triologreg <- function(bin, resp, weights, choice, nleaves=5, penalty=0, control=NULL, rand=NA, notBuiltStop=TRUE){
logreg.storetree <- function(x){
i1 <- matrix(x[-(1:3)], ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
i2 <- length(i1[, 1])
i3 <- data.frame(1:i2, i1)
names(i3) <- c("number", "conc", "knot", "neg", "pick")
wgt <- rep(weights, e=4)
seed <- ifelse(, 0, rand)
binnames <- colnames(bin)
mdl <- 9
n1 <- length(resp)
n2 <- ncol(bin)
nsep <- 0
sep <- 0
nrep <- 25
tree.control <- list(treesize=2^floor(log2(control$treesize)), opers=control$opers,
cens <- rep(1, n1)
if(choice != 2){
ntr <- c(1, 1)
msz <- rep(nleaves, 2)
ntr <- c(1, 1)
msz <- nleaves
anneal.control <- list(start=control$start, end=control$end, iter=control$iter,
earlyout=control$earlyout, update=control$update)
niter <- ifelse(control$iter==0, 50000, control$iter)
mc.control <- list(nburn=control$nburn, niter=niter, hyperpars=c(control$hyperpars, 0, 0, 0),
update=control$update, output=control$output)
anneal.control$update <- mc.control$update
xseed <- rand
xseed <- floor(runif(1) * 1e+06) + 1
ipars <- c(mdl, msz[1:2], tree.control$treesize, ntr[1:2], tree.control$opers,
anneal.control$update, xseed, nrep, choice, anneal.control$earlyout,
tree.control$minmass, mc.control$nburn, mc.control$niter, mc.control$output)
rpars <- c(anneal.control$start, anneal.control$end, anneal.control$iter,
penalty, mc.control$hyperpars)
orders <- order(rank(resp) + runif(n1)/100)
nkn <- tree.control$treesize * 2 - 1
nxx <- 2
if(choice == 1){
n.a <- ntr[1] * (nkn * 4 + 3)
n.b <- nsep + ntr[1] + 1
n.c <- 2
if(choice == 2){
n.d <- (ntr[2] - ntr[1] + 1) * (msz[2] - msz[1] + 1)
n.a <- n.d * ntr[2] * (nkn * 4 + 3)
n.b <- n.d * (nsep + ntr[2] + 1)
n.c <- n.d
if(choice == 6){
n.d <- msz[2] + 2
n.a <- n.d * ntr[2] * (nkn * 4 + 3)
n.b <- n.d * (nsep + ntr[2] + 1)
n.c <- n.d
n100 <- -100
if(choice == 7){
n.a <- 256
n.b <- n2
n.c <- n2 * n2
if(abs(mc.control$output) < 2)
n.c <- 1
nxx <- n.c * n2
if(abs(mc.control$output) < 3)
nxx <- 1
n100 <- 0
xtree <- rep(n100, n.a)
ip4 <- 2 * ipars[4] + 1
fit <- .C("clogreg", as.integer(n1), as.integer(n2), as.integer(nsep),
ip = as.integer(ipars), as.single(rpars), as.single(t(sep)),
as.integer(cens), as.integer(orders), as.single(resp),
as.single(wgt), as.integer(t(bin)), trees = as.integer(xtree),
coef = as.single(rep(n100, n.b)), scores = as.single(rep(n100, n.c)),
rd4 = as.integer(rep(0, nxx)), PACKAGE = "LogicReg")
type <- "Trio Logic Regression"
if(choice %in% (1:2) &&$coef[2])){
cat("For some unknown reason, the fitting of the trio logic regression model failed.\n",
"Please rerun the analysis with trioLR (maybe after restarting R).\n",
"If this will not work, please contact the maintainer of the trio package.\n\n", sep="")
if(choice == 1)
chs <- "single.model"
if(choice == 2)
chs <- "multiple.models"
if(choice == 7)
chs <- "Bayesian"
if(choice == 6)
chs <- "greedy"
tree.control$operators <- switch(tree.control$opers, "both", "and", "or", "both")
m1 <- list(nsample = n1, nbinary = n2, nseparate = nsep, type = type, select = chs,
seed = rand, choice = choice, control=control)
if(choice == 7){
v1 <- fit$trees
v3 <- 1:length(v1)
v3 <- max(v3[v1 > 0])
v1 <- v1[1:v3]
v1 <- data.frame(0:(v3 - 1), v1)
names(v1) <- c("size", "number")
m1$size <- v1
m1$single <- fit$coef
m1$single[m1$single < 0] <- 0
m1$mc.control <- mc.control
if(abs(mc.control$output) > 1){
m1$double <- matrix(fit$scores, ncol = length(fit$coef))
m1$double[m1$double < 0] <- 0
if(abs(mc.control$output) > 2){
m1$triple <- array(fit$rd4, dim = c(length(fit$coef),
length(fit$coef), length(fit$coef)))
if(choice == 1){
m1$nleaves <- msz[1]
m1$ntrees <- ntr[1]
m1$nleaves <- msz
m1$ntrees <- ntr
m1$response <- resp
m1$binary <- bin
m1$separate <- sep
m1$censor <- cens
m1$weight <- wgt
if(choice == 1){
m1$penalty <- penalty
m2 <- list()
m2$ntrees <- ntr
m2$nleaves <- msz
m2$score <- fit$scores[1]
m2$coef <- fit$coef[1:(nsep + ntr[1] + 1)]
class(m2) <- "logregmodel"
lx <- 3 + 4 * nkn
m2$trees <- list()
for(i in 1:ntr[1]){
m3 <- list()
m3$whichtree <- i
m3$coef <- fit$coef[1 + nsep + i]
m3$trees <- logreg.storetree(fit$trees[(i - 1) * lx + (1:lx)])
class(m3) <- "logregtree"
m2$trees[[i]] <- m3
m1$model <- m2
if(choice == 6){
m1$nmodels <- fit$ip[1]
m1$alltrees <- list()
m1$allscores <- matrix(0, nrow = m1$nmodels, ncol = 3)
j <- 0
k <- 0
for(i in 1:m1$nmodels){
m2 <- list()
m2$score <- fit$scores[i]
m2$nleaves <- fit$trees[j + 1]
m2$ntrees <- fit$trees[j + 2]
m1$allscores[i, ] <- c(fit$scores[i], fit$trees[j + (1:2)])
m2$coef <- fit$coef[k + (1:(m2$ntrees + nsep + 1))]
class(m2) <- "logregmodel"
m2$trees <- list()
lx <- 3 + 4 * nkn
for(l in 1:m2$ntrees){
m3 <- list()
m3$whichtree <- l
m3$coef <- m2$coef[1 + nsep + l]
m3$trees <- logreg.storetree(fit$trees[j + (l - 1) * lx + (1:lx)])
class(m3) <- "logregtree"
m2$trees[[l]] <- m3
j <- j + lx * m2$ntrees
k <- k + (m2$ntrees + nsep + 1)
m1$alltrees[[i]] <- m2
if(choice == 2){
m1$nmodels <- fit$ip[1]
m1$alltrees <- list()
m1$allscores <- matrix(0, nrow = m1$nmodels, ncol = 3)
j <- 0
k <- 0
for(i in 1:m1$nmodels){
m2 <- list()
m2$score <- fit$scores[i]
m2$nleaves <- fit$trees[j + 1]
m2$ntrees <- fit$trees[j + 2]
m1$allscores[i, ] <- c(fit$scores[i], fit$trees[j + (1:2)])
m2$coef <- fit$coef[k + (1:(m2$ntrees + nsep + 1))]
class(m2) <- "logregmodel"
m2$trees <- list()
lx <- 3 + 4 * nkn
for(l in 1:m2$ntrees){
m3 <- list()
m3$whichtree <- l
m3$coef <- m2$coef[1 + nsep + l]
m3$trees <- logreg.storetree(fit$trees[j + (l - 1) * lx + (1:lx)])
class(m3) <- "logregtree"
m2$trees[[l]] <- m3
j <- j + lx * m2$ntrees
k <- k + (m2$ntrees + nsep + 1)
m1$alltrees[[i]] <- m2
m1$binnames <- binnames
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