RoarDatasetMultipleAPAFromFiles <- function(treatmentBams, controlBams, gtf) {
gtfGRanges <- import(gtf)
treatmentBamsGenomicAlignments <- lapply(treatmentBams, readGAlignments)
controlBamsGenomicAlignments <- lapply(controlBams, readGAlignments)
RoarDatasetMultipleAPA(treatmentBamsGenomicAlignments, controlBamsGenomicAlignments, gtfGRanges)
RoarDatasetMultipleAPA <- function(treatmentBamsGenomicAlignments, controlBamsGenomicAlignments, gtfGRanges) {
apas_melted <- gtfGRanges[mcols(gtfGRanges)$type=="apa"]
genes_melted <- gtfGRanges[mcols(gtfGRanges)$type=="gene"]
mcols(apas_melted)$gene <- sapply(strsplit(mcols(apas_melted)$apa, '_',
function(x) { x[length(x)]})
genes_ids <- sort(unique(as.character(mcols(genes_melted)$gene)))
genes_ids_apas <- sort(unique(mcols(apas_melted)$gene))
if (!all(genes_ids==genes_ids_apas)) {
stop("All the genes in the gtf should have at least one apa")
genes <-, sapply(genes_ids,
function(x) {genes_melted[mcols(genes_melted)$gene==x]}))
apas <-, sapply(genes_ids,
function(x) {apas_melted[mcols(apas_melted)$gene==x]}))
names(apas) <- genes_ids
names(genes) <- genes_ids
new("RoarDatasetMultipleAPA", treatmentBams=treatmentBamsGenomicAlignments,
geneCoords=genes, apaCoords=apas, step=0, paired=FALSE, cores=1)
setMethod("countPrePost", signature(rds="RoarDatasetMultipleAPA"),
function(rds, stranded=FALSE) {
goOn <- checkStep(rds, 0)
if (!goOn[[1]]) {
rds <- goOn[[2]]
allFragmentsAndPrePostDef <- mapply(getApaGenesFractions,
rds@fragments <- GRangesList(allFragmentsAndPrePostDef[1,])
#Right subsetting? Yes because in this situation mapply gives us a matrix with
#columns == gene names and rows that are fragments and prePostDef (SIMPLIFY=TRUE).
rds@prePostDef <- allFragmentsAndPrePostDef[2,]
# A GRangesList with GRanges for all fragments defining pre/post
# in a gene and a list with info on APA choices and which
# fragments are to be summed.
ResizeReadsPlus <- function(reads, width=1, fix="end", ...) {
reads <- as(reads, "GRanges")
#stopifnot(all(strand(reads) != "*"))
# Bad and ugly and will do horrible things for stranded data but still...
# FIXME: if stranded=T different resize functions that do not change read strand but
# move them always at their ends (should be the right call because if they are on a given
# strand they align on a feature on that strand).
strand(reads) <- rep("+", length(reads))
resize(reads, width=width, fix=fix, ...)
ResizeReadsMinus <- function(reads, width=1, fix="start", ...) {
reads <- as(reads, "GRanges")
#stopifnot(all(strand(reads) != "*"))
strand(reads) <- rep("+", length(reads))
resize(reads, width=width, fix=fix, ...)
# Does not work as expected as long as for GRangesList counts
# are collapsed: need to unlist.
summOv <- function(x) {
frag <- unlist(rds@fragments)
# We unlist because
# When a GRanges is supplied, each row is considered a feature.
# When a GRangesList is supplied, each higher list-level
# is considered a feature.
# This distinction is important when defining overlaps.
# Having genes as feature would help?
# No, multiple counts would happen I believe.
featPlus <- frag[strand(frag)=="+"]
featMinus <- frag[strand(frag)=="-"]
plus <- summarizeOverlaps(features=featPlus, reads=x,
minus <- summarizeOverlaps(features=featMinus, reads=x,
return(rbind(plus, minus)) # Does this work as expected? Yes.
# A more insightful comment would be what I expected...fuck you past Elena.
# It's like an rbind for counts as long as we have only counts as assays columns
# and rowRanges are our genes. The order of fragments inside genes is kept while
# not their relative order but we will get them from names later on so it's ok.
if (length(rds@treatmentBams) == 1 && length(rds@controlBams) == 1) {
# We obtain counts for both conditions on gene fragments and them sum
# them to obtain PRE/POST counts.
treatmentSE <- summOv(rds@treatmentBams[[1]])
controlSE <- summOv(rds@controlBams[[1]])
rds <- generateRoarsSingleBam(rds, treatmentSE, controlSE)
rds@corrTreatment <- mean(qwidth(rds@treatmentBams[[1]]))
rds@corrControl <- mean(qwidth(rds@controlBams[[1]]))
} else {
countsControl <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(rds@controlBams))
countsTreatment <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(rds@treatmentBams))
for (i in 1:length(rds@treatmentBams)) {
countsTreatment[[i]] <- summOv(rds@treatmentBams[[i]])
for (i in 1:length(rds@controlBams)) {
countsControl[[i]] <- summOv(rds@controlBams[[i]])
rds <- generateRoarsMultipleBam(rds, countsTreatment, countsControl)
rds@corrTreatment <- mean(unlist(lapply(rds@treatmentBams, qwidth)))
rds@corrControl <- mean(unlist(lapply(rds@controlBams, qwidth)))
rds@step <- 1
setMethod("generateRoarsSingleBam", signature(rds="RoarDatasetMultipleAPA",
function(rds, treatmentSE, controlSE)
# treatmentSE and controlSE are MoreArgs?
#rds@roars <- mapply(createRoarSingleBAM, rds@fragments, rds@prePostDef,
# treatmentSE, controlSE)
# Could be:
rds@roars <- lapply(names(rds@fragments), createRoarSingleBam,
rds, treatmentSE, controlSE)
names(rds@roars) <- names(rds@fragments)
# to have the names...other ways? Store them in fragments or prePostDef
# in an accessible way another time seems a waste of space.
# Will have to compare times!
setMethod("generateRoarsMultipleBam", signature(rds="RoarDatasetMultipleAPA",
function(rds, treatmentSE, controlSE)
# treatmentSE and controlSE are MoreArgs?
#rds@roars <- mapply(createRoarSingleBAM, rds@fragments, rds@prePostDef,
# treatmentSE, controlSE)
# Could be:
rds@roars <- lapply(names(rds@fragments), createRoarMultipleBam,
rds, treatmentSE, controlSE)
names(rds@roars) <- names(rds@fragments)
# to have the names...other ways? Store them in fragments or prePostDef
# in an accessible way another time seems a waste of space.
# Will have to compare times!
setMethod("computeRoars", signature(rds="RoarDatasetMultipleAPA"),
goOn <- checkStep(rds, 1)
if (!goOn[[1]]) {
rds <- goOn[[2]]
rds@roars <- lapply(rds@roars, computeRoars,
rds@corrTreatment, rds@corrControl)
rds@step <- 2
setMethod("computePvals", signature(rds="RoarDatasetMultipleAPA"),
goOn <- checkStep(rds, 2)
if (!goOn[[1]]) {
rds <- goOn[[2]]
rds@roars <- lapply(rds@roars, computePvals)
rds@step <- 3
treatmentSamples="numeric", controlSamples="numeric"),
function(rds, treatmentSamples, controlSamples)
goOn <- checkStep(rds, 2)
if (!goOn[[1]]) {
rds <- goOn[[2]]
rds@roars <- lapply(rds@roars, computePairedPvals,
treatmentSamples, controlSamples)
rds@step <- 3
setMethod("totalResults", signature(rds="RoarDatasetMultipleAPA"),
goOn <- checkStep(rds, 3)
rds <- goOn[[2]]
totRes <- lapply(rds@roars, totalResults)
r <-, totRes)
rownames(r) <- unlist(lapply(names(totRes), function(x) {
paste(x, rownames(totRes[[x]]), sep="_") }))
# For names added APA ids only when there were multiple
# choices for the same gene. There could be best ways to add names.
setMethod("countResults", signature(rds="RoarDatasetMultipleAPA"),
totRes <- totalResults(rds)
# We cannot call fpkmResults on the roars objects because in this
# case we want FPKM_pre for every different PRE choice. Therefore
# we work on every rds@roars with an ad hoc method that
# gets PRE counts for every choice.
countsList <- lapply(rds@roars, sumRoarCounts)
countsDf <-, countsList)
rownames(countsDf) <- unlist(lapply(names(countsList), function(x) {
paste(x, rownames(countsList[[x]]), sep="_") }))
#t(sapply(rds@roars, s1)) # the same
res <- merge(totRes, countsDf, by="row.names", sort=FALSE)
rownames(res) <- res$Row.names
res$Row.names <- NULL
# FIXED: these lengths were wrong: lengths <- sapply(rds@fragments, function(x) { sum(mcols(x)$length)})
# these were lengths of all the considered fragments but we are not able to retrieve their
# correct counts at this point.
# We need a dataframe with gene_apa as rownames and PRE lengths as values (one foreach choice for all genes).
lens <- t(, function(x) {
names <- gsub("_PRE", "", mcols(rds@roars[[x]])$gene_id)
len <-mcols(rds@roars[[x]])$length
t(data.frame(length=len, row.names=paste0(x, "_", names)))
}), check.names=FALSE))
res <- merge(res, lens, by="row.names", sort=FALSE)
rownames(res) <- res$Row.names
res$Row.names <- NULL
setMethod("fpkmResults", signature(rds="RoarDatasetMultipleAPA"),
counts <- countResults(rds)
sumTreatment <- sum(counts[,"counts_treatment"])
sumControl <- sum(counts[,"counts_control"])
counts$treatmentValue <- (counts[,"counts_treatment"]*1000000000)/(counts[,"length"]*sumTreatment)
counts$controlValue <- (counts[,"counts_control"]*1000000000)/(counts[,"length"]*sumControl)
counts$counts_control <- NULL
counts$counts_treatment <- NULL
setMethod("pvalueFilter", signature(rds="RoarDatasetMultipleAPA", fpkmCutoff="numeric", pvalCutoff="numeric"),
function(rds, fpkmCutoff, pvalCutoff) {
dat <- standardFilter(rds, fpkmCutoff)
if (nrow(dat) > 0) {
resby <- by(dat, INDICES=as.factor(sapply(rownames(dat), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,"_", fixed=T))[1])),
FUN = function(x) {res<-x[with(x, order(x[,4])),]; res[1,]})
dat <-, resby)
# For each gene we select the APA choice that is associated with the smallest p-value (after fpkm filtering)
# then proceed exactly like roar [NDRY ALERT FIXME].
if ((length(rds@treatmentBams) != 1 || length(rds@controlBams) != 1) && !rds@paired) {
# In this case we add to dat a col that says how many comparisons yielded
# a pvalue < pvalCutoff.
# esany <- apply(data, 1, function(x) {any(x[seq(1,12)] < 0.05)})
if(nrow(dat) != 0) {
cols <- grep("^pvalue_", colnames(dat))
sel <- apply(dat, 1, function(x) {x[cols] < pvalCutoff})
# This yields a transposed dat with cols rows and TRUE/FALSE. ncol = nrows of dat
dat$nUnderCutoff <- apply(sel, 2, function(x){length(x[x==TRUE])})
} else {
dat <- dat[dat$pval < pvalCutoff,]
} else {
setMethod("pvalueCorrectFilter", signature(rds="RoarDatasetMultipleAPA", fpkmCutoff="numeric", pvalCutoff="numeric", method="character"),
function(rds, fpkmCutoff, pvalCutoff, method)
dat <- standardFilter(rds, fpkmCutoff)
if (nrow(dat) > 0) {
resby <- by(dat, INDICES=as.factor(sapply(rownames(dat), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,"_", fixed=T))[1])),
FUN = function(x) {res<-x[with(x, order(x[,4])),]; res[1,]})
dat <-, resby)
if ((length(rds@treatmentBams) != 1 || length(rds@controlBams) != 1) && !rds@paired) {
# In this case we add to dat a col that says how many comparisons yielded
# a pvalue < pvalCutoff.
# esany <- apply(data, 1, function(x) {any(x[seq(1,12)] < 0.05)})
if(nrow(dat) != 0) {
cols <- grep("^pvalue_", colnames(dat))
sel <- apply(dat, 1, function(x) {x[cols] < pvalCutoff})
# This yields a transposed dat with cols rows and TRUE/FALSE. ncol = nrows of dat
dat$nUnderCutoff <- apply(sel, 2, function(x){length(x[x==TRUE])})
} else {
dat$pval <- p.adjust(dat$pval, method=method)
dat <- dat[dat$pval < pvalCutoff,]
} else {
setMethod("show", "RoarDatasetMultipleAPA",
function(object) {
cat("RoarDatasetMultipleAPA object\n")
cat("N. of treatment alignments:", length(object@treatmentBams), "\n")
cat("N. of control alignments:", length(object@controlBams), "\n")
cat("N. of genes in study:", length(object@geneCoords) , "\n")
cat("N. of cores:", object@cores, "\n")
cat("Analysis step reached [0-3]:", object@step, "\n")
cat("Paired (TRUE is still not implemented)?", object@paired, "\n")
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