## ----installationBio, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------
# if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
# install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("singscore")
## ----installationGit, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------
# # You would need to install 'devtools' package first.
# install.packages("devtools")
# # And install the 'singscore' package from the GitHub repository
# # 'singscore' requires these packages to be installed: methods, stats, graphics, ggplot2, ggsci, grDevices,
# # ggrepel, plotly, tidyr, plyr, magrittr, reshape, edgeR, RColorBrewer, Biobase, GSEABase, BiocParallel
# devtools::install_github('DavisLaboratory/singscore')
# # Set build_vignette = TRUE if would like to browseVignette()
## ----loadDataset, message=FALSE-----------------------------------------------
# The example expression dataset and gene signatures are included in the package
# distribution, one can directly access them using the variable names
# To see the description of 'tgfb_expr_10_se','tgfb_gs_up','tgfb_gs_dn', look at
# their help pages using:
# ?tgfb_expr_10_se
# ?tgfb_gs_up
# ?tgfb_gs_dn
# Have a look at the object tgfb_expr_10_se containing gene expression data
# for 10 samples
# Get the sample names by
# View what tgfb_gs_up/dn contains
# Get the size of the gene sets
## ----simplescoring------------------------------------------------------------
# The recommended method for dealing with ties in ranking is 'min', you can
# change by specifying 'tiesMethod' parameter for rankGenes function.
rankData <- rankGenes(tgfb_expr_10_se)
# Given the ranked data and gene signature, simpleScore returns the scores and
# dispersions for each sample
scoredf <- simpleScore(rankData, upSet = tgfb_gs_up, downSet = tgfb_gs_dn)
# To view more details of the simpleScore, use ?simpleScore
# Note that, when only one gene set is available in a gene signature, one can
# only input values for the upSet argument. In addition, a knownDirection
# argument can be set to FALSE if the direction of the gene set is unknown.
# simpleScore(rankData, upSet = tgfb_gs_up, knownDirection = FALSE)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#get the top 5 stable genes in carcinomas
getStableGenes(5, type = 'carcinoma')
#get the top 5 stable genes in blood
getStableGenes(5, type = 'blood')
#get ensembl IDs instead of gene symbold
getStableGenes(5, type = 'carcinoma', id = 'ensembl')
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#here we specify a custom set of genes (Entrez IDs)
stable_genes <- c('8315', '9391', '23435', '3190')
#create a dataset with a reduced set of genes (signature genes and stable genes)
measured <- unique(c(stable_genes, geneIds(tgfb_gs_up), geneIds(tgfb_gs_dn)))
small_tgfb_expr_10 <- tgfb_expr_10_se[measured, ]
#rank genes using stable genes
rankData_st <- rankGenes(small_tgfb_expr_10, stableGenes = stable_genes)
#score samples using stingscore
#simpleScore invoked with the new rank matrix will execute the stingscore
# algorithm
scoredf_st <- simpleScore(rankData_st, upSet = tgfb_gs_up, downSet = tgfb_gs_dn)
#plot the two scores against each other
plot(scoredf$TotalScore, scoredf_st$TotalScore)
abline(coef = c(0, 1), lty = 2)
## ----plotdt, fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8------------------------------------
# You can provide the upSet alone when working with unpaired gene-sets
# We plot the second sample in rankData, view it by
head(rankData[,2,drop = FALSE])
plotRankDensity(rankData[,2,drop = FALSE], upSet = tgfb_gs_up,
downSet = tgfb_gs_dn, isInteractive = FALSE)
## ----plotds, fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8------------------------------------
# Get the annotations of samples by their sample names
tgfbAnnot <- data.frame(SampleID = colnames(tgfb_expr_10_se),
Type = NA)
tgfbAnnot$Type[grepl("Ctrl", tgfbAnnot$SampleID)] = "Control"
tgfbAnnot$Type[grepl("TGFb", tgfbAnnot$SampleID)] = "TGFb"
# Sample annotations
plotDispersion(scoredf,annot = tgfbAnnot$Type,isInteractive = FALSE)
# To see an interactive version powered by 'plotly', simply set the
# 'isInteractive' = TRUE, i.e :
# plotDispersion(scoredf,annot = tgfbAnnot$Type,isInteractive = TRUE)
## ----loadCCLE,fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8-----------------------------------
plotScoreLandscape(scoredf_ccle_epi, scoredf_ccle_mes,
scorenames = c('ccle-EPI','ccle-MES'),hexMin = 10)
## ----loadTCGA,fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8-----------------------------------
tcgaLandscape <- plotScoreLandscape(scoredf_tcga_epi, scoredf_tcga_mes,
scorenames = c('tcga_EPI','tcga_MES'), isInteractive = FALSE)
# To get an interactive version of plot, set isInteractive = TRUE
## ----projectScore,fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8-------------------------------
# Project on the above generated 'tcgaLandscape' plot
projectScoreLandscape(plotObj = tcgaLandscape, scoredf_ccle_epi,
subSamples = rownames(scoredf_ccle_epi)[c(1,4,5)],
annot = rownames(scoredf_ccle_epi)[c(1,4,5)],
sampleLabels = NULL,
isInteractive = FALSE)
## ----projectScore2,fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8------------------------------
projectScoreLandscape(plotObj = tcgaLandscape, scoredf_ccle_epi, scoredf_ccle_mes,
subSamples = rownames(scoredf_ccle_epi)[c(1,4,5,8,9)],
sampleLabels = c('l1','l2','l3','l4','l5'),
annot = rownames(scoredf_ccle_epi)[c(1,4,5,8,9)],
isInteractive = FALSE)
## ----pvalue, fig.height = 8, fig.width = 10-----------------------------------
# tgfb_gs_up : up regulated gene set in the tgfb gene signature
# tgfb_gs_dn : down regulated gene set in the tgfb gene signature
# This permutation function uses BiocParallel::bplapply() parallel function, by
# supplying the first 5 columns of rankData, we generate Null distribution for
# the first 5 samples.
# detect how many CPU cores are available for your machine
# parallel::detectCores()
ncores <- 1
# Provide the generateNull() function the number of cores you would like
# the function to use by passing the ncore parameter
permuteResult <-
upSet = tgfb_gs_up,
downSet = tgfb_gs_dn,
rankData = rankData,
subSamples = 1:5,
centerScore = TRUE,
knownDirection = TRUE,
B = 1000,
ncores = ncores,
seed = 1,
# Note here, the useBPPARAM parameter allows user to supply a BPPARAM variable
# as a parameter which decides the type of parallel ends to use.
# such as
# snow <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(type = "SOCK")
# permuteResult <- generateNull(upSet = tgfb_gs_up, downSet = tgfb_gs_dn,
# rankData[,1:5], B = 1000, seed = 1,ncores = ncores, useBPPARAM = snow)
# If you are not sure about this, just leave the value as NULL and set how many
# CPU cores to use via the ncores argument. It will use the default parallel
# backend for your machine.
# For more information, please see the help page for ?generateNull()
# Please also note that one should pass the same values to the upSet,
# downSet, centerScore and knownDirection arguments as what they provide
# for the simpleScore() function to generate a proper null distribution.
## ----getPvals, fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8----------------------------------
pvals <- getPvals(permuteResult, scoredf, subSamples = 1:5)
# getPval returns p-values for each individual sample.
# show the p-values for first 5 samples
## ----plotNull1, fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8---------------------------------
plotNull(permuteResult, scoredf, pvals, sampleNames = names(pvals)[1])
## ----plotNull2, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 12--------------------------------
# plot the null distributions for the first 2 samples and the p-values
# We can see from the plot, the control samples are not significant and TGFb
# samples are very significant with very low p-values
plotNull(permuteResult, scoredf, pvals, sampleNames = names(pvals)[1:2])
## ----previewData--------------------------------------------------------------
# preview the scored CCLE samples
# preview the scored TCGA samples
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