# Files class ------------------------------------------------------------------
.response_files <- c(
"id", "name", "size", "project",
"created_on", "modified_on", "storage",
"origin", "tags", "metadata", "url",
"parent", "type", "description"
#' Class Files
#' Class Files
#' \code{Files} (with "\code{s}") class is usally returned by the API call
#' which returns Files. A group of \code{Files} is defined as \code{FilesList}.
#' Users do not usually need to construct \code{Files} or \code{FilesList}
#' manually, they are generated from a API call most of the time.
#' @field id character used as file id
#' @field name string used as file name
#' @field size file size
#' @field project project id if any, when returned by a API call,
#' it usually return the project id and stored with the object.
#' @field created_on date created on
#' @field modified_on date modified on
#' @field storage list as storage type
#' @field origin list as origin
#' @field tags list as tags
#' @field metadata a list for metadata associated with the file
#' @field url file download url
#' @field parent parent folder ID
#' @field type \code{"FILE"} or \code{"FOLDER"}
#' @field description file description
#' @note In the sevenbridges package version <= 1.5.4, the \code{Files} class
#' inherited from the \code{File} class defined in CWL. To avoid confusion,
#' in the current implementation, they are defined separately and not
#' coupled anymore.
#' @return Files object
#' @export Files
#' @exportClass Files
#' @examples
#' Files(id = "test_id", name = "test.bam")
Files <- setRefClass(
contains = c("Item"),
fields = list(
id = "characterORNULL",
name = "characterORNULL",
size = "numericORNULL",
project = "characterORNULL",
created_on = "characterORNULL",
modified_on = "characterORNULL",
storage = "listORNULL",
origin = "listORNULL",
tags = "listORNULL",
metadata = "listORNULL",
url = "characterORNULL",
parent = "characterORNULL",
type = "characterORNULL",
description = "characterORNULL"
methods = list(
# initialize ---------------------------------------------------------------
initialize = function(id = NULL, name = NULL, size = NULL, project = NULL,
created_on = NULL, modified_on = NULL,
storage = list(), origin = list(), tags = list(),
metadata = list(), url = NULL,
parent = NULL, type = NULL,
description = NULL, ...) {
id <<- id
name <<- name
size <<- size
project <<- project
created_on <<- created_on
modified_on <<- modified_on
storage <<- storage
origin <<- origin
tags <<- tags
metadata <<- metadata
url <<- url
parent <<- parent
type <<- type
description <<- description
# delete -------------------------------------------------------------------
delete = function() {
path = paste0("files/", id),
method = "DELETE"
# download -----------------------------------------------------------------
download_url = function() {
path = paste0(
"files/", id,
method = "GET"
download = function(destfile, ..., method = "curl") {
"see `help(download.file)` for more options"
if (is.null(url)) {
url <<- download_url()$url
# For backward compatibility:
# R 3.1 does not have `dir.exists()`
.dir.exists <- function(d) {
dirinfo <-$isdir
ifelse(, FALSE, dirinfo)
if (.dir.exists(destfile)) {
# is directory
if (!is.null(name)) {
destfile <- file.path(destfile, name)
} else {
stop("Destination directory does not exist")
download.file(url, destfile, ..., method = method)
# copy ---------------------------------------------------------------------
copyTo = function(project = NULL, name = NULL) {
auth$copyFile(id, project = project, name = name)
copy_to = function(project = NULL, name = NULL) {
"copy a file to a project (id) with new name"
copyTo(project = project, name = name)
# name, metadata, and tags -------------------------------------------------
meta = function() {
"get metadata from a file"
req <- auth$api(
path = paste0("files/", id, "/metadata"),
methods = "GET"
# update
metadata <<- req
setMeta = function(..., overwrite = FALSE) {
"Set metadata with provided list, when overwrite is set to TRUE, it overwrites the metadata."
o <- .self$metadata
md <- .dotargsAsList(...)
if (length(md)) {
if (!overwrite) {
req <- auth$api(
path = paste0("files/", id, "/metadata"),
body = md,
method = "PATCH"
} else {
req <- auth$api(
path = paste0("files/", id, "/metadata"),
body = md,
method = "PUT"
} else {
if (overwrite) {
# overwrite!
message("reset meta")
req <- auth$api(
path = paste0("files/", id, "/metadata"),
method = "PUT"
} else {
message("Nothing to add")
req <- NULL
# edit the object only when update is successful
metadata <<- req
set_meta = function(..., overwrite = FALSE) {
"Set metadata with provided list, when overwrite is set to TRUE, it overwrites the metadata."
setMeta(..., overwrite = overwrite)
tag = function() {
"get tag from a file"
set_tag = function(x = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, ...) {
"set a tag for a file, your tag need to be a list or vector"
if (is.null(x)) stop("please provided your tags")
if (is.character(x)) x <- as.list(x)
if (overwrite) {
path = paste0("files/", id, "/tags"),
method = "PUT",
body = x, ...
tags <<- x
} else {
.tags <- tag()
.tags <- c(.tags, x)
path = paste0("files/", id, "/tags"),
method = "PUT",
body = .tags, ...
tags <<- .tags
add_tag = function(x, ...) {
"add new tags while keeping old tags"
set_tag(x, overwrite = FALSE, ...)
update = function(name = NULL, metadata = NULL, tags = NULL) {
"This call updates the name, the full set metadata, and tags for a specified file."
body <- list(name = name, metadata = metadata, tags = tags)
body <- body[!sapply(body, is.null)]
if (length(body)) {
req <- auth$api(
path = paste0("files/", id),
body = body,
method = "PATCH"
res <- .asFiles(req)
} else {
req <- auth$api(
path = paste0("files/", id),
method = "GET"
res <- .asFiles(req)
# update fields
for (fld in .response_files) .self$field(fld, res[[fld]])
# folders ------------------------------------------------------------------
create_folder = function(name, ...) {
"Create a new folder under the parent folder."
if (is.null(name)) {
stop("Please provide the new folder name")
if (substr(name, 1, 2) == "__") {
stop("The folder name cannot start with \"__\"")
if (.self$type != "folder") {
stop("Object must have type \"folder\", not \"file\" or others")
req <- auth$api(
path = "files", method = "POST",
body = list("name" = name, "parent" = .self$id, "type" = "FOLDER"), ...
res <- .asFiles(req)
res$auth <- .self$auth
typeof = function() {
"Get object type (\"file\" or \"folder\")."
list_folder_contents = function(type = c("file", "folder"), ...) {
"List folder contents (return files, folders, or both)."
if (.self$type != "folder") {
stop("Object must have type \"folder\", not \"file\" or others")
req <- auth$api(
path = paste0("files/", .self$id, "/list"), method = "GET", ...
if (length(req$items) == 0L) return(NULL)
res <- .asFilesList(req)
for (i in 1L:length(res)) res[[i]]$auth <- .self$auth
# keep only files or folders
if (length(type) == 1L) {
types <- sapply(res, function(x) x$typeof())
if (type == "file") {
idx <- which(types == "file")
if (type == "folder") {
idx <- which(types == "folder")
res <- res[idx]
get_parent_folder_id = function() {
"Get the parent folder ID of the current file/folder."
get_parent_folder = function() {
"Get the parent folder object of the current file/folder."
req <- auth$file(id = .self$parent)
res <- .asFiles(req)
res$auth <- .self$auth
copy_to_folder = function(folder_id, name_new = NULL, ...) {
"Copy a file to a folder."
if (!is.character(folder_id)) stop("Folder ID must be character")
if (is.null(name_new)) {
req <- auth$api(
path = paste0("files/", .self$id, "/actions/copy"), method = "POST",
body = list("parent" = folder_id), ...
} else {
req <- auth$api(
path = paste0("files/", .self$id, "/actions/copy"), method = "POST",
body = list("parent" = folder_id, "name" = name_new), ...
res <- .asFiles(req)
res$auth <- .self$auth
move_to_folder = function(folder_id, name_new = NULL, ...) {
"Move a file to a folder."
if (!is.character(folder_id)) stop("Folder ID must be character")
if (is.null(name_new)) {
req <- auth$api(
path = paste0("files/", .self$id, "/actions/move"), method = "POST",
body = list("parent" = folder_id), ...
} else {
req <- auth$api(
path = paste0("files/", .self$id, "/actions/move"), method = "POST",
body = list("parent" = folder_id, "name" = name_new), ...
res <- .asFiles(req)
res$auth <- .self$auth
# markers ------------------------------------------------------------------
marker = function(id = NULL, ...) {
"List markers available on a file or get details for a marker."
if (is.null(id)) {
req <- auth$api(
path = paste0("genome/markers?file=", .self$id),
method = "GET", ...
} else {
req <- auth$api(
path = paste0("genome/markers/", id),
method = "GET", ...
# no markers
if ((length(req$items) == 0L) & is.null(req$id)) {
# one marker
if (length(req$items) != 0L | !is.null(req$id)) {
res <- .asMarker(req)
res$auth <- .self$auth
# multiple markers
if (length(req$items) != 0L & is.null(req$id)) {
res <- .asMarkerList(req)
setAuth(res, .self$auth, "Marker")
create_marker = function(name = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL,
chromosome = NULL, private = TRUE, ...) {
"Create a marker."
if (is.null(name) | is.null(start) | is.null(end)) {
stop("Please provide the marker name and position (start and end)")
req <- auth$api(
path = "genome/markers", method = "POST",
body = list(
"file" = .self$id,
"name" = name,
"position" = list("start" = start, "end" = end),
"chromosome" = chromosome,
"private" = private
), ...
res <- .asMarker(req)
res$auth <- .self$auth
# show ---------------------------------------------------------------------
show = function() .showFields(.self, "== Files ==", .response_files)
# .asFiles ---------------------------------------------------------------------
.asFiles <- function(x) {
id = x$id,
name = x$name,
size = as.numeric(x$size),
project = x$project,
created_on = x$created_on,
modified_on = x$modified_on,
storage = x$storage,
origin = x$origin,
tags = x$tags,
metadata = x$metadata,
url = x$url,
parent = x$parent,
type = x$type,
description = x$description,
response = response(x)
# FilesList class --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname Files-class
#' @export FilesList
#' @aliases FilesList-class
#' @param ... one or more \code{Files} objects
#' @exportClass FilesList
FilesList <- setListClass("Files", contains = "Item0")
# .asFilesList -----------------------------------------------------------------
.asFilesList <- function(x) {
obj <- FilesList(lapply(x$items, .asFiles))
obj@href <- x$href
obj@response <- response(x)
#' Delete files or folders
#' Delete files or folders
#' @param obj single File or FileList
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname delete-methods
#' @return system message
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' a$project("demo")$file("omni")$delete()
#' # or
#' delete(a$project("demo")$file("omni"))}
setGeneric("delete", function(obj) standardGeneric("delete"))
#' @rdname delete-methods
#' @aliases delete,SimpleList-method
setMethod("delete", "SimpleList", function(obj) {
lapply(obj, function(x) x$delete())
#' @rdname delete-methods
#' @aliases delete,Files-method
setMethod("delete", "Files", function(obj) {
#' Download files
#' Download files
#' @param obj single File or FileList
#' @param ... passed to download()
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname download-methods
#' @return system message
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' a$project("demo")$file("omni")$download()
#' # or
#' download(a$project("demo")$file("omni"))}
setGeneric("download", function(obj, ...) standardGeneric("download"))
#' @rdname download-methods
#' @aliases download,FilesList-method
setMethod("download", "FilesList", function(obj, ...) {
for (i in 1:length(obj)) obj[[i]]$download(...)
#' @rdname download-methods
#' @aliases download,Files-method
setMethod("download", "Files", function(obj, ...) {
#' Set file tags
#' Set file tags
#' @param obj single File or FileList
#' @param ... passed to obj$set_tag() or obj$add_tag()
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tag-methods
#' @return tag list
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fl <- a$project("demo")$file("omni")
#' set_tag(fl, "new tag")
#' set_tag(fl, list("new tag", "new tag 2"))}
setGeneric("set_tag", function(obj, ...) standardGeneric("set_tag"))
#' @rdname tag-methods
#' @aliases set_tag,FilesList-method
setMethod("set_tag", "FilesList", function(obj, ...) {
for (i in 1:length(obj)) obj[[i]]$set_tag(...)
#' @rdname tag-methods
#' @aliases set_tag,Files-method
setMethod("set_tag", "Files", function(obj, ...) {
#' Add new file tags
#' Add new file tags and keep the old tags
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tag-methods
#' @return tag list
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fl <- a$project("demo")$file("omni")
#' add_tag(fl, "new tag")
#' add_tag(fl, list("new tag", "new tag 2"))}
setGeneric("add_tag", function(obj, ...) standardGeneric("add_tag"))
#' @rdname tag-methods
#' @aliases add_tag,FilesList-method
setMethod("add_tag", "FilesList", function(obj, ...) {
for (i in 1:length(obj)) obj[[i]]$add_tag(...)
#' @rdname tag-methods
#' @aliases add_tag,Files-method
setMethod("add_tag", "Files", function(obj, ...) {
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