# Initiation, creating tabs etc.
#' @import shiny spsUtil spsComps drawer
#' @importFrom plotly plotlyOutput
#' @importFrom shinyjqui jqui_resizable
#' @importFrom shinyWidgets pickerInput
#' @importFrom shinytoastr toastr_success toastr_info
#' @importFrom plotly renderPlotly ggplotly
#' @importFrom shinyjs show
#' @importFrom DT renderDT datatable
#' @importFrom shiny validate
#' @importFrom shinyjs show hide toggleState
#' @importFrom shinytoastr toastr_success
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom DT DTOutput
#' @importFrom shinyWidgets radioGroupButtons pickerInput progressBar updateProgressBar
#' @importFrom stringr str_split str_remove_all str_replace_all str_which
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove str_which str_extract str_replace str_sort
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_pad
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom glue glue glue_collapse
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that not_empty is.writeable
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point ggtitle aes geom_bar coord_flip
#' @importFrom stats relevel
#' @importFrom utils capture.output write.csv read.delim
#' @importFrom dplyr count
#' @importFrom shinytoastr toastr_warning toastr_error
".", ".module_pkgs"
######################### SPS main functions #############################
#' SystemPipeShiny app main function
#' @param tabs custom visualization tab IDs that you want to display, in a character
#' vector. Use [spsTabInfo()] to see what tab IDs you can load
#' @param server_expr additional top level sever expression you want
#' to run. This will run after the default server expressions. It means you can
#' have access to internal server expression objects, like the
#' [shiny::reactiveValues()]
#' object `shared`. You can also overwrite other values. Read "shared object" in
#' vignette.
#' @param app_path SPS project path
#' @details You must set the project root as working directory for this
#' function to find required files.
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble filter tibble
#' @importFrom rlang enexpr
#' @export
#' @return a list contains the UI and server
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' spsInit()
#' sps_app <- sps(
#' tabs = "",
#' server_expr = {
#' msg("Hello World", "GREETING", "green")
#' }
#' )
#' }
sps <- function(tabs = "", server_expr=NULL, app_path = getwd()){
# check tabs
spserror(glue("You input duplicated tab IDs: ",
sps_env <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
r_folder <- file.path(app_path, "R")
lapply(file.path(r_folder, list.files(r_folder, "\\.[rR]$")),
function(x) source(x, local = sps_env)) %>%
if(any(search() %>% str_detect("^sps_env$"))) detach("sps_env")
attach(sps_env, name = "sps_env", pos = 2, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
tab_info <- checkSps(app_path)
if(length(tabs) >= 1 & sum(nchar(tabs)) > 0){
spsinfo("Now check input tabs")
spsinfo("Find tab info ...")
tabs <- c(tabs) %>% unique() %>% {.[!. %in% c("", " ")]}
tabs <- findTabInfo(tabs, tab_file = file.path(app_path, "config", "tabs.csv"), force_reload = TRUE) %>% dplyr::as_tibble()
if(sum(not_in_vs <- tabs$tpye != 'vs') > 0)
spserror(glue("Tab '{glue_collapse(tabs[not_in_vs], ', ')}'",
"is/are not custom tabs"))
} else {
spsinfo("Using default tabs")
tabs <- dplyr::tibble()
# check for required module pkgs
missings <- checkModulePkgs()
if(missings %>% unlist %>% length() > 0) spswarn("You have missing packages, some modules will not be loaded")
# check guide
spsinfo("check guide")
guide <- parseGuide()
# load UI
ui <- spsUI(tabs, missings, sps_env, guide)
spsinfo("UI created")
# load server
server_expr <- rlang::enexpr(server_expr)
server <- spsServer(tabs, server_expr, missings, sps_env, guide)
spsinfo("Server functions created")
spsinfo("App starts ...", verbose = TRUE)
# return in a list to be called
list(ui = ui, server = server)
#' Create a SystemPipeShiny project
#' @description To run a SPS app, you need to first create a SPS project, a
#' directory contains the required files.
#' @param app_path path, a directory where do you want to create this project,
#' must exist.
#' @param project_name Your project name, default is `SPS_` + `time`
#' @param database_name deprecated in current version.
#' project database name, recommend to use the default
#' name: "sps.db". It is used to store app meta information.
#' @param overwrite bool, overwrite the `app_path` if there is a folder that
#' has the same name as `project_name`?
#' @param change_wd bool, when creation is done, change working directory into
#' the project?
#' @param verbose bool, do you want additional message?
#' @param open_files bool, If `change_wd == TRUE` and you are also in Rstudio,
#' it will open up *global.R* for you
#' @param colorful bool, should message from this function be colorful?
#' @details Make sure you have write permission to `app_path`.
#' The database in not used in current version.
#' @importFrom rstudioapi isAvailable navigateToFile
#' @export
#' @return creates the project folder
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' spsInit(change_wd = FALSE)
#' }
spsInit <- function(app_path=getwd(),
project_name = glue::glue("SPS_{format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d')}"),
database_name = "sps.db",
overwrite = FALSE,
change_wd = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
open_files = TRUE,
colorful = TRUE
options(sps=list(verbose = verbose, use_crayon = colorful))
spsinfo("Start to create a new SPS project", TRUE)
else spserror(glue("{app_path} is not writeable."))
project_dir <- file.path(app_path, project_name)
if(dir.exists(project_dir) & !overwrite) {
spserror(glue("{project_dir} exists"))
} else if(dir.exists(project_dir) & overwrite) {
spswarn(glue("Overwrite things in {project_dir}"))
} else {
spsinfo(glue("Create project under {project_dir}"), TRUE)
spsinfo("Now copy files", TRUE)
copySPSfiles("app/www/", project_dir, TRUE, overwrite, verbose)
copySPSfiles("app/config", project_dir, TRUE, overwrite, verbose)
copySPSfiles("app/R", project_dir, TRUE, overwrite, verbose)
copySPSfiles("app/data", project_dir, TRUE, overwrite, verbose)
copySPSfiles("app/results", project_dir, TRUE, overwrite, verbose)
copySPSfiles("app/", project_dir, FALSE, overwrite, verbose)
copySPSfiles("app/deploy.R", project_dir, FALSE, FALSE, verbose)
copySPSfiles("app/app_ez/server.R", project_dir, FALSE, overwrite, verbose)
copySPSfiles("app/app_ez/global.R", project_dir, FALSE, overwrite, verbose)
copySPSfiles("app/app_ez/ui.R", project_dir, FALSE, overwrite, verbose)
copySPSfiles("app/app_ez/server.R", project_dir, FALSE, overwrite, verbose)
# spsinfo("Create SPS database", TRUE)
# suppressWarnings(
# spsDb$new()$createDb(db_name=file.path(project_dir,
# "config",
# database_name))
# )
if(change_wd) {
spsinfo(glue("Change working directory to {project_dir}"))
if(rstudioapi::isAvailable() & open_files){
msg("SPS project setup done!", "SPS-INFO", "green")
################### Internal setups ###########################
#' Pre start SPS checks
#' @param app_path where is the app directory root location, default current
#' working folder
#' @noRd
# @examples
# checkSps()
checkSps <- function(app_path = getwd()) {
#' @importFrom yaml yaml.load_file
#' @noRd
verifyConfig <- function(app_path) {
sps_options <-
# can't use vapply, mix types of returns
sps_defaults <- lapply(names(sps_options),
function(x) sps_options[[x]][['default']])
names(sps_defaults) <- names(sps_options)
function(x) if(length(sps_defaults[x]) != 1)
spswarn(glue("Default for option {names(sps_defaults)[x]} ",
"has more than one value: {sps_defaults[x]}"))
} else (return(TRUE)),
) %>%
{if (!all(.)) spserror("Unexpected config file, see SPS-WARNING")}
return(list(sps_options, sps_defaults))
#' Resolve SPS options
#' need to use the sps_options.yaml file
#' @param app_path default current working folder
#' @noRd
# @examples
# spsInit()
# options(sps = list(mode = c("asas", "sas"),
# place = "here", time = c("now", "then"),
# loading_screen = FALSE))
# resolveOptions()
resolveOptions <- function(app_path = getwd()){
ops <- options()$sps
ops$app_path <- NULL
verified_ops <- verifyConfig(app_path)
sps_options <- verified_ops[[1]]
sps_defaults <- verified_ops[[2]]
spsinfo(glue("App has {length(sps_defaults)} default configs, ",
"resolving {length(ops)} custom configs"))
if (!is.list(ops)) {
spswarn("Options are not in a list, reset all")
return(options(sps = sps_defaults))
# check length
for (x in seq_along(ops)) {
if (length(ops[[x]]) != 1) {
spswarn(glue("option '{names(ops)[x]}' has length not 1 or NULL,",
"will be set to default"))
ops[[x]] = ""
# check if in option list
for (x in names(ops)){
{spswarn(glue("option {x} unknown, skip")); next}
if("*" %in% sps_options[[x]] & ops[[x]] != sps_defaults[[x]]){
spsinfo(glue("Option {x} can be any value,",
"overwrite default to '{ops[[x]]}'"), TRUE)
opt_value <- ops[[x]]
} else{
opt_value <- if (!ops[[x]] %in% sps_options[[x]] %>% unlist()) {
"option'{x}' has unknown value '{ops[[x]]}', ",
"set to default. \n valid values are ",
"{glue_collapse(c(sps_options[[x]]), sep=', ')}"
} else {ops[[x]]}
if (is.null(opt_value)) spswarn(glue("option'{x}' unknown, not used"))
ops[[x]] <- opt_value
# replace defaults
for (x in names(ops)){
sps_defaults[[x]] <- ops[[x]]
# add hidden app_path
sps_defaults[['app_path']] <- app_path
# replace global env
options(sps = sps_defaults)
#' Print SPS options
#' @description Make sure you have created the app directory and it
#' has *config/config.yaml* file.
#' [spsOptDefaults] prints out all default and other avaliable values for
#' each option. [spsOptions] print all current set option values.
#' Note: the [spsUtil::spsOption] is used to get or set a **single** option value.
#' [spsOptions] is used to print **all** current option values. If you need to
#' set all values at once, use the *global.R* file under SPS project root.
#' @param app_path path, where is the app directory
#' @export
#' @return cat to console SPS option values
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' # start a SPS project
#' spsInit(open_files = FALSE)
#' viewSpsDefaults()
#' # change a few options
#' options(sps = list(
#' mode = "server",
#' warning_toast = TRUE,
#' loading_screen = FALSE,
#' loading_theme = "vhelix",
#' use_crayon = TRUE
#' ))
#' # view current options
#' spsOptions()
#' }
spsOptDefaults <- function(app_path = getwd()){
sps_defaults <- verifyConfig(app_path)[[1]]
option_names <- names(sps_defaults)
for (i in seq_along(sps_defaults)) {
option_names[i] %>% crayon::blue$bold() %>% {cat(., ":\n", sep = "")}
cat(crayon::green$bold(" Default: ")); cat(sps_defaults[[i]][['default']], "\n")
cat(crayon::green$bold(" Other: ")); cat(sps_defaults[[i]][['other']], "\n")
cat("* means any value will be accepted\n")
#' @rdname spsOptDefaults
#' @param show_legend bool, show the color legend?
#' @importFrom crayon green blue make_style chr
#' @return
#' @export
spsOptions <- function(app_path = getwd(), show_legend = TRUE){
sps_defaults <- verifyConfig(app_path)[[2]]
default_names <- names(sps_defaults)
sps_values <- getOption("sps")
option_names <- names(sps_values)
cat(crayon::green$bold("Current project option settings:"), "\n")
for (i in seq_along(sps_values)) {
if(option_names[i] %in% default_names) {
title_color <- crayon::blue$bold
title_suffix <- ""
if(identical(sps_values[[i]], sps_defaults[[option_names[i]]])){
value_color <- crayon::green$bold
value_suffix <- ""
} else {
value_color <- crayon::chr
value_suffix <- "+"
} else {
title_suffix <- "*"
title_color <- crayon::make_style("orange")$bold
value_color <- crayon::make_style("orange")
value_suffix <- "+"
paste0(option_names[i], title_suffix) %>% title_color() %>% {cat(., ":\n", sep = "")}
cat(" ", value_color(paste0(sps_values[[i]]), value_suffix), "\n", sep = "")
"********\nOption legend:\n",
crayon::blue$bold(" known options "),
crayon::make_style("orange")$bold(" Hidden/custom options* and values+\n"),
"Value legend:\n",
crayon::green$bold(" same as default values "),
" different from defaults+",
sep = ""
#' Check sps tab file on start
#' @importFrom vroom vroom cols col_character
#' @param app_path App dir
#' @noRd
checkTabs <- function(app_path, warn_img = TRUE){
spsinfo("Now check the tab info in tabs.csv ")
tab_info <- tryCatch(suppressMessages(
file.path(app_path, "config", "tabs.csv"),
comment = "#",
altrep = FALSE,
delim = ",",
col_types= vroom::cols(image = vroom::col_character(),
displayed = vroom::col_character()),
na = character())
error = function(e){
spserror(c(e$message, "\n",
"Cannot read ",
file.path(app_path, "config", "tabs.csv")))
cols <- c("tab_id", "display_label","type",
"type_sub", "image", "tab_file_name",
col_check <- cols %in% names(tab_info)
spserror(glue('Following column(s) missing
{glue_collapse(cols[!col_check], ", ")}'))
ta_dup <- tab_info$tab_id[base::duplicated(tab_info$tab_id)] %>% unique()
if(length(ta_dup) > 0){
spserror(glue("Tabname must be unique, find duplicates name(s)",
"'{paste(ta_dup, collapse = ', ')}'"))
no_img <- tab_info$tab_id[tab_info$type_sub == "plot" &
tab_info$image == ""]
if(length(no_img) > 0 & warn_img){
spswarn(glue("These plot tabs has no image path:
'{paste(no_img, collapse = ', ')}'
It is recommended to add an image. It will be used ",
"to generate gallery. Now an empty image is used for ",
"these tabs' gallery."))
spsinfo("tab.csv info check pass")
# internal function for `sps` to copy files
copySPSfiles <- function(file_path,
verbose = FALSE){
sps_path <- system.file(file_path, package = "systemPipeShiny")
if(sps_path == "")
spserror(glue("Can't find required SPS files {file_path}.
Did you install SPS correctly?"))
app_path <- file.path(project_dir, basename(sps_path))
if(dir.exists(app_path) | !is_dir){
file.copy(sps_path, project_dir,
recursive = TRUE, overwrite = overwrite)
} else {
file.copy(sps_path, project_dir,
recursive = TRUE, overwrite = overwrite)
spsinfo(glue("File(s) copied for {app_path}"), verbose)
#' View SPS project 'config/tabs.csv' information
#' @param return_type one of 'print', 'data', 'colnames', or a specified column
#' name
#' @param n_print how many lines of tab info you want to print out
#' @param app_path SPS project root
#' @details
#' - 'print' will print out the entire *tabs.csv*, you can
#' specify `n_print` for how many lines you want to print;
#' - 'data' will return the tab info tibble
#' - 'colnames' will return all column names of tab info file
#' - A column name will extract the specified column out and return as a vector
#' @return return depends on `return_type`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' spsInit(project_name = "SPS_tabinfo", overwrite = TRUE,
#' change_wd = FALSE, open_files = FALSE)
#' # all lines
#' spsTabInfo("print", app_path = "SPS_tabinfo")
#' # 5 lines
#' spsTabInfo("print", app_path = "SPS_tabinfo", n_print = 5L)
#' spsTabInfo("data", app_path = "SPS_tabinfo")
#' spsTabInfo("colnames", app_path = "SPS_tabinfo")
#' spsTabInfo("tab_id", app_path = "SPS_tabinfo")
spsTabInfo <- function(return_type = "print", n_print = 40, app_path = getwd()){
tab_info <- checkTabs(app_path, warn_img = FALSE)
"print" = print(tab_info, n = n_print),
"data" = tab_info,
"colnames" = colnames(tab_info),
if(return_type %in% colnames(tab_info)) {tab_info[[return_type]]}
else spswarn(c("Cannot find column ", return_type))
# declaim pkg check var
.module_pkgs <- list(
wf = sort(c(
rna = sort(c(
ggplot = sort(c(
checkModulePkgs <- function(){
wf = checkModulePkgs_internal("module_wf", .module_pkgs[['wf']], "workflow"),
rna = checkModulePkgs_internal("module_rnaseq", .module_pkgs[['rna']], "RNA-Seq"),
ggplot = checkModulePkgs_internal("module_ggplot", .module_pkgs[['ggplot']], "Quick ggplot")
checkModulePkgs_internal <- function(module_name, pkgs, mol_title){
missings <- spsUtil::checkNameSpace(pkgs, quietly = TRUE)
missing_str <- glue_collapse(missings, '", "')
spswarn(c('You are loading the ', mol_title, ' module but missing packages: "',
missing_str, '", run:'))
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
} else NULL
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.