#' Main function of distinguish real cells from empty droplets using
#' clustering-based Monte-Carlo test
#' The main function of \code{scCB2} package. Distinguish real cells
#' from empty droplets using clustering-based Monte-Carlo test.
#' @param RawDat Matrix. Supports standard matrix or sparse matrix.
#' This is the raw feature-by-barcode count matrix.
#' @param FDR_threshold Numeric between 0 and 1. Default: 0.01.
#' The False Discovery Rate (FDR) to be controlled for multiple testing.
#' @param lower Positive integer. Default: 100. All barcodes
#' whose total count below or equal to this threshold are defined as
#' background empty droplets. They will be used to estimate the background
#' distribution. The remaining barcodes will be test against background
#' distribution. If sequencing depth is deliberately made higher (lower)
#' than usual, this threshold can be leveled up (down) correspondingly to
#' get reasonable number of cells. Recommended sequencing depth for this
#' default threshold: 40,000~80,000 reads per cell.
#' @param upper Positive integer. Default: \code{NULL}. This is the upper
#' threshold for large barcodes. All barcodes whose total counts are larger
#' or equal to upper threshold are directly classified as real cells prior
#' to testing. If \code{upper = NULL}, the knee point of the log rank curve
#' of barcodes total counts will serve as the upper threshold, which is
#' calculated using package \code{DropletUtils}'s method. If
#' \code{upper = Inf}, no barcodes will be retained prior to testing.
#' If manually specified, it should be greater than pooling threshold.
#' @param GeneExpressionOnly Logical. Default: \code{TRUE}. For 10x Cell Ranger
#' version >=3, extra features (surface proteins, cell multiplexing oligos, etc)
#' besides genes are measured simultaneously. If
#' \code{GeneExpressionOnly = TRUE}, only genes
#' are used for testing. Removing extra features are recommended
#' because the default pooling threshold (100) is chosen only for handling
#' gene expression. Extra features expression level is hugely different
#' from gene expression level. If using the default pooling threshold
#' while keeping extra features, the estimated background distribution
#' will be hugely biased and does not reflect the real background distribution
#' of empty droplets.
#' @param Ncores Positive integer. Default: 2.
#' Number of cores for parallel computation.
#' @param TopNGene Positive integer. Default: 30000.
#' Number of top highly expressed genes to use. This threshold avoids
#' high number of false positives in ultra-high dimensional datasets,
#' e.g. 10x barnyard data.
#' @param verbose Logical. Default: \code{TRUE}. If \code{verbose = TRUE},
#' progressing messages will be printed.
#' @return An object of class \code{SummarizedExperiment}. The slot
#' \code{assays} contains the real cell barcode matrix distinguished during
#' cluster-level test, single-barcode-level test plus large cells who
#' exceed the upper threshold. The slot \code{metadata} contains
#' (1) testing statistics (Pearson correlation to the background) for all
#' candidate barcode clusters, (2) barcode IDs for all candidate barcode
#' clusters, the name of each cluster is its median barcode size,
#' (3) testing statistics (log likelihood under background distribution)
#' for remaining single barcodes not clustered, (4) background distribution
#' count vector without Good-Turing correction.
#' @details
#' Input data is a feature-by-barcode matrix. Background barcodes are
#' defined based on \code{lower}. Large barcodes are
#' automatically treated as real cells based on \code{upper}. Remaining
#' barcodes will be first clustered into subgroups, then
#' tested against background using Monte-Carlo p-values simulated from
#' Multinomial distribution. The rest barcodes will be further tested
#' using EmptyDrops (Aaron T. L. Lun \emph{et. al. 2019}).
#' FDR is controlled based on \code{FDR_threshold}.
#' This function supports parallel computation. \code{Ncores} is used to specify
#' number of cores.
#' Under CellRanger version >=3, extra features other than genes are
#' simultaneously measured (e.g. surface protein, cell multiplexing oligo).
#' We recommend filtering them out using
#' \code{GeneExpressionOnly = TRUE} because the expression of
#' extra features is not in the same scale as gene expression counts.
#' If using the default pooling threshold while keeping extra features, the
#' estimated background distribution will be hugely biased and does not
#' reflect the real background distribution of empty droplets. The resulting
#' matrix will contain lots of barcodes who have almost zero gene expression
#' and relatively high extra features expression, which are usually not useful for
#' RNA-Seq study.
#' @examples
#' # raw data, all barcodes
#' data(mbrainSub)
#' str(mbrainSub)
#' # run CB2 on the first 10000 barcodes
#' CBOut <- CB2FindCell(mbrainSub[,1:10000], FDR_threshold = 0.01,
#' lower = 100, Ncores = 2)
#' RealCell <- GetCellMat(CBOut, MTfilter = 0.05)
#' # real cells
#' str(RealCell)
#' @import doParallel
#' @import foreach
#' @import parallel
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom DropletUtils emptyDrops
#' @importFrom edgeR goodTuringProportions
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom stats rmultinom
#' @export
CB2FindCell <- function(RawDat,
FDR_threshold = 0.01,
lower = 100,
upper = NULL,
GeneExpressionOnly = TRUE,
Ncores = 2,
TopNGene = 30000,
verbose = TRUE) {
time_begin <- Sys.time()
if(!(is(RawDat,"matrix") | is(RawDat,"dgCMatrix")))
stop("Incorrect raw data format.")
if (any(duplicated(colnames(RawDat))))
stop("Detected duplicated barcode ID.")
if (any(duplicated(rownames(RawDat))))
stop("Detected duplicated gene ID.")
if (verbose) {
message("FDR threshold: ", FDR_threshold)
message("Lower threshold: ", lower)
message("Cores allocated: ", Ncores, "\n")
if (Ncores < 1)
Ncores <- 1
#############filter proteins, 0-expressed genes and barcodes
if (verbose)
message("(1/5) Filtering empty barcodes and features in raw data...")
if (is(RawDat, "matrix")) {
RawDat <- as(RawDat, "dgCMatrix")
if (GeneExpressionOnly) {
is_extra_feature <- grepl(pattern = "TotalSeqB|Cell Multiplexing Oligo",
stop("Input data is not gene expression data.")
message("Detected ",sum(is_extra_feature)," extra features ",
"which won't be used during cell calling.")
collapse = ", "))
is_extra_feature <- rep(FALSE,nrow(RawDat))
dat_filter <- FilterGB(RawDat[!is_extra_feature,],0,0)
if (is.null(upper)) {
brank <- Calc_upper(dat_filter, lower = lower)
step_size <- (brank$knee-brank$inflection)/10
#check convergence of knee point
upper_temp <- brank$knee
new_lower <- brank$inflection + step_size
if(sum(colSums(dat_filter)> new_lower)<=3)
brank <- Calc_upper(dat_filter,
if(brank$knee==upper_temp) break
if (is.null(upper_temp)) {
stop("Probably not enough barcodes to calculate knee point.
Consider a smaller lower threshold.")
upper <- upper_temp
if (verbose) {
message("Upper threshold: ", upper)
if(upper <= lower){
stop("Upper threshold should be larger than lower threshold.")
#####Large real cells
bc <- colSums(dat_filter)
if (any(bc >= upper)) {
upper_cell <- names(bc)[bc >= upper]
upper_mat <- RawDat[, upper_cell, drop=FALSE]
dat_filter <- FilterGB(dat_filter[,bc < upper], 0, 0)
upper_mat <- NULL
##### Remaining barcodes
B0_bc <- names(bc)[bc <= lower]
B1_bc <- names(bc)[(bc > lower & bc < upper)]
B0 <- dat_filter[, B0_bc]
dat <- dat_filter[, B1_bc]
null_count <- rowSums(B0)
null_prob <- goodTuringProportions(null_count)[,1]
##### Check if input data is barnyard data
message("Input data is likely to have multiple genomes.")
message("Automatically perform barnyard filtering.")
dat <- filter_barnyard(dat)
##### Control dimension, keep top genes
gene_rank <- rank(-null_prob)
is_good_gene <- gene_rank<=TopNGene
B0 <- B0[is_good_gene,]
dat <- dat[is_good_gene,]
null_prob <- null_prob[is_good_gene]
# Define probability distribution for simulating
# good clusters in step 3
c_prob <- null_prob
# Check entropy of large cells only when there are
# at least 10 cells above the upper threshold
if (sum(bc >= upper)>=10) {
upper_count <- rowSums(upper_mat[rownames(B0),])
upper_prob <- goodTuringProportions(upper_count)[,1]
c_prob <- upper_prob
#function for calculating test statistic
stat_fun <- function(x) {
cor(x, null_prob)
####################estimate test statistic for all barcodes
if (verbose){
message("(2/5) Calculating test statistics for barcodes...")
dat_Cor <-
size = 1000,
Ncores = Ncores,
null_prob = null_prob)
dat_temp <- data.frame(cbind(dat_Cor, colSums(dat)))
#Here the test statistic is correlation, but
#we name it as logLH for step 5 use.
colnames(dat_temp) <- c("logLH", "count")
###############################construct clusters
clust_mat <- NULL
if (verbose) {
message("(3/5) Constructing highly-correlated clusters...")
output_cl_raw <- Calc_cluster_Paral(
size_hc = 1000,
Ncores = Ncores,
dat_cor = dat_Cor,
cor_clust, ave_cor, size_cor,
cfun, Calc_cluster, sparse_cor
#automatically calculate cluster cutoff
c_threshold <- numeric(10)
for(bg in seq_len(10)){
c_mat <- cor(rmultinom(100, bg * 100, c_prob))
diag(c_mat) <- NA
c_threshold[bg] <- mean(c_mat, na.rm = TRUE)
message("Baseline clustering threshold: ",round(c_threshold[2],3))
c_size_int <- as.numeric(names(output_cl_raw$stat))%/%100
c_size_int <- ifelse(c_size_int>10,9,c_size_int)
c_size_int <- ifelse(c_size_int<3,2,c_size_int)
c_within <- as.numeric(names(output_cl_raw$barcode))
#Filter out bad clusters. Only keep well-grouped clusters
good_clust <- which(c_within>c_threshold[c_size_int])
output_cl <- list(barcode=NULL,stat=NULL)
for(gc in good_clust){
output_cl$barcode <- c(output_cl$barcode,
output_cl$stat <- c(output_cl$stat,output_cl_raw$stat[gc])
warning("Failed to construct any cluster. Skipping to Step 5.")
message("Raw data may not have enough barcodes for clustering.")
message("Also check for and remove outlier overexpressed gene.")
message("Skipping to Step 5.\n")
cl_temp <- NULL
} else{
##############estimate test statistic for every cluster
cl_Cor <- output_cl$stat
cl_temp <- data.frame(cbind(cl_Cor, names(cl_Cor)))
colnames(cl_temp) <- c("corr", "count")
cl_temp$corr <- as.numeric(as.character(cl_temp$corr))
cl_temp$count <- as.numeric(as.character(cl_temp$count))
clust_b <- unlist(output_cl$barcode)
##############################cluster test
if (verbose){
message("(4/5) Calculating empirical p-value for each cluster...")
cand_count <- sort(unique(cl_temp$count))
cl <- makeCluster(Ncores)
cfun <- function(a, b) {
sim <- c(a$sim, b$sim)
pval <- c(a$pval, b$pval)
return(list(sim = sim, pval = pval))
output_ <-
i = seq_along(cand_count),
.combine = "cfun",
.packages = c("Matrix","edgeR")
) %dopar% {
input_stat = cl_Cor[cl_temp$count == cand_count[i]]
v_temp <- rmultinom(1000, cand_count[i], null_prob)
e_temp <- apply(v_temp, 2, stat_fun)
pval <- vapply(input_stat, function(x)
(sum(e_temp <= x) + 1) / 1001, 0)
names(pval) <- rep(cand_count[i], length(pval))
list(sim = c(cand_count[i]), pval = pval)
#####################find significant clusters
for (i in seq_along(cand_count)) {
cl_temp$pval[cl_temp$count == cand_count[i]] <-
output_$pval[names(output_$pval) == cand_count[i]]
cl_temp$padj <- p.adjust(cl_temp$pval, method = "BH")
##get real clusters
cell_cluster <- which(cl_temp$padj <= FDR_threshold)
res_b <- c()
for (j in cell_cluster) {
res_b <- c(res_b, output_cl$barcode[[j]])
##check whether significant cluster exists
if (!is.null(res_b)) {
clust_mat <- RawDat[, res_b]
dat_Cor <- dat_Cor[setdiff(colnames(dat), res_b)]
dat <- dat[, setdiff(colnames(dat), res_b)]
dat_temp <- dat_temp[setdiff(colnames(dat), res_b),]
if (verbose)
##########Permute null distribution of the test statistic
if (verbose)
message("(5/5) Calculating empirical p-value for each barcode...")
if ((ncol(dat)) == 0) {
if (verbose)
message("\nNo remaining individual barcodes.
\nAll finished.\n")
if (verbose)
print(Sys.time() - time_begin)
se_out <- SummarizedExperiment(
list(cell_matrix = cbind(upper_mat,clust_mat)),
metadata=list(ClusterStat = cl_temp,
Cluster = output_cl$barcode,
background = null_count))
} else{
cand_barcode <- c(colnames(cbind(dat,B0)),
ED_out <- emptyDrops(RawDat[!is_extra_feature, cand_barcode],
lower = lower, retain = upper)
dat_temp$logLH <- ED_out$LogProb[seq_len(ncol(dat))]
dat_temp$pval <- ED_out$PValue[seq_len(ncol(dat))]
dat_temp$padj <- ED_out$FDR[seq_len(ncol(dat))]
cell_barcode <-
cand_barcode[ifelse($FDR), FALSE,
ED_out$FDR <= FDR_threshold)]
cell_mat <- RawDat[, cell_barcode]
if (verbose){
message("All finished.\n")
print(Sys.time() - time_begin)
se_out <- SummarizedExperiment(
list(cell_matrix = cbind(cell_mat,clust_mat)),
metadata=list(ClusterStat = cl_temp,
Cluster = output_cl$barcode,
BarcodeStat = dat_temp,
background = null_count))
#' @importFrom iterators iter
#Calculate test statistc for each barcode in parallel
Calc_stat <-
size = 1000,
Ncores = detectCores() - 2,
null_prob) {
stat_fun <- function(x) {
cor(x, null_prob)
#####parallel computation
apply_ind <-
split(seq_len(ncol(dat)), ceiling(seq_len(ncol(dat)) / size))
cl <- makeCluster(Ncores)
dat_tmp <- list()
for (i in seq_along(apply_ind)) {
dat_tmp[[i]] <- dat[, apply_ind[[i]], drop = FALSE]
dat_tmp_it <- iter(dat_tmp)
x <- NULL #initialize x to prevent note in R CMD check
Cor <-
x = dat_tmp_it,
.combine = 'c',
.packages = c("Matrix", "edgeR")
) %dopar% {
apply(x, 2, stat_fun)
#' @importFrom stats as.dist
#' @importFrom stats hclust
#' @importFrom stats cutree
#Calculate test statistc for each cluster in parallel
Calc_cluster_Paral <- function(dat,
size_hc = 1000,
Ncores = detectCores() - 2,
cor_clust, ave_cor, size_cor,
cfun, Calc_cluster, sparse_cor
) {
bc <- colSums(dat)
dat <- dat[, names(sort(bc))]
#####parallel computation
apply_ind <-
split(seq_len(ncol(dat)), ceiling(seq_len(ncol(dat)) / size_hc))
#if the last group is too small, combine with the second last.
if( (length(apply_ind[[length(apply_ind)]]) < size_hc / 2) &&
(length(apply_ind) > 1) ){
apply_ind[[length(apply_ind)-1]] <-
apply_ind[[length(apply_ind)]] <- NULL
cl <- makeCluster(Ncores)
dat_tmp <- list()
for (i in seq_along(apply_ind)) {
dat_tmp[[i]] <- dat[, apply_ind[[i]], drop = FALSE]
dat_tmp_it <- iter(dat_tmp)
x <- NULL #initialize x to prevent note in R CMD check
Output <- foreach(x = dat_tmp_it, .combine = "cfun",
.packages = c("Matrix")) %dopar% {
dat_cor = dat_cor,
dat_bc = bc,
#Construct clusters and calculate test statistics for barcode subsets
Calc_cluster <-
) {
if(ncol(dat)<=20) return(NULL)
Nclust <- ncol(dat)/20
Output_stat <- c() #save test statistic for each cluster
cor_temp <- sparse_cor(dat) #first calculate pairwise correlation
clust_temp <- #then hierarchical clustering
cor_clust(cor_temp, Nclust = min(Nclust, ncol(dat)))
cand_bclust <- lapply(clust_temp,colnames)
Output_stat <- numeric(Nclust)
for (i in seq_len(Nclust)) {
Output_stat[i] <- median(dat_cor[cand_bclust[[i]]])
WhichMedian <-
which.min(abs(dat_cor[cand_bclust[[i]]] -
names(Output_stat)[i] <- dat_bc[cand_bclust[[i]]][WhichMedian]
names(cand_bclust) <- ave_cor(clust_temp,size_cor)
return(list(barcode = cand_bclust, stat = Output_stat))
#cluster barcodes based on correlation and return a list
cor_clust <- function(cor_mat, Nclust = 100) {
dist_mat <- as.dist(1 - cor_mat)
hc <- hclust(dist_mat)
hc1 <- cutree(hc, k = Nclust)
cor_list <- list()
for (i in seq_len(Nclust)) {
cor_list[[i]] <- cor_mat[which(hc1 == i), which(hc1 == i)]
if (length(cor_list[[i]]) == 1) {
cor_list[[i]] <- as.matrix(cor_list[[i]])
colnames(cor_list[[i]]) <-
colnames(cor_mat)[which(hc1 == i)]
rownames(cor_list[[i]]) <- colnames(cor_list[[i]])
#return size of each cluster in a list
size_cor <- function(cor_list) {
ifelse(is.null(dim(x)), 1, dim(x)[1])))
#return averaged correlation of each cluster in a list
ave_cor <- function(cor_list,size_cor) {
#remove diagonal 1, remove single-point clusters
mean_vec <- c()
size_clust <- size_cor(cor_list)
for (i in seq_along(size_clust)) {
if (size_clust[i] == 1) {
#single-point clusters will be filtered out
#by correlation threshold
mean_vec <-
c(mean_vec, 0)
} else{
cor_temp <- cor_list[[i]]
diag(cor_temp) <- NA
mean_vec <- c(mean_vec, mean(cor_temp, na.rm = TRUE))
#efficient correlation calculation of large sparse matrix
sparse_cor <- function(x){
n <- nrow(x)
cMeans <- colMeans(x)
cSums <- colSums(x)
# Calculate the population covariance matrix.
# There's no need to divide by (n-1) as the std. dev is also calculated the same way.
# The code is optimized to minize use of memory and expensive operations
covmat <- tcrossprod(cMeans, (-2*cSums+n*cMeans))
crossp <- as.matrix(crossprod(x))
covmat <- covmat+crossp
sdvec <- sqrt(diag(covmat)) # standard deviations of columns
covmat/crossprod(t(sdvec)) # correlation matrix
#combine results in foreach parallel computation
cfun <- function(a, b) {
barcode <- c(a$barcode, b$barcode)
stat <- c(a$stat, b$stat)
return(list(barcode = barcode, stat = stat))
c_entropy <- function(prob){
prob[prob==0] <- 1
-sum(prob*log(prob),na.rm = TRUE)
#' @importFrom stats smooth.spline
#' @importFrom stats predict
#Calculate knee point of a dataset
#Note: This function is a modified version of barcodeRanks() in
#package DropletUtils. We fixed a minor bug causing returned knee point
#being larger than actual knee point. We also moved the smooth spline fitting
#to the beginning to avoid unstable knee point estimation when lower threshold
#changes. For its original script, see
Calc_upper <- function(dat,lower){
dat <- FilterGB(dat)
totals <- unname(colSums(dat))
o <- order(totals, decreasing=TRUE)
stuff <- rle(totals[o])
# Get mid-rank of each run.
run.rank <- cumsum(stuff$lengths) - (stuff$lengths-1)/2
run.totals <- stuff$values
keep <- run.totals > lower
if (sum(keep)<3) {
stop("insufficient unique points for computing knee/inflection points")
x <- log10(run.rank[keep])
fit <- smooth.spline(log10(run.rank), log10(run.totals), df=20)
y <- predict(fit)$y[keep]
# Numerical differentiation to identify bounds for spline fitting.
# The upper/lower bounds are defined at the
# plateau and inflection, respectively.
d1n <- diff(y)/diff(x)
right.edge <- which.min(d1n)
left.edge <- which.max(d1n[seq_len(right.edge)])
# We restrict to this region, thereby simplifying the shape of the curve.
# This allows us to get a decent fit with low df for stable differentiation.
new.keep <- left.edge:right.edge
# Smoothing to avoid error multiplication upon differentiation.
# Minimizing the signed curvature and returning
# the total for the knee point.
d1 <- predict(fit, deriv=1)$y[keep][new.keep]
d2 <- predict(fit, deriv=2)$y[keep][new.keep]
curvature <- d2/(1 + d1^2)^1.5
knee <- 10^(y[new.keep][which.min(curvature)])
inflection <- 10^(y[right.edge])
# Check if input data is barnyard sample (containing more than one genome)
is_barnyard <- function(dat, barnyard_identifier = "_") {
barnyard_gene <- grepl(barnyard_identifier, rownames(dat))
# Filter barnyard data based on proportion of UMIs in each species
# Barcodes with mixed UMIs from different species indicates doublets
# and background barcodes.
filter_barnyard <-
barnyard_identifier = "_",
threshold = 0.75) {
# Identify species
barnyard_prefix <- gsub("_.*", "", rownames(dat))
species <- unique(barnyard_prefix)
# Calculate UMI counts under each species
species_counts <- matrix(nrow = ncol(dat), ncol = 0)
for (sp in species) {
sp_genes <- barnyard_prefix == sp
sp_counts <- colSums(dat[sp_genes, ])
species_counts <- cbind(species_counts, sp_counts)
colnames(species_counts) <- species
# Calculate UMI proportion of each species for every barcode
total_counts <- rowSums(species_counts)
species_prop <- species_counts / total_counts
# Filter barcodes based on max proportion
max_prop <- apply(species_prop, 1, max)
return(dat[, max_prop >= threshold])
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