#' @import methods
#' @import utils
#' @title Exports an object to file.
#' @param theObject The dataframe to export.
#' @param location The location to export to. This should be a filename if we
#' are using \code{exportZip}, or we are using \code{exportTable} and
#' \code{theObject} is a data frame or \code{ddpcrWell} object. If
#' \code{theObject} is a \code{ddpcrPlate} object, this should be
#' a directory.
#' @param delim The character to use as a field separator. Defaults to ",",
#' i.e. export a CSV.
#' @param ... Other options depending on the type of \code{theObject}.
#' @details Note that filenames of the form \code{Anything_A01_Amplitude.csv}
#' can be read by \code{\link{readCSVDataFrame}} so that the well name can be
#' extracted successfully (in this case \code{A01}). Where it is used, see the
#' default value of the parameter \code{suffix}.
#' @return Exports a file.
#' @name exportTable
#' @author Anthony Chiu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' ## Output to a temporary directory.
#' tmpOut <- file.path(normalizePath(tempdir()))
#' ## Read some counts data and generate a summary data frame.
#' df <- fullCountsSummary(KRAScountsQS)
#' summaryDf <- fullCopiesSummary(df)
#' ## Write the summary to a CSV file.
#' exportTable(summaryDf, file.path(tmpOut, "summary-table.csv"))
#' ## Write the summary to a tab-separated text file.
#' exportTable(summaryDf, file.path(tmpOut, "summary-table.txt"), delim="\t")
#' ## Write the summary to a CSV file with leading column labelled "Patient".
#' exportTable(summaryDf, file.path(tmpOut, "summary-table.csv"),
#' leadingColName="Patient")
#' ## Read a droplet amplitude CSV file to a ddpcrWell object.
#' ampFile <- system.file("extdata", "amplitudes", "sample_B03_Amplitude.csv",
#' package="twoddpcr")
#' aWell <- ddpcrWell(well=ampFile)
#' ## Classify the droplets into 4 clusters.
#' aWell <- kmeansClassify(aWell, centres=4)
#' ## Write the amplitudes to a CSV file with the old and new classifications.
#' exportTable(aWell,
#' location=file.path(tmpOut, "With_Kmeans_B03_Amplitude.csv"))
#' ## Write the amplitudes to a CSV file with the new classification only.
#' exportTable(aWell,
#' location=file.path(tmpOut, "With_Kmeans_B03_Amplitude.csv"),
#' cMethod="kmeans")
#' ## Read all amplitude files in a directory to a ddpcrPlate object.
#' moreAmpsDir <- system.file("extdata", "more-amplitudes", package="twoddpcr")
#' krasPlate <- ddpcrPlate(wells=moreAmpsDir)
#' ## Classify the droplets into 4 clusters.
#' krasPlate <- kmeansClassify(krasPlate, centres=4)
#' ## Write the amplitudes to multiple files in a directory with the old and
#' ## new classifications.
#' exportTable(krasPlate, location=file.path(tmpOut, "amplitudes-classified"))
#' ## Write the amplitudes to multiple files with the new classification only
#' ## and a custom prefix for the filenames.
#' exportTable(krasPlate, location=file.path(tmpOut, "amplitudes-classified"),
#' cMethod="kmeans", prefix="Kmeans_Only_")
#' ## Export to a zip file.
#' exportZip(krasPlate,
#' location=file.path(tmpOut, "amplitudes-classified/"),
#' cMethod="kmeans", prefix="Kmeans_Only_")
#' @export
setGeneric("exportTable", function(theObject, location, delim=",", ...) {
#' @rdname exportTable
#' @description If given a data frame, \code{exportTable} exports the whole
#' data frame to file. This could be a data frame of any form. A few options
#' are available that can be used to determine the format of the file that is
#' exported, e.g. using a heading for the row names 'column', or omitting row
#' names altogether.
#' @param leadingColName The name of the leading column, i.e. the 'row names'
#' of the dataframe. This could be a patient identifier or the well used in the
#' ddPCR experiment. If \code{NULL}, the exported heading will be an empty
#' string. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param row.names If \code{NULL}, exports a column corresponding to the row
#' names; if \code{FALSE}, no such column is included. If 'leadingColName' is
#' not \code{FALSE}, row.names is assumed to be \code{FALSE}. Defaults to
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @exportMethod exportTable
"exportTable", "data.frame",
function(theObject, location, delim=",",
leadingColName=NULL, row.names=TRUE) {
if(is.null(leadingColName)) {
if(delim == ",") {
write.csv(theObject, location, row.names=row.names)
} else {
write.table(theObject, location, sep=delim, col.names=NA,
} else {
# Insert the row names as the leading column and name it.
d <- data.frame(rownames(theObject), theObject, check.names=FALSE)
colnames(d)[1] <- leadingColName
if(delim == ",") {
write.csv(d, location, row.names=FALSE)
} else {
write.table(d, location, sep=delim, row.names=FALSE)
#' @rdname exportTable
#' @description If a \code{ddpcrWell} is given, \code{exportTable} exports to
#' a single file with specified/all classification methods.
#' @param cMethod The name or column number of the classification methods in
#' a \code{\link{ddpcrWell}} or \code{\link{ddpcrPlate}} object to export
#' to file. If \code{NULL}, all of the classification methods are exported.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @exportMethod exportTable
"exportTable", "ddpcrWell",
function(theObject, location, delim=",", cMethod=NULL) {
df <- wellClassification(theObject, cMethod=cMethod, withAmplitudes=TRUE)
exportTable(theObject=df, location=location, delim=delim,
leadingColName=NULL, row.names=FALSE)
#' @rdname exportTable
#' @description If a \code{ddpcrPlate} is given, \code{exportTable}
#' exports to a directory in the given \code{location}, where one file is
#' created for each of the wells. If it does not exist, the directory
#' \code{location} will be created as long as all other parent directories
#' exist.
#' @param prefix For \code{ddpcrPlate} objects, this is the prefix to
#' prepend to the output filenames.
#' @param suffix For \code{ddpcrPlate} objects, this is the suffix to
#' append to the output filenames. This is typically the filename extension,
#' e.g. ".csv" or ".txt". Defaults to ".csv".
#' @exportMethod exportTable
"exportTable", "ddpcrPlate",
function(theObject, location, delim=",", cMethod=NULL, prefix="",
suffix="_Amplitude.csv") {
if(!dir.exists(location)) {
# Get the data frame to export.
df <- plateClassification(theObject, cMethod=cMethod, withAmplitudes=TRUE)
# Export individual files.
fNames <- vapply(
function(w) {
filePath <- paste0(location, "/", prefix, w, suffix)
exportTable(theObject=df[[w]], location=filePath,
delim=delim, leadingColName=NULL,
#' @description \code{exportZip} takes a \code{ddpcrPlate} object and
#' exports it as a zip file.
#' @rdname exportTable
#' @export
function(theObject, location, delim=",", cMethod=NULL, prefix="",
suffix="_Amplitude.csv") {
#' @rdname exportTable
#' @exportMethod exportZip
setMethod("exportZip", "ddpcrPlate",
function(theObject, location, delim=",", cMethod=NULL, prefix="",
suffix="_Amplitude.csv") {
# Remember where we are.
# Get the absolute path of the file to export to.
locDir <- normalizePath(dirname(location))
locBase <- basename(location)
location <- paste(locDir, locBase, sep="/")
# Make a temporary directory and go there.
tmpDir <- normalizePath(tempdir())
owd <- setwd(tmpDir)
on.exit(setwd(owd)) # return to the original working directory on exit
# Create the zip file.
outDirName <- dirname(location)
if(!dir.exists(outDirName)) {
zipFile <- zip(zipfile=location,
files=exportTable(theObject=theObject, location=".",
delim=delim, cMethod=cMethod,
prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix))
if(file.exists(paste0(location, ".zip"))) {
file.rename(paste0(location, ".zip"), location)
error=function(e) {
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