### R code from vignette source 'topGO.Rnw'
### code chunk number 1: topGO.Rnw:40-43
options(width = 95)
## we better keep the data in data frames as strings
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
### code chunk number 2: topGO.Rnw:67-73
x <- topGO:::.algoComp[, -8]
x <- x[, colSums(x) > 0]
yesPic <- "\\includegraphics[width=3mm]{green_ckmark.png}"
noPic <- "\\includegraphics[width=3mm]{red_ckmark.png}"
x[x == 1] <- yesPic
x[x == "0"] <- noPic
### code chunk number 3: topGO.Rnw:78-83
print(xtable(x, align = c("l", rep("c", ncol(x)))),
type = "latex", sanitize.text.function = function(x) return(x),
floating = FALSE)
### code chunk number 4: topGO.Rnw:112-115 (eval = FALSE)
## if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
## install.packages("BiocManager")
## BiocManager::install()
### code chunk number 5: topGO.Rnw:120-123 (eval = FALSE)
## if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
## install.packages("BiocManager")
## BiocManager::install("topGO")
### code chunk number 6: topGO.Rnw:165-169
### code chunk number 7: topGO.Rnw:179-181
affyLib <- paste(annotation(ALL), "db", sep = ".")
library(package = affyLib, character.only = TRUE)
### code chunk number 8: topGO.Rnw:191-192
### code chunk number 9: topGO.Rnw:199-204
sampleGOdata <- new("topGOdata",
description = "Simple session", ontology = "BP",
allGenes = geneList, geneSel = topDiffGenes,
nodeSize = 10,
annot = annFUN.db, affyLib = affyLib)
### code chunk number 10: topGO.Rnw:217-218
### code chunk number 11: topGO.Rnw:239-240
resultFisher <- runTest(sampleGOdata, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "fisher")
### code chunk number 12: topGO.Rnw:245-246
### code chunk number 13: topGO.Rnw:252-254
resultKS <- runTest(sampleGOdata, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "ks")
resultKS.elim <- runTest(sampleGOdata, algorithm = "elim", statistic = "ks")
### code chunk number 14: topGO.Rnw:272-275
allRes <- GenTable(sampleGOdata, classicFisher = resultFisher,
classicKS = resultKS, elimKS = resultKS.elim,
orderBy = "elimKS", ranksOf = "classicFisher", topNodes = 10)
### code chunk number 15: topGO.Rnw:285-287
print(xtable(apply(allRes, 2, as.character)), floating = FALSE)
### code chunk number 16: topGO.Rnw:302-306
colMap <- function(x) {
.col <- rep(rev(heat.colors(length(unique(x)))), time = table(x))
return(.col[match(1:length(x), order(x))])
### code chunk number 17: topGO.Rnw:309-318 (eval = FALSE)
## pValue.classic <- score(resultKS)
## pValue.elim <- score(resultKS.elim)[names(pValue.classic)]
## gstat <- termStat(sampleGOdata, names(pValue.classic))
## gSize <- gstat$Annotated / max(gstat$Annotated) * 4
## gCol <- colMap(gstat$Significant)
## plot(pValue.classic, pValue.elim, xlab = "p-value classic", ylab = "p-value elim",
## pch = 19, cex = gSize, col = gCol)
### code chunk number 18: topGO.Rnw:325-339
pValue.classic <- score(resultKS)
pValue.elim <- score(resultKS.elim)[names(pValue.classic)]
gstat <- termStat(sampleGOdata, names(pValue.classic))
gSize <- gstat$Annotated / max(gstat$Annotated) * 4
gCol <- colMap(gstat$Significant)
par(mfcol = c(1, 2), cex = 1)
plot(pValue.classic, pValue.elim, xlab = "p-value classic", ylab = "p-value elim",
pch = 19, cex = gSize, col = gCol)
plot(pValue.classic, pValue.elim, log = "xy", xlab = "log(p-value) classic", ylab = "log(p-value) elim",
pch = 19, cex = gSize, col = gCol)
### code chunk number 19: topGO.Rnw:355-359
sel.go <- names(pValue.classic)[pValue.elim < pValue.classic]
cbind(termStat(sampleGOdata, sel.go),
elim = pValue.elim[sel.go],
classic = pValue.classic[sel.go])
### code chunk number 20: topGO.Rnw:374-375 (eval = FALSE)
## showSigOfNodes(sampleGOdata, score(resultKS.elim), firstSigNodes = 5, useInfo = 'all')
### code chunk number 21: topGO.Rnw:378-379
printGraph(sampleGOdata, resultKS.elim, firstSigNodes = 5, fn.prefix = "tGO", useInfo = "all", pdfSW = TRUE)
### code chunk number 22: topGO.Rnw:411-414
### code chunk number 23: topGO.Rnw:422-424
BPterms <- ls(GOBPTerm)
### code chunk number 24: topGO.Rnw:437-440
selProbes <- genefilter(ALL, filterfun(pOverA(0.20, log2(100)), function(x) (IQR(x) > 0.25)))
eset <- ALL[selProbes, ]
### code chunk number 25: topGO.Rnw:539-541
geneID2GO <- readMappings(file = system.file("examples/", package = "topGO"))
### code chunk number 26: topGO.Rnw:563-565
GO2geneID <- inverseList(geneID2GO)
### code chunk number 27: topGO.Rnw:579-581
geneNames <- names(geneID2GO)
### code chunk number 28: topGO.Rnw:587-591
myInterestingGenes <- sample(geneNames, length(geneNames) / 10)
geneList <- factor(as.integer(geneNames %in% myInterestingGenes))
names(geneList) <- geneNames
### code chunk number 29: topGO.Rnw:605-607
GOdata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "MF", allGenes = geneList,
annot = annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO = geneID2GO)
### code chunk number 30: topGO.Rnw:621-622
### code chunk number 31: topGO.Rnw:645-647
y <- as.integer(sapply(eset$BT, function(x) return(substr(x, 1, 1) == 'T')))
### code chunk number 32: topGO.Rnw:656-657
geneList <- getPvalues(exprs(eset), classlabel = y, alternative = "greater")
### code chunk number 33: topGO.Rnw:670-675
topDiffGenes <- function(allScore) {
return(allScore < 0.01)
x <- topDiffGenes(geneList)
sum(x) ## the number of selected genes
### code chunk number 34: topGO.Rnw:681-689
GOdata <- new("topGOdata",
description = "GO analysis of ALL data; B-cell vs T-cell",
ontology = "BP",
allGenes = geneList,
geneSel = topDiffGenes,
annot = annFUN.db,
nodeSize = 5,
affyLib = affyLib)
### code chunk number 35: topGO.Rnw:721-729
allProb <- featureNames(ALL)
groupProb <- integer(length(allProb)) + 1
groupProb[allProb %in% genes(GOdata)] <- 0
groupProb[!selProbes] <- 2
groupProb <- factor(groupProb, labels = c("Used", "Not annotated", "Filtered"))
tt <- table(groupProb)
### code chunk number 36: topGO.Rnw:751-755 (eval = FALSE)
## pValue <- getPvalues(exprs(ALL), classlabel = y, alternative = "greater")
## geneVar <- apply(exprs(ALL), 1, var)
## dd <- data.frame(x = geneVar[allProb], y = log10(pValue[allProb]), groups = groupProb)
## xyplot(y ~ x | groups, data = dd, groups = groups)
### code chunk number 37: topGO.Rnw:759-782
pValue <- getPvalues(exprs(ALL), classlabel = y, alternative = "greater")
geneVar <- apply(exprs(ALL), 1, var)
dd <- data.frame(x = geneVar[allProb], y = log10(pValue[allProb]), groups = groupProb)
trellis.device(device = pdf, theme = col.whitebg(), file = "whichProbe.pdf", width = 9, height = 7)
legendLab <- paste(names(table(groupProb)), " (#", table(groupProb), ")", sep = "")
pP <- xyplot(y ~ x | groups, data = dd, groups = groups,
xlab = "Variance", ylab = "Log of p-values",
layout = c(2, 2),
key = list(text = list(lab = legendLab),
points = list(pch = 20, cex = 2,
col = Rows(trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol"), 1:3)$col),
size = 7, padding.text = 3,
x = .65, y = .7, corner = c(0, 0), border = TRUE, cex = 1),
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
selY <- y <= -2
panel.xyplot(x[selY], y[selY], pch = 2, ...)
panel.xyplot(x[!selY], y[!selY], pch = 20, ...)
panel.abline(h = -2, lty = 2, col = "black")
### code chunk number 38: topGO.Rnw:805-808
description(GOdata) <- paste(description(GOdata), "Object modified on:", format(Sys.time(), "%d %b %Y"), sep = " ")
### code chunk number 39: topGO.Rnw:814-817
a <- genes(GOdata) ## obtain the list of genes
### code chunk number 40: topGO.Rnw:824-827
selGenes <- sample(a, 10)
gs <- geneScore(GOdata, whichGenes = selGenes)
### code chunk number 41: topGO.Rnw:831-836
gs <- geneScore(GOdata, whichGenes = selGenes, use.names = FALSE)
gs <- geneScore(GOdata, use.names = FALSE)
### code chunk number 42: topGO.Rnw:840-843
sg <- sigGenes(GOdata)
### code chunk number 43: topGO.Rnw:850-854
.geneList <- geneScore(GOdata, use.names = TRUE)
GOdata ## more available genes
GOdata <- updateGenes(GOdata, .geneList, topDiffGenes)
GOdata ## the available genes are now the feasible genes
### code chunk number 44: topGO.Rnw:861-865
graph(GOdata) ## returns the GO graph
ug <- usedGO(GOdata)
### code chunk number 45: topGO.Rnw:870-877
sel.terms <- sample(usedGO(GOdata), 10)
num.ann.genes <- countGenesInTerm(GOdata, sel.terms) ## the number of annotated genes
ann.genes <- genesInTerm(GOdata, sel.terms) ## get the annotations
### code chunk number 46: topGO.Rnw:882-886
ann.score <- scoresInTerm(GOdata, sel.terms)
ann.score <- scoresInTerm(GOdata, sel.terms, use.names = TRUE)
### code chunk number 47: topGO.Rnw:892-893
termStat(GOdata, sel.terms)
### code chunk number 48: topGO.Rnw:973-977
goID <- "GO:0044255"
gene.universe <- genes(GOdata)
go.genes <- genesInTerm(GOdata, goID)[[1]]
sig.genes <- sigGenes(GOdata)
### code chunk number 49: topGO.Rnw:983-989
################################################### <- new("classicCount", testStatistic = GOFisherTest, name = "fisher",
allMembers = gene.universe, groupMembers = go.genes,
sigMembers = sig.genes)
### code chunk number 50: topGO.Rnw:1010-1018
elim.genes <- sample(go.genes, length(go.genes) / 4) <- new("elimCount", testStatistic = GOFisherTest, name = "fisher",
allMembers = gene.universe, groupMembers = go.genes,
sigMembers = sig.genes, elim = elim.genes)
### code chunk number 51: topGO.Rnw:1050-1052
test.stat <- new("classicCount", testStatistic = GOFisherTest, name = "Fisher test")
resultFisher <- getSigGroups(GOdata, test.stat)
### code chunk number 52: topGO.Rnw:1058-1059
### code chunk number 53: topGO.Rnw:1067-1069
test.stat <- new("classicScore", testStatistic = GOKSTest, name = "KS tests")
resultKS <- getSigGroups(GOdata, test.stat)
### code chunk number 54: topGO.Rnw:1082-1084 (eval = FALSE)
## test.stat <- new("elimScore", testStatistic = GOKSTest, name = "Fisher test", cutOff = 0.01)
## resultElim <- getSigGroups(GOdata, test.stat)
### code chunk number 55: topGO.Rnw:1089-1091
test.stat <- new("weightCount", testStatistic = GOFisherTest, name = "Fisher test", sigRatio = "ratio")
resultWeight <- getSigGroups(GOdata, test.stat)
### code chunk number 56: topGO.Rnw:1149-1150
resultFis <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "fisher")
### code chunk number 57: topGO.Rnw:1158-1163 (eval = FALSE)
## weight01.fisher <- runTest(GOdata, statistic = "fisher")
## weight01.t <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "t")
## elim.ks <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = "elim", statistic = "ks")
## weight.ks <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = "weight", statistic = "ks") #will not work!!!
### code chunk number 58: topGO.Rnw:1170-1172
### code chunk number 59: topGO.Rnw:1206-1209
pvalFis <- score(resultFis)
hist(pvalFis, 50, xlab = "p-values")
### code chunk number 60: topGO.Rnw:1216-1217
### code chunk number 61: topGO.Rnw:1226-1229
pvalWeight <- score(resultWeight, whichGO = names(pvalFis))
cor(pvalFis, pvalWeight)
### code chunk number 62: topGO.Rnw:1236-1237
### code chunk number 63: topGO.Rnw:1249-1251
allRes <- GenTable(GOdata, classic = resultFis, KS = resultKS, weight = resultWeight,
orderBy = "weight", ranksOf = "classic", topNodes = 20)
### code chunk number 64: topGO.Rnw:1261-1263
print(xtable(apply(allRes, 2, as.character)), floating = FALSE)
### code chunk number 65: topGO.Rnw:1284-1286
goID <- allRes[1, "GO.ID"]
print(showGroupDensity(GOdata, goID, ranks = TRUE))
### code chunk number 66: topGO.Rnw:1309-1311
goID <- allRes[10, "GO.ID"]
gt <- printGenes(GOdata, whichTerms = goID, chip = affyLib, numChar = 40)
### code chunk number 67: topGO.Rnw:1316-1318
print(xtable(gt), floating = FALSE)
### code chunk number 68: topGO.Rnw:1342-1344 (eval = FALSE)
## showSigOfNodes(GOdata, score(resultFis), firstSigNodes = 5, useInfo = 'all')
## showSigOfNodes(GOdata, score(resultWeight), firstSigNodes = 5, useInfo = 'def')
### code chunk number 69: topGO.Rnw:1347-1349
printGraph(GOdata, resultFis, firstSigNodes = 5, fn.prefix = "tGO", useInfo = "all", pdfSW = TRUE)
printGraph(GOdata, resultWeight, firstSigNodes = 5, fn.prefix = "tGO", useInfo = "def", pdfSW = TRUE)
### code chunk number 70: topGO.Rnw:1379-1381 (eval = FALSE)
## printGraph(GOdata, resultWeight, firstSigNodes = 10, resultFis, fn.prefix = "tGO", useInfo = "def")
## printGraph(GOdata, resultElim, firstSigNodes = 15, resultFis, fn.prefix = "tGO", useInfo = "all")
### code chunk number 71: topGO.Rnw:1390-1391
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