, labs=x@labels, cols=x@colors, ...)
title('Clustering the Residuals')
plotColoredClusters(x@hc, labs=x@classes, cols=x@colors, ...)
title('Clustering the Classes')
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