#' @include singscore.R rankAndScoring.R
#' @title Permutation test for the derived scores of each sample
#' @description This function generates a number of random gene sets that
#' have the same number of genes as the scored gene set. It scores each random
#' gene set and returns a matrix of scores for all samples.
#' The empirical scores are used to calculate the empirical p-values and plot
#' the null distribution. The implementation uses [BiocParallel::bplapply()]
#' for easy access to parallel backends. Note that one should pass the same
#' values to the `upSet`, `downSet`, `centerScore` and `knownDirection`
#' arguments as what they provide for the `simpleScore()` function to generate
#' a proper null distribution.
#' @param downSet A GeneSet object, down regulated gene set
#' @param rankData matrix, outcome of function [rankGenes()]
#' @param centerScore A Boolean, specifying whether scores should be centered
#' around 0, default as TRUE
#' @param knownDirection A boolean flag, it deterimines whether the scoring
#' method should derive the scores in a directional mannar when the gene
#' signature only contains one set of gene set (passing the gene set via
#' upSet). It is default as TRUE but one can set the argument to be FALSE to
#' derive the score for a single gene set in a undirectional way. This
#' parameter becomes irrelevant when both upSet and downSet are provided.
#' @param B integer, the number of permutation repeats or the number of random
#' gene sets to be generated, default as 1,000
#' @param ncores, integer, the number of CPU cores the function can use
#' @param seed integer, set the seed for randomisation
#' @param useBPPARAM, the backend the function uses, if NULL is provided, the
#' function uses the default parallel backend which is the first on the list
#' returned by \code{BiocParallel::registered()} i.e
#' \code{BiocParallel::registered()[[1]]} for your machine. It can be changed
#' explicitly by passing a BPPARAM
#' @return A matrix of empirical scores for all samples
#' @seealso
#' [Post about BiocParallel](
#' `browseVignettes("BiocParallel")`
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Ruqian Lyu
generateNull_intl <- function(upSet, downSet = NULL, rankData,
subSamples = NULL,
centerScore = TRUE,
knownDirection = TRUE,
B = 1000, ncores = 1,
seed =, 1), useBPPARAM = NULL){
if (!is.null(subSamples)) {
stableSc <- attr(rankData, 'stable')
rankData <- rankData[, subSamples, drop = FALSE]
attr(rankData, 'stable') <- stableSc
upSet <- checkGenes(upSet, rownames(rankData))
n_up <- length(GSEABase::geneIds(upSet))
stopifnot(n_up > 0)
n_down <- 0
} else {
downSet <- checkGenes(downSet, rownames(rankData))
n_down <- length(GSEABase::geneIds(downSet))
stopifnot(n_down > 0)
all_genes <- rownames(rankData)
totalNo <- n_up + n_down
# If user does not supply a preferred BPPARAM , the function goes with
# the default one for the system
useBPPARAM <- BiocParallel::registered()[[1]]
useBPPARAM$RNGseed <- seed
useBPPARAM$workers <- ncores
r <- BiocParallel::bplapply(1:B, function(i) {
#load libraries on workers
#execute code
tms <- sample(all_genes, size = totalNo, replace = FALSE)
upSet <- GeneSet(as.character(tms[1:n_up]))
if (n_down == 0) {
ss <- simpleScore(rankData, upSet = upSet, centerScore = centerScore)
ss[, 1]
} else{
downSet <- GeneSet(as.character(tms[-(1:n_up)]))
ss <- simpleScore(rankData, upSet = upSet, downSet = downSet,
centerScore = centerScore)
ss[, 1]
r <- plyr::ldply(r)
colnames(r) <- colnames(rankData)
#' Estimate the empirical p-values
#' @description With null distributions estimated using the [generateNull()]
#' function, p-values are estimated using a one-tailed test. A minimum p-value
#' of 1/B can be achieved with B permutations.
#' @param permuteResult A matrix, null distributions for each sample generated
#' using the [generateNull()] function
#' @param scoredf A dataframe, the scored results of samples under test
#' generated using the [simpleScore()] function
#' @param subSamples A vector of sample labels/indices that will be used to
#' subset the score matrix. All samples will be scored if not provided
#' @return Estimated p-values for enrichment of the signature in each sample. A
#' p-value of 1/B indicates that the estimated p-value is less than or equal
#' to 1/B.
#' @examples
#' ranked <- rankGenes(toy_expr_se)
#' scoredf <- simpleScore(ranked, upSet = toy_gs_up, downSet = toy_gs_dn)
#' # find out what backends can be registered on your machine
#' BiocParallel::registered()
#' # the first one is the default backend, and it can be changed explicitly.
#' # See vignette for more details
#' permuteResult = generateNull(upSet = toy_gs_up, downSet = toy_gs_dn, ranked,
#' B =10, seed = 1, useBPPARAM = NULL)
#' # call the permutation function to generate the empirical scores
#' # for B times.
#' pvals <- getPvals(permuteResult,scoredf)
#' @export
getPvals <- function(permuteResult, scoredf, subSamples = NULL){
if (!is.null(subSamples)) {
scoredf <- scoredf[subSamples, , drop = FALSE]
stopifnot(ncol(permuteResult) == nrow(scoredf))
resultSc <- t(scoredf[, 1, drop = FALSE])
# combine the permutation with the result score for the computation of P values
# p = (r+1)/(m+1)
B <- nrow(permuteResult)
# x[length(x)] is the calculated score
pvals <- colSums(permuteResult > matrix(1, nrow = nrow(permuteResult),
ncol = 1) %*% resultSc) / B
pvals <- sapply(pvals, max, 1/B)
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