### =========================================================================
### BigBed support
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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### Classes
setClass("BigBedFile", contains = "RTLFile")
setClass("BBFile", contains = "BigBedFile")
BigBedFile <- function(path) {
if (!isSingleString(path))
stop("'filename' must be a single string, specifying a path")
new("BigBedFile", resource = path)
BBFile <- BigBedFile
setMethod("seqinfo", "BigBedFile", function(x) {
seqlengths <- .Call(BBDFile_seqlengths, expandPath(path(x)))
Seqinfo(names(seqlengths), seqlengths)
.defaultColNames <- c("name", "score", "thick", "itemRgb", "blocks")
setClass("BigBedSelection", prototype = prototype(colnames = .defaultColNames),
contains = "RangedSelection")
BigBedSelection <- function(ranges=IRangesList(), colnames = .defaultColNames) {
if (is.character(ranges))
new("BigBedSelection", GenomicSelection(ranges, colnames = colnames))
else {
if (is(ranges, "BigBedFile"))
ranges <- seqinfo(ranges)
new("BigBedSelection", ranges = as(ranges, "IntegerRangesList"),
colnames = colnames)
setAs("IntegerRangesList", "BigBedSelection", function(from) {
new("BigBedSelection", as(from, "RangedSelection"), colnames = .defaultColNames)
setAs("GenomicRanges", "BigBedSelection", function(from) {
as(as(from, "IntegerRangesList"), "BigBedSelection")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Import
setGeneric("", function(con, ...) standardGeneric(""))
setMethod("", "ANY", function(con, ...) {
import(con, "BigBed", ...)
setMethod("import", "BigBedFile",
function(con, format, text, selection = BigBedSelection(which, ...),
which = con, ...)
if (!missing(format))
checkArgFormat(con, format)
si <- seqinfo(con)
selection <- as(selection, "BigBedSelection")
ranges <- ranges(selection)
badSpaces <- setdiff(names(ranges)[lengths(ranges) > 0L], seqlevels(si))
if (length(badSpaces) > 0L)
warning("'which' contains seqnames not known to BigBed file: ",
paste(badSpaces, collapse = ", "))
ranges <- ranges[names(ranges) %in% seqlevels(si)]
flatranges <- unlist(ranges, use.names = FALSE)
if (is.null(flatranges))
flatranges <- IRanges()
which_rl <- split(flatranges, factor(space(ranges), seqlevels(si)))
which <- GRanges(which_rl)
allFields <- .Call(BBDFile_fieldnames, expandPath(path(con)))
defaultFields <- allFields[[1L]]
ValidextraFields <- allFields[[2L]]
selectedFields <- colnames(selection)
extraFields <- setdiff(selectedFields, defaultFields)
if (identical(colnames(BigBedSelection()), selectedFields)) {
selectedFields <- defaultFields[defaultFields != ""]
extraFields <- ValidextraFields[ValidextraFields != ""]
if (!identical(selectedFields, defaultFields)) {
defaultFields <- defaultFields[defaultFields != ""]
ValidextraFields <- ValidextraFields[ValidextraFields != ""]
defaultFieldIndexes <- which(defaultFields %in% selectedFields)
extraFieldIndexes <- which(ValidextraFields %in% extraFields)
invalidFields <- setdiff(extraFields, ValidextraFields)
if (length(defaultFieldIndexes) == 0L)
defaultFieldIndexes <- c(0L)
if (length(extraFieldIndexes) == 0L)
extraFieldIndexes <- c(0L)
if (length(invalidFields))
warning("Invalid ", invalidFields, " field(s)")
}else {
defaultFieldIndexes <- c()
extraFieldIndexes <- c()
defaultNames <- defaultFields[defaultFields %in% selectedFields]
extraNames <- ValidextraFields[ValidextraFields %in% extraFields]
C_ans <- .Call(BBDFile_query, expandPath(path(con)),
as.character(seqnames(si)), ranges(which),
defaultFieldIndexes, extraFieldIndexes)
nhits <- C_ans[[1L]]
gr <- GRanges(rep(seqnames(which), nhits), C_ans[[3L]], seqinfo=si)
if (!is.null(C_ans[[4L]]))
strand(gr) <- gsub(".", "*", C_ans[[4L]], fixed = TRUE)
blocksPosition <- which(defaultNames %in% c("blocks"))
if (length(blocksPosition)) {
blocksPosition <- 4 + blocksPosition
C_ans[[blocksPosition]] <- IRangesList(C_ans[[blocksPosition]])
val <- c()
if (length(defaultFieldIndexes) && defaultFieldIndexes[1] != 0)
val <- c(Filter(Negate(is.null), C_ans[5L:length(C_ans)]))
val <- c(val, Filter(Negate(is.null), C_ans[[2L]]))
elementMetadata <- DataFrame(val)
names(elementMetadata) <- c(defaultNames ,extraNames)
gr@elementMetadata <- elementMetadata
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### Export
setGeneric("", function(object, con, ...) standardGeneric(""))
setMethod("", "ANY",
function(object, con, ...)
export(object, con, "BigBed", ...)
setMethod("export", c("ANY", "BigBedFile"),
function(object, con, format, ...)
object <- as(object, "GRanges")
setMethod("export", c("GenomicRanges", "BigBedFile"),
function(object, con, format, compress = TRUE, extraIndexes = "")
if (!missing(format))
checkArgFormat(con, format)
con <- path.expand(path(con))
object <- sortBySeqnameAndStart(object)
seqlengths <- seqlengths(object)
if (!is.character(extraIndexes))
stop("The extraIndexes must be character")
if (any(
stop("Unable to determine seqlengths; either specify ",
"'seqlengths' or specify a genome on 'object' that ",
"is known to BSgenome or UCSC")
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(compress))
stop("'compress' must be TRUE or FALSE")
seqlengths <- seqlengths(object)
bedString <- bedString(object)
autoSqlString <- autoSqlString(object)
extraIndexes <- gsub("[\n\t ]", "", extraIndexes, perl = TRUE)
invisible(BigBedFile(.Call(BBDFile_write, seqlengths, bedString, autoSqlString,
extraIndexes, compress, con)))
stopIfNotValidForExport <- function(x) {
elementMetadata <- elementMetadata(x)
name <- elementMetadata$name
score <- elementMetadata$score
itemRgb <- elementMetadata$itemRgb
thick <- elementMetadata$thick
blocks <- elementMetadata$blocks
if (!is.null(name) && (!is.character(name) || any(
stop("The name must be character, without any NA's")
if (isValidScore(score))
stop("The score must be numeric, without any NA's")
if (!is.null(itemRgb) && (!is.character(itemRgb) || any(
stop("The itemRgb must be character, without any NA's")
if (!is.null(thick) && !is(thick, "IRanges"))
stop("The thick must be IRanges")
if (!is.null(blocks) && !is(blocks, "IRangesList"))
stop("The blocks must be IRangesList")
bedString <- function(x) {
elementMetadata <- elementMetadata(x)
name <- elementMetadata$name
elementMetadata$name <- NULL
score <- elementMetadata$score
elementMetadata$score <- NULL
strand <- as.character(strand(x))
strand <- gsub("*", ".", strand, fixed = TRUE)
thick <- elementMetadata$thick
thickStart <- NULL
thickEnd <- NULL
if (!is.null(thick)) {
thickStart <- start(ranges(thick))
thickEnd <- end(ranges(thick))
elementMetadata$thick <- NULL
itemRgb <-$itemRgb)))
itemRgb <-, c(itemRgb, sep=","))
elementMetadata$itemRgb <- NULL
blocks <- elementMetadata$blocks
blockCount <- NULL
blockSizes <- NULL
blockStarts <- NULL
if (!is.null(blocks)) {
length <- length(blocks)
blockCount <- lengths(blocks)
blockSizes <- lapply(width(blocks), function(x) paste(x, collapse=","))
blockStarts <- lapply(start(blocks), function(x) paste(x, collapse=","))
elementMetadata$blocks <- NULL
extraColumnsString <-, as.list(elementMetadata))
paste(as.character(seqnames(x)), start(ranges(x)), end(ranges(x)), name, score,
strand, thickStart, thickEnd, itemRgb, blockCount, blockSizes,
blockStarts, extraColumnsString, collapse = "\n")
autoSqlString <- function(x) {
asString <- c('table bed "Browser Extensible Data" (\n',
'string chrom; "Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold"\n',
'uint chromStart; "Start position in chromosome"\n',
'uint chromEnd; "End position in chromosome"\n')
names <- c("name", "itemRgb", "score", "thick", "blocks", "double", "integer", "character", "raw")
values <- c('string name; "Name of item."\n',
'uint reserved; "Used as itemRgb as of 2004-11-22"\n',
'uint score; "Score (0-1000)"\nchar[1] strand; "+ or - for strand"\n',
paste0('uint thickStart; "Start of where display should be thick (start codon)"\n',
'uint thickEnd; "End of where display should be thick (stop codon)"\n'),
paste0('int blockCount; "Number of blocks"\n',
'int[blockCount] blockSizes; "Comma separated list of block sizes"\n',
'int[blockCount] chromStarts; "Start positions relative to chromStart"\n'),
"double ", "int ", "string ", "uint ")
mapping <- setNames(values, names)
metadata <- elementMetadata(x)
names <- names(metadata)
defaultFields <- colnames(BigBedSelection())
fieldsString <- lapply(names, function(y) {
if (y %in% defaultFields)
else {
typeString <- mapping[storage.mode(metadata[[y]])]
paste(typeString, y, '; ""\n')
asString <- c(asString, fieldsString, ')')
paste(asString, collapse = "")
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### Utilities
cleanupBigBedCache <- cleanupBigWigCache
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.