colTDTsam <- function(mat.snp, model=c("additive", "dominant", "recessive", "max"),
approx=NULL, B=1000, size=10, chunk=100, rand=NA){
stop("mat.snp must be a matrix.")
if(nrow(mat.snp) %%3 != 0)
stop("mat.snp does not seem to contain trio data, as its number of rows is\n",
"not dividable by 3.")
stop("mat.snp does not seem to be a matrix in genotype format,\n",
"as the names of the rows are missing.")
if(any(!mat.snp %in% c(0:2, NA)))
stop("The values in mat.snp must be 0, 1, and 2.")
type <- match.arg(model)
approx <- type != "max"
stop("approx must be a logic value.")
sam(mat.snp, type, method=gtdt.stat, gene.names=colnames(mat.snp), approx=approx, B=B,
size=size, chunk=chunk, rand=rand)
gtdt.stat <- function(data, cl, approx=TRUE, B=1000, size=10, chunk=100, rand=NA){
if(cl == "max"){
stop("If a MAX-statistic should be used, then approx must be FALSE.")
return(maxStatSAM(data, size=size, B=B, chunk=chunk, rand=rand))
out <- fastTDT(data, cl, size=size)
null.out <- gtdt.null.approx(out$pval)
null.out <- gtdt.null.samp(data, cl, out$stat, size=size, B=B, chunk=chunk, rand=rand)
cap <- gsub("\\b(\\w)", "\\U\\1", cl, perl=TRUE)
msg <- paste("SAM for Trio Data (Based on", cap, "gTDT)\n\n")
list(d=out$stat,$, p.value=null.out$p.value,
vec.false=null.out$vec.false, s=out$se, s0=numeric(0),
mat.samp=null.out$mat.samp, msg=msg, fold=numeric(0))
gtdt.null.approx <- function(pval){
m <- length(na.exclude(pval)) <- qchisq(((1:m)-0.5)/m, 1)
list(, p.value=pval, vec.false=m*pval, mat.samp=matrix(numeric(0)))
maxStatSAM <- function(geno, size=10, B=1000, chunk=100, rand=NA){
n.snp <- ncol(geno)
int <- unique(c(, n.snp, size), n.snp+1))
stat <- numeric(n.snp)
matA <- matrix(0, n.snp, 4)
for(i in 1:(length(int)-1)){
tmpMat <- getStatsChunk(geno[, int[i]:(int[i+1]-1), drop=FALSE])
stat[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1)] <- tmpMat[,4]
matA[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1),] <- tmpMat[,c(1:3,5)]
vec.perm <- diff(unique(c(, B, chunk), B + 1)))
le.perm <- length(vec.perm) <- !
matA <- matA[,]
statnotna <- stat[]
ids.het <- matA[,3] == 0
d.rank <- rank(-statnotna, ties.method="first")
n.notna <- length(statnotna)
vecf <- -d.rank * le.perm
mat.dperm <- matrix(0, n.notna, le.perm)
for(i in 1:le.perm){
tmpMat <- matrix(NA, n.notna, vec.perm[i])
tmpMat[ids.het,] <- noBothHetMat(matA[ids.het, 1], matA[ids.het, 2], vec.perm[i])
tmpMat[!ids.het,] <- bothHetMat(matA[!ids.het, 1], matA[!ids.het, 2], matA[!ids.het, 3],
vec.perm[i], matA[!ids.het, 4])
tmpMat <- apply(tmpMat, 2, sort, na.last=FALSE)
mat.dperm[,i] <- rowSums(tmpMat, na.rm=TRUE)
tmple <- sum(!
vecf <- vecf + rank(-c(as.vector(tmpMat), statnotna), ties.method="first",
na.last=NA)[tmple + (1:n.notna)]
} <- rowSums(mat.dperm, na.rm=TRUE) / B
vec.false <- rep(NA, n.snp)
vec.false[] <- vecf/B
msg <- "SAM for Trio Data (Based on MAX gTDT)\n\n"
structure(list(d=stat,, vec.false=vec.false, p.value=vec.false/n.notna,
s=numeric(0), s0=numeric(0), mat.samp=matrix(numeric(0)), msg=msg, fold=numeric(0)))
noBothHetMat <- function(a12, a34, perm){
mat <- matrix(NA, length(a12), perm)
tmpids <- a34==0
tmpa12 <- a12[tmpids]
for(i in unique(tmpa12)){
a2 <- rbinom(perm, i, 0.5)
beta <- logit(a2/i)
v <- i / ((i-a2) * a2)
add <- beta*beta/v
a1 <- i - a2
h <- (1/3*a1 - a2) / (2*a1)
or <- sqrt(a2/(3*a1) + h*h) - h
beta <- log(or)
v <- (or+1)^2 / (i * or)
dom <- beta*beta/v
mat[tmpids & a12==i,] <- pmax(add, dom, na.rm=TRUE)
tmpa12 <- a12[!tmpids]
tmpa34 <- a34[!tmpids]
for(i in unique(tmpa12)){
a2 <- rbinom(perm, i, 0.5)
a1 <- i - a2
for(j in tmpa34[tmpa12==i]){
a4 <- rbinom(perm, j, 0.5)
a3 <- i - a4
num <- a2+a4
denom <- i+j
beta <- logit(num/denom)
v <- denom/((denom-num)*num)
add <- beta*beta/v
num <- (1/3*a1-a2) / (2*a1)
or <- sqrt(a2/(3*a1) + num*num) - num
beta <- log(or)
v <- (or+1)^2 / (i*or)
dom <- beta*beta/v
num <- (3*a3 - a4) / (2*(a3))
or <- sqrt(3*a4/a3 + num*num) - num
beta <- log(or)
v <- (or+1)^2 / (j*or)
rec <- beta*beta/v
mat[a12==i & a34==j,] <- pmax(add, dom, rec, na.rm=TRUE)
bothHetMat <- function(a12, a34, a567, perm, denom){
uni.val <- unique(a567)
mat <- matrix(NA, length(a567), perm)
for(i in uni.val){
tmpids <- which(a567 == i)
matA567 <- rmultinom(perm, i, c(0.25, 0.5, 0.25))
a5 <- matA567[1,]
a6 <- matA567[2,]
a7 <- matA567[3,]
for(j in tmpids){
a2 <- rbinom(perm, a12[j], 0.5)
a1 <- a12[j] - a2
a4 <- rbinom(perm, a34[j], 0.5)
a3 <- a34[j] - a4
h <- a2 + a4 + a6 + 2*a7
beta <- logit(h/denom[j])
v <- denom[j] / ((denom[j] - h) * h)
add <- beta * beta / v
d <- a6 + a7
h <- (1/3*a1 - a2 + a5 - 1/3*d) / (2 * (a1+a5))
tmp <- (a2 + d) / (3 * (a1+a5)) + h*h
or <- sqrt(tmp) - h
beta <- log(or)
v <- a12[j] * or/(or+1)^2 + i * or/(3*(or+1/3)^2)
#v <- 1/tmp
dom <- beta * beta * v
d <- a5 + a6
h <- (3*a3 - a4 + d - 3*a7) / (2*(a3+d))
tmp <- 3 * (a4+a7) / (a3+d) + h*h
or <- sqrt(tmp) - h
beta <- log(or)
v <- a34[j] * or/(or+1)^2 + 3 * i * or/(or+3)^2
rec <- beta * beta * v
mat[j,] <- pmax(add, dom, rec, na.rm=TRUE)
gtdt.null.samp <- function(geno, type, stat, size=10, B=1000, chunk=100, rand=NA){ <- !
statnotna <- stat[]
geno <- geno[,]
n.notna <- ncol(geno)
int <- unique(c(, n.notna, size), n.notna + 1))
matA <- matrix(NA, n.notna, 3 + as.numeric(type=="additive"))
for(i in 1:(length(int) - 1))
matA[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1),] <- getNullStats(geno[,int[i]:(int[i+1]-1), drop=FALSE], type)
vec.perm <- diff(unique(c(seq(1, B, chunk), B+1)))
n.perm <- length(vec.perm)
ids.het <- matA[,3] == 0
nullfun <-"gtdt.null", substring(type, 1, 3), sep="."))
mat.dperm <- matrix(0, n.notna, n.perm)
d.rank <- rank(-statnotna, ties.method="first")
vecf <- -d.rank * n.perm
for(i in 1:n.perm){
tmpmat <- nullfun(matA, vec.perm[i], ids.het)
tmpmat <- apply(tmpmat, 2, sort, na.last=FALSE)
mat.dperm[,i] <- rowSums(tmpmat, na.rm=TRUE)
tmple <- sum(!
vecf <- vecf + rank(-c(as.vector(tmpmat), statnotna), ties.method="first",
na.last=NA)[tmple + (1:n.notna)]
} <- rowSums(mat.dperm, na.rm=TRUE) / B
vec.false <- rep(NA, length(stat))
vec.false[] <- vecf / B
structure(list(, vec.false=vec.false, p.value=vec.false/n.notna,
getNullStats <- function(mat, type){
n.row <- nrow(mat)
tmp <- mat[, n.row, 3),, drop=FALSE] + 10 * mat[, n.row, 3),, drop=FALSE]
outmat <- matrix(NA, ncol(mat), 4)
outmat[,3:4] <- colSums(tmp==11, na.rm=TRUE)
if(type != "recessive")
outmat[,1] <- colSums(tmp==1, na.rm=TRUE) + colSums(tmp==10, na.rm=TRUE)
if(type != "dominant")
outmat[,2] <- colSums(tmp==12, na.rm=TRUE) + colSums(tmp==21, na.rm=TRUE)
if(type != "additive")
outmat[,4] <- rowSums(outmat, na.rm=TRUE)
gtdt.null.add <- function(matA, perm, idsHet){
mat <- matrix(NA, nrow(matA), perm)
tmpids <- idsHet & matA[,2]==0
tmpa12 <- matA[tmpids, 1]
for(i in unique(tmpa12)){
a2 <- rbinom(perm, i, 0.5)
beta <- logit(a2/i)
v <- i / ((i-a2) * a2)
mat[tmpids & matA[,1]==i,] <- beta*beta/v
tmpa12 <- matA[idsHet & matA[,2]!=0, 1]
tmpa34 <- matA[idsHet & matA[,2]!=0, 2]
for(i in unique(tmpa12)){
a2 <- rbinom(perm, i, 0.5)
for(j in tmpa34[tmpa12==i]){
a4 <- rbinom(perm, j, 0.5)
num <- a2 + a4
denom <- i + j
beta <- logit(num/denom)
v <- denom/((denom-num)*num)
mat[idsHet & matA[,1]==i & matA[,2]==j,] <- beta*beta/v
matA <- matA[!idsHet,]
mat2 <- matrix(NA, nrow(matA), perm)
uni.val <- unique(matA[, 3])
for(i in uni.val){
tmpids <- which(matA[,3]==i)
matMulti <- rmultinom(perm, i, c(0.25, 0.5, 0.25))
for(j in tmpids){
a2 <- rbinom(perm, matA[j,1], 0.5)
a4 <- rbinom(perm, matA[j,2], 0.5)
num <- a2 + a4 + matMulti[2,] + 2*matMulti[3,]
beta <- logit(num/matA[j,4])
v <- matA[j,4] / ((matA[j,4] - num) * num)
mat2[j,] <- beta * beta / v
mat[!idsHet,] <- mat2
gtdt.null.dom <- function(matA, perm, idsHet){
mat <- matrix(NA, nrow(matA), perm)
tmpids <- idsHet & matA[,1]>0
tmpa12 <- matA[tmpids, 1]
for(i in unique(tmpa12)){
d2 <- rbinom(perm, i, 0.5)
d1 <- i - d2
h <- (1/3*d1 - d2) / (2*d1)
or <- sqrt(d2 / (3*d1) + h*h) - h
beta <- log(or)
v <- (or+1)^2 / (i * or)
mat[tmpids & matA[,1]==i,] <- beta*beta/v
matA <- matA[!idsHet,]
mat2 <- matrix(NA, nrow(matA), perm)
uni.val <- unique(matA[,3])
for(i in uni.val){
tmpids <- which(matA[,3]==i)
d4 <- rbinom(perm, i, 0.75)
d3 <- i - d4
for(j in tmpids){
d2 <- rbinom(perm, matA[j,1], 0.5)
d1 <- matA[j,1] - d2
h <- (1/3 * d1 - d2 + d3 - 1/3 * d4) / (2 * (d1 + d3))
or <- sqrt((d2 + d4) / (3 * (d1 + d3)) + h * h) - h
beta <- log(or)
v <- matA[j,1] * or/(or+1)^2 + i * or / (3 * (or + 1/3)^2)
mat2[j,] <- beta*beta*v
mat[!idsHet,] <- mat2
gtdt.null.rec <- function(matA, perm, idsHet){
mat <- matrix(NA, nrow(matA), perm)
tmpids <- idsHet & matA[,2] > 0
tmpa34 <- matA[tmpids, 2]
for(i in unique(tmpa34)){
r2 <- rbinom(perm, i, 0.5)
r1 <- i - r2
h <- (3*r1 - r2) / (2*r1)
or <- sqrt(3*r2 / r1 + h*h) - h
beta <- log(or)
v <- (or + 1)^2/(i * or)
mat[tmpids & matA[,2]==i,] <- beta*beta/v
matA <- matA[!idsHet,]
mat2 <- matrix(NA, nrow(matA), perm)
uni.val <- unique(matA[,3])
for(i in uni.val){
tmpids <- which(matA[,3]==i)
r4 <- rbinom(perm, i, 0.25)
r3 <- i - r4
for(j in tmpids){
r2 <- rbinom(perm, matA[j,2], 0.5)
r1 <- matA[j,2] - r2
h <- (3*r1 - r2 + r3 - 3*r4) / (2 * (r1 + r3))
or <- sqrt(3 * (r2+r4) / (r1+r3) + h*h) - h
beta <- log(or)
v <- matA[j,2] * or/(or + 1)^2 + 3*i * or/(or + 3)^2
mat2[j,] <- beta*beta*v
mat[!idsHet,] <- mat2
colTDTebam <- function(mat.snp, model=c("additive", "dominant", "recessive", "max"), approx=NULL,
B=1000, size=10, chunk=100, n.interval=NULL, df.ratio=3, df.dens=3,
knots.mode=TRUE, type.nclass=c("wand", "FD", "scott"), fast=FALSE, rand=NA){
stop("mat.snp must be a matrix.")
if(nrow(mat.snp) %%3 != 0)
stop("mat.snp does not seem to contain trio data, as its number of rows is\n",
"not dividable by 3.")
stop("mat.snp does not seem to be a matrix in genotype format,\n",
"as the names of the rows are missing.")
if(any(!mat.snp %in% c(0:2, NA)))
stop("The values in mat.snp must be 0, 1, and 2.")
type <- match.arg(model)
approx <- type != "max"
stop("approx must be a logic variable.")
ebam(mat.snp, numeric(ncol(mat.snp)), method=gtdt.ebam, model=type, delta=0.9, gene.names=NULL, approx=approx,
B=B, size=size, chunk=chunk, n.interval=n.interval, df.ratio=df.ratio, df.dens=df.dens,
knots.mode=knots.mode, type.nclass=type.nclass, fast=fast, rand=rand)
gtdt.ebam <- function(data, cl, model, approx=TRUE, B=1000, size=10, chunk=100, n.interval=NULL, df.ratio=3,
df.dens=3, knots.mode=TRUE, type.nclass=c("wand", "FD", "scott"), fast=FALSE, rand=NA){
cl <- model
type.nclass <- match.arg(type.nclass)
stop("If a MAX-statistic should be used, then approx must be set to FALSE.")
return(maxStatEBAM(data, size=size, B=B, chunk=chunk, n.interval=n.interval,
df.ratio=df.ratio, type.nclass=type.nclass, fast=fast,rand=rand))
out <- fastTDT(data, cl, size=size)
cap <- gsub("\\b(\\w)", "\\U\\1", cl, perl=TRUE)
msg <- paste("EBAM for Trio Data (Based on", cap, "gTDT)\n\n")
ids.notna <- !$stat)
warning("For ", sum(!ids.notna), " SNPs, the gTDT statistic cannot be computed.\n",
"These SNPs are removed from the analysis and the results.")
statnotna <- out$stat[ids.notna]
names(statnotna) <- colnames(data[,ids.notna])
return(gtdt.null.approx2(statnotna, out$pval[ids.notna], n.interval=n.interval, df.dens=df.dens,
knots.mode=knots.mode, type.nclass=type.nclass, msg=msg))
tmpfun <-"nclass", type.nclass, sep="."))
n.interval <- max(tmpfun(statnotna), 139)
if(n.interval < 20)
stop("n.interval should be at least 20.")
interval <- seq(floor(100 * min(statnotna))/100, ceiling(100*max(statnotna))/100, length=n.interval+1)
center <- (interval[2] - interval[1])/2 + interval[-length(interval)]
success <- tabulate(cut(statnotna, interval, include.lowest=TRUE), n.interval)
fail.out <- compFailTDT(data[,ids.notna], statnotna, interval, cl, B=B, size=size, chunk=chunk,
fast=fast, rand=rand)
ratio <- estimateRatioTDT(center, success, fail.out$, statnotna, df.ratio=df.ratio)
return(list(z=statnotna, ratio=ratio, success=success, failure=fail.out$,
center=center, mat.samp=matrix(rep(NA, B)), msg=msg))
structure(list(z=statnotna, ratio=ratio, vec.pos=fail.out$vec.pos/B, vec.neg=fail.out$vec.neg/B,
mat.samp=matrix(numeric(0)), msg=msg))
gtdt.null.approx2 <- function(stat, pval, n.interval=NULL, df.dens=3, knots.mode=TRUE, type.nclass="wand",
requireNamespace("siggenes", quietly = TRUE)
ids.notna <- !
statnotna <- stat[ids.notna]
z.dens <- vec.neg <- rep(NA, length(stat))
z.dens[ids.notna] <- denspr(statnotna, n.interval=n.interval, df=df.dens, knots.mode=knots.mode,
vec.pos <- length(statnotna) * pval
vec.neg[ids.notna] <- 0
z.null <- dchisq(stat, 1)
structure(list(z=stat, ratio=z.null/z.dens, vec.pos=vec.pos, vec.neg=vec.neg, msg=msg))
compFailTDT <- function(geno, z, interval, type, B=1000, size=10, chunk=100, fast=FALSE, rand=NA){
n.snp <- length(z)
int <- unique(c(, n.snp, size), n.snp + 1))
matA <- matrix(NA, n.snp, 3 + as.numeric(type=="additive"))
for(i in 1:(length(int)-1))
matA[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1),] <- getNullStats(geno[,int[i]:(int[i+1]-1), drop=FALSE], type)
vec.perm <- diff(unique(c(seq(1, B, chunk), B+1)))
n.perm <- length(vec.perm)
ids.het <- matA[,3] == 0
nullfun <-"gtdt.null", substring(type, 1, 3), sep="."))
z.min <- min(z)
z.max <- max(z) <- length(interval) - 1 <- numeric(
vec.neg <- numeric(n.snp)
vec.pos <- -n.perm * rank(-z, ties.method="first")
vec.pos <- vec.neg <- NULL
for(i in 1:n.perm){
tmpmat <- nullfun(matA, vec.perm[i], ids.het)
z.perm <- tmpmat[!]
z.perm[z.perm < z.min] <- z.min
z.perm[z.perm > z.max] <- z.max
tmpbin <- cut(z.perm, interval, include.lowest=TRUE) <- + tabulate(tmpbin,
vec.pos <- vec.pos + rank(-c(z.perm, z), ties.method="first")[length(z.perm) + (1:n.snp)]
structure(list(, vec.pos=vec.pos, vec.neg=vec.neg))
estimateRatioTDT <- function(center, succ, fail, stat, df.ratio=3){
# requireNamespace("splines")
n.obs <- succ + fail
ids <- n.obs > 0
tmpmat <- ns.out <- splines::ns(center[ids], df.ratio)
class(tmpmat) <- "matrix"
dat <- data.frame(s=succ[ids], f=fail[ids], tmpmat)
glm.out <- glm(cbind(s, f) ~ ., data=dat, family=binomial)
pred <- predict(ns.out, stat)
class(pred) <- "matrix"
probs <- predict(glm.out, data.frame(pred), type="response")
B <- sum(fail) / sum(succ)
(1-probs) / (B * probs)
maxStatEBAM <- function(geno, size=10, B=1000, chunk=100, n.interval=NULL, df.ratio=3, type.nclass="wand",
fast=FALSE, rand=NA){
n.snp <- ncol(geno)
int <- unique(c(, n.snp, size), n.snp+1))
stat <- numeric(n.snp)
matA <- matrix(0, n.snp, 4)
for(i in 1:(length(int)-1)){
tmpMat <- getStatsChunk(geno[,int[i]:(int[i+1]-1), drop=FALSE])
stat[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1)] <- tmpMat[,4]
matA[int[i]:(int[i+1]-1), ] <- tmpMat[,c(1:3,5)]
vec.perm <- diff(unique(c(, B, chunk), B+1)))
le.perm <- length(vec.perm) <- !
matA <- matA[,]
stat <- stat[]
names(stat) <- colnames(geno)[]
warning("For ", sum(!, " SNPs, the gTDT statistic cannot be computed.\n",
"These SNPs are removed from the analysis and the results.")
tmpfun <-"nclass", type.nclass, sep="."))
n.interval <- max(tmpfun(stat), 139)
if(n.interval < 20)
stop("n.interval should be at least 20.")
interval <- seq(floor(100 * min(stat))/100, ceiling(100*max(stat))/100, length=n.interval+1)
center <- (interval[2] - interval[1])/2 + interval[-length(interval)]
success <- tabulate(cut(stat, interval, include.lowest=TRUE), n.interval)
fail.out <- compFailTDTmax(geno[,], stat, matA, interval, B=B, size=size, chunk=chunk,
fast=fast, rand=rand)
ratio <- estimateRatioTDT(center, success, fail.out$, stat, df.ratio=df.ratio)
msg <- "EBAM for Trio Data (Based on MAX gTDT)\n\n"
out <- list(z=stat, ratio=ratio, success=success, failure=fail.out$, center=center,
mat.samp=matrix(rep(NA,B)), msg=msg)
out <- list(z=stat, ratio=ratio, vec.pos=fail.out$vec.pos/B, vec.neg=fail.out$vec.neg/B,
mat.samp=matrix(numeric(0)), msg=msg)
compFailTDTmax <- function(geno, stat, matA, interval, B=1000, size=10, chunk=100, fast=FALSE, rand=NA){
n.snp <- length(stat)
vec.perm <- diff(unique(c(seq(1, B, chunk), B+1)))
n.perm <- length(vec.perm)
ids.het <- matA[,3]==0
z.min <- min(stat)
z.max <- max(stat) <- length(interval) - 1 <- numeric(
vec.neg <- numeric(n.snp)
vec.pos <- -n.perm * rank(-stat, ties.method="first")
vec.pos <- vec.neg <- NULL
for(i in 1:n.perm){
tmpmat <- matrix(NA, n.snp, vec.perm[i])
tmpmat[ids.het,] <- noBothHetMat(matA[ids.het, 1], matA[ids.het, 2], vec.perm[i])
tmpmat[!ids.het,] <- bothHetMat(matA[!ids.het, 1], matA[!ids.het, 2], matA[!ids.het, 3],
vec.perm[i], matA[!ids.het, 4])
z.perm <- tmpmat[!]
z.perm[z.perm < z.min] <- z.min
z.perm[z.perm > z.max] <- z.max
tmpbin <- cut(z.perm, interval, include.lowest=TRUE) <- + tabulate(tmpbin,
vec.pos <- vec.pos + rank(-c(z.perm, stat), ties.method="first")[length(z.perm)+(1:n.snp)]
structure(list(, vec.pos=vec.pos, vec.neg=vec.neg))
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