## (c) 2004-2005 Yu Chuan Tai
## University of California, Berkeley
## Plots the temporal profile for a single gene
## Created: August, 2004
## Last Modified: July 23, 2005
plotProfile <-
function (object, stats = c("HotellingT2", "MB"), ranking = 1,
gid = NULL, gnames = NULL, desc = NULL, type = c("p", "l",
"b"), col = 2:100, lty = 1:100, pch = 1:100,
lwd = 2, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Expression", legloc = NULL,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, cex.main = 1, ...)
if (!is.null(object$geneNames))
gnames <- object$geneNames
if (!is.null(object$descriptions))
desc <- object$descriptions
indx <- order(object$, object$, object$
M <- object$M[, indx]
G <- nrow(M)
if (!is.character(desc))
desc <- as.character(desc)
stats <- match.arg(stats, c("HotellingT2", "MB"))
type <- match.arg(type, c("p", "l", "b"))
if (!is.null(gid))
ranking <- NULL
if (stats == "HotellingT2" & !is.null(ranking)) {
pos <- object$pos.HotellingT2[ranking]
val <- object$HotellingT2[pos]
gid <- gnames[pos]
if (stats == "MB" & !is.null(ranking)) {
pos <- object$pos.MB[ranking]
val <- object$MB[pos]
gid <- gnames[pos]
if (stats == "HotellingT2" & is.null(ranking)) {
pos <- c(1:G)[gnames == gid]
if (length(pos) > 1)
pos <- pos[1]
warning(length(pos), " genes have the same gene ID...only the first gene is plotted!")
val <- object$HotellingT2[pos]
ranking <- G - rank(object$HotellingT2)[pos] + 1
if (stats == "MB" & is.null(ranking)) {
pos <- c(1:G)[gnames == gid]
if (length(pos) > 1)
pos <- pos[1]
warning(length(pos), " genes have the same gene ID...only the first gene is plotted!")
val <- object$MB[pos]
ranking <- G - rank(object$MB)[pos] + 1
x <- M[pos, ]
desc <- desc[pos]
size <- as.matrix(object$size)[pos, ]
D <- length(size)
k <- length(unique(object$
y <- matrix(x, byrow = TRUE, ncol = k)
yulim <- max(y, na.rm = TRUE) + 0.4 * (max(y, na.rm = TRUE) -
min(y, na.rm = TRUE))
yllim <- min(y, na.rm = TRUE) - 0.4 * (max(y, na.rm = TRUE) -
min(y, na.rm = TRUE))
xulim <- max(unique(object$, na.rm = TRUE) + 1
xllim <- min(unique(object$, na.rm = TRUE) - 1
if (is.null(ylim))
ylim <- c(yllim, yulim)
if (is.null(xlim))
xlim <- c(xllim, xulim)
if (!is.null(desc)) {
plot(sort(unique(object$, y[1, ], type = "n",
main = paste(gid, "", stats, "=", round(val, 1),
"", "rank=", ranking), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, cex.main = cex.main)
mtext(substr(desc, 1, 10), 4)
if (is.null(desc))
plot(sort(unique(object$, y[1, ], type = "n",
main = paste(gid, "", stats, "=", round(val, 1),
"", "rank=", ranking), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, cex.main = cex.main)
rep.pch <- rep.lty <- con <- matrix(rep(0, max(as.matrix(object$size)) *
ncol(as.matrix(object$size))), ncol = ncol(as.matrix(object$size)))
con2 <- NULL
if (D !=2) {
rep.indx <- unique(cbind(object$, object$
#tmp <- (rep.indx[, 1] == sort(unique(object$[1])
tmp <- sapply(1:D, function(z) rep.indx[,1]==sort(unique(object$[z])
for(z in 1:D)
con <- con1 <- sort(rep.indx[tmp[,z], 2])
con2[z] <- length(con)
rep.pch[1:con2[z], z] <- pch[1:cumsum(con2)[z]]
rep.lty[1:con2[z], z] <- lty[1:cumsum(con2)[z]]
if(z >1 )
rep.pch[1:con2[z], z] <- pch[(cumsum(con2)[z-1]+1):cumsum(con2)[z]]
rep.lty[1:con2[z], z] <- lty[(cumsum(con2)[z-1]+1):cumsum(con2)[z]]
if (D == 2) {
rep.indx <- unique(cbind(object$, object$
tmp <- (rep.indx[, 1] == sort(unique(object$[1])
con1 <- sort(rep.indx[tmp, 2])
tmp <- (rep.indx[, 1] == sort(unique(object$[2])
con2 <- sort(rep.indx[tmp, 2])
if (length(con1) < length(con2))
con1[(length(con1) + 1):length(con2)] <- NA
if (length(con2) < length(con1))
con2[(length(con2) + 1):length(con1)] <- NA
con <- data.frame(con1, con2)
rep.pch[1:nrow(con[![, 1]), ]), 1] <- pch[1:nrow(con[![,
1]), ])]
rep.lty[1:nrow(con[![, 1]), ]), 1] <- lty[1:nrow(con[![,
1]), ])]
both <- intersect(con[, 1], con[, 2])
if (length(both) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(both)) {
for (j in 1:nrow(con)) {
if (con[j, 2] == both[i] & ![j, 2]))
rep.pch[j, 2] <- rep.pch[con[, 1] == both[i],1]
if (con[j, 2] == both[i] & ![j, 2]))
rep.lty[j, 2] <- rep.lty[con[, 1] == both[i],1]
for (j in 1:nrow(con)) {
if (rep.pch[j, 2] == 0)
rep.pch[j, 2] <- pch[nrow(con[![, 1]),
]) + j]
if (rep.lty[j, 2] == 0)
rep.lty[j, 2] <- lty[nrow(con[![, 1]),
]) + j]
tmp <- NULL
con.indx <- cumsum(apply(as.matrix(object$size),2,max))
for (j in 1:D) {
if (j == 1)
mydata <- y[1:con.indx[j], ]
if (j > 1)
mydata <- y[(con.indx[j - 1] + 1):con.indx[j], ]
#if (is.null(object$weights))
# mean.vec <- apply(mydata, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
#if (!is.null(object$weights)) {
# w1 <- matrix(object$weights[pos, 1:(k * size[j])],
# byrow = FALSE, ncol = size[j])
# totalw1 <- apply(w1, 1, sum)
# object$weights[pos, 1:(k * size[j])] <- as.numeric(w1/totalw1)
# mean.vec <- apply(matrix(object$weights[pos, 1:(k *
# size[j])] * as.numeric(t(mydata)), byrow = FALSE,
# ncol = size[j]), 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
for (i in 1:nrow(mydata)) {
if (length(size) == 1) {
lines(sort(unique(object$, mydata[i,
], type = type, col = col[i], lty = rep.lty[i,
j], pch = rep.pch[i, j], lwd = lwd)
tmp <- cbind(tmp, sort(unique(object$,
mydata[i, ])
if (D > 1) {
lines(sort(unique(object$, mydata[i,
], type = type, col = col[j], lty = rep.lty[i,
j], pch = rep.pch[i, j], lwd = lwd)
tmp <- cbind(tmp, sort(unique(object$,
mydata[i, ])
#if (avg) {
# if (length(size) == 1)
# lines(sort(unique(object$, mean.vec,
# type = "l", lwd = lwd, col = 1)
# if (D > 1)
# lines(sort(unique(object$, mean.vec,
# type = "l", lwd = lwd, col = col[j])
corner <- matrix(c(xlim[1], ylim[1], xlim[1], ylim[2], xlim[2],
ylim[1], xlim[2], ylim[2]), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)
tmp <- matrix(as.numeric(t(tmp)), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)
loc <- NULL
for (m in 1:nrow(corner)) {
tt <- rbind(corner[m, ], tmp)
corner.dist <- dist(tt)
loc[m] <- min(as.matrix(corner.dist)[-1, 1])
if (is.null(legloc)) {
legloc <- corner[order(loc, decreasing = TRUE)[1], ]
if (order(loc, decreasing = TRUE)[1] == 1)
legloc[2] <- legloc[2] + loc[1]
if (order(loc, decreasing = TRUE)[1] == 2)
legloc[2] <- legloc[2] - loc[2]
if (order(loc, decreasing = TRUE)[1] == 3) {
legloc[1] <- legloc[1] - loc[3]
legloc[2] <- legloc[2] + loc[3]
if (order(loc, decreasing = TRUE)[1] == 4)
legloc[1] <- legloc[1] - loc[4]
if (type == "b") {
rep.pch <- as.vector(rep.pch)[as.vector(rep.pch) >
rep.lty <- as.vector(rep.lty)[as.vector(rep.lty) >
if (D == 1) {
na.indx <- apply(y,1,[1,]
rep.lty <- rep.lty[1:max(object$size)][!na.indx]
rep.pch <- rep.pch[1:max(object$size)][!na.indx]
col <- col[1:max(object$size)][!na.indx]
legend(legloc[1], legloc[2], legend = sort(unique(paste(object$,
object$[!na.indx], lty = rep.lty, lwd = lwd,
col = col, pch = rep.pch, text.col = col,
cex = 0.75)
if (D > 1) {
na.indx <- apply(y,1,[1,]
tmp <- sum(apply(object$size,2,max))
rep.lty <- rep.lty[1:tmp][!na.indx]
rep.pch <- rep.pch[1:tmp][!na.indx]
col <- col[rep(1:length(unique(object$, apply(object$size,2,max))][!na.indx]
legend(legloc[1], legloc[2], legend = sort(unique(paste(object$,
object$[!na.indx], lty = rep.lty, lwd = lwd,
col = col, pch = rep.pch, text.col = col, cex = 0.75)
if (type == "p") {
rep.pch <- as.vector(rep.pch)[as.vector(rep.pch) >
rep.lty <- as.vector(rep.lty)[as.vector(rep.lty) >
if (D == 1){
na.indx <- apply(y,1,[1,]
rep.pch <- rep.pch[1:max(object$size)][!na.indx]
col <- col[1:max(object$size)][!na.indx]
legend(legloc[1], legloc[2], legend = sort(unique(paste(object$,
object$[!na.indx], col = col, pch = rep.pch,
text.col = col, cex = 0.75)
if (D > 1){
na.indx <- apply(y,1,[1,]
tmp <- sum(apply(object$size,2,max))
rep.pch <- rep.pch[1:tmp][!na.indx]
col <- col[rep(1:length(unique(object$, apply(object$size,2,max))][!na.indx]
legend(legloc[1], legloc[2], legend = sort(unique(paste(object$,
object$[!na.indx], col = col, pch = rep.pch,
text.col = col, cex = 0.75)
if (type == "l") {
rep.pch <- as.vector(rep.pch)[as.vector(rep.pch) >
rep.lty <- as.vector(rep.lty)[as.vector(rep.lty) >
if (D == 1) {
na.indx <- apply(y,1,[1,]
rep.lty <- rep.lty[1:max(object$size)][!na.indx]
col <- col[1:max(object$size)][!na.indx]
legend(legloc[1], legloc[2], legend = sort(unique(paste(object$,
object$[!na.indx], lty = rep.lty, lwd = lwd,
col = col, text.col = col, cex = 0.75)
if (D > 1) {
na.indx <- apply(y,1,[1,]
tmp <- sum(apply(object$size,2,max))
rep.lty <- rep.lty[1:tmp][!na.indx]
col <- col[rep(1:length(unique(object$, apply(object$size,2,max))][!na.indx]
legend(legloc[1], legloc[2], legend = sort(unique(paste(object$,
object$[!na.indx], lty = rep.lty, lwd = lwd,
col = col, text.col = col, cex = 0.75)
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