## Merge BAM files based on factor and return updated SYSargs object ##
## Useful prior to peak calling in ChIP-Seq or miRNA gene prediction experiments
## where pooling of replicates maximizes depth of read coverage.
## Note: default factor is "Factor"
mergeBamByFactor <- function(args, mergefactor="Factor", overwrite=FALSE, silent=FALSE, ...) {
if(all(class(args) != "SYSargs" & class(args) != "SYSargs2")) stop("Argument 'x' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs' OR 'SYSargs2")
## SYSargs class
if(class(args) == "SYSargs") {
mergefactor <- targetsin(args)[[mergefactor]]
targetsin <- targetsin(args)
## SYSargs2 class
} else if (class(args) == "SYSargs2"){
mergefactor <-[[mergefactor]]
targetsin <-
## Check validity of input
allbam <- !grepl("\\.bam$|\\.BAM", infile1(args))
if(any(allbam)) stop("The following files lack the extension '.bam': ", paste(basename(infile1(args)[allbam]), collapse=", "))
if(!"FileName" %in% colnames(targetsin)) stop("Name of one column in 'targetsin(arg)' is expected to be 'FileName'.")
## Unique values in Factor column of targetsin(args)
sample_index <- !duplicated(as.character(mergefactor)); names(sample_index) <- names(infile1(args))
uniorder <- unique(mergefactor)
unifreq <- table(mergefactor)[uniorder] # Important: in order of targetsin(args)!
if(!any(unifreq >= 2)) warning("Values in Factor column are all unique. Thus, there are no BAM files to merge.")
## Store BAM file paths in a list that have >=2 identical values (replicates) in Factor column of targets file
filelist <- tapply(targetsin$FileName, factor(mergefactor), as.character)
filelist <- filelist[names(unifreq)] # Assures original order
## Create vector containing paths of output BAM files
filelist_merge <- filelist[names(unifreq[unifreq>=2])] # Merge only those with >= files
outname_vec <- character(length(filelist_merge)); names(outname_vec) <- names(filelist_merge)
for(i in seq(along=outname_vec)) {
outname <- gsub("\\.bam$|\\.BAM$", "", filelist_merge[[i]][1])
outname <- paste(outname, "_", names(filelist_merge[i]), ".bam", sep="")
outname_vec[i] <- outname
## If any output BAM file exists and 'overwrite=FALSE' then stop
file_exists <- file.exists(outname_vec); names(file_exists) <- names(outname_vec)
if(any(file_exists) & overwrite==FALSE) stop("The following files exist: ", paste(names(file_exists)[file_exists], collapse=", ") , ". Delete/rename them or set 'overwrite=TRUE'")
## Generate collapsed BAM files
for(i in seq(along=filelist_merge)) {
mergeBam(filelist_merge[[i]], outname_vec[i], indexDestination=TRUE, overwrite=overwrite)
if(silent!=TRUE) {
cat("Merged BAM files:", basename(filelist_merge[[i]]), "and saved to file", basename(outname_vec[i]), "\n\n")
## Generate updated SYSargs and SYSargs2 object
filelist[names(outname_vec)] <- outname_vec # Assign new file names to proper slots
outfile_names <- unlist(filelist)
args_sub <- args[sample_index]
## SYSargs class
if(class(args) == "SYSargs") {
targets_out <- targetsout(args_sub)
targets_out[,"FileName"] <- outfile_names
rownames(targets_out) <- NULL
syslist <- list(targetsin=targetsin(args_sub),
args_sub_out <- as(syslist, "SYSargs")
## SYSargs2 class
} else if (class(args) == "SYSargs2"){
out <- sapply(names(outfile_names), function(x) list(outfile_names[[x]]), simplify = F)
for(i in seq_along(out)){
names(out[[i]]) <- cwlfiles(args)$step
# out <- sapply(names(out), function(x) names(out[[x]]) <- cwlfiles(args)$step, simplify = F)
sys2list <- list(targets=targets(args_sub),
args_sub_out <- as(sys2list, "SYSargs2")
## Usage:
# args <- systemArgs(sysma=NULL, mytargets="targets_bam.txt")
# args_merge <- mergeBamByFactor(args, overwrite=TRUE, silent=FALSE)
# writeTargetsout(x=args_merge, file="targets_mergeBamByFactor.txt", overwrite=TRUE)
## Creat targets file with refence sample, e.g. input sample for ChIP-Seq ##
writeTargetsRef <- function(infile, outfile, silent=FALSE, overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
## Import
headerlines <- readLines(infile)
targets <- read.delim(infile, comment.char = "#")
## Check for expected input
if(!c("SampleReference") %in% colnames(targets)) stop("Targets file lacks SampleReference column")
if(!c("FileName") %in% colnames(targets)) stop("Targets file lacks FileName column")
if(all(c("FileName1", "FileName2") %in% colnames(targets))) stop("Targets file is expected to have only one FileName column")
if(file.exists(outfile) & overwrite==FALSE) stop(paste("I am not allowed to overwrite files; please delete existing file:", outfile, "or set 'overwrite=TRUE'"))
testv <- as.character(targets$SampleReference); testv <- testv[!]; testv <- testv[testv!=""]
myfiles <- as.character(targets$FileName); names(myfiles) <- as.character(targets$SampleName)
if(!all(testv %in% names(myfiles))) stop(paste("Value(s)", paste(testv[!testv %in% names(myfiles)], collapse=", "), "from SampleReference column have no matches in SampleName column!"))
## Rearrange targets file
targets <- data.frame(FileName1=targets$FileName, FileName2=NA, targets[,2:length(targets[1,])])
targets[,"FileName2"] <- myfiles[as.character(targets$SampleReference)]
targets <- targets[!$SampleReference)), , drop=FALSE]
targets <- targets[targets$SampleReference!="", , drop=FALSE]
## Export targets file including header lines
headerlines <- headerlines[grepl("^#", headerlines)]
targetslines <- c(paste(colnames(targets), collapse="\t"), apply(targets, 1, paste, collapse="\t"))
writeLines(c(headerlines, targetslines), outfile, ...)
if(silent!=TRUE) cat("\t", "Modified", infile, "file with sample-wise reference has been written to outfile", outfile, "\n")
## Usage:
# writeTargetsRef(infile="~/targets.txt", outfile="~/targets_refsample.txt", silent=FALSE, overwrite=FALSE)
## Iterative read counting over different range files ##
## Convenience function to perform read counting over serveral different
## range sets, e.g. peak ranges or feature types
countRangeset <- function(bfl, args, format="tabular", ...) {
## Input validity checks
if(class(bfl)!="BamFileList") stop("'bfl' needs to be of class 'BamFileList'.")
if(all(class(args) != "SYSargs" & class(args) != "SYSargs2")) stop("Argument 'args' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs' OR 'SYSargs2")
absent_peak_file <- infile1(args)[!file.exists(infile1(args))]
if(length(absent_peak_file)!=0) stop("The following files assigned to 'infile1(args)' do not exist: ", paste(basename(absent_peak_file), collapse=", "))
## Perform read counting for each peak set
## SYSargs class
if(class(args) == "SYSargs") {
countDFnames <- outpaths(args)
## SYSargs2 class
} else if (class(args) == "SYSargs2"){
countDFnames <- subsetWF(args , slot="output", subset=1, index=1)
for(i in seq(along=infile1(args))) {
if(format=="tabular") {
df <- read.delim(infile1(args)[i],comment.char = "#")
peaks <- as(df, "GRanges")
} else if(format=="bed") {
peaks <- import.bed(infile1(args)[i])
} else {
stop("Input file format not supported.")
names(peaks) <- paste0(as.character(seqnames(peaks)), "_", start(peaks), "-", end(peaks))
peaks <- split(peaks, names(peaks))
countDF <- summarizeOverlaps(peaks, bfl, ...)
countDF <- assays(countDF)$counts
write.table(countDF, countDFnames[i], col.names=NA, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
cat("Wrote count result", i, "to", basename(countDFnames[i]), "\n")
## Usage:
# countDFnames <- countRangeset(bfl, args, mode="Union", ignore.strand=TRUE)
## Iterative edgeR/DESeq2 analysis over counts sets from different range sets ##
## Convenience function to iterate over several count sets generated by
## countRangeset() or similar utilities
runDiff <- function(args, diffFct, targets, cmp, dbrfilter, ...) {
if(all(class(args) != "SYSargs" & class(args) != "SYSargs2")) stop("Argument 'args' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs' OR 'SYSargs2")
countfiles <- infile1(args)
## Input validity checks
absent_count_files <- countfiles[!file.exists(countfiles)]
if(length(absent_count_files)!=0) stop("The following files assigned to 'countfiles' do not exist: ", paste(basename(absent_count_files), collapse=", "))
## Perform differential analysis
## SYSargs class
if(class(args) == "SYSargs") {
dbrDFnames <- outpaths(args)
## SYSargs2 class
} else if (class(args) == "SYSargs2"){
dbrDFnames <- subsetWF(args , slot="output", subset=1, index=1)
dbrlists <- list()
for(i in seq(along=dbrDFnames)) {
countDF <- read.delim(countfiles[i], row.names=1)
edgeDF <- diffFct(countDF=countDF, targets, cmp, ...)
write.table(edgeDF, dbrDFnames[i], quote=FALSE, sep="\t", col.names = NA)
pdf(paste0(dbrDFnames[i], ".pdf"))
DBR_list <- filterDEGs(degDF=edgeDF, filter=dbrfilter)
dbrlists <- c(dbrlists, list(DBR_list))
names(dbrlists)[i] <- names(dbrDFnames[i])
cat("Wrote count result", i, "to", basename(dbrDFnames[i]), "\n")
cat("Saved plot", i, "to", basename(paste0(dbrDFnames[i], ".pdf")), "\n")
## Usage:
# dbrlist <- runDiff(args, diffFct=run_edgeR, targets=targetsin(args_bam), cmp=cmp[[1]], independent=TRUE, dbrfilter=c(Fold=2, FDR=1))
# dbrlist <- runDiff(args, diffFct=run_edgeR,, cmp=cmp[[1]], independent=TRUE, dbrfilter=c(Fold=2, FDR=1))
## (A) olRanges Function for IRanges and GRanges Objects ##
## Identify Range Overlaps
olRanges <- function(query, subject, output="gr") {
## Input check
if(!((class(query)=="GRanges" & class(subject)=="GRanges") | (class(query)=="IRanges" & class(subject)=="IRanges"))) {
stop("Query and subject need to be of same class, either GRanges or IRanges!")
## Find overlapping ranges
if(class(query)=="GRanges") {
seqlengths(query) <- rep(NA, length(seqlengths(query)))
seqlengths(subject) <- rep(NA, length(seqlengths(subject)))
olindex <- as.matrix(findOverlaps(query, subject))
query <- query[olindex[,1]]
subject <- subject[olindex[,2]]
olma <- cbind(Qstart=start(query), Qend=end(query), Sstart=start(subject), Send=end(subject))
## Pre-queries for overlaps
startup <- olma[,"Sstart"] < olma[,"Qstart"]
enddown <- olma[,"Send"] > olma[,"Qend"]
startin <- olma[,"Sstart"] >= olma[,"Qstart"] & olma[,"Sstart"] <= olma[,"Qend"]
endin <- olma[,"Send"] >= olma[,"Qstart"] & olma[,"Send"] <= olma[,"Qend"]
## Overlap types
olup <- startup & endin
oldown <- startin & enddown
inside <- startin & endin
contained <- startup & enddown
## Overlap types in one vector
OLtype <- rep("", length(olma[,"Qstart"]))
OLtype[olup] <- "olup"
OLtype[oldown] <- "oldown"
OLtype[inside] <- "inside"
OLtype[contained] <- "contained"
## Overlap positions
OLstart <- rep(0, length(olma[,"Qstart"]))
OLend <- rep(0, length(olma[,"Qstart"]))
OLstart[olup] <- olma[,"Qstart"][olup]
OLend[olup] <- olma[,"Send"][olup]
OLstart[oldown] <- olma[,"Sstart"][oldown]
OLend[oldown] <- olma[,"Qend"][oldown]
OLstart[inside] <- olma[,"Sstart"][inside]
OLend[inside] <- olma[,"Send"][inside]
OLstart[contained] <- olma[,"Qstart"][contained]
OLend[contained] <- olma[,"Qend"][contained]
## Absolute and relative length of overlaps
OLlength <- (OLend - OLstart) + 1
OLpercQ <- OLlength/width(query)*100
OLpercS <- OLlength/width(subject)*100
## Output type
oldf <- data.frame(Qindex=olindex[,1], Sindex=olindex[,2], olma, OLstart, OLend, OLlength, OLpercQ, OLpercS, OLtype)
if(class(query) == "GRanges") {
oldf <- cbind(space=as.character(seqnames(query)), oldf)
if(output=="df") {
if(output=="gr") {
if(class(query)=="GRanges") {
elementMetadata(query) <- cbind(, oldf)
if(class(query)=="IRanges") {
query <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(rep("dummy", length(query))), ranges = IRanges(start=oldf[,"Qstart"], end=oldf[,"Qend"]), strand = Rle(strand(rep("+", length(query)))), oldf)
## Run olRanges function
## Sample Data Sets
# grq <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr1", "chr3"), c(1, 3, 2, 4)),
# ranges = IRanges(seq(1, 100, by=10), end = seq(30, 120, by=10)),
# strand = Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "-")), c(1, 7, 2)))
# grs <- shift(grq[c(2,5,6)], 5)
# olRanges(query=grq, subject=grs, output="df")
# olRanges(query=grq, subject=grs, output="gr")
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