test_bed <- function() {
test_path <- system.file("tests", package = "rtracklayer")
## Import of classic test.bed with RGB colors
test_bed <- file.path(test_path, "test.bed")
## import()
createCorrectGR <- function(seqinfo) {
ir <- IRanges(c(127471197, 127472364, 127473531, 127474698, 127475865),
width = 1167)
space <- factor(rep(c("chr7", "chr9"), c(3, 2)), seqlevels(seqinfo))
blocks <- split(IRanges(c(1, 501, 1068, 1, 668, 1, 1, 1),
c(300, 700, 1167, 250, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167)),
rep(seq_len(5), c(3, 2, 1, 1, 1)))
names(blocks) <- NULL
correct_gr <- GRanges(space, ir,
strand = strand(c("+", "+", "-", "+", "-")),
name = c("Pos1", "Pos2", "Neg1", "Pos3", "Neg2"),
score = c(0, 2, 0, 5, 5),
itemRgb = c("#FF0000", "#FF0000", "#FF0000",
"#FF0000", "#0000FF"),
thick = ir, blocks)
seqinfo(correct_gr) <- seqinfo
createCorrectUCSC <- function(gr) {
new("UCSCData", gr,
trackLine = new("BasicTrackLine", itemRgb = TRUE,
name = "ItemRGBDemo",
description = "Item RGB demonstration",
visibility = "2", color = c(0L, 60L, 120L),
priority = 1, group = "user", offset = 0L,
url = "$$",
htmlUrl = paste("",
"help/ct_description.txt", sep = ""),
colorByStrand =
matrix(c(0L, 0L, 255L, 255L, 0L, 0L), 3),
useScore = FALSE))
correct_gr <- createCorrectGR(Seqinfo(c("chr7", "chr9")))
correct_ucsc <- createCorrectUCSC(correct_gr)
test <- import(test_bed)
checkIdentical(test, correct_ucsc)
test_bed_file <- BEDFile(test_bed)
test <- import(test_bed_file)
checkIdentical(test, correct_ucsc)
checkIdentical(import(test_bed_file, format = "bed"), correct_ucsc)
checkException(import(test_bed_file, format = "gff"))
test_bed_con <- file(test_bed)
test <- import(test_bed_con, format = "bed")
checkIdentical(test, correct_ucsc)
test_bed_con <- file(test_bed, "r")
test <- import(test_bed_con, format = "bed")
checkIdentical(test, correct_ucsc)
test_bed_con <- file(test_bed)
test <- import(BEDFile(test_bed_con))
checkIdentical(test, correct_ucsc)
test <- import(test_bed, trackLine = FALSE)
checkIdentical(test, correct_gr)
test <- import(test_bed)
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc, test)
if (!require(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)) {
stop("'BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19' must be installed to run tests")
hg19_seqinfo <- SeqinfoForBSGenome("hg19")
correct_genome <- createCorrectUCSC(createCorrectGR(hg19_seqinfo))
test <- import(test_bed, genome = "hg19")
checkIdentical(correct_genome, test)
subcols <- c("name", "thick")
correct_subcols <- correct_ucsc
mcols(correct_subcols) <- mcols(correct_subcols)[ , subcols]
test <- import(test_bed, colnames = c(subcols, "strand"))
checkIdentical(correct_subcols, test)
strand(correct_subcols) <- "*"
test <- import(test_bed, colnames = subcols)
checkIdentical(correct_subcols, test)
which <- correct_gr[1:2]
correct_which <- subsetByOverlaps(correct_ucsc, which)
test <- import(test_bed, which = which)
checkIdentical(correct_which, test)
test <- import(test_bed, format = "bed")
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc, test)
## import.bed()
test <- import.bed(test_bed)
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc, test)
test_bed_con <- pipe(paste("head -n2", test_bed))
test <- import.bed(test_bed_con)
correct_empty <- new("UCSCData", GRanges(),
trackLine = correct_ucsc@trackLine)
seqinfo(correct_empty) <- Seqinfo()
checkIdentical(test, correct_empty)
## export()
## the 'gsub' is to handle Windows paths (for later coercion to URL)
test_bed_out <- gsub("\\\\", "/", file.path(tempdir(), "test.bed"))
export(correct_ucsc, test_bed_out)
test <- import(test_bed_out)
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc, test)
export(correct_ucsc, test_bed_out, format = "bed")
test <- import(test_bed_out)
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc, test)
test_bed_out_file <- BEDFile(test_bed_out)
export(correct_ucsc, test_bed_out_file)
test <- import(test_bed_out)
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc, test)
checkException(export(correct_ucsc, test_bed_out_file, format = "gff"))
correct_ucsc2 <- initialize(correct_ucsc,
trackLine = initialize(correct_ucsc@trackLine,
name = "ItemRGBDemo2"))
export(correct_ucsc2, test_bed_out_file, append = TRUE)
test <- import(test_bed_out_file)
correct_list <- GRangesList(ItemRGBDemo = correct_ucsc,
ItemRGBDemo2 = correct_ucsc2,
checkIdentical(correct_list, test)
export(correct_ucsc, test_bed_out, name = "ItemRGBDemo2")
test <- import(test_bed_out)
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc2, test)
test_bed_url <- paste("file:///", test_bed_out, sep = "")
export(correct_ucsc, test_bed_url)
test <- import(test_bed_url)
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc, test)
if (FALSE) { # enable to test an HTTP URL using the R help server
http_pipe <- pipe("Rscript -e 'tools::startDynamicHelp(); writeLines(as.character(tools:::httpdPort)); Sys.sleep(10);' &")
port <- readLines(http_pipe, n = 1)
test_bed_http <- paste("", port,
"/library/rtracklayer/doc/example.bed", sep = "")
test <- import(test_bed_http)
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc, test)
## GenomicRangesList
export(correct_list, test_bed_out)
test <- import(test_bed_out)
checkIdentical(correct_list, test)
## To/From gzip
test_bed_gz <- paste(test_bed_out, ".gz", sep = "")
export(correct_ucsc, test_bed_gz)
test <- import(test_bed_gz)
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc, test)
export(correct_ucsc2, test_bed_gz, append = TRUE)
test <- import(test_bed_gz)
checkIdentical(correct_list, test)
test_bed_gz_url <- paste("file:///", test_bed_gz, sep = "")
export(correct_ucsc, test_bed_gz_url)
test <- import(test_bed_gz_url)
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc, test)
## To/From tabix
test_bed_bgz <- paste(test_bed_out, ".bgz", sep = "")
export(correct_ucsc, test_bed_out, index = TRUE)
on.exit(unlink(paste(test_bed_bgz, ".tbi", sep = "")))
test <- import(test_bed_bgz, which = which)
checkIdentical(correct_which, test)
## check TabixFile
test_bed_tabix <- Rsamtools::TabixFile(test_bed_bgz)
test <- import(test_bed_tabix)
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc, test)
## look mom, no track line
export(correct_ucsc, test_bed_out, index = TRUE, trackLine = FALSE)
test <- import(test_bed_bgz, which = which)
checkIdentical(subsetByOverlaps(correct_gr, which), test)
#test <- import(test_bed_tabix, format = "foo")
## To/From text
bed_text <- export(correct_ucsc, format = "bed")
test <- import(format = "bed", text = bed_text)
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc, test)
## TODO: empty text
## Using connection to add comment header
test_bed_con <- file(test_bed_out)
open(test_bed_con, "w")
comment <- "# test comment"
writeLines(comment, test_bed_con)
export(correct_ucsc, test_bed_con)
checkIdentical(comment, readLines(test_bed_out, n = 1))
test <- import(test_bed_out)
checkIdentical(correct_ucsc, test)
## Set offset in correct_ucsc track line, export, then:
correct_offset <- shift(correct_gr, -1)
correct_ucsc@trackLine@offset <- 1L
export(correct_ucsc, test_bed_out)
test <- import(test_bed_out, trackLine = FALSE)
checkIdentical(test, correct_offset)
test <- import(test_bed_out)
checkIdentical(test, correct_ucsc)
correct_ucsc@trackLine@offset <- 0L
## Drop all extra columns, see if it still works
correct_stripped <- correct_ucsc
mcols(correct_stripped) <- NULL
export(correct_stripped, test_bed_out)
test <- import(test_bed_out)
mcols(correct_stripped)$name <- NA_character_
mcols(correct_stripped)$score <- 0
checkIdentical(test, correct_stripped)
## - and even when asking for a column like blocks:
correct_blocks <- correct_ucsc
mcols(correct_blocks) <- mcols(correct_blocks)[ , "blocks", drop=FALSE]
test <- import(test_bed, colnames = c("blocks", "strand"))
checkIdentical(test, correct_blocks)
strand(correct_blocks) <- "*"
test <- import(test_bed, colnames = "blocks")
checkIdentical(test, correct_blocks)
## Drop the columns except for blocks, see if it still works
export(correct_blocks, test_bed_out)
test <- import(test_bed_out)
correct_fill_to_blocks <- correct_ucsc
strand(correct_fill_to_blocks) <- "*"
mcols(correct_fill_to_blocks)$name <- NA_character_
mcols(correct_fill_to_blocks)$score <- 0
mcols(correct_fill_to_blocks)$itemRgb <- NA_character_
mcols(correct_fill_to_blocks)$thick <- ranges(correct_fill_to_blocks)
checkIdentical(test, correct_fill_to_blocks)
test_extendedBed <- function()
# the narrowPeak format represents a variety of "BED6+N" formats
# used by the ENCODE project. see
# "This format is used to provide called peaks of signal
# enrichment based on pooled, normalized (interpreted) data.
# It is a BED6+4 format."
file <- system.file("extdata", "demo.narrowPeak.gz", package="rtracklayer")
extraCols <- c(signalValue="numeric", pValue="numeric", qValue="numeric",
gr <- import(file, forma="bed", extraCols=extraCols, genome="hg19")
checkEquals(length(gr), 6)
# make sure that all seqnames in the gr object
# are also in the seqinfo(gr) object
checkTrue(all(seqnames(gr) %in% names(seqinfo(gr))))
test_bedpe <- function() {
path <- system.file("tests", "test.bedpe", package="rtracklayer")
nms <- c("TUPAC_0001:3:1:0:1452#0", "TUPAC_0001:3:1:0:1472#0",
gr1 <- GRanges(c("chr7", "chr11", "chr20"),
IRanges(c(118965073, 46765607, 54704675),
c(118965122, 46765656, 54704724)),
gr2 <- GRanges(c("chr7", "chr10", "chr20"),
IRanges(c(118970080, 46769935, 54708988),
c(118970129, 46769984, 54709037)),
seqlevels(gr1) <- union(seqlevels(gr1), seqlevels(gr2))
seqlevels(gr2) <- seqlevels(gr1)
pairs <- Pairs(gr1, gr2, name=nms, score=37)
bedpe <- import(path)
checkIdentical(pairs, bedpe)
# test export
test_bedpe_out <- file.path(tempdir(), "test.bedpe")
export(bedpe, test_bedpe_out)
test <- import(test_bedpe_out)
checkIdentical(bedpe, test)
bedpe2 <- bedpe
mcols(bedpe2)$qvalue <- c(0.02, 0.03, 0.05)
mcols(bedpe2)$annotation <- c("promoter", "enhancer", "intron")
# test extended bedpe
test_bedpe2_out <- file.path(tempdir(), "test2.bedpe")
export(bedpe2, test_bedpe2_out)
test <- import(test_bedpe2_out,
extraCols=c(qvalue="numeric", annotation="character"))
checkIdentical(bedpe2, test)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.