##' \code{MassImage} is also the call to the class constructor. It is used for
##' importing both BIF/BIF6 and raw image data.
##' \code{MassImage} is also the call to the class constructor. It is used for
##' importing both BIF/BIF6 and raw image data.
##' \code{MassImage} is the user class constructor to obtain a MassImage object.
##' Data can be imported from BIF or raw data files (Iontof or Ulvacphi). To
##' import raw data, a MassSpectra object with a valid PeakList object has to
##' be provided as argument.
##' @export
##' @rdname MassImage
##' @param select \code{character}, 'ulvacbif', 'iontofbif',
##' 'iontofgrdpeaks', 'ulvacrawpeaks', 'dummy'
##' @param analysisName \code{character}, name of analysis
##' @param PeakListobj \code{PeakList} class object, used as peaklist for
##' rawdata import
##' @param untilScan integer or NULL to determine number of ToF-SIMS scans to
##' import
##' @param ... additional args
##' @return object of class MassImage
##' @author Lorenz Gerber <>
##' @examples
##' # creating dummy data
##' testImage<-MassImage('dummy')
##' image(testImage)
##' \dontrun{
##' # import of rawdata
##' # first a PeakList object has to be created
##' library(tofsimsData)
##' data(tofsimsData)
##' testSpectra <- calibPointNew(testSpectra, mz = 15, value = 15.01551)
##' testSpectra <- calibPointNew(testSpectra, mz = 181, value = 181.0228)
##' testSpectra <- recalibrate(testSpectra)
##' testSpectra <- unitMassPeaks(testSpectra, mzRange = c(1,200), widthAt = c(15, 181),
##' factor = c(0.4, 0.6), lower = c(14.97, 15.05), upper = c(180.84, 181.43))
##' # obtaining the path to the raw data file in 'tofsims' package
##' importFile<-system.file("rawdata", "trift_test_001.RAW", package = "tofsimsData")
##' rawImportedImage <- MassImage('ulvacrawpeaks', importFile,
##' PeakListobj = testSpectra)
##' image(rawImportedImage)
##' }
MassImage <- function(select = c("ulvacbif", "iontofbif", "iontofgrdpeaks",
"ulvacrawpeaks", "dummy"), analysisName,
PeakListobj = c(), untilScan = NULL, ...) {
choice <- match.arg(select)
ulvacbif = {
import <- readBIF(analysisName, "ulvacphi", mode = "image", ...)
analysisName <- import$analysisName
instrument <- import$instrument
nz <- import$nz
mz <- import$mz
xy <- import$xy
iontofbif = {
import <- readBIF(analysisName, "iontof", mode = "image")
analysisName <- import$analysisName
instrument <- import$instrument
nz <- import$nz
mz <- import$mz
xy <- import$xy
iontofgrdpeaks = {
import <- import.raw(analysisName,
mode = "imagepeaks", PeakListobj, untilScan, ...)
analysisName <- import$analysisName
instrument <- import$instrument
nz <- import$nz
mz <- import$mz
xy <- import$xy
ulvacrawpeaks = {
import <- cReadRawPhi(analysisName,
mode = "imagepeaks", PeakListobj, ...)
analysisName <- import$analysisName
instrument <- import$instrument
nz <- import$nz
mz <- import$mz
xy <- import$xy
dummy = {
analysisName <- "dummyAnalysisName"
instrument <- "dummyInstrument"
nz <- matrix(round(runif(25600,0,9)),256,100)
calibration <- data.frame(intercept = 20000, slope = 20000)
mz <- seq(1,100,1)
xy <- c(32,8)
new("MassImage", analysisName = as.character(basename(analysisName)),
instrument = as.character(instrument),
nz = as.matrix(nz), mz = as.vector(mz),
xy = as.vector(xy))
##' method dim for MassImage
##' @param x object of class MassImage
##' @return vector numeric
setMethod("dim", signature(x = "MassImage"),
function(x) c(x@xy, dim(x@nz)[2]))
##' method definition 'show' on 'MassImage'
##' show has a generic by default
##' @param object object of class MassImage
##' @return data.frame character
setMethod(show, signature(object = "MassImage"),
function(object) {
if (length(object@analysis) > 0)
analysis <- paste(unlist(lapply(1:length(object@analysis),
function(i) paste(i, class(object@analysis[[i]]),
sep = "-"))), collapse = ",") else analysis <- "none"
analysisName = analysisName(object),
instrument = instrument(object),
no.spectra = format(ndim(object), big.mark = "'"),
spectra.points = format(zdim(object), big.mark = "'"),
`total ion count` = format(sum(nz(object)), big.mark = "'"),
x.image.dimension = format(xy(object)[1], big.mark = "'"),
y.image.dimention = format(xy(object)[2], big.mark = "'"),
analysis = analysis))
##' Method \code{plot()} for \code{MassImage}
##' Method defining \code{plot()} for the \code{MassImage} class
##' plot has no generic by default
##' This method will call \code{plot} method of \code{MassSpectra} class.
##' @param x object of type MassImage
##' @param y missing
##' @param ... additional args
##' @param mzRange vector or lenght two, indicating the mz range to be plotted
##' @param normalize should the mass spectra be normalized
##' @return scatter plot with loading or scores
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "MassImage", y = "missing"),
function(x, y, ..., mzRange = c(0, 200), normalize = FALSE) {
callNextMethod(x, y, ..., mzRange = mzRange, normalize = normalize)
##' Method for image on MassImage
##' Method to visualize an IMS Mass Image of class \code{MassImage}
##' @param mzSelect vector, which m/z to combine for visualization. if none are
##' chosen, the TIC is shownhel
##' @return image plot of the ToF SIMS image data
##' @examples
##' testImage<-MassImage('dummy')
##' image(testImage)
##' \dontrun{
##' library(tofsimsData)
##' data(tofsimsData)
##' image(testImage)}
##' @rdname image
setMethod(image, signature(x = "MassImage"),
function(x, ..., mzSelect = NULL) {
if (length(mzSelect) > 0) {
if (length(mzSelect) == 1) {
image(matrix(nz(x)[, mzSelect], xdim(x), ydim(x)),
xlab = 'X', ylab = 'Y', axes = FALSE,
main = paste('Mass Image m/z ',mzSelect),...)
axis(side = 1, at = c(0,1), labels = c(1,xdim(x)))
axis(side = 2, at = c(0,1), labels = c(ydim(x),1))
} else {
mainCompound<-'Mass Image m/z\'s: \n'
for(iii in mzSelect){
mainCompound<-paste(mainCompound, iii,', ',sep='')
graphics::image(matrix(apply(nz(x)[, mzSelect], 1, sum),
xdim(x), ydim(x)), xlab = 'X',
ylab = 'Y', axes = FALSE,
main = mainCompound, ...)
axis(side = 1, at = c(0,1), labels = c(1,xdim(x)))
axis(side = 2, at = c(0,1), labels = c(ydim(x),1))
} else {
graphics::image(matrix(apply(nz(x), 1, sum), xdim(x),
ydim(x)), xlab = 'X',
ylab = 'Y', axes = FALSE,
main = 'Mass Image TIC', ...)
axis(side = 1, at = c(0,1), labels = c(1,xdim(x)))
axis(side = 2, at = c(0,1), labels = c(ydim(x),1))
##' method xySpec on MassImage class objects
##' method xySpec extracts the mass spectra of positon x/y and puts
##' them in a MassSpectar class object
##' Selection of mass spectra by vectors of equal length for x and y.
##' @rdname xySpec
##' @examples
##' library(tofsimsData)
##' data(tofsimsData)
##' spectra100100<-xySpec(testImage, 100,100)
##' plot(spectra100100, type = 'l')
setMethod(xySpec, signature(object = "MassImage"),
function(object, x=NULL, y=NULL) {
if(is.null(x) || is.null(y)){
message('Press \'Esc\' when finished')
coords <- locator(type = "p")
n <- length(coords$x)
xyMat<-matrix(0, 2, n)
### determining pixel coordinates
for(i in 1:n){
xyMat[,i] <- coordToPixel(object, c(coords$x[i],coords$y[i]))
x <- xyMat[1,]
y <- xyMat[2,]
if (length(x) != length(y))
stop("not matching number of x and y coordinates")
if (max(x) > xdim(object) || max(y) >
stop("one or several x/y value(s) larger than image dimensions")
# counter clockwise rotation of x/y
xRotated <- ydim(object) + 1 - y
yRotated <- (x)
n <- length(x)
massspec <- nz(object)[(xRotated[1] - 1) * xdim(object) + yRotated[1], ]
if (n >= 2) {
for (i in 2:n) {
massspec <- rbind(massspec,
nz(object)[(xRotated[i] - 1) * xdim(object) + yRotated[i], ]
} else {
massspec <- matrix(massspec, 1)
rownames(massspec) <- NULL
analysisName = analysisName(object),
instrument = instrument(object),
nz = massspec,
mz = mz(object))
##' \code{Subset} method for objects of class \code{MassImage}
##' @param xyUpperLeft vector of length two with x and y for the upper left
##' subset corner
##' @param xyLowerRight vector of length two with x and y for the lower right
##' subset corner
##' @return object of class MassImage
##' @examples
##' library(tofsimsData)
##' data(tofsimsData)
##' subsetTestImage<-subset(testImage, xyUpperLeft = c(1,1), xyLowerRight = c(50,50))
##' image(subsetTestImage)
##' @rdname subset
setMethod(subset, signature(x = "MassImage"),
function(x, ..., xyUpperLeft = NULL, xyLowerRight = NULL) {
## choose subset interactive
if (length(xyUpperLeft) != 2 || length(xyLowerRight) != 2) {
coords <- locator(n = 2, type = "p")
### translate locator coords to pixel coordinates
xyUpperLeft <- coordToPixel(x,c(coords$x[1], coords$y[1]))
xyLowerRight <- coordToPixel(x, c(coords$x[2], coords$y[2]))
### rotate pixel coordinates into correct orientation
pixelRotation90CW<-function(xy, yLength){
xyRotated[1] <- yLength+1-xy[2]
xyRotated[2] <- xy[1]
xyLowerRight<-pixelRotation90CW(xyLowerRight, ydim(x))
## determine number of Rows needed in new nz slot
newMatNRows <- length(
seq(xyUpperLeft[1]:xyLowerRight[1])) *
imageDataNew <- matrix(0, newMatNRows, zdim(x))
loopCols <- xyLowerRight[1]:xyUpperLeft[1]
loopRows <- xyUpperLeft[2]:xyLowerRight[2]
rowCounter <- 1
for (i in loopCols) {
for (j in loopRows) {
imageDataNew[rowCounter, ] <- nz(x)[(i - 1) * xdim(x) + j, ]
rowCounter <- (rowCounter + 1)
imageDataNew <- matrix(as.integer(imageDataNew), , zdim(x))
colnames(imageDataNew) <- colnames(nz(x))
newxy <- c(length(loopRows), length(loopCols))
nz(x) <- imageDataNew
xy(x) <- newxy
##' Method imageMatrix for class MassImage
##' @return matrix numeric
##' @rdname imageMatrix
##' @examples
##' library(tofsimsData)
##' data(tofsimsData)
##' ## the TIC matrix can be extracted
##' dataMatrix <- imageMatrix(testImage)
##' dim(dataMatrix)
##' ## the matrix can be visualized with the
##' ## normal image() function
##' image(dataMatrix)
setMethod(imageMatrix, signature(object = "MassImage"),
function(object) {
out <- matrix(apply(nz(object), 1, sum), xdim(object), ydim(object))
##' @rdname binning
##' @examples
##' library(BiocParallel)
##' testImage<-MassImage('dummy')
##' par(mfcol=c(1,2), oma=c(0,0,0,0), mar=c(0,0,0,0))
##' image(testImage)
##' ## the following param will cause to run non parallel
##' register(SerialParam(), default=TRUE)
##' testImage <- binning(testImage,binningFactor = 4)
##' image(testImage)
##' \dontrun{
##' library(tofsimsData)
##' data(tofsimsData)
##' par(mfcol=c(1,2), oma=c(0,0,0,0), mar=c(0,0,0,0))
##' image(testImage)
##' testImage <- binning(testImage,binningFactor = 4)
##' image(testImage)}
setMethod(binning, signature(object = "MassImage"),
function(object, binningFactor = 2) {
applyBin <- function(object, binningFactor, i) {
apply(array(as.vector(nz(object)[, i]),
c(2, 4),
BiocParallel::register(BiocParallel::SerialParam(), default=TRUE)
applyOut <- BiocParallel::bplapply(1:zdim(object),
function(i) applyBin(object, binningFactor, i))
newnz <- matrix(unlist(applyOut),
xy(object) <- c(xdim(object)/binningFactor, ydim(object)/binningFactor)
colnames(newnz) <- colnames(nz(object))
nz(object) <- newnz
##' coordToPixel
##' coordToPixel
##' coordToPixel translates xy coordinates from the locator() function
##' to cell coordinates from the image function. Origo is according to
##' ToF-SIMS images the upper left corner.
##' @param object of class MassImage
##' @param xy numeric vector with x/y locator coordinate
##' @return xy coordinate of MassImage pixels
setMethod(coordToPixel, signature(object='MassImage',
function(object, xy ){
singleCoord<-function(coord, nPixel){
# half a unit cell
halfUnitCell <- 1/(nPixel-1)*0.5
# full length
lengthAllCells <- 1/(nPixel-1)*nPixel
# shifted coord
shiftedCoord <- coord + halfUnitCell
# standardize
standardCoord <- 1 / lengthAllCells * shiftedCoord
# calculate cell
pixel <- ceiling(standardCoord * nPixel)
xyPixel[1] <- singleCoord(xy[1],xdim(object))
xyPixel[2] <- ydim(object) + 1 - singleCoord(xy[2],ydim(object))
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