# Project class ----------------------------------------------------------------
Project <- setRefClass(
contains = "Item",
fields = list(
id = "characterORNULL",
name = "characterORNULL",
billing_group_id = "characterORNULL",
description = "characterORNULL",
type = "characterORNULL",
owner = "characterORNULL",
tags = "listORNULL",
settings = "listORNULL",
root_folder = "characterORNULL",
created_by = "characterORNULL",
created_on = "characterORNULL",
modified_on = "characterORNULL"
methods = list(
# initialize ---------------------------------------------------------------
initialize = function(id = NULL, name = NULL, billing_group_id = NULL,
description = "", type = "", owner = NULL,
tags = list(), settings = list(),
root_folder = "", created_by = "",
created_on = "", modified_on = "", ...) {
if (is.null(id)) stop("id is required")
id <<- id
name <<- name
billing_group_id <<- billing_group_id
description <<- description
type <<- type
owner <<- owner
tags <<- tags
settings <<- settings
root_folder <<- root_folder
created_by <<- created_by
created_on <<- created_on
modified_on <<- modified_on
# update -------------------------------------------------------------------
update = function(name = NULL, description = NULL, billing_group_id = NULL, ...) {
"update name/description/billing group for a project"
body <- list(
"name" = name,
"description" = description,
"billing_group" = billing_group_id
body <- body[!sapply(body, is.null)]
if (length(body) == 0) {
stop("please provide updated information")
nms <- names(body)
# update project itself
for (nm in nms) .self$field(nm, body[[nm]])
req <- api(
token = auth$token,
base_url = auth$url,
path = paste0("projects/", id),
body = body, method = "PATCH",
authorization = auth$authorization, ...
res <- status_check(req)
res <- .asProject(res)
res$auth <- .self$auth
# member -------------------------------------------------------------------
member = function(username = NULL, name = username, = TRUE, exact = FALSE, ...) {
if (is.null(id)) stop("id must be provided")
req <- api(
token = auth$token,
base_url = auth$url,
path = paste0("projects/", id, "/members"),
method = "GET",
authorization = auth$authorization, ...
res <- status_check(req)
ms <- .asMemberList(res, pid = id)
ms <- setAuth(ms, .self$auth, "Member")
if (is.null(name)) {
} else {
m <- m.match(ms,
name = name,
.name = "username",
exact = exact
member_add = function(username = NULL, name = username,
copy = FALSE, write = FALSE, execute = FALSE,
admin = FALSE, read = FALSE, ...) {
body <- list(
"username" = name,
"permissions" = list(
"copy" = copy,
"write" = write,
"read" = read,
"execute" = execute,
"admin" = admin
req <- api(
token = auth$token,
base_url = auth$url,
path = paste0("projects/", id, "/members"),
body = body, method = "POST",
authorization = auth$authorization, ...
res <- status_check(req)
# file ---------------------------------------------------------------------
file = function(name = NULL,
id = NULL,
exact = FALSE,
detail = FALSE, ...) {
res <- auth$file(
name = name,
id = id,
project = .self$id,
exact = exact,
detail = detail, ...
upload = function(filename = NULL, name = NULL, metadata = list(),
overwrite = FALSE, manifest_file = NULL,
manifest_metadata = TRUE, subset, select,
verbal = NULL, ...) {
# upload via a manifest
if (!is.null(manifest_file)) {
if (!file.exists(manifest_file)) {
stop("manifest file not found")
# importing
manf <- read.csv(manifest_file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# subseting
# revision on to hack on missing -> NULL
# browser()
r <- if (missing(subset)) {
rep_len(TRUE, nrow(manf))
} else {
e <- substitute(subset)
r <- eval(e, manf, parent.frame())
if (!is.logical(r)) {
stop("'subset' must be logical")
r & !
vars <- if (missing(select)) {
} else {
nl <- as.list(seq_along(manf))
names(nl) <- names(manf)
eval(substitute(select), nl, parent.frame())
manf.sub <- manf[r, vars, drop = FALSE]
if (!missing(subset) || !missing(select)) {
message(nrow(manf.sub), " out of ", nrow(manf), " item subsetted.")
# if (!missing(subset) || !missing(select)) {
# manf.sub = subset(manf, subset = parse(subset),
# select = parse(select))
# message(nrow(manf.sub)," out of ", nrow(manf), " item subsetted.")
# } else {
# manf.sub = manf
# }
# formalize data frame to right type
manf.sub <- formalizeMetaDataFrame(manf.sub)
# validation: first column of data.frame has to be file path and it exists
fc <- sapply(manf.sub[, 1], function(x) {
if (!all(fc)) {
message("Following rows are invalid: ", paste(which(!fc), collapse = " "))
stop("The first column of manifest file has to be character to represent file path")
fe <- sapply(manf.sub[, 1], function(x) {
if (!all(fe)) {
message("Following rows are invalid (not exists): ", paste(which(!fe), collapse = " "))
stop("The first colunn of manifest file has to be valid file path")
if (is.null(verbal)) verbal <- FALSE
# if verbal = TRUE, print file uploading progress info for each file
# if verbal = FALSE, print all files uploading progress in single bar
if (!verbal) {
message("files uploading progress:")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(manf.sub), style = 3)
for (i in 1:nrow(manf.sub)) {
x <- manf.sub[i, ]
if (manifest_metadata) {
.m <- as.list(x)[-1]
} else {
.m <- list()
if (verbal) {
upload(x[, 1], metadata = .m, overwrite = overwrite, verbal = verbal, ...)
} else {
suppressMessages(upload(x[, 1],
metadata = .m, overwrite = overwrite,
verbal = verbal, ...
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if (!verbal) {
# if filename is a list
if (length(filename) > 1) {
if (is.null(verbal)) verbal <- FALSE
# if verbal = TRUE, print file uploading progress info for each file
# if verbal = FALSE, print all files uploading progress in single bar
if (!verbal) {
message("files uploading progress:")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(filename), style = 3)
for (i in 1:length(filename)) {
fl <- filename[i]
if (verbal) {
if ($size > 0) {
metadata = metadata,
overwrite = overwrite, verbal = verbal, ...
} else {
warning("skip uploading: empty file")
} else {
if ($size > 0) {
metadata = metadata,
overwrite = overwrite, verbal = verbal, ...
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if (!verbal) {
# if filename is a folder
if (!$isdir) &&$isdir) {
message("Upload all files in the folder: ", filename)
fls <- list.files(filename, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
metadata = metadata,
overwrite = overwrite, verbal = verbal, ...
# check
if (!file.exists(filename)) stop("file not found")
u <- Upload(
auth = auth,
file = filename,
name = name,
project_id = id,
metadata = metadata, ...
if (is.null(verbal)) {
verbal <- TRUE
metadata = metadata,
overwrite = overwrite,
verbal = verbal
# apps ---------------------------------------------------------------------
app = function(...) {
auth$app(project = id, ...)
app_add = function(short_name = NULL, filename = NULL, revision = NULL, keep_test = FALSE, ...) {
if (is.null(filename)) {
stop("file (cwl json) need to be provided")
if (is.null(short_name)) {
stop("app short name has to be provided (alphanumeric character with no spaces)")
} else {
if (grepl("[[:space:]]+", short_name)) {
stop("id cannot have white space")
if (is(filename, "Tool") || is(filename, "Workflow")) {
if (is(filename, "Workflow")) {
# push apps and update run
steplst <- filename$steps
isSBGApp <- function(x) length(x$"sbg:id")
lst <- lapply(steplst, function(x) {
if (!isSBGApp(x$run)) {
# if not exists on sbg platform,
# need to add it first
.name <- gsub("#", "", x$run$id)
message(.name) <- app_add(short_name = .name, filename = x$run)
} else {
# SBG id does not need to add
# but need to copy?
# # No need to do this here, should not edit
# # should assume link exists.
# slst = lst[[1]]
# for (i in 1:(length(lst) -1)) {
# slst = slst + lst[[i + 1]]
# }
# # udpate steplist
# filename$steps = slst
## works for Tool now
if (is(filename, "Tool") && keep_test) {
## keep old revision job test info <- paste0(id, "/", short_name)
.sbg.job <- auth$app(id =$cwl()$"sbg:job"
if (!is.null(filename$"sbg:job")) {
stop("Using the new passed test info")
} else {
message("keeping the previous revision test info ('sbg:job')")
filename$"sbg:job" <- .sbg.job
fl <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")
con <- base::file(fl, raw = TRUE)
writeLines(filename$toJSON(), con = con)
filename <- fl
if (is.null(revision)) {
# latest check revision first
.id <- paste0(id, "/", short_name)
msg <- try(.r <- as.integer(app(id = .id, detail = TRUE)$revision), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(msg, "try-error") && is.integer(.r)) {
.r <- .r + 1
message("create new revision ", .r)
res <- auth$api(
path = paste0("apps/", id, "/", short_name, "/", .r, "/raw"),
method = "POST",
body = upload_file(filename), ...
} else {
res <- auth$api(
path = paste0("apps/", id, "/", short_name, "/raw"),
method = "POST",
body = upload_file(filename), ...
} else {
# latest check revision first
.id <- paste0(id, "/", short_name)
.r <- as.integer(app(id = .id, detail = TRUE)$revision)
if (revision != .r + 1) {
stop("latest revision is: ", .r, ", you have to bump to: ", .r + 1)
res <- auth$api(
path = paste0("apps/", id, "/", short_name, "/", revision, "/raw"),
method = "POST",
body = upload_file(filename), ...
# file.remove(filename)
.id <- res[["sbg:id"]]
res <- app(id = .id)
# check error message
# tasks --------------------------------------------------------------------
task = function(...) {
auth$task(project = id, ...)
task_add = function(name = NULL, description = NULL, batch = NULL,
app = NULL, inputs = NULL,
input_check = getOption("sevenbridges")$input_check,
use_interruptible_instances = NULL,
execution_settings = NULL, ...) {
# spot instance logic:
# if it's NULL, then follow the project settings (if project set it to TRUE, then use TRUE, and vice versa)
# if it's not NULL, then use the specified value
if (is.null(use_interruptible_instances)) use_interruptible_instances <- .self$settings$use_interruptible_instances
if (!is.null(use_interruptible_instances)) use_interruptible_instances <- as.logical(use_interruptible_instances)
if (input_check) {
message("Checking inputs...")
apps <- auth$app(id = app)
inputs <- apps$input_check(inputs, batch, .self)
message("Drafting task...")
if (is.null(inputs)) {
.i <- inputs
} else {
.i <- lapply(inputs, asTaskInput)
body <- list(
name = name,
description = description,
project = id,
app = app,
use_interruptible_instances = use_interruptible_instances,
execution_settings = execution_settings,
inputs = .i
if (!is.null(batch)) body <- c(batch, body)
res <- auth$api(
path = "tasks", body = body,
method = "POST", ...
res <- .asTask(res)
if (length(res$errors)) {
message("Errors found: please fix it in your script or in the GUI")
setAuth(res, .self$auth, "Task")
task_run = function(...) {
task <- Task(auth = .self$auth, project_id = id, ...)
delete = function(...) {
req <- auth$api(path = paste0("projects/", id), method = "DELETE", ...)
# folders ------------------------------------------------------------------
get_root_folder_id = function() {
"Get the project root folder ID"
get_root_folder = function() {
"Get the project root folder object."
.self$file(id = root_folder)
# show ---------------------------------------------------------------------
show = function() {
.self, "== Project ==",
"id", "name", "description",
"billing_group_id", "type",
"owner", "tags"
# .asProject -------------------------------------------------------------------
.asProject <- function(x) {
id = x$id,
href = x$href,
name = x$name,
type = x$type,
owner = x$owner,
tags = x$tags,
description = x$description,
billing_group_id = x$billing_group,
settings = x$settings,
root_folder = x$root_folder,
created_by = x$created_by,
created_on = x$created_on,
modified_on = x$modified_on,
response = response(x)
# ProjectList class ------------------------------------------------------------
ProjectList <- setListClass("Project", contains = "Item0")
# .asProjectList ---------------------------------------------------------------
.asProjectList <- function(x) {
obj <- ProjectList(lapply(x$items, .asProject))
obj@href <- x$href
obj@response <- response(x)
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