## functions related to annotations ...
readMappings <- function(file, sep = "\t", IDsep = ",") {
a <- read.delim(file = file, header = FALSE,
quote = "", sep = sep, colClasses = "character")
## a bit of preprocesing to get it in a nicer form
map <- a[, 2]
names(map) <- gsub(" ", "", a[, 1]) ## trim the spaces
## split the IDs
return(lapply(map, function(x) gsub(" ", "", strsplit(x, split = IDsep)[[1]])))
## function to work with the "" annotations <- function(whichOnto, feasibleGenes = NULL, mapping, ID = "entrez") {
tableName <- c("genes", "accessions", "alias", "ensembl",
"gene_info", "gene_info", "unigene")
keyName <- c("gene_id", "accessions", "alias_symbol", "ensembl_id",
"symbol", "gene_name", "unigene_id")
names(tableName) <- names(keyName) <- c("entrez", "genbank", "alias", "ensembl",
"symbol", "genename", "unigene")
## we add the .db ending if needed
mapping <- paste(sub(".db$", "", mapping), ".db", sep = "")
require(mapping, character.only = TRUE) || stop(paste("package", mapping, "is required", sep = " "))
mapping <- sub(".db$", "", mapping)
geneID <- keyName[tolower(ID)]
.sql <- paste("SELECT DISTINCT ", geneID, ", go_id FROM ", tableName[tolower(ID)],
" INNER JOIN ", paste("go", tolower(whichOnto), sep = "_"),
" USING(_id)", sep = "")
retVal <- dbGetQuery(get(paste(mapping, "dbconn", sep = "_"))(), .sql)
## restric to the set of feasibleGenes
retVal <- retVal[retVal[[geneID]] %in% feasibleGenes, ]
## split the table into a named list of GOs
return(split(retVal[[geneID]], retVal[["go_id"]]))
annFUN.db <- function(whichOnto, feasibleGenes = NULL, affyLib) {
## we add the .db ending if needed
affyLib <- paste(sub(".db$", "", affyLib), ".db", sep = "")
require(affyLib, character.only = TRUE) || stop(paste("package", affyLib, "is required", sep = " "))
affyLib <- sub(".db$", "", affyLib)
orgFile <- get(paste(get(paste(affyLib, "ORGPKG", sep = "")), "_dbfile", sep = ""))
try(dbGetQuery(get(paste(affyLib, "dbconn", sep = "_"))(),
paste("ATTACH '", orgFile(), "' as org;", sep ="")),
silent = TRUE)
.sql <- paste("SELECT DISTINCT probe_id, go_id FROM probes INNER JOIN ",
"(SELECT * FROM org.genes INNER JOIN org.go_",
tolower(whichOnto)," USING('_id')) USING('gene_id');", sep = "")
retVal <- dbGetQuery(get(paste(affyLib, "dbconn", sep = "_"))(), .sql)
## restric to the set of feasibleGenes
retVal <- retVal[retVal[["probe_id"]] %in% feasibleGenes, ]
## split the table into a named list of GOs
return(split(retVal[["probe_id"]], retVal[["go_id"]]))
annFUN <- function(whichOnto, feasibleGenes = NULL, affyLib) {
require(affyLib, character.only = TRUE) || stop(paste('package', affyLib, 'is required', sep = " "))
mapping <- get(paste(affyLib, 'GO2PROBE', sep = ''))
feasibleGenes <- ls(get(paste(affyLib, 'ACCNUM', sep = '')))
ontoGO <- get(paste('GO', whichOnto, "Term", sep = ''))
goodGO <- intersect(ls(ontoGO), ls(mapping))
GOtoAffy <- lapply(mget(goodGO, envir = mapping, ifnotfound = NA),
intersect, feasibleGenes)
emptyTerms <- sapply(GOtoAffy, length) == 0
## the annotation function
annFUN.gene2GO <- function(whichOnto, feasibleGenes = NULL, gene2GO) {
## GO terms annotated to the specified ontology
ontoGO <- get(paste("GO", whichOnto, "Term", sep = ""))
## Restrict the mappings to the feasibleGenes set
gene2GO <- gene2GO[intersect(names(gene2GO), feasibleGenes)]
## Throw-up the genes which have no annotation
gene2GO <- gene2GO[!]
gene2GO <- gene2GO[sapply(gene2GO, length) > 0]
## Get all the GO and keep a one-to-one mapping with the genes
allGO <- unlist(gene2GO, use.names = FALSE)
geneID <- rep(names(gene2GO), sapply(gene2GO, length))
goodGO <- allGO %in% ls(ontoGO)
return(split(geneID[goodGO], allGO[goodGO]))
## the annotation function
annFUN.GO2genes <- function(whichOnto, feasibleGenes = NULL, GO2genes) {
## GO terms annotated to the specified ontology
ontoGO <- get(paste("GO", whichOnto, "Term", sep = ""))
## Select only the GO's form the specified ontology
GO2genes <- GO2genes[intersect(ls(ontoGO), names(GO2genes))]
## Restrict the mappings to the feasibleGenes set
GO2genes <- lapply(GO2genes, intersect, feasibleGenes)
return(GO2genes[sapply(GO2genes, length) > 0])
## annotation function to read the mappings from a file
annFUN.file <- function(whichOnto, feasibleGenes = NULL, file, ...) {
## read the mappings from the file
mapping <- readMappings(file = file, ...)
## we check which direction the mapping is ...
GOs <- ls(get(paste("GO", whichOnto, "Term", sep = "")))
if(any(GOs %in% names(mapping)))
return(annFUN.GO2genes(whichOnto, feasibleGenes, mapping))
return(annFUN.gene2GO(whichOnto, feasibleGenes, mapping))
## function returning all genes that can be used for analysis
feasibleGenes.db <- function(affyLib, whichOnto) {
affyLib <- sub(".db$", "", affyLib)
mapping <- get(paste(affyLib, 'GO2PROBE', sep = ''))
ontoGO <- get(paste('GO', whichOnto, "Term", sep = ''))
goodGO <- intersect(ls(ontoGO), ls(mapping))
return(unique(unlist(mget(goodGO, envir = mapping, ifnotfound = NA))))
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