#' preprocess
#' Function to preprocess SingleCellExperiment object (1) to
#' only keep genes with a certain number of nonzero entries,
#' and (2) optionally apply a normalization procedure.
#' @param SCdat An object of class \code{SingleCellExperiment} that contains
#' single-cell expression and metadata. The \code{assays}
#' slot contains a named list of matrices, where the normalized counts are
#' housed in the one named \code{normcounts}, and unnormalized counts are
#' stored in the one names \code{counts}. If either \code{scran_norm} or
#' \code{median_norm} is set to TRUE, the \code{normcounts} slot will be
#' created from the \code{counts} slot. The counts and normalized counts
#' matrices should have one
#' row for each gene and one sample for each column.
#' The \code{colData} slot should contain a data.frame with one row per
#' sample and columns that contain metadata for each sample. This data.frame
#' should contain a variable that represents biological condition, which is
#' in the form of numeric values (either 1 or 2) that indicates which
#' condition each sample belongs to (in the same order as the columns of
#' \code{normcounts}). Optional additional metadata about each cell can also
#' be contained in this data.frame, and additional information about the
#' experiment can be contained in the \code{metadata} slot as a list.
#' @param zero.thresh A numeric value between 0 and 1 that represents
#' the maximum proportion
#' of zeroes per gene allowable in the processed dataset
#' @param scran_norm Logical indicating whether or not to normalize the data
#' using scran Normalization from \code{scran}
#' @param median_norm Logical indicating whether or not to normalize the data
#' using Median Normalization from \code{EBSeq}
#' @param condition A character object that contains the name of the column in
#' \code{colData} that represents
#' the biological group or condition of interest (e.g. treatment versus
#' control). Note that this variable should only contain two
#' possible values since \code{scDD} can currently only handle two-group
#' comparisons. The default option assumes that there
#' is a column named "condition" that contains this variable.
#' @export
#' @importFrom EBSeq MedianNorm
#' @importFrom EBSeq GetNormalizedMat
#' @importFrom scran computeSumFactors
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @references Korthauer KD, Chu LF, Newton MA, Li Y, Thomson J, Stewart R,
#' Kendziorski C. A statistical approach for identifying differential
#' distributions
#' in single-cell RNA-seq experiments. Genome Biology. 2016 Oct 25;17(1):222.
#' \url{
#' 1077-y}
#' @return An object of class \code{SingleCellExperiment} with genes removed if
#' they have more than \code{zero.thresh} zeroes, and the \code{normcounts}
#' assay added if either \code{scran_norm} or \code{median_norm} is set to TRUE
#' and only \code{counts} is provided. If \code{normcounts} already exists and
#' either \code{scran_norm} or \code{median_norm} is set to TRUE, then the new
#' normalized counts are placed in the \code{normcounts} assay slot, and the
#' original values are moved to a new slot called \code{normcounts-orig}.
#' @examples
#' # load toy example SingleCellExperiment object
#' data(scDatEx)
#' # apply the preprocess function to filter out genes if they have more than
#' # 75% zero
#' scDatEx <- preprocess(scDatEx, zero.thresh=0.75)
#' # apply the preprocess function again, but this time threshold on the
#' # proportion of zeroes and apply scran normalization
#' # set the zero.thresh argument to 0.75 so that genes with more than 75%
#' # zeroes are filtered out
#' # set the scran_norm argument to TRUE to return scran normalized counts
#' scDatEx.scran <- preprocess(scDatEx, zero.thresh=0.75, scran_norm=TRUE)
#' # set the median_norm argument to TRUE to return Median normalized counts
#' scDatEx.median <- preprocess(scDatEx, zero.thresh=0.75, median_norm=TRUE)
preprocess <- function(SCdat,
# check whether SCdat is a member of the SingleCellExperiment class
if(!("SingleCellExperiment" %in% class(SCdat))){
stop("Please provide a valid 'SingleCellExperiment' object.")
# check that condition inputs are valid
if (length(unique(colData(SCdat)[[condition]])) != 2 |
length(colData(SCdat)[[condition]]) != dim(SCdat)[2]){
stop("Error: Please specify valid condition labels.")
if(median_norm & scran_norm){
stop(paste0("Specified conflicting options for normalization. Only one ",
" of scran_norm and median_norm can be set to TRUE"))
if (sum(median_norm, scran_norm) == 1 &
!("counts" %in% assayNames(SCdat)) ){
stop(paste0("If median or scran norm is specified, the input object ",
"must contain raw counts in 'counts'."))
if (sum(median_norm, scran_norm) == 1 &
"normcounts" %in% assayNames(SCdat) ){
warning(paste0("median or scran norm is specified and the 'normcounts' ",
"assay already exists; replacing 'normcounts' in output ",
"with the specified normalization method. Original contents ",
"of 'normcounts' are now in 'normcounts-orig'."))
assay(SCdat, "normcounts-orig") <- normcounts(SCdat)
if (sum(median_norm, scran_norm) == 0 &
!("normcounts" %in% assayNames(SCdat))){
stop(paste0("If median or scran norm is not specified, the input object ",
" must contain normalized counts in 'normcounts'"))
if (sum(median_norm, scran_norm) == 0){
pe_mat <- normcounts(SCdat)
pe_mat <- assay(SCdat, "counts")
# reference category/condition - the first listed one
ref <- unique(colData(SCdat)[[condition]])[1]
cond <- colData(SCdat)[[condition]]
# threshold on zero percentage (within each condition)
pz1 <- apply(pe_mat[,cond==ref], 1, function(x) sum(x==0)/length(x))
pz2 <- apply(pe_mat[,cond!=ref], 1, function(x) sum(x==0)/length(x))
SCdat <- SCdat[pz1 <= zero.thresh & pz2 <= zero.thresh,]
# normalize
if (median_norm){
message("Performing Median Normalization")
libsize <- MedianNorm(assay(SCdat, "counts"))
normcounts(SCdat) <- GetNormalizedMat(assay(SCdat, "counts"),
}else if(scran_norm){
message("Performing scran Normalization")
SCdat <- computeSumFactors(SCdat, assay.type="counts")
normcounts(SCdat) <- GetNormalizedMat(assay(SCdat, "counts"),
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