### R code from vignette source 'vbmp.Rnw'
### code chunk number 1: example1
## Init random number generator
### code chunk number 2: example11
genSample <- function(n, noiseVar=0) {
KF <- 10; # magnify factor
nt <- round(n/3,0)#
## class 1 and 2 (x ~ U(0,1))
u <- 4. * matrix(runif(2*KF*n), nrow=KF*n, ncol=2) - 2.;
i <- which(((u[, 1]^2 + u[, 2]^2) > .1) & ((u[, 1]^2 + u[, 2]^2) < .5) );
j <- which(((u[, 1]^2 + u[, 2]^2) > .6) & ((u[, 1]^2 + u[, 2]^2) < 1) );
X <- u[c(sample(i,nt), sample(j,nt)),];
t.class <- c(rep(1, nt),rep(2, nt));
## class 3 (x ~ N(0,1))
x <- 0.1 * matrix(rnorm(2*KF*length(i)), ncol=2, nrow=length(i)*KF );
k <- which((x[, 1]^2 + x[, 2]^2) < 0.1);
nt <- n - 2*nt;
X <- rbind(X, x[sample(k,nt), ]);
t.class <- c(t.class, rep(3, nt));
## limit number
#n <- min(n, nrow(X)); i <- sample(1:nrow(X),n);X <- X[i,]; t.class <- t.class[i];
## add random coloumns
if (noiseVar>0) X <- cbind(X, matrix(rnorm(noiseVar*n), ncol=noiseVar, nrow=nrow(X)));
structure( list( t.class=t.class, X=X), class="MultiNoisyData");
### code chunk number 3: example12
nNoisyInputs <- 4;
### code chunk number 4: example13
Ntrain <- 100;
Ntest <- Ntrain * 5;
### code chunk number 5: example14
dataXtTrain <- genSample(Ntrain, nNoisyInputs);
dataXtTest <- genSample(Ntest, nNoisyInputs);
### code chunk number 6: example15
theta <- rep(1., ncol(dataXtTrain$X));
max.train.iter <- 12;
### code chunk number 7: example16
res <- vbmp( dataXtTrain$X, dataXtTrain$t.class,
dataXtTest$X, dataXtTest$t.class, theta,
control=list(bThetaEstimate=T, bMonitor=T, maxIts=max.train.iter));
### code chunk number 8: example17
### code chunk number 9: vbmp.Rnw:130-137
i.t1 <- which(dataXtTest$t.class == 1);
i.t2 <- which(dataXtTest$t.class == 2);
i.t3 <- which(dataXtTest$t.class == 3);
plot(dataXtTest$X[, 1], dataXtTest$X[,2], type="n", xlab="X1", ylab="X2");
points(dataXtTest$X[i.t1, 1],dataXtTest$X[i.t1, 2], type="p", col="blue");
points(dataXtTest$X[i.t2, 1],dataXtTest$X[i.t2, 2], type="p", col="red");
points(dataXtTest$X[i.t3, 1],dataXtTest$X[i.t3, 2], type="p", col="green");
### code chunk number 10: vbmp.Rnw:146-148
## plot convergence diagnostics (same as setting bPlotFitting=T)
### code chunk number 11: example2
brca.y <- BRCA12$Target.class;
brca.x <- t(exprs(BRCA12));
### code chunk number 12: example21
predictVBMP <- function(x) {
sKernelType <- "iprod";
Thresh <- 1e-8;
theta <- rep(1.0, ncol(brca.x));
max.train.iter <- 24;
resX <- vbmp( brca.x[!x,], brca.y[!x],
brca.x[ x,], brca.y[ x],
theta, control=list(bThetaEstimate=F,
bPlotFitting=F, maxIts=max.train.iter,
sKernelType=sKernelType, Thresh=Thresh));
### code chunk number 13: example212
# fake predictVBMP to speed-up the RCMD TEST
predictVBMP <- function(x) {
### code chunk number 14: example22
n <- nrow(brca.x);
Kfold <- n; # number of folds , if equal to n then LOO
samps <- sample(rep(1:Kfold, length=n), n, replace=FALSE);
res <- rep(NA, n);
print(paste("Crossvalidation started...... (",n,"steps )"));
for (x in 1:Kfold) {
cat(paste(x,", ",ifelse(x%%10==0,"\n",""),sep=""));
res[samps==x] <- predictVBMP(samps==x);
### code chunk number 15: example23
CVerrorRate <- round(sum(res!=brca.y)/n,2);
# don't print out the results, owing to the fake predictVBMP
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