
'km.coxph.plot' <-
function(formula.s, data.s, weight.s, x.label, y.label, main.title, sub.title, leg.text, leg.pos="bottomright", leg.bty="o", leg.inset=0.05, o.text, v.line, h.line, .col=1:4, .lty=1, .lwd=1, show.n.risk=FALSE, n.risk.step, n.risk.cex=0.85, verbose=TRUE, ...) {

	if (missing(sub.title)) { sub.title <- NULL }
	if (missing(leg.text)) { leg.text <- NULL }
  if (missing(weight.s)) { weight.s <- array(1, dim=nrow(data.s), dimnames=list(rownames(data.s))) }
  ## weights should be > 0
  data.s <- data.s[!is.na(weight.s) & weight.s > 0, , drop=FALSE]
  weight.s <- weight.s[!is.na(weight.s) & weight.s > 0]
  pos <- 1
  envir = as.environment(pos)
  assign("weight.s", weight.s, envir = envir)
  weighted <- length(sort(unique(weight.s))) > 1

	ng <- length(leg.text)
    old.mar <- par("mar")
    on.exit( par( mar = old.mar ) )
    if (show.n.risk) {
        par(mar = old.mar + c(ng,8,3,0))
        .xlab = ""

    plot(survfit(formula.s, data=data.s, weights=weight.s), xaxt=.xaxt, col=.col, lty=.lty, lwd=.lwd, xlab=.xlab, ylab=y.label, ... )

    if (!missing(v.line) && !is.null(v.line)) { abline(v=v.line, lty=3, col="purple") }
    if (!missing(h.line) && !is.null(h.line)) { abline(h=h.line, lty=3, col="purple") }

    if (!is.null(leg.text)) { legend(x=leg.pos, xjust=0, yjust=1, legend=leg.text, col=.col, lty=.lty, lwd=.lwd, cex=0.9, bg="white", inset=leg.inset, bty=leg.bty) }
    if (!is.null(sub.title)) { mtext(sub.title, line=-4, outer=TRUE) }
    if (missing(o.text)) {
		  sdf <- summary(survival::coxph(formula.s, data=data.s, weights=weight.s))
	    if(verbose) { print(sdf) }
        p.val <- sdf$sctest["pvalue"]
        o.text <- sprintf("Logrank P = %.1E", p.val)
    if (is.null(o.text)) { o.text <- FALSE }
    text(0,0, o.text, cex=0.85, pos=4)

    if (show.n.risk) {
        usr.xy <- par( "usr" )
        nrisk <- no.at.risk(formula.s=formula.s, data.s=data.s, sub.s="all", t.step=n.risk.step, t.end=floor(usr.xy[2]) )
        at.loc <- seq(0, usr.xy[2], n.risk.step)
        axis(1, at=at.loc)
        mtext(x.label, side=1, line=2)
        mtext("No. At Risk", side=1, line=3, at=-0.5*n.risk.step, adj=1, cex=n.risk.cex, font=2)
        #nrsk.lbs <- sapply( strsplit(levels(nrisk[,1]),"="), FUN=function(x) x[2] )
        #if( any(is.na(nrsk.lbs)) ) nrsk.lbs <- leg.text
        for( i in 1:nrow(nrisk) ) {
            mtext(leg.text[i], side=1, line=3+i, at=-0.5*n.risk.step, adj=1, cex=n.risk.cex)
            mtext(nrisk[i,-1], side=1, at=at.loc, line=3+i, adj=1, cex=n.risk.cex)

    if( exists("weight.s", envir=.GlobalEnv) ) remove("weight.s", envir=.GlobalEnv)

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survcomp documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:54 p.m.