## Diagram triplex visualization
## Author: Kamil Rajdl
## Date: 2012/10/28
## Package: triplex
## This function draws a 2-D representation of a triplex
## triplex TriplexViews object
## circles TRUE - nucleotides are drawn as characters in circles
## FALSE - nucleotides are drawn just as characters
## wcbonds.lty type of Watson-Crick bonds lines
## hbonds.lty type of Hoogsteen bonds lines
## mbonds.lty type of main (skelet) bonds lines
## wcbonds.lwd width of Watson-Crick bonds lines
## hbonds.lwd width of Hoogsteen bonds lines
## mbonds.lwd width of main (skelet) bonds lines
## labels.cex multiplier of size of labels of nucleotides
## circles.cex multiplier of size of nucleotides
## margin left and right margin of the picture
triplex.diagram <- function(
circles = TRUE,
mbonds.lty = 1,
mbonds.lwd = 2.5,
wcbonds.lty = 1,
wcbonds.lwd = 1,
hbonds.lty = 2,
hbonds.lwd = 1,
labels.cex = 1,
circles.cex = 1,
margin = 0.1,
bonds.length = 0.07)
# processing of inputs
results <- triplex.input(triplex);
triplex.type <- type(triplex);
DNAseq1 <- results[[1]];
DNAseq2 <- results[[2]];
WCbonds <- results[[3]];
Hbonds <- results[[4]];
bends <- results[[5]];
alignment <- results[[6]];
# input condition
if ((margin<0) || (margin>=0.5)) {
stop("xmargin have to be from interval [0,0.5).");
# initial parameters and variables
bend.start <- bends[1];
bend.end <- bends[2];
xsize <- 1-2*margin;
n.bonds <- dim(WCbonds)[2];
n.bend <- bend.end - bend.start - 1;
n.seq1 <- nchar(DNAseq1);
n.seq2 <- nchar(DNAseq2);
dist2 <- bonds.length; # length of Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen bonds
dist1 <- xsize/(n.bonds+(n.bend+2)^2/((n.bend+1)*pi)); # distance between nucleotides in sequence
if (dist1 > 0.07) {
dist1 = 0.07;
xsize = dist1*(n.bonds+(n.bend+2)^2/((n.bend+1)*pi));
margin = (1-xsize)/2;
# division of Hoogsteen bonds into DNAseq1-DNAseq1 bonds and DNAseq1-DNAseq2 bonds
if (triplex.type %in% c("0","1","2","3")) {
Hbonds1 <- Hbonds;
Hbonds2 <- matrix(0,2,0);
if (triplex.type %in% c("4","5","6","7")) {
Hbonds1 <- matrix(0,2,0);
Hbonds2 <- Hbonds;
# processing of sequences into vector of characters
DNAseq1.vec <- substring(DNAseq1, 1:n.seq1, 1:n.seq1);
DNAseq2.vec <- substring(DNAseq2, 1:n.seq2, 1:n.seq2);
# x-coordinates of paired nucleotides (the rest is set to NA for now)
seq1.xcoords <- rep(NA, n.seq1);
j <- 1;
for (i in 1:bend.start) {
if ((i %in% WCbonds[1,]) || (i %in% Hbonds1[1,]) || (i %in% Hbonds2)) {
seq1.xcoords[i] <- margin+j*dist1;
j <- j+1;
j <- 1;
for (i in n.seq1:bend.end) {
if ((i %in% WCbonds[1,]) || (i %in% Hbonds1[1,]) || (i %in% Hbonds2)) {
seq1.xcoords[i] <- margin+j*dist1;
j <- j+1;
# coordinates of direction labels (3', 5')
dirlab.xcoords <- c(margin, margin, margin);
dirlab.ycoords <- c(0.5+dist2, 0.5, 0.5-dist2);
# the remaining coordinates of paired nucleotides and creation of direction labels
if (triplex.type %in% c(0,3)) {
seq1.ycoords <- c(rep(0.5+dist2, bend.start), rep(NA, n.bend),
rep(0.5-dist2, n.seq1-bend.end+1));
seq2.xcoords <- seq(from=margin+dist1*n.bonds, to=margin+dist1, by=-dist1);
seq2.ycoords <- rep(0.5, n.bonds);
dirlab <- textGrob(c("5'","3'","3'"), dirlab.xcoords, dirlab.ycoords);
if (triplex.type %in% c(1,2)) {
seq1.ycoords <- c(rep(0.5+dist2, bend.start), rep(NA, n.bend),
rep(0.5-dist2, n.seq1-bend.end+1));
seq2.xcoords <- seq(from=margin+dist1, to=margin+dist1*n.bonds, by=dist1);
seq2.ycoords <- rep(0.5, n.bonds);
dirlab <- textGrob(c("5'","5'","3'"), dirlab.xcoords, dirlab.ycoords);
if (triplex.type %in% c(4,7)) {
seq1.ycoords <- c(rep(0.5-dist2, bend.start), rep(NA, n.bend),
rep(0.5, n.seq1-bend.end+1));
seq2.xcoords <- seq(from=margin+dist1, to=margin+dist1*n.bonds, by=dist1);
seq2.ycoords <- rep(0.5+dist2, n.bonds);
dirlab <- textGrob(c("5'","3'","5'"), dirlab.xcoords, dirlab.ycoords);
if (triplex.type %in% c(5,6)) {
seq1.ycoords <- c(rep(0.5, bend.start), rep(NA, n.bend),
rep(0.5+dist2, n.seq1-bend.end+1));
seq2.xcoords <- seq(from=margin+dist1*n.bonds, to=margin+dist1, by=-dist1);
seq2.ycoords <- rep(0.5-dist2, n.bonds);
dirlab <- textGrob(c("3'","5'","3'"), dirlab.xcoords, dirlab.ycoords);
# coordinates of nucleotiodes in the bend
if ((bend.end-bend.start)>1) {
x1 <- c(seq1.xcoords[bend.start], seq1.ycoords[bend.start]);
x2 <- c(seq1.xcoords[bend.end], seq1.ycoords[bend.end]);
S <- c(x1[1]+dist1*(n.bend+1)/(2*pi), (x1[2]+x2[2])/2);
y <- abs(x1[2]-x2[2])/2;
r <- sqrt((x1[1]-S[1])^2+(x1[2]-S[2])^2);
alpha1 <- asin(y/r);
alpha2 <- (2*pi-2*alpha1)/(n.bend+1);
for (i in (bend.start+1):(bend.end-1)) {
if (triplex.type %in% c(0,1,2,3)) {
seq1.xcoords[i] <- S[1] + r*cos(pi-alpha1-(i-bend.start)*alpha2);
seq1.ycoords[i] <- S[2] + r*sin(pi-alpha1-(i-bend.start)*alpha2);
if (triplex.type %in% c(4,5,6,7)) {
seq1.xcoords[i] <- S[1] + r*cos(pi+alpha1+(i-bend.start)*alpha2);
seq1.ycoords[i] <- S[2] + r*sin(pi+alpha1+(i-bend.start)*alpha2);
# coordinates of nucleotides opposite the gaps
for (i in 1:n.seq1) {
if ([i])) {
while ([i+j])) {
x1 <- c(seq1.xcoords[i-1], seq1.ycoords[i-1]);
x2 <- c(seq1.xcoords[i+j], seq1.ycoords[i+j]);
y <- abs(x1[1]-x2[1])/2;
z <- dist1*(j+1)/(2*pi);
down = ((triplex.type %in% c(0,1,2,3)) && (i >= bend.end)) ||
((triplex.type %in% c(4,7)) && (i <= bend.start));
if (down) {
S <- c((x1[1]+x2[1])/2, x1[2]-z);
} else {
S <- c((x1[1]+x2[1])/2, x1[2]+z);
r <- sqrt((x1[1]-S[1])^2+(x1[2]-S[2])^2);
alpha1 <- asin(y/r);
alpha2 <- (2*pi-2*alpha1)/(j+1);
if ((x1[1] < x2[1]) && (!down)) {
for (k in i:(i+j-1)) {
seq1.xcoords[k] <- S[1] + r*cos(-pi/2-alpha1-(k-i+1)*alpha2);
seq1.ycoords[k] <- S[2] + r*sin(-pi/2-alpha1-(k-i+1)*alpha2);
if ((x1[1] < x2[1]) && (down)) {
for (k in i:(i+j-1)) {
seq1.xcoords[k] <- S[1] + r*cos(pi/2+alpha1+(k-i+1)*alpha2);
seq1.ycoords[k] <- S[2] + r*sin(pi/2+alpha1+(k-i+1)*alpha2);
if ((x1[1] > x2[1]) && (!down)) {
for (k in i:(i+j-1)) {
seq1.xcoords[k] <- S[1] + r*cos(-pi/2+alpha1+(k-i+1)*alpha2);
seq1.ycoords[k] <- S[2] + r*sin(-pi/2+alpha1+(k-i+1)*alpha2);
if ((x1[1] > x2[1]) && (down)) {
for (k in i:(i+j-1)) {
seq1.xcoords[k] <- S[1] + r*cos(pi/2-alpha1-(k-i+1)*alpha2);
seq1.ycoords[k] <- S[2] + r*sin(pi/2-alpha1-(k-i+1)*alpha2);
# creation of bonds in sequences
bonds1 <- linesGrob(seq1.xcoords, seq1.ycoords, default.units = "npc",
gp = gpar(lwd = mbonds.lwd, lty = mbonds.lty));
bonds2 <- linesGrob(seq2.xcoords, seq2.ycoords, default.units = "npc",
gp = gpar(lwd = mbonds.lwd, lty = mbonds.lty));
# creation of Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen bonds
WCbonds1.xcoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
WCbonds1.ycoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
WCbonds2.xcoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
WCbonds2.ycoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
for (i in 1:n.bonds) {
WCbonds1.xcoords[i] <- seq1.xcoords[WCbonds[1,i]];
WCbonds1.ycoords[i] <- seq1.ycoords[WCbonds[1,i]];
WCbonds2.xcoords[i] <- seq2.xcoords[WCbonds[2,i]];
WCbonds2.ycoords[i] <- seq2.ycoords[WCbonds[2,i]];
bonds3 <- segmentsGrob(WCbonds1.xcoords, WCbonds1.ycoords, WCbonds2.xcoords,
WCbonds2.ycoords, default.units = "npc",
gp = gpar(lwd = wcbonds.lwd, lty = wcbonds.lty));
Hbonds1.xcoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
Hbonds1.ycoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
Hbonds2.xcoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
Hbonds2.ycoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
if (dim(Hbonds1)[2] > 0) {
for (i in 1:dim(Hbonds1)[2]) {
Hbonds1.xcoords[i] <- seq1.xcoords[Hbonds[1,i]];
Hbonds1.ycoords[i] <- seq1.ycoords[Hbonds[1,i]];
Hbonds2.xcoords[i] <- seq2.xcoords[Hbonds[2,i]];
Hbonds2.ycoords[i] <- seq2.ycoords[Hbonds[2,i]];
if (dim(Hbonds2)[2] > 0) {
for (i in 1:dim(Hbonds2)[2]) {
Hbonds1.xcoords[i] <- seq1.xcoords[Hbonds[1,i]];
Hbonds1.ycoords[i] <- seq1.ycoords[Hbonds[1,i]];
Hbonds2.xcoords[i] <- seq1.xcoords[Hbonds[2,i]];
Hbonds2.ycoords[i] <- seq1.ycoords[Hbonds[2,i]];
bonds4 <- segmentsGrob(Hbonds1.xcoords, Hbonds1.ycoords, Hbonds2.xcoords,
Hbonds2.ycoords, default.units = "npc",
gp = gpar(lwd = hbonds.lwd, lty = hbonds.lty));
# creation of labels of nucleotides
labels1 <- textGrob(DNAseq1.vec, seq1.xcoords, seq1.ycoords,
default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(cex = labels.cex));
labels2 <- textGrob(DNAseq2.vec, seq2.xcoords, seq2.ycoords,
default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(cex = labels.cex));
# creation of nucleotides
if (circles == TRUE) {
color <- "black";
} else {
color <- "white";
r <- (convertX(unit(get.gpar()$fontsize*labels.cex, "points"), "npc",
valueOnly = TRUE)/2)*1.2*circles.cex;
nucleotides1 <- circleGrob(seq1.xcoords, seq1.ycoords, rep(r, n.seq1), gp =
gpar(fill = "white", col = color));
nucleotides2 <- circleGrob(seq2.xcoords, seq2.ycoords, rep(r, n.seq2), gp =
gpar(fill = "white", col = color));
# creation of additional lines
addlines <- segmentsGrob(c(margin+dist1/2, margin+dist1/2, margin+dist1/2),
c(0.5+dist2, 0.5, 0.5-dist2),
c(margin+dist1, margin+dist1, margin+dist1),
c(0.5+dist2, 0.5, 0.5-dist2),
default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(lwd = mbonds.lwd,
lty = mbonds.lty));
# drawing
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