# This function lists all the R packages in the library that have a
# Bioconductor vignettes and waits for the user to selecte one to
# explore.
# Copyrihgt, 2002, J. Zhang, all rights reserved
vExplorer <- function (title = "BioC Vignettes Explorer",
pkgName ="",
font = ifelse(.Platform$OS.type
== "unix", "arial 14", "arial 11")){
require("tools", character.only = TRUE) ||
stop("Package tools not available!")
PLATFORM <- .Platform$OS.type
selectedPkg <- NULL
vigList <- NULL
end <- function(){
# Executes when a user clicks a package name in the list of pkg names
packSelected <- function(){
selectedPkg <<-
if(selectedPkg != ""){
writeList(statusBar, paste("Getting vignette names"), TRUE)
# Make sure widget gets redrawn
writeList(statusBar, "Done", TRUE)
# Writes vignette names to the list box for vignettes
write2VigList <- function(selectedPkg){
#checkMe <- .vigOrNot(selectedPkg)
# tkmessageBox(title = "No vignette found",
# message = paste("Package", selectedPkg,
# "has no vignette"))
vigList <<- pkgVignettes(selectedPkg)$docs
names(vigList) <<- basename(vigList)
writeList(vigViewer, names(vigList))
#tkdelete(vigViewer, 0, "end")
#for(i in names(vigList)){
#if(!inherits(chunkList, "try-error")){
# tkinsert(vigViewer, "end", i)
# Executes when a user clicks a vignette name in the list of Rnw files
vigSelected <- function(){
selectedVig <-
if(selectedVig != ""){
writeList(statusBar, paste("Loading", selectedVig), TRUE)
# Make sure widget gets redrawn
viewVignette(title, selectedPkg, vigList[[selectedVig]], font)
writeList(statusBar, "", TRUE)
# tkconfigure(vButton, state = "normal")
# Executes when a user clicks the view button after selecting a
# vignette
# viewVig <- function(){
# viewVignette(title, selectedPkg, vigList[[selectedVig]]$VigPath,
# vigList[[selectedVig]]$PDFpath, font)
# }
base <- tktoplevel()
tktitle(base) <- title
listFrame <- tkframe(base)
# List box showing all the packages that have a vignette
packFrame <- tkframe(listFrame)
packName <- tklabel(packFrame, text = "Package List", font = font)
tkpack(packName, side = "top")
packViewer <- makeViewer(packFrame, hScroll = TRUE, vScroll = TRUE)
tkconfigure(packViewer, selectmode = "browse")
tkconfigure(packViewer, font = font)
tkconfigure(packViewer, exportselection = FALSE)
tkbind(packViewer, "<B1-ButtonRelease>", packSelected)
tkpack(packFrame, side = "left", expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
# List box for vignettes of a given package
vigFrame <- tkframe(listFrame)
vigName <- tklabel(vigFrame, text = "Vignette List", font = font)
tkpack(vigName, side = "top")
vigViewer <- makeViewer(vigFrame, hScroll = TRUE, vScroll = TRUE)
tkconfigure(vigViewer, selectmode = "browse")
tkconfigure(vigViewer, font = font)
tkconfigure(vigViewer, exportselection = FALSE)
tkbind(vigViewer, "<B1-ButtonRelease>", vigSelected)
tkpack(vigFrame, side = "left", expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
# Buttons to view a vignette and end the widget
# vButton <- tkbutton(listFrame, text = "View", width = 8,
# font = font, command = viewVig)
# tkpack(vButton, side = "left")
# Put the three frames in
tkpack(listFrame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both", pady = 4, padx = 4)
# put in the end button
endButton <- tkbutton(base, text = "End", width = 8,
font = font, command = end)
tkpack(endButton, pady = 4)
# Put a status
tkpack(statusBar <- tkentry(base, foreground = "Red"),
expand = FALSE, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
# Populates the list box for package names
packValid <- .popPackList(packViewer, pkgName)
if(packValid && pkgName != ""){
selectedPkg <- pkgName
.vigOrNot <- function(libName){
options(show.error.messages = FALSE, warn = -1)
tryMe <- list.files(file.path(.libPaths(), libName, "doc"))
options(show.error.messages = TRUE, warn = 0)
if(inherits(tryMe, "try-error")){
if(length(grep("\\.Rnw", tryMe)) > 0){
# Check for the availability of vignettes and populate the list box
# for packages that have a vignette
.popPackList <- function(packViewer, packName){
if(packName == ""){
packs <- .packages(all = TRUE)
packs <- packName
goodNames <- sapply(packs, .vigOrNot)
goodNames <- names(goodNames[goodNames])
if(length(goodNames) > 0){
writeList(packViewer, sort(goodNames))
tkmessageBox(title = "No vignette found",
message = "Packages contain no vignette",
icon = "info",
type = "ok")
#tkdelete(packViewer, 0, "end")
#for(i in goodNames){
#if(!is.null(pkgVignettes(i)) &&
# length(pkgVignettes(i)$docs) > 0){
# tkinsert(packViewer, "end", i)
# Returns package names that have a vignette
.getPackNames <- function(packName = ""){
if(packName == ""){
packNames <- .packages(all = TRUE)
packNames <- packName
goodNames <- NULL
for(i in packNames){
eval(call(deparse(substitute(require)), i, TRUE))
path <- path.package(i)
options(warn = -1)
tryMe <- getPkgVigList(path)
options(warn = 1)
goodNames <- c(goodNames, i)
# This window is called by vExplorer for interacting with the code
# chunks of a vignette
viewVignette <- function(title, packName, vigPath, font = "arial 11"){
end <- function(){
selectedChunk <- NULL
buts <- vector("list")
codeVersion <- NULL
newCode <- FALSE
executed <- NULL
chunkOrNot <- "Code Chunk"
chunkList <- getVignetteCode(vigPath)
chunkOrNot <- "No Code Chunk"
nameNCode <- NULL
# tkmessageBox(title = "No code chunk found",
# message = paste(gsub(".*/(.*)", "\\1", vigPath),
# "does not contain any code chunk"))
# return()
nameNCode <- .getNameNCode(chunkList)
# codeVersion[[1]] <- chunkList
# Not implemented now but will be later
#back <- function(){
# if(length(codeVersion) > 1){
# codeVersion <<- codeVersion[[-length(codeVersion)]]
# }
# if(length(codeVersion) == 1){
# tkconfigure(backButton, state = "disabled")
# }
# tempCode <- chunk(getChunk(codeVersion[[length(codeVersion)]]))
# tkdelete(editViewer, "1.0", "end")
# for(i in tempCode){
# tkinsert(editViewer, "end", paste(i, "\n", sep = ""))
# }
# tkdelete(resultViewer, 0, "end")
# Executed when a user clicks the view PDF button
viewPDF <- function(){
options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
temp <- try(vignette(gsub("\\..*", "", basename(vigPath))))
options(show.error.message = TRUE)
if(inherits(temp, "try-error")){
tkmessageBox(title = "PDF File Error",
message = paste("No PDF files available for",
icon = "",
type = "ok")
# Shows the code chunk in a text box that allows the user to
# editor the code chunk in the box but not to the actual code chunk
showCode <- function(chunkName){
tkdelete(editViewer, "1.0", "end")
tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "normal")
tkdelete(resultViewer, "1.0", "end")
tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "disabled")
for(i in nameNCode[[chunkName]]){
tkinsert(editViewer, "end", paste(i, "\n", sep = ""))
tkconfigure(buts[[chunkName]], state = "active")
if(chunkName != 1){
tkconfigure(buts[[chunkName - 1]], state = "normal")
tkconfigure(execButton, state = "normal")
tkconfigure(clearButton, state = "normal")
tkconfigure(expoButton, state = "normal")
# Export code chunk to the R session
export <- function(){
temp <- objectBrowser(evalEnv(chunkList))
for(i in names(temp)){
assign(i, temp[[i]], env = .GlobalEnv)
# Executes whatever that is in the text box for code chunk
execute <- function(){
# if(selectedChunk == 1 || any(executed == (selectedChunk - 1))){
tempCode <- tclvalue(tkget(editViewer, "1.0", "end"))
tempChunk <-
result <- evalChunk(tempChunk, selectedChunk)
newCode <<- FALSE
# tkconfigure(backButton, state = "normal")
result <- evalChunk(chunkList, selectedChunk)
# modButton(buts[[selectedChunk]], "libhtblue")
tkconfigure(buts[[selectedChunk]], relief = "sunken",
state = "active")
if(selectedChunk < length(buts)){
tkconfigure(buts[[selectedChunk + 1]], state = "normal")
tkdelete(resultViewer, "", "end")
tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "normal")
tkinsert(resultViewer, "end", result)
tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "disabled")
# modButton(buts[[selectedChunk]], "blue")
# executed <<- unique(c(executed, selectedChunk))
# }else{
# tkmessageBox(title = "Execution failed",
# message = "Code chunks need to be executed in order")
# }
# keeps track of code modification done
codeChanged <- function(){
newCode <<- TRUE
# Cleans the boxes for code chunk and result of execution
clear <- function(){
tkdelete(editViewer, "1.0", "end")
tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "normal")
tkdelete(resultViewer, "1.0", "end")
tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "disabled")
for(i in 1:length(buts)){
tkconfigure(buts[[i]], state = "disabled", relief = "raised")
# modButton(buts[[i]], "green")
tkconfigure(buts[[1]], state = "normal")
tkconfigure(execButton, state = "disabled")
tkconfigure(expoButton, state = "disabled")
tkconfigure(clearButton, state = "disabled")
executed <<- NULL
codeVersion[[1]] <<- chunkList
# tkconfigure(backButton, state = "disabled")
# Changes the background colour of a widget
modButton <- function(but, what){
tkconfigure(but, background = what)
# Initilizes the buttons for code chunks
popChunks <- function(){
k <- 1
for(i in names(nameNCode)){
# Create button functions
tempBut <- substitute(buts[[j]], list(j = k))
fun <- function() {}
body <- list("{"),
list(j = k)),
substitute(selectedChunk <<- j,
list(j = k)))
body(fun) <-
assign(paste("chunkList",k,sep=""), fun)
buts[[k]] <<- tkbutton(base, text= i, width = 13,
state = "disabled", font = font,
command = get(paste("chunkList",
k, sep = "")))
tkbind(buts[[k]], "<Double-Button-1>", execute)
tkwindow.create(chunkText, "end", window = buts[[k]])
# tkcreate(chunkText, "window", 5, space, anchor = "nw",
# window = buts[[k]])
tkinsert(chunkText, "end", "\n")
k <- k + 1
tkconfigure(buts[[1]], state = "normal")
base <- tktoplevel()
tktitle(base) <- title
# Write package and vignette names
pNvNames <- paste("Package:", packName, " Vignette:", basename(vigPath))
tkpack(tklabel(base, text = pNvNames, font = font), pady = 4)
listFrame <- tkframe(base)
# Create a text widgets for code chunks
chunkFrame <- tkframe(listFrame)
tkpack(tklabel(chunkFrame, text = chunkOrNot, font = font))
chunkText <- makeViewer(chunkFrame, vWidth = 18, vHeight = NULL,
hScroll = TRUE, vScroll = TRUE, what = "text")
tkpack(chunkFrame, side = "left", anchor = "nw", expand = FALSE,
fill = "y")
# Create the viewers for code and results of execution
codeNRelFrame <- tkframe(listFrame)
editFrame <- tkframe(codeNRelFrame)
tkpack(tklabel(editFrame, text = "R Source Code", font = font))
eViewerFrame <- tkframe(editFrame)
editViewer <- makeViewer(eViewerFrame, vWidth = 40, vHeight = 4,
hScroll = TRUE, vScroll = TRUE, what = "text")
tkconfigure(editViewer, font = font)
tkbind(editViewer, "<KeyRelease>", codeChanged)
tkpack(eViewerFrame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
tkpack(tklabel(editFrame, text = "Results of Execution", font = font))
rViewerFrame <- tkframe(editFrame)
resultViewer <- makeViewer(rViewerFrame, vWidth = 40, vHeight = 4,
hScroll = TRUE, vScroll = TRUE, what = "text")
tkconfigure(resultViewer, font = font)
tkpack(rViewerFrame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
tkpack(editFrame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
tkpack(codeNRelFrame, side = "left", expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
tkpack(listFrame, side = "top", expand = TRUE, fill = "both", padx
= 4, pady = 6)
# Put the buttons in
butFrame <- tkframe(base)
pdfButton <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "View PDF", width = 12,
font = font, command = viewPDF)
execButton <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Execute Code", width = 12,
font = font, command = execute)
tkconfigure(execButton, state = "disabled")
expoButton <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Export to R", width = 12,
font = font, command = export)
tkconfigure(expoButton, state = "disabled")
clearButton <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Clear", width = 12,
font = font, command = clear)
tkconfigure(clearButton, state = "disabled")
tkpack(pdfButton, execButton, expoButton, clearButton, side = "left")
tkpack(butFrame, pady = 6)
# Put end button separately to avoid accidents
endButton <- tkbutton(base, text = "End", width = 12,
font = font, command = end)
# if(is.null(pdfPath) || || length(pdfPath) == 0){
# tkconfigure(pdfButton, state = "disabled")
# }
# tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "disabled")
# tkwait.window(base)
.getNameNCode <- function(chunkList){
chunkNum <- numChunks(chunkList)
nameNCode <- list()
for(i in 1:chunkNum){
name <- chunkName(getChunk(chunkList, i))
if(length(name) == 0){
name <- paste("Code chunk", i)
nameNCode[[name]] <- chunk(getChunk(chunkList, i))
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