#' Import universalmotif formatted motifs.
#' Import motifs created from [write_motifs()]. For optimal storage of
#' `universalmotif` class motifs, consider using [saveRDS()] and
#' [readRDS()]. Currently the `universalmotif` format is YAML-based, but
#' this is subject to change.
#' @param progress `logical(1)` Show progress.
#' @param BP `logical(1)` Allows for the use of \pkg{BiocParallel} within
#' [read_motifs()]. See [BiocParallel::register()] to change the
#' default backend.
#' @return `list` [universalmotif-class] objects.
#' @family read_motifs
#' @author Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, \email{}
#' @inheritParams read_cisbp
#' @export
read_motifs <- function(file, skip = 0, progress = FALSE, BP = FALSE) {
# param check --------------------------------------------
args <- as.list(environment())
char_check <- check_fun_params(list(file = args$file),
num_check <- check_fun_params(list(skip = args$skip), 1, FALSE, TYPE_NUM)
logi_check <- check_fun_params(list(progress = args$progress,
BP = args$BP),
c(1, 1), c(FALSE, FALSE), TYPE_LOGI)
all_checks <- c(char_check, num_check)
if (length(all_checks) > 0) stop(all_checks_collapse(all_checks))
raw_lines <- readLines(con <- file(file))
if (skip > 0) raw_lines <- raw_lines[-seq_len(skip)]
raw_lines <- raw_lines[raw_lines != ""]
if (substr(raw_lines[1], 1, 24) == "# universalmotif version") {
version <- strsplit(raw_lines[1], " ")[[1]][4]
raw_lines <- raw_lines[-1]
} else {
message(wmsg("Could not detect universalmotif version, assuming most recent format"))
version <- packageDescription("universalmotif")$Version
raw_lines <- raw_lines[!grepl("^#", raw_lines)]
if (version < "1.1.67")
motifs <- read_motifs_1_0(raw_lines, version)
motifs <- read_motifs_1_2(raw_lines, progress, BP)
read_motifs_1_2 <- function(raw_lines, progress, BP) {
total <- length(raw_lines)
starts <- grep("^---([^-]|$)", raw_lines)
if (length(starts) == 0) stop("Incorrectly formatted motif file")
if (starts[length(starts)] == total) stop("Incorrectly formatted motif file")
stops <- starts - 1
stops <- c(stops[-1], total)
starts <- starts + 1
motifs <- mapply_(read_motifs_single_pre, starts, stops,
MoreArgs = list(raw_lines = raw_lines),
SIMPLIFY = FALSE, PB = progress, BP = BP)
mots.check <- vapply(motifs, is.null, logical(1))
if (all(mots.check))
stop("Failed to read any motifs")
else if (any(mots.check)) {
failed.mots <- seq_along(motifs)[mots.check]
warning(wmsg("Some motifs could not be read: ", paste0(failed.mots, collapse = ", ")))
motifs <- motifs[!mots.check]
if (length(motifs) == 1) motifs[[1]] else motifs
read_motifs_single_pre <- function(start, stop, raw_lines) {
error = function(e) return(NULL))
read_motifs_single <- function(mot) {
mot <- yaml.load(mot)
fields <- names(mot)
mot[["bkg"]] <- unlist(mot[["bkg"]])
if ("extrainfo" %in% fields)
mot[["extrainfo"]] <- unlist(mot[["extrainfo"]])
mot.mat <- mot[["motif"]]
mot.mat <- strsplit(mot.mat, " ")
n_row <- length(mot.mat[[1]])
mot.mat <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(mot.mat)), nrow = n_row)
mot[["motif"]] <- mot.mat
if ("multifreq" %in% fields) {
mult.names <- names(mot$multifreq)
mults <- vector("list", length(mult.names))
for (i in seq_along(mults)) {
mults[[i]] <- mot$multifreq[[mult.names[i]]]
mults[[i]] <- strsplit(mults[[i]], " ")
n_row <- length(mults[[i]][[1]])
mults[[i]] <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(mults[[i]])), nrow = n_row)
colnames(mults[[i]]) <- seq_len(ncol(mults[[i]]))
rownames(mults[[i]]) <- get_klets(rownames(motif@motif),
log(nrow(mults[[i]]), nrow(motif@motif)))
names(mults) <- mult.names
motif <-, mot[fields != "multifreq"])
motif@multifreq <- mults
} else {
motif <-, mot)
# Pre-1.2.X
read_motifs_1_0 <- function(raw_lines, version) {
names_search <- substr(raw_lines, 1, 5)
motif_starts <- which(names_search == "name:")
motif_stops <- c(motif_starts[-1] - 1, length(raw_lines))
motifs <- mapply(function(x, y) motifs_to_list(raw_lines, x, y),
motif_starts, motif_stops, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
motifs <- lapply(motifs, motifs_to_umot, version = version)
motifs.check <- mapply(check_list, motifs, seq_along(motifs), SIMPLIFY = TRUE)
motifs <- motifs[motifs.check]
if (length(motifs) == 0) stop("no motifs were read")
if (length(motifs) == 1) motifs <- motifs[[1]]
check_list <- function(motif, count) {
msg <- validObject_universalmotif(motif, FALSE)
if (length(msg) > 0) {
warning(paste0("error parsing motif number ", count))
} else TRUE
motifs_to_list <- function(raw_lines, motif_starts, motif_stops) {
motifs_to_umot <- function(motif, version) {
motif <- motif[[1]]
motif.split <- strsplit(motif, " ") <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "name:", logical(1)) <- which( <- collapse2(motif.split[[]][-1])
which.altname <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "altname:", logical(1))
which.altname <- which(which.altname)
if (length(which.altname) == 1) {
motif.altname <- collapse2(motif.split[[which.altname]][-1])
} else motif.altname <- FALSE <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "family:", logical(1)) <- which(
if (length( == 1) { <- collapse2(motif.split[[]][-1])
} else <- FALSE
which.organism <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "organism:", logical(1))
which.organism <- which(which.organism)
if (length(which.organism) == 1) {
motif.organism <- collapse2(motif.split[[which.organism]][-1])
} else motif.organism <- FALSE
which.alphabet <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "alphabet:", logical(1))
which.alphabet <- which(which.alphabet)
if (length(which.alphabet) == 1) {
motif.alphabet <- motif.split[[which.alphabet]][2]
} else motif.alphabet <- FALSE
which.type <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "type:", logical(1))
which.type <- which(which.type)
if (length(which.type) == 1) {
motif.type <- motif.split[[which.type]][2]
} else motif.type <- FALSE
which.nsites <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "nsites:", logical(1))
which.nsites <- which(which.nsites)
if (length(which.nsites) == 1) {
motif.nsites <- as.numeric(motif.split[[which.nsites]][2])
} else motif.nsites <- FALSE
which.pseudocount <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "pseudocount:", logical(1))
which.pseudocount <- which(which.pseudocount)
if (length(which.pseudocount) == 1) {
motif.pseudocount <- as.numeric(motif.split[[which.pseudocount]][2])
} else motif.pseudocount <- FALSE
which.bkg <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "bkg:", logical(1))
which.bkg <- which(which.bkg)
if (length(which.bkg) == 1) {
if (version < "1.1.57") {
motif.bkg <- as.numeric(motif.split[[which.bkg]][-1])
} else {
motif.bkg <- vapply(motif.split[[which.bkg]][-1],
function(x) strsplit(x, "=")[[1]][2],
motif.bkg <- as.numeric(motif.bkg)
names(motif.bkg) <- vapply(motif.split[[which.bkg]][-1],
function(x) strsplit(x, "=")[[1]][1],
} else motif.bkg <- FALSE
which.bkgsites <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "bkgsites:", logical(1))
which.bkgsites <- which(which.bkgsites)
if (length(which.bkgsites) == 1) {
motif.bkgsites <- as.numeric(motif.split[[which.bkgsites]][2])
} else motif.bkgsites <- FALSE
which.strand <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "strand:", logical(1))
which.strand <- which(which.strand)
if (length(which.strand) == 1) {
motif.strand <- collapse2(motif.split[[which.strand]][-1])
} else motif.strand <- FALSE
which.pval <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "pval:", logical(1))
which.pval <- which(which.pval)
if (length(which.pval) == 1) {
motif.pval <- as.numeric(motif.split[[which.pval]][2])
} else motif.pval <- FALSE
which.qval <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "qval:", logical(1))
which.qval <- which(which.qval)
if (length(which.qval) == 1) {
motif.qval <- as.numeric(motif.split[[which.qval]][2])
} else motif.qval <- FALSE
which.eval <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "eval:", logical(1))
which.eval <- which(which.eval)
if (length(which.eval) == 1) {
motif.eval <- as.numeric(motif.split[[which.eval]][2])
} else motif.eval <- FALSE
which.extrainfo <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "extrainfo:", logical(1))
extrainfo.start <- which(which.extrainfo)
which.motif <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "motif:", logical(1))
motif.start <- which(which.motif)
which.multifreq <- vapply(motif.split, function(x) x[1] == "multifreq:", logical(1))
multifreq.start <- which(which.multifreq)
if (length(extrainfo.start) > 0) {
extrainfo.all <- motif.split[(extrainfo.start + 1):(motif.start - 1)]
extrainfo.names <- lapply(extrainfo.all, function(x) x[2])
extrainfo.content <- lapply(extrainfo.all, function(x) collapse2(x[-c(1:2)]))
motif.extrainfo <- mapply(function(x, y) { names(x) <- y; x },
extrainfo.content, extrainfo.names,
} else motif.extrainfo <- FALSE
if (length(multifreq.start) == 0) {
motif.motif <- parse_matrix(motif.split[(motif.start + 1):length(motif.split)])
motif.multifreq <- FALSE
} else {
motif.motif <- parse_matrix(motif.split[(motif.start + 1):(multifreq.start - 1)])
motif.multifreq <- parse_multi(motif.split[(multifreq.start + 1):length(motif.split)])
make_umot(, motif.altname,, motif.organism, motif.alphabet,
motif.type, motif.nsites, motif.pseudocount, motif.bkg, motif.bkgsites,
motif.strand, motif.pval, motif.qval, motif.eval, motif.motif,
motif.multifreq, motif.extrainfo)
make_umot <- function(, motif.altname,, motif.organism,
motif.alphabet, motif.type, motif.nsites, motif.pseudocount,
motif.bkg, motif.bkgsites, motif.strand, motif.pval,
motif.qval, motif.eval, motif.motif, motif.multifreq,
motif.extrainfo) {
args <- list(name =, altname = motif.altname, family =,
organism = motif.organism, alphabet = motif.alphabet,
nsites = motif.nsites, pseudocount = motif.pseudocount,
bkg = motif.bkg, bkgsites = motif.bkgsites, strand = motif.strand,
pval = motif.pval, qval = motif.qval, eval = motif.eval,
motif = motif.motif, multifreq = motif.multifreq,
extrainfo = motif.extrainfo)
args <- args[!vapply(args, isFALSE, logical(1))], args)
parse_matrix <- function(lines) {
lines <- lapply(lines, function(x) as.numeric(x[-1]))
lines <- lines[vapply(lines, length, integer(1)) > 0]
matrix(, lines), byrow = TRUE, nrow = length(lines))
parse_multi <- function(lines) {
mult.starts <- which(vapply(lines, function(x) x[1] == ">", logical(1)))
mult.ends <- c(mult.starts[-1] - 1, length(lines))
mults <- mapply(function(x, y) motifs_to_list(lines, x, y),
mult.starts + 1, mult.ends, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
mults <- lapply(mults, parse_matrix)
names(mults) <- vapply(mult.starts, function(x) lines[[x]][2])
collapse2 <- function(char) {
if (length(char) == 0) character(0)
else paste0(char, collapse = " ")
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