add_rank_col = function(screen, reverse=FALSE, scoreColName="score", geneColName="GeneID"){
genesMedian = sqldf(paste('select ',geneColName,', median(',scoreColName,') as median from screen group by ',geneColName, sep=""), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
screen5 = merge(screen, genesMedian, by.x=geneColName, by.y=geneColName, x.all=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)
genesAvg = sqldf(paste('select ',geneColName,', avg(',scoreColName,') as average from screen group by ',geneColName, sep=""), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
screen5 = merge(screen5, genesAvg, by.x=geneColName, by.y=geneColName, x.all=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)
genesMax = sqldf(paste('select ',geneColName,', max(',scoreColName,') as max from screen group by ',geneColName, sep=""), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
screen5 = merge(screen5, genesMax, by.x=geneColName, by.y=geneColName, x.all=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)
genesMin = sqldf(paste('select ',geneColName,', min(',scoreColName,') as min from screen group by ',geneColName, sep=""), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
screen5 = merge(screen5, genesMin, by.x=geneColName, by.y=geneColName, x.all=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)
rsa_df = launch_RSA(screen5, LB=-10, UB=10, reverse=reverse, strScoreCol=scoreColName, strGeneCol=geneColName)
add_seed = function(df, seqColName="siRNA_seq", seedLength=7, startPosition=2){
v=df[, seqColName]
seedv = rep(NA, length(v))
for(i in 1:length(v)){
seed = substring(v[i],startPosition,(seedLength+startPosition-1))
seed = toupper(seed)
seed = gsub("T", "U", seed)
seedv[i] = sub("T", "U", seed)
df[, paste("seed", seedLength, sep="")]=seedv
check_consistency = function(screen, scoreColName = "score", geneColName = "GeneID",
countGenes <- NULL #initialize to not get useless complains from R CMD CHECK
x<-NULL #initialize to not get useless complains from R CMD CHECK
if(length(grep("[a-z]", screen[,seqColName]))){
cat('WARNING: Your sequences contain lower case letters. For consistency we will convert them to upper case letters.')
screen[,seqColName] = toupper(screen[,seqColName])
if(length(grep("[A,C,G,T,U]", screen[,seqColName], invert=TRUE))){
cat('ERROR: Unsupported characters have been found in your sequences.\n')
cat(' Your sequences must be RNA (or DNA) sequences. Please check again your sequences and try again.')
if(length(unique(screen[,seqColName])) != length(screen[,seqColName]) )
cat("WARNING: Your screen seems to contain replicates (i.e. some sequences are present more than once) !
You should take the median of the scores of those replicates.
You can use our median_replicates function in order to do that.\n")
if(length(grep("T", screen[,seqColName])) >0)
cat("WARNING: Your sequences contain the letter T.
Are you sure to have provided the correct antisense sequences ?
Please remember that you must provide the antisense sequence (NOT the target sequence !) \n")
af=subset(count(substring(screen[,seqColName],1,1)), x=="A")$freq
cf=subset(count(substring(screen[,seqColName],1,1)), x=="C")$freq
gf=subset(count(substring(screen[,seqColName],1,1)), x=="G")$freq
tf=subset(count(substring(screen[,seqColName],1,1)), x=="T")$freq
uf=subset(count(substring(screen[,seqColName],1,1)), x=="U")$freq
if((uf+tf+af) < 0.8*nrow(screen)){
cat("WARNING: Your sequences contain in the first nucleotide a low percentage of T, U and A.
Are you sure to have provided the correct antisense sequences ?
Please remember that you must provide the antisense sequence (NOT the target sequence !) \n")
screen=delete_undefined_rows(screen, colNames=c(seqColName, scoreColName, geneColName))
screen2=sqldf(paste('select count(distinct ',geneColName,') as countGenes, ',seqColName,' from screen group by ', seqColName, sep=""))
if(nrow(subset(screen2, countGenes!=1))>0) print("WARNING: Some of your siRNA sequence refers to more than one Gene Identifier ! Please check your input")
compare_sorted_geneSets = function (genesetA1, genesetA2, genesetB, background, limA=NULL, limB=NULL)
genesetA1 = unique(genesetA1[genesetA1 %in% background])
genesetA2 = unique(genesetA2[genesetA2 %in% background])
genesetB = unique(genesetB[genesetB %in% background])
minTemp = min(length(genesetA1), length(genesetA2))
genesetA1 = genesetA1[1:minTemp]
genesetA2 = genesetA2[1:minTemp]
if(length(genesetA1) <limA){cat("WARNING: The length of genesetA1 is less than limA")}
if(length(genesetA1) <limA){cat("WARNING: The length of genesetA2 is less than limA")}
genesetA1 = genesetA1[1:limA]
genesetA2 = genesetA2[1:limA]
if(length(genesetB) <limB){cat("WARNING: The length of genesetB is less than limB")}
genesetB = genesetB[1:limB]
enrichment_geneSet(genesetA1, genesetB, background)
enrichment_geneSet(genesetA2, genesetB, background)
create_sd_matrix = function(screen, seedColName="seed7", scoreColName="score"){
nintervals = 8
quntils = 21
sd_matr = matrix(NA, nintervals+2, quntils)
sa = subset(seeds_analysis(screen, seedColName=seedColName, scoreColName=scoreColName), ! )
sd_matr[1,] = quantile(subset(sa, sa[,scoreColName]<=-1.5)$sd, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.05))
sd_matr[10,] = quantile(subset(sa, sa[,scoreColName]>1.5)$sd, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.05))
middleSa = subset(sa, sa[,scoreColName]>-1.5 && sa[,scoreColName]<=1.5)
for(i in 1:nintervals){
tempSa = subset(sa, sa[,scoreColName]>(-1.5 + 3/nintervals*(i-1)) & sa[,scoreColName]<=(-1.5 + 3/nintervals*i))
sd_matr[i+1,] = quantile(tempSa$sd, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.05))
enrichment_geneSet = function(genesetA, genesetB, background=NULL, quiet=FALSE){
backgroundSize = 18000
backgroundSize = length(background)
genesetA=intersect(genesetA, background)
genesetB=intersect(genesetB, background)
intersectionGeneSets = intersect(genesetA, genesetB)
n=as.numeric(backgroundSize) - as.numeric(length(genesetB))
if(!quiet) {
cat(paste("sizeA: ", length(genesetA), " sizeB: ", length(genesetB),
" sizeCommon: ", length(intersectionGeneSets), "\n",sep=""))
cat(paste( "p-value (Hypergeometric test): ", phyper(x, m, n, k, FALSE), "\n",sep=""))
return(phyper(x, m, n, k, FALSE))
# enrichment_ppi_vector <- function(genesVectors, limit=400, STRINGversion="9_05", species_ncbi_taxonomy_id=9606){
# string_db <- STRINGdb$new( version=STRINGversion, species=species_ncbi_taxonomy_id, score_threshold=0, input_directory="" )
# enrichList = c()
# genes=genesVectors[[1]]
# for(i in 2:length(genesVectors)){ genes=intersect(genes, genesVectors[[i]]) }
# for(i in 1:length(genesVectors)){genesVectors[[i]] = intersect(genesVectors[[i]], genes)}
# cat("INFO: we are benchmarking ",length(genes), "genes")
# for(i in 1:length(genesVectors)){
# stringGenes = string_db$mp(genesVectors[[i]][0:limit])
# enrichList[i] = string_db$get_ppi_enrichment(stringGenes)$enrichment
# }
# return(enrichList)
# }
get_sd_quant = function(sdval, score, sd_matrix){
perc = NA
if(score<=-1.5) perc = table(findInterval(sd_matrix[1,], sdval))[1]
else if(score>1.5) perc = table(findInterval(sd_matrix[10,], sdval))[1]
perc = table(findInterval(sd_matrix[floor(((score+1.5)/(3/8))+2),], sdval))[1]
if(names(perc)=="1") perc = 1
perc = min(perc, 20)
get_seed_oligos_df=function(screen, seedColName="seed7", scoreColName="score", geneColName="GeneID", gene_interval = c(1,100),
min_oligos_x_gene=4, min_oligos_x_statistics=4, random=FALSE, kolmogorovSampleSize=5000, progress_bar=FALSE ){
seeds7 = subset(seeds_analysis(screen, seedColName=seedColName, scoreColName=scoreColName), select=c(seedColName, "pvalue"))
if(random) screen = randomSortOnVal(screen, geneColName)
# extract the interesting oligos from the whole screen
tempGenes3 = unique(screen[,geneColName])
goodGenes = tempGenes3
tempGenes1 = as.numeric(sqldf(paste('select ', geneColName,' from screen group by GeneID having count(GeneID) >=',min_oligos_x_gene, paste=""))$GeneID)
tempGenes2 = unique(screen[,geneColName])
tempGenes3 = tempGenes2[tempGenes2 %in% tempGenes1]
if(!is.null(gene_interval)) goodGenes = tempGenes3[gene_interval[1]:gene_interval[2]]
goodGenesDf = subset(screen, screen[,geneColName] %in% goodGenes)
screent1 = subset(screen, screen[,seedColName] %in% goodGenesDf[,seedColName])
screent2 = subset(screent1, select=c("GeneID", seedColName, scoreColName))
hit_th_val=unname(quantile(screen[, scoreColName], c(0.1)))
hit_th_val_enh=unname(quantile(screen[, scoreColName], c(0.9)))
if(!is.null(kolmogorovSampleSize)) scoreSample = sample(screen[, scoreColName])[1:min(nrow(screen), kolmogorovSampleSize)]
graphMatr = matrix(NA, nrow(goodGenesDf), 5)
if(exists("progress_bar") && progress_bar) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(goodGenesDf)/10, style = 3, width=100)
currentGene = NULL
for(i in 1:nrow(goodGenesDf)){
if((exists("progress_bar") && progress_bar ) && i%%10==0) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/10)
scores = subset(screent2, screent2[,geneColName] != goodGenesDf[, geneColName][i] & screent2[,seedColName]==goodGenesDf[, seedColName][i])[, scoreColName]
countHits = length(scores[scores<=hit_th_val])
countHitsEnh = length(scores[scores>=hit_th_val_enh])
if(mean(scores) >0){
coeff = (-1)
graphMatr[i,2] = coeff*max(log(phyper((countHitsEnh-1), (nrow(screen)*0.1), nrow(screen)-(nrow(screen)*0.1), length(scores), lower.tail=FALSE), base=2),-10)
graphMatr[i,2] = max(log(phyper((countHits-1), (nrow(screen)*0.1), nrow(screen)-(nrow(screen)*0.1), length(scores), lower.tail=FALSE), base=2), -10)
if(!is.null(kolmogorovSampleSize)) graphMatr[i,1] = coeff*max(log(ks.test(scores, scoreSample)$p.value, base=2), -10)
if(!is.null(kolmogorovSampleSize)) graphMatr[i,1] = 0
graphMatr[i,2] = 0
graphMatr[i,3] = length(scores)
if(length(scores)>0) graphMatr[i,4] = mean(scores)
if(is.null(currentGene) || goodGenesDf[,geneColName][i]!=currentGene){
currentGene = goodGenesDf[,geneColName][i]
graphMatr[i,5] = gn
resultDf = data.frame(goodGenesDf, seed_log_pval_ks = graphMatr[,1], seed_log_pval = graphMatr[,2],
seed_oligos_count = graphMatr[,3], seed_oligos_mean = graphMatr[,4], geneRank = graphMatr[,5] )
resultDf2 = sortInner(resultDf, geneColName, "seed_log_pval_ks", reverse = FALSE)
else resultDf2 = sortInner(resultDf, geneColName, "seed_log_pval", reverse = FALSE)
launch_RSA = function(df, LB=-100, UB=100, reverse=FALSE, strScoreCol="", strGeneCol="Gene_ID", keepAllRSAReturnFields=FALSE){
rsaOptions = list(LB=LB,UB=UB,reverse=reverse);
df_filtered = df[![,strGeneCol]) & df[,strGeneCol] != "" & ![,strScoreCol]),]
df_rsa = OPIrsa(df_filtered[,strGeneCol], df_filtered[,strScoreCol], rsaOptions, df_filtered)
df_rsa = renameColDf(df_rsa, "OPI_Rank", "rank_rsa")
df_rsa = renameColDf(df_rsa, "LogP", "log_pval_rsa")
df_rsa = renameColDf(df_rsa, "X.totalWell", "num_wells")
if(! keepAllRSAReturnFields){
df_rsa = delColDf(df_rsa, "EXP_Rank")
df_rsa = delColDf(df_rsa, "Cutoff_Rank")
df_rsa = delColDf(df_rsa, "rank")
df_rsa = delColDf(df_rsa, "X.hitWell")
df_rsa = delColDf(df_rsa, "OPI_Hit")
df_rsa = delColDf(df_rsa, "Score")
median_replicates = function(screen, seedColName = "seed7", scoreColName = "score",
geneColName = "GeneID", seqColName="siRNA_seq", spAvgColName = NULL
spAvgCmd = ""
if(!is.null(spAvgColName)) spAvgCmd=paste(', median(',spAvgColName,') as ', spAvgColName, sep="")
aggregateDf5 = sqldf(paste('select median(', geneColName,') as ',geneColName,', median(',scoreColName,') as ',scoreColName,' ,
',seqColName,spAvgCmd,' from screen group by ',seqColName,' order by ',scoreColName, sep=""))
OPIrsa = function(Groups,Scores,opts,Data=NULL)
t = data.frame(Gene_ID = Groups, Score = Scores)
Data = data.frame(Data, Score = Scores)
Sorted_Order = order(t$Score,decreasing=opts$reverse);
Data = Data[Sorted_Order,]
t = t[Sorted_Order,]
t ="rbind", tapply(seq(nrow(t)), list(t$Gene_ID), function(i,dataset, optsb)
i_max = sum(dataset$Score[i]>=optsb$LB)
i_min = max(1,sum(dataset$Score[i]>=optsb$UB))
i_max = sum(dataset$Score[i]<=optsb$UB)
i_min = max(1,sum(dataset$Score[i]<=optsb$LB))
r = OPIrsaScore(i,nrow(dataset),i_min,i_max)
return ( cbind(
LogP = r["logp"]
,rank = i))
}, dataset = t, opts))
t_sorted = t[order(t[,"rank"]),]
t = data.frame(cbind(Data, t_sorted))
# add OPI_Rank
t = t[order(t$LogP,t$Score*ifelse(opts$reverse,-1,1)),]
t$OPI_Rank = cumsum(t$OPI_Hit)
t$OPI_Rank[t$OPI_Hit == 0] = 999999
# add Cutoff_Rank
t = t[order(t$Score*(ifelse(opts$reverse,-1,1)),t$LogP),]
if(opts$reverse){tmp = t$Score>=opts$LB} else {tmp = t$Score<=opts$UB}
t$Cutoff_Rank = cumsum(tmp)
t$Cutoff_Rank[!tmp] = 999999
# add EXP_Rank
t$EXP_Rank = pmin(t$OPI_Rank,t$Cutoff_Rank)
t$EXP_Rank = pmin(t$OPI_Rank,t$Cutoff_Rank)
if(opts$reverse) {
return(t[order(t$OPI_Rank, -t$Score),])
} else {
return(t[order(t$OPI_Rank, t$Score),])
OPIrsaScore = function(I_rank, N, i_min=1, i_max=-1)
n_drawn = length(I_rank) # number of black
if(i_max == -1)
r1 = c(logp=1.0,cutoff=0)
if( i_max < i_min) return (r1)
# phyper(x, lower.tail = F), x = x-1, when lower.tail = F
logp = apply(cbind(seq(i_min,i_max),I_rank[i_min:i_max]),1,function(x) { phyper(x[1]-1,x[2] ,N-x[2], n_drawn,lower.tail = FALSE,log.p=TRUE)})
logp = logp/log(10)
logp[logp<(-100)] = -100
if(all( {
return (r1)
return ( c(logp=min(logp),cutoff = i_min-1+which.min(logp)))
removeSharedOffTargets = function(screenA, screenB, seedColName="seed7",
seeds = intersect(screenA[,seedColName], screenB[,seedColName])
genes = intersect(screenA[,geneColName], screenB[,geneColName])
screenA2 = subset(screenA, screenA[,seedColName] %in% seeds & screenA[,geneColName] %in% genes)
screenB2 = subset(screenB, screenB[,seedColName] %in% seeds & screenB[,geneColName] %in% genes)
for(i in 1:nrow(screenB2)){
geneSeeds = c()
if(has.key(as.character(screenB2[i,geneColName]) ,gene_seeds)) geneSeeds = gene_seeds[[as.character(screenB2[i,geneColName])]]
geneSeeds=c(geneSeeds, as.character(screenB2[i,seedColName]))
gene_seeds[[as.character(screenB2[i,geneColName])]] = geneSeeds
oligosToRemove = c()
for(i in 1:nrow(screenA2)){
if(has.key(as.character(screenA2[i,geneColName]) ,gene_seeds)){
if(as.character(screenA2[i,seedColName]) %in% gene_seeds[[as.character(screenA2[i,geneColName])]]){
oligosToRemove=c(oligosToRemove, screenA2[i,seqColName])
genesToRemove = unique(subset(screenA2, screenA2[, seqColName] %in% oligosToRemove)[, geneColName])
screenA3 = subset(screenA, !(screenA[, geneColName] %in% genesToRemove))
screenA3 = subset(screenA, !(screenA[, seqColName] %in% oligosToRemove))
seeds_analysis = function(screen, seedColName="seed7", scoreColName="score", hit_th_val=NULL,
enhancer_analysis=FALSE, spAvgColName=NULL,
minCount=NULL, ks_enabled=FALSE, miRBase=NULL){
# cat("ERROR: the miRBase parameter should be an instance of RNAStringSet class of the package biostrings.")
# stop()
#miRBase_df=data.frame(miRNA=names(miRBase), seq=as.character(miRBase))
if(!("miRNA" %in% colnames(miRBase_df) & "seq" %in% colnames(miRBase_df) )){
cat("ERROR: miRBase should be a data frame containing the columns miRNA and seq.\n")
cat(" Please check the name of the columns. ")
if(enhancer_analysis) hit_th_val=unname(quantile(screen[,scoreColName], c(0.9)))
else hit_th_val=unname(quantile(screen[,scoreColName], c(0.1)))
spAvgCmd =""
if(!is.null(spAvgColName)) spAvgCmd = paste(',avg(', spAvgColName, ') as ', spAvgColName, sep="")
seeds = sqldf(paste('select ',seedColName,', avg(',scoreColName,') as score, count(',seedColName,') as count',spAvgCmd,' from screen group by ',seedColName, sep=""))
screen6 = sqldf( paste('select * from screen where ',scoreColName,'<=', hit_th_val, sep="") )
if(enhancer_analysis) screen6 = sqldf( paste('select * from screen where ',scoreColName,'>=', hit_th_val, sep="") )
seedsHits = sqldf(paste('select ',seedColName,', count(',seedColName,') as countHits from screen6 group by ',seedColName, sep=""))
seeds2 = merge(seeds, seedsHits, all.x=TRUE)
scoreSample = sample(screen[, scoreColName])[1:min(nrow(screen), 5000)]
seedsPvaluesKs = bydf(screen, seedColName, scoreColName, function(x){return(ks.test(x, scoreSample)$p.value)}, newColName="pvalue_ks")
seeds21 = merge(seeds2, seedsPvaluesKs, all.x=TRUE)
ratiosHitsVsCount = NULL
for(i in 1:nrow(seeds21)){ ratiosHitsVsCount = c(ratiosHitsVsCount, seeds21$countHits[i]/seeds21$count[i])}
seeds3 = data.frame(seeds21, ratiosHitsVsCount = ratiosHitsVsCount)
seeds4 = data.frame(seeds3, pvalue=phyper((seeds3$countHits-1), nrow(screen6), nrow(screen)-nrow(screen6), seeds3$count, lower.tail=FALSE) )
if(!is.null(minCount)) seeds4=seedsAnalysisDf = sqldf(paste('select * from seeds4 where count >= ', minCount, sep=""))
sddf = bydf(screen, seedColName, "score", sd, "sd")
seeds5 = merge(seeds4, sddf, all.x=TRUE, by.x=seedColName, by.y=seedColName)
seeds6 = bydfa(seeds5, seedColName, seedColName, function(seq){
seq = toupper(seq)
seq = strsplit(seq,"")[[1]]
for(i in 1:length(seq))
if(seq[i]=="C" || seq[i]=="G") counter=counter+1
}, "countGC")
if(enhancer_analysis) {seeds7 = arrange(seeds6, -score)}else{seeds7 = arrange(seeds6, score)}
seeds7[, seedColName] = as.character(seeds7[, seedColName])
miRBase_df2 = add_seed(miRBase_df, seedLength=7, startPosition=2, seqColName="seq")
for(i in 1:nrow(miRBase_df2)){
mirsV = c()
if(has.key(as.character(miRBase_df2$seed7[i]), mirhash)) mirsV=mirhash[[as.character(miRBase_df2$seed7[i])]]
mirsV = c(mirsV, as.character(miRBase_df2$miRNA[i]) )
miRNAcol=rep(NA, nrow(seeds7))
for(i in 1:nrow(seeds7)){
miRNAcol[i] = paste(mirhash[[as.character(seeds7[,seedColName][i])]], collapse=", ")
seeds7=data.frame(seeds7, miRNA=miRNAcol, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
res1 = arrange(seeds7, pvalue)
res1$score = round(res1$score, digits=4)
res1$ratiosHitsVsCount = round(res1$ratiosHitsVsCount, digits=4)
res1$sd = round(res1$sd, digits=4)
seed_correction = function(screen, seedColName="seed7", scoreColName="score",
geneColName="GeneID", fixed_correction_coeff=0.4,
sd_correction_coeff=0.6, min_siRNAs_x_seed=3, progress_bar=FALSE){
if( exists("progress_bar") && progress_bar) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(screen)/1000, style = 3, width=100)
screen = data.frame(screen, previous_order_temp = seq(1:nrow(screen)))
sd_matrix = create_sd_matrix(screen, seedColName="seed7", scoreColName="score")
screen = arrange(screen, screen[,seedColName])
medianScore = median(screen[,scoreColName])
zscoresV = c()
scoresV = c()
for(i in 1:nrow(screen)){
if(( exists("progress_bar") && progress_bar ) && i%%1000==0) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/1000)
if(is.null(currentSeed)) currentSeed = screen[,seedColName][i]
if(currentSeed != screen[,seedColName][i]){
zscores2V = c()
for(j in 1:length(scoresV)){
scores2V = scoresV[-j]
if(length(scores2V) >= min_siRNAs_x_seed ){
deltaS = medianScore - median(scores2V)
zscores2V[j] = scoresV[j] + ( fixed_correction_coeff + (sd_correction_coeff/20)*(20-get_sd_quant(sd(scores2V), mean(scores2V), sd_matrix)) )*deltaS
zscores2V[j] = NA
zscoresV = c(zscoresV, zscores2V)
currentSeed = screen[,seedColName][i]
scoresV = c(scoresV, screen[,scoreColName][i])
zscores2V = c()
for(j in 1:length(scoresV)){
scores2V = scoresV[-j]
if(length(scores2V) >= min_siRNAs_x_seed ){
deltaS = medianScore - median(scores2V)
zscores2V[j] = scoresV[j] + ( fixed_correction_coeff + (sd_correction_coeff/20)*(20-get_sd_quant(sd(scores2V), mean(scores2V), sd_matrix)) )*deltaS
}else zscores2V[j] = NA
zscoresV = c(zscoresV, zscores2V)
screen$score = replace_non_null_elements(screen$score, zscoresV)
screen = arrange(screen, previous_order_temp)
screen = delColDf(screen, "previous_order_temp")
seed_correction_pooled = function(screen, seedColName="seed7", scoreColName="score",
geneColName="GeneID", fixed_correction_coeff=0.4,
sd_correction_coeff=0.6, min_siRNAs_x_seed=4, poolSize=4, enhancer_analysis=NULL,
use_all_seeds=TRUE, progress_bar=FALSE){
if( exists("progress_bar") && progress_bar) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(screen)/1000, style = 3, width=100)
screen = data.frame(screen, previous_order_temp = seq(1:nrow(screen)))
sd_matrix = create_sd_matrix(screen, seedColName="seed7", scoreColName="score")
screen = arrange(screen, screen[,seedColName])
medianScore = median(screen[,scoreColName])
meanScore = mean(screen[,scoreColName])
zscoresV = c()
zdeltasV = c()
scoresV = c()
for(i in 1:nrow(screen)){
if(( exists("progress_bar") && progress_bar ) && i%%1000==0) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/1000)
if(is.null(currentSeed)) currentSeed = screen[,seedColName][i]
if(currentSeed != screen[,seedColName][i]){
zdeltas2V = c()
zscores2V = c()
for(j in 1:length(scoresV)){
scores2V = scoresV[-j]
if(length(scores2V) >= min_siRNAs_x_seed ){
deltaS = medianScore - median(scores2V)
zscores2V[j] = scoresV[j] + ( fixed_correction_coeff + (sd_correction_coeff/20)*(20-get_sd_quant(sd(scores2V), mean(scores2V), sd_matrix)) )*deltaS
zdeltas2V[j] = ( fixed_correction_coeff + (sd_correction_coeff/20)*(20-get_sd_quant(sd(scores2V), mean(scores2V), sd_matrix)) )*deltaS
zscores2V[j] = NA
zdeltas2V[j] = NA
zscoresV = c(zscoresV, zscores2V)
zdeltasV = c(zdeltasV, zdeltas2V)
currentSeed = screen[,seedColName][i]
scoresV = c(scoresV, screen[,scoreColName][i])
zscores2V = c()
zdeltas2V = c()
for(j in 1:length(scoresV)){
scores2V = scoresV[-j]
if(length(scores2V) >= min_siRNAs_x_seed ){
deltaS = medianScore - median(scores2V)
zscores2V[j] = scoresV[j] + ( fixed_correction_coeff + (sd_correction_coeff/20)*(20-get_sd_quant(sd(scores2V), mean(scores2V), sd_matrix)) )*deltaS
zdeltas2V[j] = ( fixed_correction_coeff + (sd_correction_coeff/20)*(20-get_sd_quant(sd(scores2V), mean(scores2V), sd_matrix)) )*deltaS
zscores2V[j] = NA
zdeltas2V[j] = NA
zscoresV = c(zscoresV, zscores2V)
zdeltasV = c(zdeltasV, zdeltas2V)
screen = data.frame(screen, deltas=zdeltasV)
screen = data.frame(screen, scores_old=screen$score)
screen = bydfa(screen, "GeneID", "deltas", function(x){return(.pooled_weightened_mean(x, medianScore, poolSize=poolSize, enhancer_analysis=enhancer_analysis, use_all_seeds=use_all_seeds))}, "deltaSum")
screen$score = screen$score + screen$deltaSum
screen = arrange(screen, previous_order_temp)
screen = delColDf(screen, "previous_order_temp")
screen = delColDf(screen, "deltaSum")
screen = delColDf(screen, "scores_old")
.pooled_weightened_mean <- function(vect, baseVal, enhancer_analysis, poolSize=4, use_all_seeds=TRUE){
vect = vect[!]
if(length(vect)==0) return(0)
maxVal = max(vect, na.rm=TRUE)
minVal = min(vect, na.rm=TRUE)
dist = 0
delta = 0
cat("\nERROR: If you want to apply a minmax analysis than you need to set the enhancer_analysis variable. \nLook at the documentation\n")
if(enhancer_analysis) { if(minVal < baseVal){delta = minVal}}else{if(maxVal > baseVal){delta = maxVal}}
for(i in 1:length(vect)){
x = vect[i] - baseVal
dist = dist + abs(x)
if(length(vect) < poolSize){
dist = (dist * poolSize) / length(vect)
for(i in 1:length(vect)){
x = vect[i] - baseVal
#if(enhancer_analysis && x>0){safetyFactor=0.5 }
#if(!enhancer_analysis && x<0){safetyFactor=0.5 }
delta = delta + safetyFactor * (abs(x)*x)/(dist)
seed_removal = function(screen,seedColName="seed7", scoreColName="score", geneColName="GeneID",
min_siRNAs_x_seed=4, remove_unrepresented_seeds=TRUE, lower_bound_threshold = -0.5,
higher_bound_threshold = 0.5, min_oligos_x_gene_threshold = 2,
useMedian=FALSE, removeGenes=FALSE, include_current_gene=FALSE, progress_bar=FALSE){
cat("ERROR: We currently don't support both 'removeGenes' and 'include_current_gene' activated.\n ")
cat("Please change the input parameters.")
#TODO: add support for the median
seeds = seeds_analysis(screen, seedColName="seed7", scoreColName="score")
seedsToRemove = subset(seeds, count>=min_siRNAs_x_seed & (score<lower_bound_threshold | score>higher_bound_threshold))
screen2 = subset(screen, !(screen[,seedColName] %in% seedsToRemove[,seedColName]))
if(remove_unrepresented_seeds) screen2 = subset(screen2, screen2[,seedColName] %in% subset(seeds, count>=min_siRNAs_x_seed)[,seedColName] )
genesToRemove = sqldf(paste('select ', geneColName, ', count(', geneColName, ') from screen2 group by ', geneColName, ' having count(', geneColName,') <', min_oligos_x_gene_threshold, sep=""))[, geneColName]
screen2 = subset(screen2, !(screen2[, geneColName] %in% genesToRemove) )
genesToRemove=rep(NA, nrow(screen))
seedsToRemove=rep(NA, nrow(screen))
linesToRemove=rep(NA, nrow(screen))
if( exists("progress_bar") && progress_bar) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(screen)/1000, style = 3, width=100)
screen = data.frame(screen, previous_order_temp = seq(1:nrow(screen)))
screen = arrange(screen, screen[,seedColName])
medianScore = median(screen[,scoreColName])
meanScore = mean(screen[,scoreColName])
scoresV = c()
for(i in 1:nrow(screen)){
if((exists("progress_bar") && progress_bar ) && i%%1000==0) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/1000)
if(is.null(currentSeed)) currentSeed = screen[,seedColName][i]
if(currentSeed != screen[,seedColName][i]){
for(j in 1:length(scoresV)){
scores2V = scoresV[-j]
if(length(scores2V) >= min_siRNAs_x_seed ){
(!useMedian && (mean(scores2V) < lower_bound_threshold || mean(scores2V) > higher_bound_threshold) ) ||
(useMedian && (median(scores2V) < lower_bound_threshold || median(scores2V) > higher_bound_threshold))
seedsToRemove[i-j] = currentSeed
currentSeed = screen[,seedColName][i]
scoresV = c(scoresV, screen[,scoreColName][i])
genesV = c(genesV, screen[,geneColName][i])
for(j in 1:length(scoresV)){
scores2V = scoresV[-j]
if(length(scores2V) >= min_siRNAs_x_seed ){
(!useMedian && (mean(scores2V) < lower_bound_threshold || mean(scores2V) > higher_bound_threshold) ) ||
(useMedian && (median(scores2V) < lower_bound_threshold || median(scores2V) > higher_bound_threshold))
}else {
seedsToRemove[i-j] = currentSeed
screen = screen[-linesToRemove[!],]
screen = arrange(screen, previous_order_temp)
screen = delColDf(screen, "previous_order_temp")
if(remove_unrepresented_seeds) {
genesOfSeedsToRemove = unique(subset(screen, screen[,seedColName] %in% seedsToRemove )[,geneColName])
genesToRemove=c(genesToRemove, genesOfSeedsToRemove)
screen=subset(screen, !(screen[,geneColName] %in% genesToRemove ))
if(remove_unrepresented_seeds) screen=subset(screen, !(screen[,seedColName] %in% seedsToRemove ))
genesToRemove2 = sqldf(paste('select ', geneColName, ', count(', geneColName, ') from screen group by ', geneColName, ' having count(', geneColName,') <', min_oligos_x_gene_threshold, sep=""))[, geneColName]
screen = subset(screen, !(screen[, geneColName] %in% genesToRemove2) )
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