# modification on git from copied files
.zeroInMeth <- function(aD, smallSegs)
zeroCs <- !, smallSegs, select = "arbitrary")) #getOverlaps(aD@alignments, smallSegs, whichOverlaps = FALSE)
# zeroCs <- rowSums(sapply(1:ncol(aD), function(ii) as.integer(aD@Cs[,ii]))) == 0
chrBreaks <- which(seqnames(aD@alignments)[-nrow(aD)] != seqnames(aD@alignments)[-1])
chrBreaks <- cbind(c(1, chrBreaks + 1), c(chrBreaks, nrow(aD)))
whichZero <- which(zeroCs)
if(length(whichZero) > 0) {
zeroBlocks <-"rbind", lapply(1:nrow(chrBreaks), function(ii) {
chrZeros <- whichZero[whichZero >= chrBreaks[ii,1] & whichZero <= chrBreaks[ii,2]]
adjZeros <- cbind(chrZeros[c(1, which(diff(chrZeros) > 1) + 1)], chrZeros[c(which(diff(chrZeros) > 1), length(chrZeros))])
zeroCoords <- GRanges(seqnames(aD@alignments)[zeroBlocks[,1]], IRanges(start = start(aD@alignments)[zeroBlocks[,1]], end = end(aD@alignments)[zeroBlocks[,2]]))
} else {
zeroCoords <- GRanges()
seqinfo(zeroCoords) <- seqinfo(aD@alignments)
.constructMethNulls <- function(emptyNulls, sDP, locDef, minlen)
overLoc <- sDP@coordinates[!, locDef, type = "within", select = "arbitrary")),]
#getOverlaps(sDP@coordinates, locDef, overlapType = "within", whichOverlaps = FALSE, ignoreStrand = FALSE, cl = NULL),]
leftRight <-"rbind", lapply(seqlevels(overLoc), function(chr) {
leftids <- Rle(findInterval(start(overLoc[seqnames(overLoc) == chr,]), end(emptyNulls[seqnames(emptyNulls) == chr,])))
leftids[leftids <= 0] <- NA
left <- Rle(start(overLoc[which(seqnames(overLoc) == chr),]) - rep(start(emptyNulls[seqnames(emptyNulls) == chr])[runValue(leftids)], runLength(leftids)))
rightids <- Rle(findInterval(end(overLoc[which(seqnames(overLoc) == chr)]), end(emptyNulls[seqnames(emptyNulls) == chr,])) + 1)
rightids[rightids > sum(seqnames(emptyNulls) == chr)] <- NA
right = Rle(rep(end(emptyNulls[seqnames(emptyNulls) == chr])[runValue(rightids)], runLength(rightids)) - end(overLoc[which(seqnames(overLoc) == chr),]))
DataFrame(left, right)
leftGood <- (![,'left']))
rightGood <- (![,'right']))
nullCoords = GRanges(
seqnames = c(seqnames(emptyNulls), seqnames(overLoc)[c(which(leftGood & rightGood), which(leftGood), which(rightGood))]),
start = as.integer(c(Rle(start(emptyNulls)),
(start(overLoc) - leftRight[,"left"])[which(leftGood & rightGood)],
(start(overLoc) - leftRight[,"left"])[which(leftGood)],
end = as.integer(c(Rle(end(emptyNulls)),
(end(overLoc) + leftRight[,"right"])[which(leftGood & rightGood)],
(end(overLoc) + leftRight[,'right'])[which(rightGood)]))
if(!missing(minlen)) nullCoords <- nullCoords[width(nullCoords) >= minlen,]
if(length(nullCoords) > 0) {
nullCoords <- unique(nullCoords)
nullCoords <- nullCoords[order(as.integer(seqnames(nullCoords)), start(nullCoords), end(nullCoords))]
nullCoords <- nullCoords[which(.getOverlaps(coordinates = nullCoords, segments = locDef, overlapType = "within", whichOverlaps = FALSE, cl = NULL))]
# for some reason this is incredibly slow using findOverlaps
#nullCoords <- nullCoords[which(!, locDef, type = "within", select = "first")))]
potnullD <- new("lociData",
replicates = sDP@replicates,
coordinates = nullCoords, locLikelihoods = matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = nlevels(sDP@replicates)))
.constructNulls <- function(emptyNulls, sDWithin, locDef, forPriors = FALSE, samplesize, aD = aD, cl = NULL)
# find the gap to the left and right of each element of sD within a locus (sDWithin)
leftRight <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2, nrow = nrow(sDWithin))
colnames(leftRight) <- c("left", "right")
for(ss in unique(strand(sDWithin@coordinates)))
leftRight[which(strand(sDWithin@coordinates) == ss),] <-"rbind",
lapply(unique(seqnames(sDWithin@coordinates)), function(chr) {
sDsel <- which(seqnames(sDWithin@coordinates) == chr & strand(sDWithin@coordinates) == ss)
empsel <- which(seqnames(emptyNulls) == chr & strand(emptyNulls) == ss)
left <- start(sDWithin@coordinates[sDsel,]) -
start(emptyNulls[empsel])[match(start(sDWithin@coordinates[sDsel,]), (end(emptyNulls[empsel,]) + 1))]
right <- end(emptyNulls[empsel])[match(end(sDWithin@coordinates[sDsel,]), (start(emptyNulls[empsel,]) - 1))] -
cbind(left, right)
# select from the empty regions those within or adjacent (unless looking to construct priors) to a potential locus
empties <- which(!, sDWithin@coordinates, type = "within", select = "first")))
if( || !forPriors) empties <- union(empties,
unlist(lapply(levels(seqnames(sDWithin@coordinates)), function(chr) {
leftEmpties <- match(start(sDWithin@coordinates[which(seqnames(sDWithin@coordinates) == chr),]), (end(emptyNulls[seqnames(emptyNulls) == chr,]) + 1))
rightEmpties <- match(end(sDWithin@coordinates[which(seqnames(sDWithin@coordinates) == chr),]), (start(emptyNulls[seqnames(emptyNulls) == chr,]) - 1))
which(seqnames(emptyNulls) == chr)[union(leftEmpties, rightEmpties)]
empties <- empties[!]
leftGood <- (![,'left']))
rightGood <- (![,'right']))
# combine regions with gaps to the left, gaps to the right, gaps on both side, plus empty regions within loci
nullCoords = GRanges(
seqnames = c(
seqnames(sDWithin@coordinates)[c(which(leftGood & rightGood), which(leftGood), which(rightGood))]),
start = c(start(emptyNulls[empties,]),
(start(sDWithin@coordinates) - leftRight[,"left"])[which(leftGood & rightGood)],
(start(sDWithin@coordinates) - leftRight[,"left"])[which(leftGood)],
end = c(end(emptyNulls[empties,]),
(end(sDWithin@coordinates) + leftRight[,"right"])[which(leftGood & rightGood)],
(end(sDWithin@coordinates) + leftRight[,'right'])[which(rightGood)])),
sDID = c(rep(-1, length(empties)), which(leftGood & rightGood), which(leftGood), which(rightGood)),
strand = c(
strand(sDWithin@coordinates)[c(which(leftGood & rightGood), which(leftGood), which(rightGood))])
# which constructed coordinates lie within a locus?
nullCoords <- nullCoords[which(.getOverlaps(coordinates = nullCoords, segments = locDef, overlapType = "within", whichOverlaps = FALSE, cl = NULL))]
#nullCoords <- nullCoords[!, locDef, type = "within", select = "first")),]
if( {
if(length(nullCoords) == 0) return(nullCoords) else return(nullCoords[sample(1:length(nullCoords), 1)])
if(forPriors) {
nullCoords <- nullCoords[.filterSegments(nullCoords, runif(length(nullCoords)), maxReport = samplesize),]
# empty regions carry no data
if(class(aD) == "alignmentData") {
nullData <- matrix(0L, nrow = length(nullCoords), ncol = ncol(sDWithin))
colnames(nullData) <- colnames(sDWithin@data)
if(nrow(sDWithin@data) > 0) nullData[nullCoords$sDID > 0,] <- sDWithin@data[nullCoords$sDID[nullCoords$sDID > 0],]
values(nullCoords) <- NULL
potnullD <- new("lociData", data = nullData,
libsizes = libsizes(sDWithin),
replicates = sDWithin@replicates,
coordinates = nullCoords)
} else if(class(aD) == "alignmentMeth") {
values(nullCoords) <- NULL
potnullD <- new("lociData",
data = list(matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(sDWithin), nrow = length(nullCoords)),
matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(sDWithin), nrow = length(nullCoords))),
replicates = sDWithin@replicates,
coordinates = nullCoords)
nullCounts <- getCounts(potnullD@coordinates, aD, cl = cl)
potnullD@Cs <- nullCounts$Cs
potnullD@Ts <- nullCounts$Ts
potnullD <- potnullD[rowSums(potnullD@Cs) + rowSums(potnullD@Ts) > 0,]
.constructNullPriors <- function(emptyNulls, sDWithin, locDef, samplesize)
leftRight <-"rbind", lapply(seqlevels(sDWithin@coordinates), function(chr) {
left <- start(sDWithin@coordinates[which(seqnames(sDWithin@coordinates) == chr),]) -
start(emptyNulls[seqnames(emptyNulls) == chr])[match(start(sDWithin@coordinates[which(seqnames(sDWithin@coordinates) == chr),]), (end(emptyNulls[seqnames(emptyNulls) == chr,]) + 1))]
right <- end(emptyNulls[seqnames(emptyNulls) == chr])[match(end(sDWithin@coordinates[which(seqnames(sDWithin@coordinates) == chr),]), (start(emptyNulls[seqnames(emptyNulls) == chr,]) - 1))] - end(sDWithin@coordinates[which(seqnames(sDWithin@coordinates) == chr),])
cbind(left, right)
empover <- !, sDWithin@coordinates, type = "within", select = "first"))
if(any(empover)) emptyNulls <- emptyNulls[which(empover),] else emptyNulls <- emptyNulls[FALSE,]
leftGood <- ![,'left'])
rightGood <- ![,'right'])
nullCoords <- GRanges(
seqnames = c(
seqnames(sDWithin@coordinates)[leftGood & rightGood],
start = c(
(start(sDWithin@coordinates) - leftRight[,"left"])[leftGood & rightGood],
(start(sDWithin@coordinates) - leftRight[,"left"])[leftGood],
end = c(end(emptyNulls),
(end(sDWithin@coordinates) + leftRight[,"right"])[leftGood & rightGood],
(end(sDWithin@coordinates) + leftRight[,'right'])[rightGood])
overLoci <- which(! = nullCoords, segments = locDef, type = "within", select = "first")))
filNulls <- sort(overLoci[.filterSegments(nullCoords[overLoci], runif(length(overLoci)), maxReport = samplesize)])
splitNulls <- c(length(emptyNulls), sum(leftGood & rightGood), sum(leftGood), sum(rightGood))
emptyData <-"cbind", lapply(1:ncol(sDWithin), function(x) (rep(0L, sum(filNulls <= splitNulls[1])))))
lrChoose <- which(leftGood & rightGood)[filNulls[filNulls > cumsum(splitNulls)[1] & filNulls <= cumsum(splitNulls)[2]] - cumsum(splitNulls)[1]]
leftChoose <- which(leftGood)[filNulls[filNulls > cumsum(splitNulls)[2] & filNulls <= cumsum(splitNulls)[3]] - cumsum(splitNulls)[2]]
rightChoose <- which(rightGood)[filNulls[filNulls > cumsum(splitNulls)[3] & filNulls <= cumsum(splitNulls)[4]] - cumsum(splitNulls)[3]]
if(class(sDWithin) == "segData") {
colnames(emptyData) <- colnames(sDWithin@data)
potnullD <- new("segData", data = rbind(emptyData, sDWithin@data[c(lrChoose, leftChoose, rightChoose),]),
libsizes = libsizes(sDWithin),
replicates = sDWithin@replicates,
coordinates = nullCoords[filNulls])
} else if(class(sDWithin) == "segMeth") {
colnames(emptyData) <- colnames(sDWithin@Cs)
potnullD <- new("segMeth",
Cs = rbind(emptyData, sDWithin@Cs[c(lrChoose, leftChoose, rightChoose),]),
Ts = rbind(emptyData, sDWithin@Ts[c(lrChoose, leftChoose, rightChoose),]),
replicates = sDWithin@replicates,
coordinates = nullCoords[filNulls])
potnullD <- potnullD[order(as.integer(seqnames(potnullD@coordinates)), start(potnullD@coordinates), end(potnullD@coordinates)),]
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