scoreTDT <- function(mat.snp, model=c("additive", "dominant", "recessive"), size=20){
stop("mat.snp has to be a matrix.")
if(nrow(mat.snp) %% 3 != 0)
stop("mat.snp does not seem to contain trio data, as its number of rows is\n",
"not dividable by 3.")
stop("mat.snp does not seem to be a matrix in genotype format,\n",
"as the names of the rows are missing.")
if(any(!mat.snp %in% c(0, 1, 2, NA)))
stop("The values in mat.snp must be 0, 1, and 2.")
type <- match.arg(model)
if(size < 1)
stop("size should be at least 1.")
fun <-, "additive"=scoreTDTsplit, "dominant"=scoreTDTdomSplit,
fun(mat.snp, size=size)
print.scoreTDT <- function(x, top=5, digits=4, ...){
pval <- format.pval(x$pval, digits=digits)
out <- data.frame(Score=x$score, Statistic=x$stat, "p-value"=pval, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
cat(" Score Test for Two-Way Interactions\n\n")
cat(" Score Test for Individual SNPs\n\n")
cat("Model Type: ", switch(x$type, "additive"="Additive", "dominant"="Dominant",
"recessive"="Recessive"), "\n\n", sep="")
if(length(x$score) > top){
ord <- order(x$pval)[1:top]
out <- out[ord,]
cat("Top", top, ifelse(x$ia, "SNP interactions:\n", "SNPs:\n"))
print(format(out, digits=digits))
scoreTDTsplit <- function(geno, size=50){
n.snp <- ncol(geno)
int <- unique(c(, n.snp, size), n.snp+1))
num <- denom <-, n.snp)
for(i in 1:(length(int)-1)){
tmp <- scoreTDTchunk(geno[,int[i]:(int[i+1]-1), drop=FALSE])
num[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1)] <- tmp$num
denom[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1)] <- tmp$denom
beta <- num - 0.5 * denom
v <- denom/4
stat <- beta*beta/v
pval <- pchisq(stat, 1, lower.tail=FALSE)
names(beta) <- names(stat) <- names(pval) <- colnames(geno)
out <- list(score=beta, info=v, stat=stat, pval=pval, ia=FALSE, type="additive")
class(out) <- "scoreTDT"
scoreTDTchunk <- function(geno){
n.row <- nrow(geno)
dad <- geno[, n.row, 3),,drop=FALSE]
mom <- geno[, n.row, 3),,drop=FALSE]
kid <- geno[, n.row, 3),,drop=FALSE]
het1 <- (dad==1) & (mom==1)
a567 <- colSums(het1 & !, na.rm=TRUE)
a67 <- colSums(het1 * kid, na.rm=TRUE)
mom <- mom + dad
het1 <- mom == 1
a1 <- colSums(het1 & kid == 0, na.rm=TRUE)
a2 <- colSums(het1 & kid == 1, na.rm=TRUE)
het1 <- mom == 3
a3 <- colSums(het1 & kid == 1, na.rm=TRUE)
a4 <- colSums(het1 & kid == 2, na.rm=TRUE)
num <- a2 + a4 + a67
denom <- a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + 2*a567
return(list(num=num, denom=denom))
scoreTDTdomSplit <- function(geno, size=50){
n.snp <- ncol(geno)
int <- unique(c(, n.snp, size), n.snp+1))
dmat <- matrix(0, n.snp, 4)
for(i in 1:(length(int)-1))
dmat[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1),] <- scoreTDTdomChunk(geno[,int[i]:(int[i+1]-1), drop=FALSE])
beta <- -0.5*dmat[,1] + 0.5*dmat[,2] - 0.75*dmat[,3] + 0.25*dmat[,4]
v <- (dmat[,1]+dmat[,2])/4 + 3/16*(dmat[,3] + dmat[,4])
stat <- beta*beta/v
pval <- pchisq(stat, 1, lower.tail=FALSE)
names(beta) <- names(stat) <- names(pval) <- colnames(geno)
out <- list(score=beta, info=v, stat=stat, pval=pval, ia=FALSE, type="dominant")
class(out) <- "scoreTDT"
scoreTDTdomChunk <- function(geno){
n.row <- nrow(geno)
dad <- geno[, n.row, 3),, drop=FALSE]
mom <- geno[, n.row, 3),, drop=FALSE]
kid <- geno[, n.row, 3),, drop=FALSE]
dmat <- matrix(0, ncol(dad), 4)
het1 <- mom+dad == 1
dmat[,1] <- colSums(het1 & kid==0, na.rm=TRUE)
dmat[,2] <- colSums(het1 & kid==1, na.rm=TRUE)
het1 <- (dad==1) & (mom==1)
dmat[,3] <- colSums(het1 & kid==0, na.rm=TRUE)
dmat[,4] <- colSums(het1 & kid!=0, na.rm=TRUE)
scoreTDTrecSplit <- function(geno, size=50){
n.snp <- ncol(geno)
int <- unique(c(, n.snp, size), n.snp+1))
rmat <- matrix(0, n.snp, 4)
for(i in 1:(length(int)-1))
rmat[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1),] <- scoreTDTrecChunk(geno[,int[i]:(int[i+1]-1), drop=FALSE])
beta <- -0.5*rmat[,1] + 0.5*rmat[,2] - 0.25*rmat[,3] + 0.75*rmat[,4]
v <- 0.25*(rmat[,1]+rmat[,2]) + 3/16 * (rmat[,3]+rmat[,4])
stat <- beta*beta/v
pval <- pchisq(stat, 1, lower.tail=FALSE)
names(beta) <- names(stat) <- names(pval) <- colnames(geno)
out <- list(score=beta, info=v, stat=stat, pval=pval, ia=FALSE, type="recessive")
class(out) <- "scoreTDT"
scoreTDTrecChunk <- function(geno){
n.row <- nrow(geno)
dad <- geno[, n.row, 3),, drop=FALSE]
mom <- geno[, n.row, 3),, drop=FALSE]
kid <- geno[, n.row, 3),, drop=FALSE]
rmat <- matrix(0, ncol(dad), 4)
het3 <- mom + dad == 3
rmat[,1] <- colSums(het3 & kid==1, na.rm=TRUE)
rmat[,2] <- colSums(het3 & kid==2, na.rm=TRUE)
het3 <- (dad==1) & (mom==1)
rmat[,3] <- colSums(het3 & kid!=2, na.rm=TRUE)
rmat[,4] <- colSums(het3 & kid==2, na.rm=TRUE)
scoreGxE <- function(mat.snp, env, model=c("additive", "dominant", "recessive"), size=20, famid=NULL){
if (!is.matrix(mat.snp))
stop("mat.snp has to be a matrix.")
if (nrow(mat.snp)%%3 != 0)
stop("mat.snp does not seem to contain trio data, as its number of rows is\n",
"not dividable by 3.")
if (is.null(rownames(mat.snp)))
stop("mat.snp does not seem to be a matrix in genotype format,\n",
"as the names of the rows are missing.")
if (any(!mat.snp %in% c(0, 1, 2, NA)))
stop("The values in mat.snp must be 0, 1, and 2.")
stop("size should be at least 1.")
stop("The length of env must be equal to the number of trios in mat.snp.")
env <- reorderEnv(env, famid, rownames(mat.snp))
tmpEnv <- rep(env, e=3)
mat.snp <- mat.snp[!,]
env <- env[!]
if(any(!env %in% 0:1))
stop("The values in env must be 0 and 1.")
if(sum(env)<5 | sum(1-env)<5)
stop("Each of the two groups specified by env must contain at least 5 trios.")
type <- match.arg(model)
env2 <- rep(env, e=3)
fun <-, additive=scoreGxEsplit, dominant=scoreGxEdomSplit,
tmp1 <- fun(mat.snp, env2==0, size=size)
tmp2 <- fun(mat.snp, env2==1, size=size)
beta <- cbind(SNP=tmp1$coef, GxE=tmp2$coef-tmp1$coef)
v <- cbind(SNP=tmp1$v, GXE=tmp2$v + tmp1$v)
stat <- beta*beta/v
pval <- pchisq(stat, 1, lower.tail=FALSE)
rownames(beta) <- rownames(stat) <- rownames(pval) <- colnames(mat.snp)
out <- list(score=beta, info=v, stat=stat, pval=pval, type=type)
class(out) <- "scoreGxE"
print.scoreGxE <- function(x, top=5, digits=4, onlyGxE=FALSE, ...){
pvalG <- format.pval(x$pval[,1], digits=digits)
outG <- data.frame(Score=x$score[,1], Statistic=x$stat[,1], "p-value"=pvalG, check.names=FALSE,
pvalGE <- format.pval(x$pval[,2], digits=digits)
outGE <- data.frame(Score=x$score[,2], Statistic=x$stat[,2], "p-value"=pvalGE, check.names=FALSE,
cat(" Score Test for GxE Interactions with Binary E\n\n", "Model Type: ",
switch(x$type, "additive"="Additive", "dominant"="Dominant", "recessive"="Recessive"),
"\n\n", sep="")
if(nrow(x$score) > top){
ord <- order(x$pval[,2])[1:top]
outG <- outG[ord,]
outGE <- outGE[ord,]
cat("Top", top, "GxE Interactions:\n")
cat("Statistics for the GxE Interactions:\n")
print(format(outGE, digits=digits))
cat("\n\n", "Statistics for the SNPs in the Corresponding GxE Models:\n", sep="")
print(format(outG, digits=digits))
scoreGxEsplit <- function(geno, env2, size=50){
n.snp <- ncol(geno)
int <- unique(c(, n.snp, size), n.snp+1))
num <- denom <-, n.snp)
for(i in 1:(length(int)-1)){
tmp <- scoreTDTchunk(geno[env2,int[i]:(int[i+1]-1), drop=FALSE])
num[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1)] <- tmp$num
denom[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1)] <- tmp$denom
beta <- num - 0.5 * denom
v <- denom/4
list(coef=beta, v=v)
scoreGxEdomSplit <- function(geno, env2, size=50){
n.snp <- ncol(geno)
int <- unique(c(, n.snp, size), n.snp+1))
dmat <- matrix(0, n.snp, 4)
for(i in 1:(length(int)-1))
dmat[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1),] <- scoreTDTdomChunk(geno[env2,int[i]:(int[i+1]-1), drop=FALSE])
beta <- -0.5*dmat[,1] + 0.5*dmat[,2] - 0.75*dmat[,3] + 0.25*dmat[,4]
v <- (dmat[,1]+dmat[,2])/4 + 3/16*(dmat[,3] + dmat[,4])
list(coef=beta, v=v)
scoreGxErecSplit <- function(geno, env2, size=50){
n.snp <- ncol(geno)
int <- unique(c(, n.snp, size), n.snp+1))
rmat <- matrix(0, n.snp, 4)
for(i in 1:(length(int)-1))
rmat[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1),] <- scoreTDTrecChunk(geno[env2,int[i]:(int[i+1]-1), drop=FALSE])
beta <- -0.5*rmat[,1] + 0.5*rmat[,2] - 0.25*rmat[,3] + 0.75*rmat[,4]
v <- 0.25*(rmat[,1]+rmat[,2]) + 3/16 * (rmat[,3]+rmat[,4])
list(coef=beta, v=v)
scoreMaxStat <- function(mat.snp, size=20){
stop("mat.snp must be a matrix.")
if(nrow(mat.snp) %%3 != 0)
stop("mat.snp does not seem to contain trio data, as is number of rows is\n",
"not dividable by 3.")
stop("mat.snp does not seem to be a matrix in genotype format,\n",
"as the row names are missing.")
if(any(!mat.snp %in% c(0,1,2,NA)))
stop("The values in mat.snp must be 0, 1, or 2.")
n.snp <- ncol(mat.snp)
int <- unique(c(, n.snp, size), n.snp+1))
stat <-, n.snp)
mat.stat <- matrix(NA, n.snp, 3)
for(i in 1:(length(int)-1)){
tmp <- getScoresChunk(mat.snp[,int[i]:(int[i+1]-1), drop=FALSE])
stat[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1)] <- tmp$stat
mat.stat[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1),] <- tmp$mat.stat
names(stat) <- colnames(mat.snp)
colnames(mat.stat) <- c("Additive", "Dominant", "Recessive")
out <- list(stat=stat, mat.stat=mat.stat)
class(out) <- "maxScoreTrio"
print.maxScoreTrio <- function(x, top=5, digits=4, ...){
out <- data.frame("Max-Statistic"=x$stat, x$mat.stat, check.names=FALSE)
cat(" Maximum Score Statistic\n\n")
if(length(x$stat) > top){
ord <- order(x$stat, decreasing=TRUE)[1:top]
out <- out[ord,]
cat("Top", top, "SNPs:\n")
print(format(out, digits=digits))
getScoresChunk <- function(geno){
n.row <- nrow(geno)
dad <- geno[, n.row, 3), , drop = FALSE]
mom <- geno[, n.row, 3), , drop = FALSE]
kid <- geno[, n.row, 3), , drop = FALSE]
het1 <- (dad == 1) & (mom == 1)
a567 <- colSums(het1 & !, na.rm=TRUE)
a5 <- colSums(het1 & kid == 0, na.rm = TRUE)
a6 <- colSums(het1 & kid == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
a7 <- colSums(het1 & kid == 2, na.rm = TRUE)
mom <- mom + dad
het1 <- mom == 1
a1 <- colSums(het1 & kid == 0, na.rm = TRUE)
a2 <- colSums(het1 & kid == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
het1 <- mom == 3
a3 <- colSums(het1 & kid == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
a4 <- colSums(het1 & kid == 2, na.rm = TRUE)
mat.stat <- matrix(0, ncol(geno), 3)
num <- a2 + a4 + a6 + 2*a7
denom <- a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + 2 * a567
beta <- num - 0.5 * denom
v <- denom/4
mat.stat[,1] <- beta*beta/v
num <- a6+a7
beta <- -0.5*a1 + 0.5*a2 - 0.75*a5 + 0.25*num
v <- (a1+a2)/4 + 3/16*a567
mat.stat[,2] <- beta*beta/v
beta <- -0.5*a3 + 0.5*a4 - 0.25*(a5+a6) + 0.75*a7
v <- 0.25*(a3+a4) + 3/16 * a567
mat.stat[,3] <- beta*beta/v
stat <- pmax(mat.stat[,1], mat.stat[,2], mat.stat[,3], na.rm=TRUE)
list(stat=stat, mat.stat=mat.stat)
scoreGxG <- function(mat.snp, model=c("additive", "dominant", "recessive"), genes=NULL, size=20){
stop("mat.snp has to be a matrix.")
if(nrow(mat.snp) %% 3 != 0)
stop("mat.snp does not seem to contain trio data, as its number of rows is\n",
"not dividable by 3.")
stop("mat.snp does not seem to be a matrix in genotype format,\n",
"as the names of the rows are missing.")
if(any(!mat.snp %in% c(0, 1, 2, NA)))
stop("The values in mat.snp must be 0, 1, and 2.")
modeltype <- match.arg(model)
type <- switch(modeltype, additive="Add", dominant="Dom", recessive="Rec")
out <- getGenoComb(mat.snp, size=size, type=type)
kid <- out$kid
mat.ids <- out$mat.comb
cn <- if(is.null(colnames(mat.snp))) paste("SNP", 1:ncol(mat.snp), sep="") else colnames(mat.snp)
combs <- allCombs(ncol(kid))
stop("genes must be a vector of character strings.")
if(length(genes) != ncol(mat.snp))
stop("The length of genes must be equal to the number of columns of mat.snp.")
ids.genes <- as.numeric(as.factor(genes))
combs <- allBetweenCombs(ids.genes)
n.combs <- nrow(combs)
int <- unique(c(, n.combs, size), n.combs + 1))
if(type == "Add")
betaFun <- scoreBetaAdd
if(type == "Dom")
betaFun <- scoreBetaDom
if(type == "Rec")
betaFun <- scoreBetaRec
beta <- v <-, n.combs)
for(i in 1:(length(int)-1)){
tmp <- betaFun(mat.ids, kid, combs[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1),])
beta[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1)] <- tmp$beta
v[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1)] <- tmp$v
stat <- beta * beta / v
pval <- pchisq(stat, 1, lower.tail=FALSE)
genes <- paste(genes[combs[,1]], genes[combs[,2]], sep=" : ")
names(beta) <- names(stat) <- names(pval) <- paste(cn[combs[,1]], cn[combs[,2]], sep=" : ")
out <- list(score=beta, info=v, stat=stat, pval=pval, genes=genes, type=modeltype, ia=TRUE)
class(out) <- "scoreTDT"
scoreBetaRec <- function(mat.ids, kid, combs){
n.combs <- nrow(combs)
facBeta <- colSums(kid[,combs[,1]] * kid[,combs[,2]], na.rm=TRUE)
mat.comb <- 10 * mat.ids[,combs[,1]] + mat.ids[,combs[,2]]
mat.num <- matrix(0, n.combs, 6)
mat.num[,1] <- colSums(mat.comb==11, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,2] <- colSums(mat.comb==21 | mat.comb==12, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,3] <- colSums(mat.comb==31 | mat.comb==13, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,4] <- colSums(mat.comb==22, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,5] <- colSums(mat.comb==32 | mat.comb==23, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,6] <- colSums(mat.comb==33, na.rm=TRUE)
beta <- facBeta - mat.num[,6] - 0.25 * (mat.num[,1] + mat.num[,5]) - 0.125 * mat.num[,2] -
0.5 * mat.num[,3] - 1/16 * mat.num[,4]
v <- derivExpit(1, 3) * (mat.num[,1] + mat.num[,5]) + derivExpit(1, 7) * mat.num[,2] +
derivExpit(1, 1) * mat.num[,3] + derivExpit(1, 15) * mat.num[,4]
list(beta=beta, v=v)
scoreBetaDom <- function(mat.ids, kid, combs){
n.combs <- nrow(combs)
facBeta <- colSums(kid[,combs[,1]] * kid[,combs[,2]], na.rm=TRUE)
mat.comb <- 10 * mat.ids[,combs[,1]] + mat.ids[,combs[,2]]
mat.num <- matrix(0, n.combs, 6)
mat.num[,1] <- colSums(mat.comb==11, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,2] <- colSums(mat.comb==21 | mat.comb==12, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,3] <- colSums(mat.comb==31 | mat.comb==13, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,4] <- colSums(mat.comb==22, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,5] <- colSums(mat.comb==32 | mat.comb==23, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,6] <- colSums(mat.comb==33, na.rm=TRUE)
beta <- facBeta - mat.num[,6] - 0.25*mat.num[,1] - 0.375*mat.num[,2] - 0.5*mat.num[,3] -
0.5625*mat.num[,4] - 0.75*mat.num[,5]
v <- derivExpit(1, 3) * mat.num[,1] + derivExpit(1, 5/3) * mat.num[,2] +
derivExpit(1, 1) * mat.num[,3] + derivExpit(1, 7/9) * mat.num[,4] +
derivExpit(1, 1/3) * mat.num[,5]
list(beta=beta, v=v)
scoreBetaAdd <- function(mat.ids, kid, combs){
n.combs <- nrow(combs)
facBeta <- colSums(kid[,combs[,1]] * kid[,combs[,2]], na.rm=TRUE)
mat.comb <- 10 * mat.ids[,combs[,1]] + mat.ids[,combs[,2]]
mat.num <- matrix(0, n.combs, 12)
mat.num[,1] <- colSums(mat.comb==11, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,2] <- colSums(mat.comb==12 | mat.comb==21, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,3] <- colSums(mat.comb==13 | mat.comb==31, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,4] <- colSums(mat.comb==14 | mat.comb==41, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,5] <- colSums(mat.comb==15 | mat.comb==51, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,6] <- colSums(mat.comb==22, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,7] <- colSums(mat.comb==23 | mat.comb==32, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,8] <- colSums(mat.comb==24 | mat.comb==42, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,9] <- colSums(mat.comb==25 | mat.comb==52, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,10] <- colSums(mat.comb==33, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,11] <- colSums(mat.comb==34 | mat.comb==43, na.rm=TRUE)
mat.num[,12] <- colSums(mat.comb==35 | mat.comb==53, na.rm=TRUE)
facBeta <- facBeta - colSums(mat.comb==44, na.rm=TRUE) -
2 * colSums(mat.comb==45 | mat.comb==54, na.rm=TRUE) -
4 * colSums(mat.comb==55, na.rm=TRUE)
beta <- facBeta - 0.25*mat.num[,1] - 0.75*mat.num[,2] - 0.5*mat.num[,3] - 0.5*mat.num[,4] -
mat.num[,5] - 2.25*mat.num[,6] - 1.5*mat.num[,7] - 1.5*mat.num[,8] - 3*mat.num[,9] -
mat.num[,10] - mat.num[,11] - 2*mat.num[,12]
v <- 0.1875*mat.num[,1] + 0.6875*mat.num[,2] + 0.5*mat.num[,3] + 0.25*mat.num[,4] +
mat.num[,5] + 1.1875*mat.num[,6] + 1.5*mat.num[,7] + 0.25*mat.num[,8] + mat.num[,9] +
1.25*mat.num[,10] + 0.5*mat.num[,11] + 2*mat.num[,12]
list(beta=beta, v=v)
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