#' getPosteriorParams
#' Given the observations for a single gene and its clustering information,
#' return the calculated posterior parameters
#' @inheritParams jointPosterior
#' @return A list of posterior parameter values under the DP mixture model
#' framework, given the data and prior parameter values.
#' @references Korthauer KD, Chu LF, Newton MA, Li Y, Thomson J, Stewart R,
#' Kendziorski C. A statistical approach for identifying differential
#' distributions
#' in single-cell RNA-seq experiments. Genome Biology. 2016 Oct 25;17(1):222.
#' \url{
#' 1077-y}
getPosteriorParams <- function(y, mcobj, alpha, m0, s0, a0, b0){
r <- length(unique(mcobj$class))
nk <- NULL
sumyk <- NULL
sumyk2 <- NULL
for (k in 1:r){
nk <- c(nk, sum(mcobj$class==k))
sumyk <- c(sumyk, sum(y[mcobj$class==k]))
sumyk2 <- c(sumyk2, sum(y[mcobj$class==k]^2))
sk <- s0 + nk
mk <- (s0*m0 + sumyk) / sk
ak <- a0 + nk
bk <- b0 + sumyk2 + s0*m0^2 - sk*mk^2
return(list(mk=mk, sk=sk, ak=ak, bk=bk))
#' classifyDD
#' Classify significantly DD genes into the four categories (DE, DP, DM or DB)
#' based on posterior distributions of cluster mean parameters
#' @inheritParams jointPosterior
#' @inheritParams scDD
#' @param pe_mat Matrix with genes in rows and samples in columns.
#' Column names indicate condition.
#' @param condition Vector of condition indicators (with two possible values).
#' @param sig_genes Vector of the indices of significantly DD genes
#' (indicating the row number of \code{pe_mat})
#' @param oa List item with one item for each gene where the first element
#' contains the cluster membership for
#' each nonzero sample in the overall (pooled) fit.
#' @param c1 List item with one item for each gene where the first element
#' contains the cluster membership for
#' each nonzero sample in condition 1 only fit
#' @param c2 List item with one item for each gene where the first element
#' contains the cluster membership for
#' each nonzero sample in condition 2 only fit
#' @param log.nonzero Logical indicating whether to perform log
#' transformation of nonzero values.
#' @param ref one of two possible values in condition;
#' represents the referent category.
#' @references Korthauer KD, Chu LF, Newton MA, Li Y, Thomson J, Stewart R,
#' Kendziorski C. A statistical approach for identifying differential
#' distributions
#' in single-cell RNA-seq experiments. Genome Biology. 2016 Oct 25;17(1):222.
#' \url{
#' 1077-y}
#' @return cat Character vector of the same length as \code{sig_genes} that
#' indicates which category of
#' DD each significant gene belongs to (DE, DP, DM, DB, or NC (no call))
classifyDD <- function(pe_mat, condition, sig_genes, oa, c1, c2,
alpha, m0, s0, a0, b0, log.nonzero=TRUE,
adjust.perms=FALSE, ref, min.size=3){
ms <- min.size
mc.oa <- oa
mc.c1 <- c1
mc.c2 <- c2
oa <- lapply(oa, function(x) x[[1]])
c1 <- lapply(c1, function(x) x[[1]])
c2 <- lapply(c2, function(x) x[[1]])
c.oa <- sapply(sig_genes, function(x) luOutlier(oa[[x]], min.size=ms))
c.c1 <- sapply(sig_genes, function(x) luOutlier(c1[[x]], min.size=ms))
c.c2 <- sapply(sig_genes, function(x) luOutlier(c2[[x]], min.size=ms))
cdr <- apply(pe_mat, 2, function(x) sum(x>0)/length(x))
# for each gene
cat <- rep(NA, length(sig_genes))
s <- 1
for (g in sig_genes){
y <- pe_mat[g,]
if (log.nonzero){
cond <- condition[y>0]
cdr0 <- cdr[y>0]
y <- log(y[y>0])
cond <- condition
cdr0 <- cdr
if(length(unique(c1[[g]])) != max(c1[[g]])){
missing.label <- which(! ((1:max(c1[[g]]) %in% unique(c1[[g]])) ))
new.labels <- c1[[g]]
for (l in (missing.label+1):max(c1[[g]])){
new.labels[new.labels==l] <- l-1
c1[[g]] <- new.labels
mc.c1[[g]]$class <- c1[[g]]
mc.c1[[g]]$mean <- mc.c1[[g]]$mean[-missing.label]
mc.c1[[g]]$var <- mc.c1[[g]]$var[-missing.label]
if(length(unique(c2[[g]])) != max(c2[[g]])){
missing.label <- which(! ((1:max(c2[[g]]) %in% unique(c2[[g]])) ))
new.labels <- c2[[g]]
for (l in (missing.label+1):max(c2[[g]])){
new.labels[new.labels==l] <- l-1
c2[[g]] <- new.labels
mc.c2[[g]]$class <- c2[[g]]
mc.c2[[g]]$mean <- mc.c2[[g]]$mean[-missing.label]
mc.c2[[g]]$var <- mc.c2[[g]]$var[-missing.label]
if(length(unique(oa[[g]])) != max(oa[[g]])){
missing.label <- which(! ((1:max(oa[[g]]) %in% unique(oa[[g]])) ))
new.labels <- oa[[g]]
for (l in (missing.label+1):max(oa[[g]])){
new.labels[new.labels==l] <- l-1
oa[[g]] <- new.labels
mc.oa[[g]]$class <- oa[[g]]
mc.oa[[g]]$mean <- mc.oa[[g]]$mean[-missing.label]
mc.oa[[g]]$var <- mc.oa[[g]]$var[-missing.label]
params.c1 <- getPosteriorParams(y[cond==ref], mc.c1[[g]],
alpha, m0, s0, a0, b0)
params.c2 <- getPosteriorParams(y[cond!=ref], mc.c2[[g]],
alpha, m0, s0, a0, b0) <- findOutliers(c1[[g]], min.size=ms) <- findOutliers(c2[[g]], min.size=ms)
# posterior analysis of cluster distances
num.comparisons <- length(*length(
comparisons <- rep(NA, num.comparisons)
t <- 1
for (a in{
for (b in{
samp.diff <- quantile(rt(10000, df=round(params.c1$ak[a]))*
(params.c1$ak[a]*params.c1$sk[a])) +
params.c1$mk[a] -
rt(10000, df=round(params.c2$ak[b]))*
- params.c2$mk[b],
c(0, 1))
comparisons[t] <- 1*( (0 < min(samp.diff) & 0 < max(samp.diff)) |
(-0 > min(samp.diff) & -0 > max(samp.diff)) )
t <- t+1
if (c.c1[s]==c.c2[s]){ # same number of clusters in each condition
if (c.c1[s]==1){ # one cluster in each condition
if (sum(comparisons)>0){
cat[s] <- "DE"
cat[s] <- "NC"
if (c.oa[s]==c.c1[s]){ # at least two clusters overall, same number
# within each condition as overall
if (sum(comparisons)<=c.c1[s]){
cat[s] <- "DP"
cat[s] <- "NC"
}else if(c.oa[s]>c.c1[s]){ # equal number of clusters within each
#conditon (at least 2) and more than that overall
if (sum(comparisons)> c.c1[s]*(c.c1[s]-1)){
# Require that the multimodal DE genes show
# evidence of an overall shift in mean
# in addition to having at most one pair of component overlaps
comparison <- summary(lm(y ~ cdr0 + factor(cond)))$coef[3,4]
comparison <- t.test(y~factor(cond))$p.value
if (comparison < 0.01){
cat[s] <- "DE"
cat[s] <- "NC"
cat[s] <- "NC"
cat[s] <- "NC"
}else{ # not equal cluster number in each condition
if (sum(comparisons)==length(comparisons)){
cat[s] <- "DB"
cat[s] <- "DM"
s <- s + 1
names(cat) <- names(sig_genes)
#' testZeroes
#' Test for a difference in the proportion of zeroes between conditions
#' for a specified set of genes
#' @details Test for a difference in the proportion of zeroes between
#' conditions that is not explained by the
#' detection rate. Utilizes Bayesian logistic regression.
#' @param dat Matrix of single cell expression data with genes in rows and
#' samples in columns.
#' @param cond Vector of condition labels
#' @param these vector of row numbers (gene numbers) to test for a difference
#' in the proportion of zeroes.
#' @return Vector of FDR adjusted p-values
#' @importFrom arm bayesglm
testZeroes <- function(dat, cond, these=1:nrow(dat)){
detection <- colSums(dat>0)/nrow(dat)
onegene <- function(j, dat, detection, cond, these){
if (sum(y==0) > 0){
M1 <- suppressWarnings(arm::bayesglm(y>0 ~ detection + factor(cond),
if (nrow(summary(M1)$coefficients) == 3) {
return(summary(M1)$coefficients[3, 4])
} else {
pval <- unlist(bplapply(seq_along(these), onegene, dat=dat,
detection=detection, cond=cond, these=these))
#' feDP
#' Function to identify additional DP genes, since clustering process can be
#' consistent within each condition
#' and still have differential proportion within each mode.
#' The Bayes factor score also tends to be small when
#' the correct number of clusters is not correctly detected;
#' in that case differential proportion will manifest
#' as a mean shift.
#' @details The Fisher's Exact test is used to test for independence of
#' condition membership and clustering when
#' the clustering is the same across conditions as it is overall
#' (and is multimodal). When clustering within
#' condition is not multimodal or is different across conditions
#' (most often the case), an FDR-adjusted t-test
#' is performed to detect overall mean shifts.
#' @inheritParams classifyDD
#' @inheritParams scDD
#' @return cat Character vector of the same length as \code{sig_genes}
#' that indicates which nonsignificant genes by
#' the permutation test belong to the DP category
feDP <- function(pe_mat, condition, sig_genes, oa, c1, c2, log.nonzero=TRUE,
testZeroes=FALSE, adjust.perms=FALSE, min.size=3){
pval.thresh <- 0.025
pval.thresh <- 0.05
oa <- lapply(oa, function(x) x[[1]])
c1 <- lapply(c1, function(x) x[[1]])
c2 <- lapply(c2, function(x) x[[1]])
ns_genes <- (1:nrow(pe_mat))[-sig_genes]
c.oa <- sapply(ns_genes, function(x) luOutlier(oa[[x]], min.size))
c.c1 <- sapply(ns_genes, function(x) luOutlier(c1[[x]], min.size))
c.c2 <- sapply(ns_genes, function(x) luOutlier(c2[[x]], min.size))
cdr <- apply(pe_mat, 2, function(x) sum(x>0)/length(x))
cat <- rep(NA, length(ns_genes))
pval.ns <- rep(NA, length(ns_genes))
s <- 1
ref <- unique(condition)[1]
for (g in ns_genes){
y <- pe_mat[g,]
cond <- condition[y>0]
cdr0 <- cdr[y>0]
y <- log(y[y>0])
# add runif(-0.1,0.1) jitter if all y vals are identical
if (length(unique(y[cond==ref]))==1 | length(unique(y[cond!=ref]))==1){
y <- y + runif(length(y), -0.1, 0.1)
# detect shifts in mean (to catch DP genes with an incorrect # components)
pval.ns[s] <- summary(lm(y ~ cdr0 + factor(cond)))$coef[3,4]
pval.ns[s] <- t.test(y~factor(cond))$p.value
# check whether clustering process is consistent within each
# condition as overall
if (c.c1[s]==c.c2[s] & c.c1[s]==c.oa[s] & c.oa[s]>1){
# non-outlying cluster names <- findOutliers(oa[[g]], min.size) <- findOutliers(c1[[g]], min.size) <- findOutliers(c2[[g]], min.size)
test <- 1*(fisher.test(table(oa[[g]][oa[[g]] %in%],
cond[oa[[g]] %in%]))$p.value < 0.05)
if (test==1){
cat[s] <- "DP"
cat[s] <- "NS"
cat[s] <- "NS"
s <- s+1
pval.ns <- p.adjust(pval.ns, method="BH")
cat[pval.ns < pval.thresh & cat != "DP"] <- "NC"
cat[pval.ns < pval.thresh & c.c1 == c.c2 & c.c1 == c.oa & c.c1 > 1] <- "DP"
names(pval.ns) <- cat
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