ceRNA.cernia <-
function(miRtar,targetce=NULL, geneexp,miRexp, mres, numMIR = 3, cor_cutoff = 0, s_cutoff = 0.5) {
# functions (parMM, graphWeights, recommendation, dtHybrid) of cernia method are from
# the website:
#Copyright 2016 Rosalba Giugno Licensed under
# the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
# either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
dtHybrid <- function(miRtar) {
mir <- unique(miRtar[, 1])
tar <- unique(miRtar[, 2])
A <- matrix(nrow = length(tar), ncol = length(mir), data = 0)
colnames(A) <- mir
rownames(A) <- tar
for (i in seq_len(nrow(miRtar))) {
A[which(tar %in% as.character(miRtar[i, 2])),
which(mir %in% as.character(miRtar[i, 1]))] <- 1
cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", 2))
#cl <- makeCluster(detectCores() - 2)
M <- recommendation(A, cl = cl)
W <- graphWeights(nrow(M), ncol(M), M, cl = cl)
graphWeights <- function(n, m, A, lambda = 0.5, alpha = 0.5, S = NA, S1 = NA, cl = NA) {
if (nrow(A) != n || ncol(A) != m) {
stop("The matrix A should be an n by m matrix.")
has.similarity <- (!all( && is.matrix(S) && !all( && is.matrix(S1))
if (has.similarity) {
if (nrow(S1) != m || ncol(S1) != m) {
stop("The matrix S1 should be an m by m matrix.")
if (nrow(S) != n || ncol(S) != n) {
stop("The matrix S should be an n by n matrix.")
Ky <- diag(1/colSums(A))
Ky[is.infinite(Ky) |] <- 0
kx <- rowSums(A)
Nx <- 1/(matrix(kx, nrow = n, ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)^(lambda) * matrix(kx, nrow = n, ncol = n,
byrow = FALSE)^(1 - lambda))
Nx[is.infinite(Nx) |] <- 0
kx[is.infinite(kx) |] <- 0
W <- t(parMM(cl, A, Ky))
W <- parMM(cl, A, W)
W <- Nx * W
rownames(W) <- rownames(A)
colnames(W) <- rownames(A)
if (has.similarity) {
X5 <- parMM(cl, A, S1)
X6 <- parMM(cl, X5, t(A))
X7 <- parMM(cl, A, matrix(1, nrow = m, ncol = m))
X8 <- parMM(cl, X7, t(A))
S2 <- X6/X8
W <- W * (1 + (alpha * S) + ((1 - alpha) * S2))
W[is.nan(W)] <- 0
recommendation <- function(A, lambda = 0.5, alpha = 0.5, S = NA, S1 = NA, cl = NA) {
n <- nrow(A)
m <- ncol(A)
W <- graphWeights(n = n, m = m, A = A, lambda = lambda, alpha = alpha, S = S, S1 = S1, cl = cl)
R <- parMM(cl, W, A)
parMM <- function(cl, A, B) {
if (!all( && is.object(cl)) {
nA <- nrow(A)
ncl <- length(cl)
i <- seq_len(nA)
if (ncl == 1) {
splitIndices <- i
} else {
fuzz <- min((nA - 1)/1000, 0.4 * nA/ncl)
breaks <- seq(1 - fuzz, nA + fuzz, length = ncl + 1)
splitIndices <- structure(split(i, cut(i, breaks)), names = NULL)
splitRows <- lapply(splitIndices, function(i) A[i, , drop = FALSE])
fun <- get(as.character("rbind"), envir = .GlobalEnv, mode = "function")
R <-"fun", lapply(clusterApply(cl = cl, x = splitRows, get("%*%"), B), enquote))
} else {
R <- A %*% B
r1 <- nrow(miRtar)
n1 <- ncol(miRtar)
geneexpNames <- row.names(geneexp)
miRexpNames <- row.names(miRexp)
miRtar <- as.matrix(miRtar)
miRtar <- miRtar[intersect(which(miRtar[, 1] %in% miRexpNames),which(miRtar[, 2] %in% geneexpNames)), ]
miRNA <- miRtar[, 1]
target <- miRtar[, 2]
miR_uni <- unique(miRNA)
tar_uni <- unique(target)
t1<- length(tar_uni)
tmp <- matrix(NA, t1 * (t1 - 1)/2, 2)
tmp1 <- matrix(NA, t1 * (t1 - 1)/2, 10)
for (i in seq_len(t1 - 1)) {
for (j in seq(i + 1, t1)) {
miRNA1 <- miRtar[which(miRtar[, 2] %in% tar_uni[i]), 1]
miRNA2 <- miRtar[which(miRtar[, 2] %in% tar_uni[j]), 1]
inter <- intersect(miRNA1, miRNA2)
comres <- mres[mres[, 2] %in% c(tar_uni[i], tar_uni[j]) & mres[, 1] %in% inter, ]
M1 <- length(miRNA1)
M2 <- length(miRNA2)
M3 <- length(intersect(miRNA1, miRNA2))
index1 <- which(geneexpNames %in% tar_uni[i])
index2 <- which(geneexpNames %in% tar_uni[j])
M6 <- cor.test(as.numeric(geneexp[index1, ]),as.numeric( geneexp[index2, ]))$estimate
if (M3 >= numMIR & M6 > cor_cutoff &
nrow(comres) > 0) {
tmp[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 1] <- tar_uni[i]
tmp[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 2] <- tar_uni[j]
tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 1] <- M3
tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 2] <- log(M3/min(M1, M2))
tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 3] <- sum(sapply(inter, function(x) {
MREs <- comres[comres[, 1] == x, ]
if (nrow(MREs) <= 0) return(1)
gap_score <- MREs[, c("gap_l", "gap_r")]
L <- abs(max(gap_score[, 1]) - min(gap_score[, 2]))
tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 4] = sum(sapply(inter, function(x) {
pos <- comres[comres[, 1] == x, c("gap_l", "gap_r")]
if (nrow(pos) <= 0) return(1)
return(log(abs(max(pos[, 1]) - min(pos[, 2]))^2/sum((pos[, 2] -
pos[, 1])^2)))
nr <- nrow(comres)
if (nr == length(unique(comres[, 1]))) {
tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 5] <- log(1/nr)
} else {
tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 5] <- log((nr - length(unique(comres[,
1])) + 1)/nr)
comres <- mres[mres[, 2] %in% c(tar_uni[i], tar_uni[j]) & mres[, 1] %in%
inter, ]
tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 6] <- sum(sapply(inter, function(x) {
MREs <- comres[comres[, 1] == x, ]
if (nrow(MREs) <= 0) return(1)
gap_score <- MREs[, c("gap_l", "gap_r")]
L <- abs(max(gap_score[, 1]) - min(gap_score[, 2]))
return(log(sum(abs(MREs[, 3]))/L))
recomm_score <- dtHybrid(miRtar)
tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 7] <- recomm_score[tar_uni[i],
tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 8] <- log(M6)
tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 9] <- tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)),
2] + tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 3] + tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)),
4] + tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 5] + tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)),
6] + tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)), 7] + tmp1[(i - 1) * t1 + j - sum(seq_len(i)),
tmp <- tmp[apply(tmp, 1, function(x) !all(, ]
tmp1 <- tmp1[apply(tmp1, 1, function(x) !all(, ]
tmp1[, 10] <- (tmp1[, 9] - min(tmp1[, 9]))/(max(tmp1[, 9]) - min(tmp1[, 9]))
tmp1[, 10]<-tmp1[, 9]
tmp <- tmp[(tmp1[,10] > s_cutoff), ]
tmp1 <- tmp1[( tmp1[, 10] > s_cutoff) , ]
if (is.vector(tmp1)) {
result <- c(tmp, tmp1)
names(result) <- c("targetce", "anotherce", "miRNAs_num",
"Score 1", "Score 2", "Score 3", "Score 4", "Score 5", "Score 6", "Score 7", "Combined score",
"Normalized score")
} else {
result <- cbind(tmp, tmp1)
colnames(result) <- c("targetce", "anotherce", "miRNAs_num",
"Score 1", "Score 2", "Score 3", "Score 4", "Score 5", "Score 6", "Score 7", "Combined score",
"Normalized score")
r1 <- nrow(miRtar)
n1 <- ncol(miRtar)
geneexpNames <- row.names(geneexp)
miRexpNames <- row.names(miRexp)
miRtar <- as.matrix(miRtar)
miRtar <- miRtar[intersect(which(miRtar[, 1] %in% miRexpNames),which(miRtar[, 2] %in% geneexpNames)), ]
miRNA <- miRtar[, 1]
target <- miRtar[, 2]
miR_uni <- unique(miRNA)
tar_uni <- unique(target)
t1<- length(tar_uni)
tmp <- matrix(NA, t1 , 2)
tmp1 <- matrix(NA, t1, 10)
for (j in seq_len(t1)) {
miRNA1 <- miRtar[which(miRtar[, 2] %in% targetce), 1]
miRNA2 <- miRtar[which(miRtar[, 2] %in% tar_uni[j]), 1]
inter <- intersect(miRNA1, miRNA2)
comres <- mres[mres[, 2] %in% c(targetce, tar_uni[j]) & mres[, 1] %in% inter, ]
M1 <- length(miRNA1)
M2 <- length(miRNA2)
M3 <- length(intersect(miRNA1, miRNA2))
index1 <- which(geneexpNames %in% targetce)
index2 <- which(geneexpNames %in% tar_uni[j])
M6 <- cor.test(as.numeric(geneexp[index1, ]),as.numeric( geneexp[index2, ]))$estimate
if (M3 >= numMIR & M6 > cor_cutoff &
nrow(comres) > 0) {
tmp[j, 1] <- targetce
tmp[j, 2] <- tar_uni[j]
tmp1[j, 1] <- M3
tmp1[j, 2] <- log(M3/min(M1, M2))
tmp1[j, 3] <- sum(sapply(inter, function(x) {
MREs <- comres[comres[, 1] == x, ]
if (nrow(MREs) <= 0) return(1)
gap_score <- MREs[, c("gap_l", "gap_r")]
L <- abs(max(gap_score[, 1]) - min(gap_score[, 2]))
tmp1[j, 4] = sum(sapply(inter, function(x) {
pos <- comres[comres[, 1] == x, c("gap_l", "gap_r")]
if (nrow(pos) <= 0) return(1)
return(log(abs(max(pos[, 1]) - min(pos[, 2]))^2/sum((pos[, 2] -
pos[, 1])^2)))
nr <- nrow(comres)
if (nr == length(unique(comres[, 1]))) {
tmp1[j, 5] <- log(1/nr)
} else {
tmp1[j, 5] <- log((nr - length(unique(comres[,
1])) + 1)/nr)
comres <- mres[mres[, 2] %in% c(targetce, tar_uni[j]) & mres[, 1] %in%
inter, ]
tmp1[j, 6] <- sum(sapply(inter, function(x) {
MREs <- comres[comres[, 1] == x, ]
if (nrow(MREs) <= 0) return(1)
gap_score <- MREs[, c("gap_l", "gap_r")]
L <- abs(max(gap_score[, 1]) - min(gap_score[, 2]))
return(log(sum(abs(MREs[, 3]))/L))
recomm_score <- dtHybrid(miRtar)
tmp1[j, 7] <- recomm_score[targetce,tar_uni[j]]
tmp1[j, 8] <- log(M6)
tmp1[j, 9] <- tmp1[j,2] + tmp1[j, 3] + tmp1[j,4] + tmp1[j, 5] + tmp1[j,6] + tmp1[j, 7] + tmp1[j,8]
tmp <- tmp[apply(tmp, 1, function(x) !all(, ]
tmp1 <- tmp1[apply(tmp1, 1, function(x) !all(, ]
tmp1[, 10] <- (tmp1[, 9] - min(tmp1[, 9]))/(max(tmp1[, 9]) - min(tmp1[, 9]))
tmp <- tmp[(tmp1[,10] > s_cutoff), ]
tmp1 <- tmp1[( tmp1[, 10] > s_cutoff) , ]
if (is.vector(tmp1)) {
result <- c(tmp, tmp1)
names(result) <- c("targetce", "anotherce", "miRNAs_num",
"Score 1", "Score 2", "Score 3", "Score 4", "Score 5", "Score 6", "Score 7", "Combined score",
"Normalized score")
} else {
result <- cbind(tmp, tmp1)
colnames(result) <- c("targetce", "anotherce", "miRNAs_num",
"Score 1", "Score 2", "Score 3", "Score 4", "Score 5", "Score 6", "Score 7", "Combined score",
"Normalized score")
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