"spotseg" <-
function (chan1, chan2, rowcut, colcut, R = NULL, C = NULL, threshold = 100,
hc = FALSE, show = FALSE)
vecnorm <-function(x) {
xmax <- max(abs(x))
if ( return(NA)
if (xmax == 0) return(0)
z <- x/xmax
xmax * sqrt(sum(z*z))
spotseg1 <- function(spot, i, j, threshold = 100, ccl = TRUE,
hc = FALSE, show = FALSE) {
dis <- function(spot, k) {
L <- spot == k
n <- sum(as.numeric(L))
IJ <- matrix(NA, n, 2)
IJ[, 1] <- ((row(spot) - (nrow(spot) + 1)/2))[L]
IJ[, 2] <- ((col(spot) - (ncol(spot) + 1)/2))[L]
sum(apply(IJ, 1, vecnorm))/n
cir <- function(spot, k) {
L <- spot == k
n <- sum(as.numeric(L))
IJ <- matrix(NA, n, 2)
IJ[, 1] <- row(spot)[L]
IJ[, 2] <- col(spot)[L]
IJ <- sweep(IJ, MARGIN = 2, FUN = "-", STATS = colMeans(IJ))
d <- apply(IJ, 1, vecnorm)
sum(as.numeric(d <= sqrt(n/pi)))/n
orderBYmean <- function(summary, q) {
cl <- summary$classification
u <- sort(unique(cl))
G <- length(u)
mu <- rep(NA, G)
names(mu) <- as.character(u)
for (k in 1:G) {
n <- sum(as.numeric(cl == u[k]))
mu[k] <- sum(spot[cl == u[k]]/n)
ord <- order(mu)
cl <- -cl
for (k in 1:G) cl[cl == -u[k]] <- ord[k]
if (G == 2) {
cl[cl == 2] <- 3
nm <- names(mu)
nm[nm == "2"] <- "3"
names(mu) <- nm
mu <- mu[ord]
list(cl = cl, mu = mu)
concomp <- function(binaryImage, nNeighbors = 4) {
if (nNeighbors != 4 && nNeighbors != 8)
stop("4 or 8 neighbors")
nrowImage <- nrow(binaryImage)
ncolImage <- ncol(binaryImage)
nPixels <- nrowImage * ncolImage
M <- sum(as.numeric(binaryImage))
K <- (1:nPixels)[as.logical(binaryImage)]
binaryImage[K] <- 1:M
Krev <- rev(K)
change <- TRUE
while (change) {
change <- FALSE
for (k in K) {
j <- ceiling(k/nrowImage)
i <- k - nrowImage * (j - 1)
l <- binaryImage[i, j]
if (nNeighbors == 4) {
iPairs <- c(i, i - 1, i, i + 1, i)
jPairs <- c(j - 1, j, j, j, j + 1)
else {
iPairs <- c(i - 1, i, i + 1, i - 1, i, i +
1, i - 1, i, i + 1)
jPairs <- c(j - 1, j - 1, j - 1, j, j, j,
j + 1, j + 1, j + 1)
I <- (iPairs > 0 & iPairs <= nrowImage)
I <- (jPairs > 0 & jPairs <= ncolImage) & I
N <- ((jPairs - 1) * nrowImage + iPairs)[I]
m <- min((binaryImage[N])[as.logical(binaryImage[N])])
binaryImage[i, j] <- m
change <- change || m != l
for (k in Krev) {
j <- ceiling(k/nrowImage)
i <- k - nrowImage * (j - 1)
l <- binaryImage[i, j]
if (nNeighbors == 4) {
iPairs <- c(i, i - 1, i, i + 1, i)
jPairs <- c(j - 1, j, j, j, j + 1)
else {
iPairs <- c(i - 1, i, i + 1, i - 1, i, i +
1, i - 1, i, i + 1)
jPairs <- c(j - 1, j - 1, j - 1, j, j, j,
j + 1, j + 1, j + 1)
I <- (iPairs > 0 & iPairs <= nrowImage)
I <- (jPairs > 0 & jPairs <= ncolImage) & I
N <- ((jPairs - 1) * nrowImage + iPairs)[I]
m <- min((binaryImage[N])[as.logical(binaryImage[N])])
binaryImage[i, j] <- m
change <- change || m != l
tbl <- sort(unique(binaryImage[K]))
I <- 2:length(tbl)
for (i in I) binaryImage[binaryImage == tbl[i]] <- i
plotSpotImage <- function(z, col = NULL, title = NULL,
one = FALSE) {
if (is.null(col))
col <- c("lightyellow", "gray", "black", "yellow",
"blue", "red")
if (!one)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), pty = "m")
nrowz <- nrow(z)
ncolz <- ncol(z)
if (!one) {
PIN <- par()$pin
if (ncolz < nrowz)
par(pin = c(PIN[1] * (ncolz/nrowz), PIN[1]))
else par(pin = c(PIN[1], PIN[1] * (nrowz/ncolz)))
z[z < 0] <- 3 + abs(z[z < 0])
u <- sort(unique(as.vector(z)))
if (length(col) < max(u))
stop("not enough colors")
L <- length(u)
breaks <- rep(0, L + 1)
breaks[1] <- u[1] - 0.5
breaks[L + 1] <- u[L] + 0.5
if (L > 1) {
for (i in 2:L) breaks[i] <- (u[i - 1] + u[i])/2
col <- col[u]
if (FALSE) {
z[1, 1] <- min(breaks) - 0.5
col <- c("blue", col)
breaks <- c(min(breaks) - 1, breaks)
image(t(z[nrowz:1, ]), main = paste(title), xlab = "",
ylab = "", col = col, breaks = breaks, axes = FALSE)
if (!one)
par(pin = PIN)
if (show)
plotBlockImage(sqrt(spot), title = "spot image",
one = TRUE)
spot <- as.matrix(spot)
if (hc) {
BIC <- mclustBIC(as.vector(spot), G = 1:3,
initialization = list(hcPairs = hcE(data = as.vector(spot))))
else {
BIC <- mclustBIC(as.vector(spot), G = 1:3)
spot[] <- orderBYmean(summary(BIC,
data = as.vector(spot)), q)$cl
G <- max(as.vector(spot))
K <- unique(as.vector(spot))
G <- length(K)
if (G == 1) {
spot[] <- 1
if (show)
plotSpotImage(spot, title = "after clustering and final labeling",
one = TRUE)
if (show)
if (show)
if (show)
if (show)
plotSpotImage(spot, title = "after clustering", one = TRUE)
if (ccl) {
for (k in K) {
CC <- concomp(spot == k)
tabl <- table(CC)[-1]
namt <- names(tabl)
M <- as.numeric(namt[tabl >= threshold])
spot[spot == k & !as.logical(match(CC, M, nomatch = 0))] <- -k
if (show)
plotSpotImage(spot, title = "after CC thresholding",
one = TRUE)
if (any(spot > 0)) {
tab <- table(spot[spot > 0])
lab <- as.numeric(names(tab))
if (length(tab) == 1) {
if (lab == 2)
spot[spot == 2] <- 1
else {
fground <- lab[length(lab)]
bground <- lab[1]
if (fground <= bground)
stop("thresholding bug")
spot[spot > 0 & spot != fground & spot != bground] <- -9
spot[spot == fground] <- 3
spot[spot == bground] <- 1
spot[spot < -1] <- 2
spot[spot == -1] <- 1
dis1 <- dis3 <- 0
if (any(spot == 3)) {
dis1 <- dis(spot, 1)
dis3 <- dis(spot, 3)
if (dis3 > dis1)
spot[spot == 3] <- 2
if (show)
plotSpotImage(spot, title = "final labeling", one = TRUE)
if (show) {
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), pty = "m")
if (length(R) == 1 || length(C) == 1) {
par(ask = FALSE)
else {
par(ask = TRUE)
else {
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), pty = "m")
m <- length(rowcut)
n <- length(colcut)
s <- chan1 + chan2
L <- list(channel1 = list(foreground = list(mean = matrix(NA,
m, n), median = matrix(NA, m, n)), background = list(mean = matrix(NA,
m, n), median = matrix(NA, m, n))), channel2 = list(foreground = list(mean = matrix(NA,
m, n), median = matrix(NA, m, n)), background = list(mean = matrix(NA,
m, n), median = matrix(NA, m, n))))
R <- if (is.null(R))
else R + 1
C <- if (is.null(C))
else C + 1
for (i in R) {
I <- rowcut[i - 1]:(rowcut[i] - 1)
for (j in C) {
J <- colcut[j - 1]:(colcut[j] - 1)
s[I, J] <- spotseg1(s[I, J], i = i - 1, j = j - 1,
threshold = threshold, hc = hc, show = show)
if (show) {
print(c(i, j) - 1)
if (FALSE) {
pick <- menu("continue;0:exit", title = NULL)
if (!pick)
fore <- s[I, J] == 3
back <- s[I, J] == 1
if (any(fore)) {
L$channel1$foreground$mean[i, j] <- mean(chan1[I,
J][fore], na.rm = TRUE)
L$channel1$foreground$median[i, j] <- median(chan1[I,
J][fore], na.rm = TRUE)
L$channel2$foreground$mean[i, j] <- mean(chan2[I,
J][fore], na.rm = TRUE)
L$channel2$foreground$median[i, j] <- median(chan2[I,
J][fore], na.rm = TRUE)
if (any(back)) {
L$channel1$background$mean[i, j] <- mean(chan1[I,
J][back], na.rm = TRUE)
L$channel1$background$median[i, j] <- median(chan1[I,
J][back], na.rm = TRUE)
L$channel2$background$mean[i, j] <- mean(chan2[I,
J][back], na.rm = TRUE)
L$channel2$background$median[i, j] <- median(chan2[I,
J][back], na.rm = TRUE)
L$channel1$foreground$mean <- L$channel1$foreground$mean[2:m,
L$channel1$foreground$median <- L$channel1$foreground$median[2:m,
L$channel1$background$mean <- L$channel1$background$mean[2:m,
L$channel1$background$median <- L$channel1$background$median[2:m,
L$channel2$foreground$mean <- L$channel2$foreground$mean[2:m,
L$channel2$foreground$median <- L$channel2$foreground$median[2:m,
L$channel2$background$mean <- L$channel2$background$mean[2:m,
L$channel2$background$median <- L$channel2$background$median[2:m,
s <- s[rowcut[1]:(rowcut[m] - 1), colcut[1]:(colcut[n] -
structure(s, summaryStatistics = L, class = "spotseg")
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