# Manipulate the objects to extract meaningul values ----
### lpmatrix given X and design
predictGAM <- function(lpmatrix, df, pseudotime, conditions = NULL){
# this function is an alternative of predict.gam(model, newdata = df, type = "lpmatrix")
# lpmatrix is the linear predictor matrix of the GAM model
# df is a data frame of values for which we want the lpmatrix
# pseudotime is the n x l matrix of pseudotimes
# conditions is the vector of conditions, if present.
# if pseudotime is vector, make it a matrix.
if(is.null(dim(pseudotime))) pseudotime <- matrix(pseudotime,ncol=1)
condPresent <- !is.null(conditions)
if(condPresent) nConditions <- nlevels(conditions)
# for each curve, specify basis function IDs for lpmatrix
allBs <- grep(x = colnames(lpmatrix), pattern = "t[1-9]):l[1-9]")
lineages <- as.numeric(substr(x = colnames(lpmatrix[,allBs]),
start = 4, stop = 4))
nCurves <- length(unique(lineages))
for (ii in seq_len(nCurves)) {
assign(paste0("id",ii), allBs[which(lineages == ii)])
} else if(condPresent){
lineages <- as.numeric(substr(x = colnames(lpmatrix[,allBs]),
start = 8, stop = 8))
nLineages <- length(unique(lineages))
curves <- as.numeric(substr(x = colnames(lpmatrix[,allBs]),
start = 8, stop = 9))
nCurves <- length(unique(curves))
for (ii in seq_len(nLineages)) {
for(kk in seq_len(nConditions))
assign(paste0("id",ii, kk), allBs[which(curves == paste0(ii, kk))])
# specify lineage assignment for each cell (i.e., row of lpmatrix)
lineageID <- apply(lpmatrix, 1, function(x){
for (ii in seq_len(nCurves)) {
if (!all(x[get(paste0("id", ii))] == 0)) {
} else if(condPresent){
# first number is lineage, second number is condition.
lineageID <- apply(lpmatrix, 1, function(x){
for (ii in seq_len(nLineages)) {
# loop over lineages
for(kk in seq_len(nConditions)){
# loop over conditions
if (!all(x[get(paste0("id", ii, kk))] == 0)) {
return(as.numeric(paste0(ii, kk)))
# fit splinefun for each basis function based on assigned cells
if(!condPresent) {
for (ii in seq_len(nCurves)) { # loop over curves
for (jj in seq_len(length(allBs) / nCurves)) { #within curve, loop over basis functions
stats::splinefun(x = pseudotime[lineageID == ii, ii],
y = lpmatrix[lineageID == ii, #only cells for lineage
get(paste0("id", ii))[jj]],
ties = mean)) #basis function
} else if(condPresent) {
for (ii in seq_len(nLineages)) {
# loop over curves
for(kk in seq_len(nConditions)){
for (jj in seq_len(length(allBs) / (nLineages * nConditions))) {
#within curve, loop over basis functions
x = pseudotime[lineageID == as.numeric(paste0(ii, kk)), ii],
y = lpmatrix[lineageID == as.numeric(paste0(ii, kk)), #only cells for lineage
get(paste0("id", ii, kk))[jj]],
ties = mean)) #basis function
# use input to estimate X for each basis function
Xout <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(df), ncol = ncol(lpmatrix))
for (ii in seq_len(nCurves)) { # loop over curves
if (all(df[, paste0("l", ii)] == 1)) { # only predict if weight = 1
for (jj in seq_len(length(allBs) / nCurves)) { # within curve, loop over basis functions
f <- get(paste0("l", ii, ".", jj))
Xout[, get(paste0("id", ii))[jj]] <- f(df[, paste0("t", ii)])
} else if(condPresent){
# for (ii in (seq_len(nCurves)[seq(2, nCurves, by=2)])/2) {
for (ii in seq_len(nLineages)) {
# loop over curves
for(kk in seq_len(nConditions)){
# loop over conditions
if (all(df[, paste0("l", ii, kk)] != 0)) { # only predict if weight = 1
for (jj in seq_len(length(allBs) / (nLineages * nConditions))) {
# within curve, loop over basis functions
f <- get(paste0("l", ii, kk, ".", jj))
Xout[, get(paste0("id", ii, kk))[jj]] <- f(df[, paste0("t", ii)])
# add fixed covariates as in df
dfSmoothID <- grep(x = colnames(df), pattern = "[t|l][1-9]")
dfOffsetID <- grep(x = colnames(df), pattern = "offset")
Xout[, -allBs] <- df[, -c(dfSmoothID, dfOffsetID)]
# return
colnames(Xout) <- colnames(lpmatrix)
# get predictor matrix for the end point of a smoother.
.getPredictEndPointDf <- function(dm, lineageId){
# note that X or offset variables dont matter as long as they are the same,
# since they will get canceled.
vars <- dm[1, ]
vars <- vars[!colnames(vars) %in% "y"]
offsetId <- grep(x = colnames(vars), pattern = "offset")
offsetName <- colnames(vars)[offsetId]
offsetName <- substr(offsetName, start = 8, stop = nchar(offsetName) - 1)
names(vars)[offsetId] <- offsetName
# set all times on 0
vars[, grep(colnames(vars), pattern = "t[1-9]")] <- 0
# set all lineages on 0
vars[, grep(colnames(vars), pattern = "l[1-9]")] <- 0
# set max pseudotime for lineage of interest
lineageIds <- grep(colnames(vars), pattern = paste0("l", lineageId))
if (length(lineageIds) == 1){
vars[, paste0("t", lineageId)] <- max(dm[dm[, paste0("l", lineageId)] == 1,
paste0("t", lineageId)])
} else {
vars[, paste0("t", lineageId)] <- max(dm[rowSums(dm[, lineageIds]) == 1,
paste0("t", lineageId)])
# set lineage
vars[, lineageIds] <- 1 / length(lineageIds)
# set offset
vars[, offsetName] <- mean(dm[, grep(x = colnames(dm),
pattern = "offset")])
# get predictor matrix for the start point of a smoother.
.getPredictStartPointDf <- function(dm, lineageId){
# note that X or offset variables dont matter as long as they are the same,
# since they will get canceled.
vars <- dm[1, ]
vars <- vars[!colnames(vars) %in% "y"]
offsetId <- grep(x = colnames(vars), pattern = "offset")
offsetName <- colnames(vars)[offsetId]
offsetName <- substr(offsetName, start = 8, stop = nchar(offsetName) - 1)
names(vars)[offsetId] <- offsetName
# set all times on 0
vars[, grep(colnames(vars), pattern = "t[1-9]")] <- 0
# set all lineages on 0
vars[, grep(colnames(vars), pattern = "l[1-9]")] <- 0
# set lineage
lineageIds <- grep(colnames(vars), pattern = paste0("l", lineageId))
vars[, lineageIds] <- 1 / length(lineageIds)
# set offset
vars[, offsetName] <- mean(dm[, grep(x = colnames(dm),
pattern = "offset")])
# get predictor matrix for a custom pseudotime point.
.getPredictCustomPointDf <- function(dm, lineageId, pseudotime){
# note that X or offset variables dont matter as long as they are the same,
# since they will get canceled.
vars <- dm[1, ]
vars <- vars[!colnames(vars) %in% "y"]
offsetId <- grep(x = colnames(vars), pattern = "offset")
offsetName <- colnames(vars)[offsetId]
offsetName <- substr(offsetName, start = 8, stop = nchar(offsetName) - 1)
names(vars)[offsetId] <- offsetName
# set all times on 0
vars[, grep(colnames(vars), pattern = "t[1-9]")] <- 0
# set all lineages on 0
vars[, grep(colnames(vars), pattern = "l[1-9]")] <- 0
# set lineage
lineageIds <- grep(colnames(vars), pattern = paste0("l", lineageId))
vars[, lineageIds] <- 1 / length(lineageIds)
# set custom pseudotime
vars[, paste0("t", lineageId)] <- pseudotime
# set offset
vars[, offsetName] <- mean(dm[, grep(x = colnames(dm),
pattern = "offset")])
# get the first non-errored fit in models
.getModelReference <- function(models){
for (i in seq_len(length(models))) {
m <- models[[i]]
if (is(m)[1] != "try-error") return(m)
stop("All models errored")
## temporary version of Wald test that also outputs FC.
## Made this such that other tests don't break as we update relevant tests to
## also return fold changes. This should become the default one over time.
waldTestFC <- function(beta, Sigma, L, l2fc=0){
# lfc is the log2 fold change threhshold to test against.
### build a contrast matrix for a multivariate Wald test
LQR <- L[, qr(L)$pivot[seq_len(qr(L)$rank)], drop = FALSE]
# solve through cholesky decomposition: faster
# sigmaInv <- try(chol2inv(chol(t(LQR) %*% Sigma %*% LQR)), silent = TRUE)
# solve through QR decomposition: more stable
sigmaInv <- try(qr.solve(t(LQR) %*% Sigma %*% LQR), silent = TRUE)
if (is(sigmaInv, "try-error")) {
return(c(NA, NA, NA))
logFCCutoff <- log(2^l2fc) # log2 to log scale
estFC <- (t(LQR) %*% beta) # estimated log fold change
est <- matrix(sign(estFC) * (pmax(0, abs(estFC) - logFCCutoff)), ncol = 1) # zero or remainder
wald <- t(est) %*%
sigmaInv %*%
if (wald < 0) wald <- 0
df <- ncol(LQR)
pval <- 1 - stats::pchisq(wald, df = df)
## get ALL observed fold changes for output
# obsFC <- t(L) %*% beta
# return(c(wald, df, pval, obsFC))
return(c(wald, df, pval))
# get predictor matrix for a range of pseudotimes of a smoother.
.getPredictRangeDf <- function(dm, lineageId, conditionId = NULL, nPoints = 100){
vars <- dm[1, ]
if ("y" %in% colnames(vars)) {
vars <- vars[!colnames(vars) %in% "y"]
off <- 1
} else {
off <- 0
offsetId <- grep(x = colnames(vars), pattern = "offset")
offsetName <- colnames(vars)[offsetId]
offsetName <- substr(offsetName, start = 8, stop = nchar(offsetName) - 1)
names(vars)[offsetId] <- offsetName
# set all times on 0
vars[, grep(colnames(vars), pattern = "t[1-9]")] <- 0
# set all lineages on 0
vars[, grep(colnames(vars), pattern = "l[1-9]")] <- 0
# duplicate to nPoints
vars <- rbind(vars, vars[rep(1, nPoints - 1), ])
# set range of pseudotime for lineage of interest
if (is.null(conditionId)) {
lineageIds <- grep(colnames(vars), pattern = paste0("l", lineageId))
} else {
lineageIds <- grep(colnames(vars), pattern = paste0("l", lineageId, conditionId))
if (length(lineageIds) == 1){
lineageData <- dm[dm[, lineageIds + off] == 1,
paste0("t", lineageId)]
} else {
lineageData <- dm[rowSums(dm[, lineageIds + off]) == 1,
paste0("t", lineageId)]
# make sure lineage starts at zero
if(min(lineageData) / max(lineageData) < .01) {
lineageData[which.min(lineageData)] <- 0
vars[, lineageIds] <- 1 / length(lineageIds)
# set lineage
vars[, paste0("t", lineageId)] <- seq(min(lineageData),
length = nPoints)
# set offset
vars[, offsetName] <- mean(dm[, grep(x = colnames(dm),
pattern = "offset")])
.patternDf <- function(dm, knots = NULL, knotPoints = NULL, nPoints = 100){
nLineages <- length(grep(x = colnames(dm), pattern = "t[1-9]"))
Knot <- !is.null(knots)
if (Knot) {
t1 <- knotPoints[knots[1]]
t2 <- knotPoints[knots[2]]
# get predictor matrix for every lineage.
dfList <- list()
for (jj in seq_len(nLineages)) {
df <- .getPredictRangeDf(dm, jj, nPoints = nPoints)
if (Knot) {
df[, paste0("t", jj)] <- seq(t1, t2, length.out = nPoints)
dfList[[jj]] <- df
.patternDfPairwise <- function(dm, curves, knots = NULL, knotPoints = NULL,
nPoints = 100){
Knot <- !is.null(knots)
if (Knot) {
t1 <- knotPoints[knots[1]]
t2 <- knotPoints[knots[2]]
# get predictor matrix for every lineage.
dfList <- list()
for (jj in seq_len(2)) {
df <- .getPredictRangeDf(dm, curves[jj], nPoints = nPoints)
if (Knot) {
df[, paste0("t", curves[jj])] <- seq(t1, t2, length.out = nPoints)
dfList[[jj]] <- df
getEigenStatGAM <- function(beta, Sigma, L){
est <- t(L) %*% beta
sigma <- t(L) %*% Sigma %*% L
eSigma <- eigen(sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
r <- try(sum(eSigma$values / eSigma$values[1] > 1e-8), silent = TRUE)
if (is(r)[1] == "try-error") {
return(c(NA, NA))
halfCovInv <- eSigma$vectors[, seq_len(r),drop=FALSE] %*%
(diag(x=1 / sqrt(eSigma$values[seq_len(r)]), nrow=r, ncol=r))
halfStat <- t(est) %*% halfCovInv
stat <- crossprod(t(halfStat))
return(c(stat, r))
getEigenStatGAMFC <- function(beta, Sigma, L, l2fc, eigenThresh=1e-2){
estFC <- t(L) %*% beta
logFCCutoff <- log(2^l2fc) # log2 to log scale
est <- sign(estFC)*pmax(0, abs(estFC) - logFCCutoff) # zero or remainder
sigma <- t(L) %*% Sigma %*% L
eSigma <- eigen(sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
r <- try(sum(eSigma$values / eSigma$values[1] > eigenThresh), silent = TRUE)
if (is(r)[1] == "try-error") {
return(c(NA, NA))
if (r == 1) return(c(NA, NA)) # CHECK
halfCovInv <- eSigma$vectors[, seq_len(r)] %*% (diag(1 / sqrt(eSigma$values[seq_len(r)])))
halfStat <- t(est) %*% halfCovInv
stat <- crossprod(t(halfStat))
return(c(stat, r))
.getFoldChanges <- function(beta, L){
apply(L,2,function(contrast) contrast %*% beta)
# Monocle stuff ----
#' @title Extract info from Monocle models
#' @description This function extracts info that will be used downstream to make
#' \code{CellDataSet} objects compatible with a \code{tradeSeq}
#' analysis
#' @rdname extract_monocle_info
#' @param cds A \code{CellDataSet} object.
#' @details For now, this only works for the DDRTree dimentionality reduction.
#' It is the one recommanded by the Monocle developers.
#' @return
#' A list with four objects. A \code{pseudotime} matrix and a \code{cellWeights}
#' matrix that can be used as input to \code{\link{fitGAM}} or
#' \code{\link{evaluateK}}, the reduced dimension matrix for the cells, and a
#' list of length the number of lineages, containing the reduced dimension of
#' each lineage.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom Biobase exprs
#' @import monocle
#' @importFrom igraph degree shortest_paths
#' @export
extract_monocle_info <- function(cds) {
if (cds@dim_reduce_type != "DDRTree") {
stop(paste0("For now tradeSeq only support Monocle with DDRTree",
"reduction. If you want to use another type",
"please use another format for tradeSeq inputs."))
# Get the reduced dimension of DDRT
rd <- t(monocle::reducedDimS(cds)) %>%
# Get the various lineages info for weights and pseudotime
y_to_cells <- cds@auxOrderingData[["DDRTree"]]
y_to_cells <- y_to_cells$pr_graph_cell_proj_closest_vertex %>%
y_to_cells$cells <- rownames(y_to_cells)
y_to_cells$Y <- y_to_cells$V1
root <- cds@auxOrderingData[[cds@dim_reduce_type]]$root_cell
root <- y_to_cells$Y[y_to_cells$cells == root]
mst <- monocle::minSpanningTree(cds)
endpoints <- names(which(igraph::degree(mst) == 1))
endpoints <- endpoints[endpoints != paste0("Y_", root)]
cellWeights <- lapply(endpoints, function(endpoint) {
path <- igraph::shortest_paths(mst, root, endpoint)$vpath[[1]]
path <- as.character(path)
df <- y_to_cells[y_to_cells$Y %in% path, ]
df <- data.frame(weights = as.numeric(colnames(cds) %in% df$cells))
colnames(df) <- endpoint
}) %>% = 'cbind', args = .)
pseudotime <- sapply(cellWeights, function(w) cds$Pseudotime)
rownames(cellWeights) <- rownames(pseudotime) <- colnames(cds)
# Get the lineages representation
edges_rd <- t(monocle::reducedDimK(cds)) %>%
rd_lineages <- lapply(endpoints, function(endpoint){
path <- igraph::shortest_paths(mst, root, endpoint)$vpath[[1]]
path <- as.character(path)
path <- paste("Y", path, sep = "_")
return(edges_rd[path, ])
return(list("pseudotime" = pseudotime,
"cellWeights" = as.matrix(cellWeights)))
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