## Class declaration
cond.a="character", cond.b="character",
cond.c="character", cond.d="character",
label.level="character", label.condition="character",
data.type="character", DEGs="DEGs")
## Generics declaration (getters, setters and methods)
function(object) standardGeneric("getExprMatrix"))
function(object) standardGeneric("getConditionA"))
function(object) standardGeneric("getConditionB"))
function(object) standardGeneric("getConditionC"))
function(object) standardGeneric("getConditionD"))
function(object) standardGeneric("getDataType"))
function(object) standardGeneric("getConditionLabels"))
function(object) standardGeneric("getLevelLabels"))
function(object) standardGeneric("getDEGs"))
setGeneric("computeDEGs", signature="object",
function(object, method="limma", significance.threshold= 0.05,
FC.threshold= 0, log.transformed = FALSE, mult.cor=TRUE)
## Getters implementation
setMethod("getExprMatrix", "TranslatomeDataset",
function(object) { object@expr.matrix }
setMethod("getConditionA", "TranslatomeDataset",
function(object) { object@cond.a }
setMethod("getConditionB", "TranslatomeDataset",
function(object) { object@cond.b }
setMethod("getConditionC", "TranslatomeDataset",
function(object) { object@cond.c }
setMethod("getConditionD", "TranslatomeDataset",
function(object) { object@cond.d }
setMethod("getDataType", "TranslatomeDataset",
function(object) { object@data.type }
setMethod("getConditionLabels", "TranslatomeDataset",
function(object) { object@label.condition }
setMethod("getLevelLabels", "TranslatomeDataset",
function(object) { object@label.level }
setMethod("getDEGs", "TranslatomeDataset",
function(object) { object@DEGs }
## Methods implementation
setMethod("computeDEGs", "TranslatomeDataset",
function(object, method="limma", significance.threshold= 0.05,
FC.threshold= 0, log.transformed = FALSE, mult.cor=TRUE) {
# check input parameters for correctness
if (method != "none" &
(length(object@cond.a)<2 | length(object@cond.b)<2 |
length(object@cond.c)<2 | length(object@cond.d)<2))
stop('You need at least two replicates for each condition
to calculate DEGs with statistical methods!')
if (!(method %in%
c("limma", "t-test", "TE", "RP", "ANOTA", "DESeq", "edgeR", "none")))
stop('This method is not recognized!')
# conditions for the two levels (first is 1,2 and second is 3,4)
cond1 <- object@expr.matrix[,object@cond.a]
cond2 <- object@expr.matrix[,object@cond.b]
cond3 <- object@expr.matrix[,object@cond.c]
cond4 <- object@expr.matrix[,object@cond.d]
if (!(object@data.type == "ngs") && !log.transformed) {
cond1 <- log(cond1, base=2)
cond2 <- log(cond2, base=2)
cond3 <- log(cond3, base=2)
cond4 <- log(cond4, base=2)
cond <- cbind(cond1, cond2)
cond.vector <- c(rep(0, ncol(cond1)), rep(1, ncol(cond2)))
cond.2 <- cbind(cond3,cond4)
cond.2.vector <- c(rep(0, ncol(cond3)), rep(1, ncol(cond4)))
# if the chosen method is translational efficiency, put together samples
# as first & second level case and first & second level control
# meaning: Pol Case vs Sub/Tot Case and Pol Ctrl vs Sub/Tot Ctrl
if (method == "TE") {
cond <- cbind(cond1, cond3)
cond.vector <- c(rep(0, ncol(cond1)), rep(1, ncol(cond3)))
cond.2 <- cbind(cond2,cond4)
cond.2.vector <- c(rep(0, ncol(cond2)), rep(1, ncol(cond4)))
#Calculation of FC, avg, and sd for the first level
FC <- apply(cond, 1,
function(x) mean(x[which(cond.vector == 1)], na.rm=TRUE) -
mean(x[which(cond.vector == 0)], na.rm=TRUE))
if (object@data.type == "ngs")
FC <- apply(cond, 1,
function(x) log(mean(x[which(cond.vector == 1)], na.rm=TRUE) /
mean(x[which(cond.vector == 0)], na.rm=TRUE), base=2))
avg.trt <- apply(cond, 1,
function(x) mean(x[which(cond.vector == 1)], na.rm=TRUE))
sd.trt <- apply(cond, 1,
function(x) sd(x[which(cond.vector == 1)], na.rm=TRUE))
avg.ctr <- apply(cond, 1,
function(x) mean(x[which(cond.vector == 0)], na.rm=TRUE))
sd.ctr <- apply(cond, 1,
function(x) sd(x[which(cond.vector == 0)], na.rm=TRUE))
#Calculation of FC, avg, and sd for the second level
FC2 <- apply(cond.2, 1,
function(x) mean(x[which(cond.2.vector == 1)],na.rm=TRUE) -
mean(x[which(cond.2.vector == 0)],na.rm=TRUE))
if (object@data.type == "ngs")
FC2 <- apply(cond.2, 1,
function(x) log(mean(x[which(cond.2.vector == 1)],na.rm=TRUE) /
mean(x[which(cond.2.vector == 0)],na.rm=TRUE),base=2))
avg.trt2 <- apply(cond.2, 1,
function(x) mean(x[which(cond.2.vector == 1)], na.rm=TRUE))
sd.trt2 <- apply(cond.2, 1,
function(x) sd(x[which(cond.2.vector == 1)], na.rm=TRUE))
avg.ctr2 <- apply(cond.2, 1,
function(x) mean(x[which(cond.2.vector == 0)], na.rm=TRUE))
sd.ctr2 <- apply(cond.2, 1,
function(x) sd(x[which(cond.2.vector == 0)], na.rm=TRUE))
#execution of the selected significance computation method
#(sig.matrix is set with the default values for "none" method)
sig.matrix <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(cond),ncol=4)
if (method == "RP")
sig.matrix <- methodRP(cond, cond.2, cond.vector, cond.2.vector, mult.cor)
if (method == "t-test")
sig.matrix <- methodTTest(cond, cond.2, cond.vector, cond.2.vector)
if (method == "TE")
# compute translational efficiency p-values with Limma as if it was
# the normal condition, but cond and cond.2 have been built in a
# different way (tot/sub + pol ctrl) and (tot/sub + pol case)
sig.matrix <- methodLimma(cond, cond.2, cond.vector, cond.2.vector)
if (method == "limma")
sig.matrix <- methodLimma(cond, cond.2, cond.vector, cond.2.vector)
if (method == "ANOTA")
sig.matrix <- methodANOTA(cond, cond.2, cond.vector, cond.2.vector)
if (method == "DESeq")
sig.matrix <- methodDESeq(cond, cond.2, cond.vector, cond.2.vector)
if (method == "edgeR")
sig.matrix <- methodEdgeR(cond, cond.2, cond.vector, cond.2.vector)
#generation of the final matrix
col1 <- ifelse(mult.cor, 2, 1)
col2 <- ifelse(mult.cor, 4, 3)
level1Up <- sig.matrix[,col1] < significance.threshold & FC > FC.threshold
level1Down <- sig.matrix[,col1] < significance.threshold & FC < -FC.threshold
level2Up <- sig.matrix[,col2] < significance.threshold & FC2 > FC.threshold
level2Down <- sig.matrix[,col2] < significance.threshold & FC2 < -FC.threshold
UpUp <- level1Up == 1 & level2Up == 1
DownUp <- level1Down == 1 & level2Up == 1
UpDown <- level1Up == 1 & level2Down == 1
DownDown <- level1Down == 1 & level2Down == 1
final.matrix <- cbind(FC, avg.ctr, sd.ctr,
avg.trt, sd.trt, sig.matrix[,1:2],
FC2, avg.ctr2, sd.ctr2,
avg.trt2, sd.trt2, sig.matrix[,3:4],
level1Up, level1Down, level2Up, level2Down,
UpUp, DownUp, UpDown, DownDown)
colnames(final.matrix) <- c(
LOG2.FC1=paste("log2 FC (",
object@label.level[1], ")", sep=""),
AVG11=paste("avg(", object@label.level[1], ", ",
object@label.condition[1], ")", sep=""),
SD11=paste("sd(", object@label.level[1], ", ",
object@label.condition[1], ")", sep=""),
AVG12=paste("avg(", object@label.level[1], ", ",
object@label.condition[2], ")", sep=""),
SD12=paste("sd(", object@label.level[1], ", ",
object@label.condition[2], ")", sep=""),
PVAL.1=paste(method, ".pval(",
object@label.level[1], ")", sep=""),
PVAL.MTC.1=paste(method, ".pval.mtc(",
object@label.level[1], ")", sep=""),
LOG2.FC2=paste("log2 FC (",
object@label.level[2], ")", sep=""),
AVG21=paste("avg(", object@label.level[2], ", ",
object@label.condition[1], ")", sep=""),
SD21=paste("sd(", object@label.level[2], ", ",
object@label.condition[1], ")", sep=""),
AVG22=paste("avg(", object@label.level[2], ", ",
object@label.condition[2], ")", sep=""),
SD22=paste("sd(", object@label.level[2], ", ",
object@label.condition[2], ")", sep=""),
PVAL.2=paste(method, ".pval(",
object@label.level[2], ")", sep=""),
PVAL.MTC.2=paste(method, ".pval.mtc(",
object@label.level[2], ")", sep=""),
"level1Up", "level1Down", "level2Up", "level2Down",
"UpUp", "DownUp", "UpDown", "DownDown")
# store and return the obtained DEGs
object@DEGs <- new("DEGs", DEGs.table=final.matrix, method=method,
setMethod("show", "TranslatomeDataset",
function(object) {
## Helper functions
# Constructor method for users
newTranslatomeDataset <- function(expr.matrix, cond.a, cond.b, cond.c, cond.d,
label.level=c("1st level","2nd level"),
label.condition=c("control","treated")) {
# check input parameters for completeness and correctness
if (missing(expr.matrix) | missing(cond.a) | missing(cond.b) |
missing(cond.c) | missing(cond.d))
stop('Some of the mandatory arguments are missing!')
# if the input dataset is a Biobase ExpressionSet,
# extract the expression matrix from it
finalMatrix = expr.matrix
if (is(expr.matrix, "ExpressionSet")) finalMatrix = exprs(expr.matrix)
return(new(Class="TranslatomeDataset",expr.matrix = finalMatrix,
cond.a=cond.a, cond.b=cond.b, cond.c=cond.c, cond.d=cond.d,
data.type=data.type, label.level=label.level,
# Implementation of the RP helper function
methodRP <- function(cond, cond.2, cond.vector, cond.2.vector, mult.cor) {
num.perm = ifelse(mult.cor, 1000, 10)
RP <- RP(cond, cond.vector, num.perm=num.perm,
logged=TRUE, gene.names=rownames(cond))
rp.pval.1 <- apply(RP$pval, 1, min)
rp.pfp.1 <- apply(RP$pfp, 1, min)
RP2 <- RP(cond.2, cond.2.vector, num.perm=num.perm,
logged=TRUE, gene.names=rownames(cond.2))
rp.pval.2 <- apply(RP2$pval, 1, min)
rp.pfp.2 <- apply(RP2$pfp, 1, min)
# build the significance p-values matrix and return it
return(cbind(rp.pval.1, rp.pfp.1, rp.pval.2, rp.pfp.2))
# Implementation of the t-test helper function
methodTTest <- function(cond, cond.2, cond.vector, cond.2.vector) {
# t.test.pval for first level
t.test.pval <- calcTStatFast(cond, cond.vector)$pval
t.test.pval.adj <- p.adjust(t.test.pval,
method="BH", n=length(t.test.pval))
# t.test.pval for second level
t.test.pval2 <- calcTStatFast(cond.2, cond.2.vector)$pval
t.test.pval.adj2 <- p.adjust(t.test.pval2,
method="BH", n=length(t.test.pval2))
# build the significance p-values matrix and return it
return(cbind(t.test.pval, t.test.pval.adj,
t.test.pval2, t.test.pval.adj2))
# Implementation of the limma helper function
methodLimma <- function(cond, cond.2, cond.vector, cond.2.vector) {
eset <- data.frame(cond.a=cond[,cond.vector==0],
Target <- c(rep("cond.a", sum(cond.vector==0)),
rep("cond.b", sum(cond.vector==1)),
rep("cond.c", sum(cond.2.vector==0)),
rep("cond.d", sum(cond.2.vector==1)))
colnames(eset) <- Target
FileName <- colnames(eset)
targets <- data.frame(FileName=FileName, Target=Target)
lev <- unique(Target)
f <- factor(targets$Target, levels = lev)
design <- model.matrix(~0 + f)
colnames(design) <- lev
fit <- lmFit(eset, design)
cont.firstlevel <- makeContrasts("cond.b - cond.a", levels = design)
fitfirstlevel <-, cont.firstlevel)
fitfirstlevel <- eBayes(fitfirstlevel)
BH.firstlevel <- p.adjust(fitfirstlevel$F.p.value, method = "BH")
cont.secondlevel <- makeContrasts("cond.d - cond.c", levels = design)
fitsecondlevel <-, cont.secondlevel)
fitsecondlevel <- eBayes(fitsecondlevel)
BH.secondlevel <- p.adjust(fitsecondlevel$F.p.value, method = "BH")
# build the significance p-values matrix and return it
return(cbind(fitfirstlevel$F.p.value, BH.firstlevel,
fitsecondlevel$F.p.value, BH.secondlevel))
# Implementation of the ANOTA helper function
methodANOTA <- function(cond, cond.2, cond.vector, cond.2.vector) {
if (length(cond.vector) != length(cond.2.vector) |
!all(cond.vector == cond.2.vector))
stop('The ANOTA method cannot be applied if the two levels
have a different experimental design!')
#first level
anotaQcOut <- anotaPerformQc(dataT = cond, dataP = cond.2,
phenoVec = cond.vector)
anotaSigGeneOut <- anotaGetSigGenes(dataT = cond, dataP = cond.2,
phenoVec = cond.vector, anotaQcObj = anotaQcOut)
pvalues.1st <- anotaSigGeneOut$apvStats[[1]][,"apvP"]
pvalues.1st.BH <- p.adjust(pvalues.1st, method = "BH")
#second level
anotaQcOut.2nd <- anotaPerformQc(dataT = cond.2, dataP = cond,
phenoVec = cond.vector)
anotaSigGeneOut.2nd <- anotaGetSigGenes(dataT = cond.2, dataP = cond,
phenoVec = cond.vector,
anotaQcObj = anotaQcOut.2nd)
pvalues.2nd <- anotaSigGeneOut.2nd$apvStats[[1]][,"apvP"]
pvalues.2nd.BH <- p.adjust(pvalues.2nd, method = "BH")
# build the significance p-values matrix and return it
return(cbind(pvalues.2nd, pvalues.2nd.BH, pvalues.1st, pvalues.1st.BH))
# Implementation of the DESeq helper function (for NGS data)
methodDESeq <- function(cond, cond.2, cond.vector, cond.2.vector) {
cond.1.deseq <- newCountDataSet(cond, cond.vector)
cond.1.deseq <- estimateSizeFactors(cond.1.deseq)
# if GLM fit fails, switch to local fitting
tmp <- tryCatch(cond.1.deseq <- estimateDispersions(cond.1.deseq),
error=function(ex){ return(-1) })
if (is.numeric(tmp))
cond.1.deseq <- estimateDispersions(cond.1.deseq,
res.1 <- nbinomTest(cond.1.deseq, "0", "1")
cond.2.deseq <- newCountDataSet(cond.2, cond.2.vector)
cond.2.deseq <- estimateSizeFactors(cond.2.deseq)
# if GLM fit fails, switch to local fitting
tmp <- tryCatch(cond.2.deseq <-estimateDispersions(cond.2.deseq),
error=function(ex){ return(-1) })
if (is.numeric(tmp))
cond.2.deseq <- estimateDispersions(cond.2.deseq,
res.2 <- nbinomTest(cond.2.deseq, "0", "1")
# build the significance p-values matrix and return it
return(cbind(res.1$pval, res.1$padj, res.2$pval, res.2$padj))
# Implementation of the edgeR helper function (for NGS data)
methodEdgeR <- function(cond, cond.2, cond.vector, cond.2.vector) {
cond.1.edger <- DGEList(counts=cond, group=cond.vector)
cond.1.edger <- calcNormFactors(cond.1.edger)
cond.1.edger <- estimateCommonDisp(cond.1.edger)
cond.1.edger <- estimateTagwiseDisp(cond.1.edger)
res.1 <- exactTest(cond.1.edger)
cond.2.edger <- DGEList(counts=cond.2, group=cond.2.vector)
cond.2.edger <- calcNormFactors(cond.2.edger)
cond.2.edger <- estimateCommonDisp(cond.2.edger)
cond.2.edger <- estimateTagwiseDisp(cond.2.edger)
res.2 <- exactTest(cond.2.edger)
# build the significance p-values matrix and return it
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