# Methods for the RoarDataset class.
# R/AllGenerics.R contains the signatures of the not overriding methods.
RoarDatasetFromFiles <- function(treatmentBams, controlBams, gtf) {
# The format will be assumed using the file extension. Will work everytime?
# Do we need to force a genome(eg. hg19)? It doesn't seem so.
gtfGRanges<- import(gtf)
ordered <- order(mcols(gtfGRanges)$gene_id)
gtfGRanges <- gtfGRanges[ordered]
treatmentBamsGenomicAlignments <- lapply(treatmentBams, readGAlignments)
controlBamsGenomicAlignments <- lapply(controlBams, readGAlignments)
se <- getPreCoordsSE(gtfGRanges)
new("RoarDataset", se, treatmentBams=treatmentBamsGenomicAlignments, controlBams=controlBamsGenomicAlignments,
prePostCoords=gtfGRanges, step=0, paired=FALSE, cores=1)
RoarDataset <- function(treatmentGappedAlign, controlGappedAlign, gtfGRanges) {
if (length(treatmentGappedAlign) == 0 || length(controlGappedAlign) == 0) {
stop("Lists of GAlignments could not be empty")
ordered <- order(mcols(gtfGRanges)$gene_id)
gtfGRanges <- gtfGRanges[ordered]
se <- getPreCoordsSE(gtfGRanges)
new("RoarDataset", se, treatmentBams=treatmentGappedAlign, controlBams=controlGappedAlign,
prePostCoords=gtfGRanges, step=0, paired=FALSE, cores=1)
# Could have used setMethod("initialize", "xx",) but in this way should have had a gtf filename slot.
# setValidity instead of checks inside countPrePost? But this would be inefficient/add slots.
getPreCoordsSE <- function(gtfGRanges) {
# Now we need to keep means and totals of counts over PRE/POST for the two lists.
# In the simpler case with a single alignment for both conditions we just keep the counts.
preElems <- grep("_PRE$", mcols(gtfGRanges)$gene_id)
preCoords <- gtfGRanges[preElems,]
se <- SummarizedExperiment(rowRanges=preCoords, colData=DataFrame(row.names=c("treatment_pre","treatment_post","control_pre", "control_post")))
# I removed stranded="logical" from the signature because it has a default value, which
# is also set in setGeneric.
setMethod("countPrePost", signature(rds="RoarDataset"),
function(rds, stranded = FALSE) {
#if (!is(rds, "RoarDataset")) {
# stop("countPrePost could be applied only to RoarDataset objects")
#} # Why is this needed? Is it needed?
# To me it does not seem nedeed.
goOn <- checkStep(rds, 0)
if (!goOn[[1]]) {
rds <- goOn[[2]]
summOv <- function(x) {
summarizeOverlaps(features=rds@prePostCoords, reads=x, ignore.strand=!stranded, mc.cores=rds@cores)
summOvPost <- function(x) {
summarizeOverlaps(features=rds@postCoords, reads=x, ignore.strand=!stranded, mc.cores=rds@cores)
# Now we need to keep means and totals of counts over PRE/POST for the two lists.
# In the simpler case with a single alignment for both conditions we just keep the counts.
preElems <- grep("_PRE$", mcols(rds@prePostCoords)$gene_id)
postElems <- grep("_POST$", mcols(rds@prePostCoords)$gene_id)
if (length(preElems)+length(postElems) != length(mcols(rds@prePostCoords)$gene_id)) {
stop("The prePostCoords given for this RoarDataset are wrong: some of the gene_id
does not end in _PRE/_POST.")
if (length(preElems) != length(postElems)) {
stop("The prePostCoords given for this RoarDataset are wrong: the number of PRE is different
from the number of POST.")
# The number of elements has to be checked because some horrible special case with recycling
# of vector elements in the comparison are possible.
if (!all(sub("_PRE", "", mcols(rds@prePostCoords)$gene_id[preElems]) ==
sub("_POST", "", mcols(rds@prePostCoords)$gene_id[postElems]))) {
stop("The prePostCoords given for this RoarDataset are wrong: not all prefixes of PRE-POST
# Check uniqueness of gene_id.
geneIds <- sub("_PRE", "", mcols(rds@prePostCoords)$gene_id[preElems])
if (!all(geneIds==make.unique(geneIds))) {
stop("The prePostCoords given for this RoarDataset are wrong: gene_ids (prefixes of PRE-POST)
are not unique.")
preCoords <- rowRanges(rds)
rds@postCoords <- rds@prePostCoords[postElems,]
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = rep(list(matrix(nrow=length(rds@prePostCoords)/2, ncol=4)),2),
colData=DataFrame(row.names=c("treatment_pre","treatment_post","control_pre", "control_post"))
if (length(rds@treatmentBams) == 1 && length(rds@controlBams) == 1) {
# We obtain counts for both conditions on PRE and POST coords.
treatmentSE <- summOv(rds@treatmentBams[[1]])
controlSE <- summOv(rds@controlBams[[1]])
# We obtain counts for both conditions only on POST coords (notwithstanding overlap with PRE) -
# this is needed to implement the prefer-POST policy where a read overlapping PRE and POST
# is counted on the POST portion (it has to be derived from a long isoform).
# Note that in the first case we need to use the whole gtf with PRE and POST to avoid
# assigning to PRE the overlapping reads, even if the counts on POST gotten afterwards
# will be discarded.
# This works but if a PRE portion of a gene overlaps with a POST portion of another one
# reads falling there are counted two times.
treatmentSEpost <- summOvPost(rds@treatmentBams[[1]])
controlSEpost <- summOvPost(rds@controlBams[[1]])
assay(se,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"treatment_pre"] <- assays(treatmentSE,withDimnames=TRUE)$counts[preElems,]
assay(se,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"treatment_post"] <- assays(treatmentSEpost,withDimnames=TRUE)$counts
assay(se,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"control_pre"] <- assays(controlSE,withDimnames=TRUE)$counts[preElems,]
assay(se,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"control_post"] <- assays(controlSEpost,withDimnames=TRUE)$counts
rowRanges(rds) <- rowRanges(se)
colData(rds) <- colData(se)
assays(rds,withDimnames=TRUE) <- assays(se,withDimnames=TRUE)
names(assays(rds,withDimnames=TRUE)) <- "counts"
} else {
# As long as we need all the raw counts for the Fisher tests it is better to
# keep them here as separate assays and compute (and keep) means in the computeRoar function.
# The structure here is different from the single sample case for each condition, we will
# see if it will be enough general to be used even there. Right now I ought to fallback
# to that structure with the average counts.
len <- length(rds@treatmentBams) + length(rds@controlBams)
# Do we need preallocation for the list of matrixes?
# x <- vector(mode = "list", length = 10)
# ma <- matrix(nrow=5, ncol=2)
# test <- list(ma, ma)
# testse <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=test, rowRanges=gtfGRanges[c(1,2,3,4,5)], colData=DataFrame(row.names=c("a","b")))
countsControl <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = rep(list(matrix(nrow=length(rds@prePostCoords)/2, ncol=2)),
countsTreatment <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = rep(list(matrix(nrow=length(rds@prePostCoords)/2, ncol=2)),
for (i in 1:length(rds@treatmentBams)) {
treatmentSE <- summOv(rds@treatmentBams[[i]])
treatmentSEpost <- summOvPost(rds@treatmentBams[[i]])
#assay(countsTreatment,i) <- matrix(nrow=length(rds@prePostCoords)/2, ncol=2)
#assay(countsTreatment,i) <- matrix(nrow=length(rds@prePostCoords)/2, ncol=2,
# dimnames=list(rep(NULL,length(rds@prePostCoords)/2), c("pre","post")))
assay(countsTreatment,i,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"pre"] <- assays(treatmentSE,withDimnames=TRUE)$counts[preElems,]
assay(countsTreatment,i,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"post"] <- assays(treatmentSEpost,withDimnames=TRUE)$counts
for (i in 1:length(rds@controlBams)) {
controlSE <- summOv(rds@controlBams[[i]])
controlSEpost <- summOvPost(rds@controlBams[[i]])
#assay(countsControl,i) <- matrix(nrow=length(rds@prePostCoords)/2, ncol=2)
assay(countsControl,i,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"pre"] <- assays(controlSE,withDimnames=TRUE)$counts[preElems,]
assay(countsControl,i,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"post"] <- assays(controlSEpost,withDimnames=TRUE)$counts
rds@countsTreatment <- countsTreatment
rds@countsControl <- countsControl
rowRanges(rds) <- rowRanges(se)
colData(rds) <- colData(se)
assays(rds,withDimnames=TRUE) <- assays(se,withDimnames=TRUE)
names(assays(rds,withDimnames=TRUE)) <- "counts"
# We keep as "our" rds objects this SE, while those with counts are just slots.
# In the case of multiple samples the primary object will be empty treatment now and will be filled
# during the computeRoars step.
rds@step <- 1
setMethod("computeRoars", signature(rds="RoarDataset"),
function(rds, qwidthTreatment = NA, qwidthControl = NA) {
goOn <- checkStep(rds, 1)
if (!goOn[[1]]) {
rds <- goOn[[2]]
# roar is the m/M of treatment condition divided by the m/M of the control one.
# m/M = ((Lpost*Cpre)/(Lpre*Cpost))-1
# Negative m/M are discarded.
#roar = (m/M_treatment)/(m/M_control)
# We must obtain the list of lengths from rds@postCoords and rowRanges(rds) (which is pre).
if ("length" %in% names(mcols(rds))) {
preLen <- as.numeric(mcols(rds)$length)
postLen <- as.numeric(mcols(rds@postCoords)$length)
} else {
preLen <- end(rowRanges(rds)) - start(rowRanges(rds)) + 1
postLen <- end(rds@postCoords) - start(rds@postCoords) + 1
# I had to add "+1" as long as the end coords are not inclusive.
# Then the bam lengths to correct our lengths, ie: postLen+ReadLength-1
if (length(rds@treatmentBams) > 1 || length(rds@controlBams) > 1) {
# Compute means and put them in place for roar calculations (in the rds-se object).
# meanAcrossAssays given a list/SimpleList of assays performs the mean on a
# given col name (ie. "pre").
# lapply(assays(testse), function(x) { x[,"a"]})
# rowMeans(
assay(rds,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"treatment_pre"] <- meanAcrossAssays(assays(rds@countsTreatment,withDimnames=TRUE), "pre") # here peak of memory usage?
assay(rds,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"treatment_post"] <- meanAcrossAssays(assays(rds@countsTreatment,withDimnames=TRUE),"post")
assay(rds,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"control_pre"] <- meanAcrossAssays(assays(rds@countsControl,withDimnames=TRUE), "pre")
assay(rds,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"control_post"] <- meanAcrossAssays(assays(rds@countsControl,withDimnames=TRUE), "post")
# Also the length correction should consider all the samples!
if ( {
lenTreatment <- unlist(lapply(rds@treatmentBams, qwidth))
corrTreatment <- mean(lenTreatment)
} else {
corrTreatment <- qwidthTreatment
if ( {
lenControl <- unlist(lapply(rds@controlBams, qwidth))
corrControl <- mean(lenControl)
} else {
corrControl <- qwidthControl
} else {
# qwidth(x): Returns an integer vector of length length(x) containing the length
# of the query *after* hard clipping (i.e. the length of the query sequence
# that is stored in the corresponding SAM/BAM record).
if ( {
corrTreatment <- mean(qwidth(rds@treatmentBams[[1]]))
} else {
corrTreatment <- qwidthTreatment
if ( {
corrControl <- mean(qwidth(rds@controlBams[[1]]))
} else {
corrControl <- qwidthControl
# Ok, now if we had a single sample for both conditions we had the data charged in
# countPrePost, otherwise we have the means (in the same SE/RDS object).
# If there is a single sample for one condition and more than one for the other there is
# a little (I hope) unuseful overload to get the mean for the single sample.
# The countsTreatment/control slot are still kept as long as we will need them in computePvals.
postLenTreatment <- postLen + corrTreatment - 1
postLenControl <- postLen + corrControl - 1
mMtreatment <- (assay(rds,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"treatment_pre"]*postLenTreatment)/(assay(rds,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"treatment_post"]*preLen)-1
mMcontrol <- (assay(rds,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"control_pre"]*postLenControl)/(assay(rds,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"control_post"]*preLen)-1
roar <- mMtreatment / mMcontrol
pVal <- rep(NA, length(roar))
assay(rds,2,withDimnames=TRUE) <- as.matrix(data.frame(treatment_pre=mMtreatment, treatment_post=mMcontrol, control_pre=roar, control_post=pVal, row.names=NULL))
names(assays(rds,withDimnames=TRUE)) <- c("counts", "stats")
rds@step <- 2
setMethod("computePvals", signature(rds="RoarDataset"),
function(rds) {
goOn <- checkStep(rds, 2)
if (!goOn[[1]]) {
rds <- goOn[[2]]
if (length(rds@treatmentBams) == 1 && length(rds@controlBams) == 1) {
if (cores(rds) == 1) {
assay(rds,2,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"control_post"] <- apply(assay(rds,1,withDimnames=TRUE), 1, getFisher)
} else {
} else {
# We have raw counts in two SE slots (countsTreatment/Control) and need to
# compute pvalues for every combination of treatment/control samples.
# We need a function that given two assays returns the fisher pvalue
# and we need to pass every combination there. The results will be but
# in still another SE slot with a number of columns in the matrix equal to
# the number of combinations. The product of all the pvalues will be put in the
# rds/SE object in place of the pvalue for the single sample case.
countsTreatmentAssays <- assays(rds@countsTreatment,withDimnames=TRUE)
countsControlAssays <- assays(rds@countsControl,withDimnames=TRUE)
nTreatment <- length(countsTreatmentAssays)
nControl <- length(countsControlAssays)
comparisons <- nTreatment*nControl
rds@pVals <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = matrix(nrow=length(rds@prePostCoords)/2, ncol=comparisons),
# To obtain all combination of two vectors (x,y) in the treatment order:
# as.vector(t(outer(x,y,paste,sep=""))
as.vector(t(outer(seq(1,nTreatment), seq(1,nControl), paste, sep="_"))),
# Ok, I know that we are in R, but these two for seems straightforward to me.
for (i in 1:nTreatment) { # the y
for (j in 1:nControl) { # the x
mat <- cbind(countsTreatmentAssays[[i]], countsControlAssays[[j]])
assay(rds@pVals,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,nControl*(i-1)+j] <- apply(mat, 1, getFisher)
assay(rds, 2,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"control_post"] <- apply(assay(rds@pVals,1,withDimnames=TRUE), 1, prod)
# Here in theory we could remove countsTreatment/control slots, TODO check memory footprint and decide.
rds@step <- 3
setMethod("computePairedPvals", signature(rds="RoarDataset", treatmentSamples="numeric", controlSamples="numeric"),
function(rds, treatmentSamples, controlSamples) {
goOn <- checkStep(rds, 2)
if (!goOn[[1]]) {
rds <- goOn[[2]]
if (length(rds@treatmentBams) == 1 || length(rds@controlBams) == 1) {
stop("computePairedPvals can be used only with RoarDataset objects with multiple samples for both conditions")
} else if (any(table(treatmentSamples)>1) || any(table(controlSamples)>1)) {
stop("treatmentSamples and controlSamples should not contain repeated elements: each sample of a given group could be paired with only one of the other")
} else if (length(treatmentSamples) != length(controlSamples)) {
stop("treatmentSamples and controlSamples should have the same lengths")
} else if (max(treatmentSamples) > length(rds@treatmentBams) || max(controlSamples) > length(rds@controlBams)) {
stop("The given treatmentSamples or controlSamples numbers are wrong: the max is bigger than the given number of alignments")
} else {
countsTreatmentAssays <- assays(rds@countsTreatment,withDimnames=TRUE)
countsControlAssays <- assays(rds@countsControl,withDimnames=TRUE)
comparisons <- length(treatmentSamples)
rds@pVals <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = matrix(nrow=length(rds@prePostCoords)/2, ncol=comparisons),
# To obtain all combination of two vectors (x,y) in the treatment order:
# as.vector(t(outer(x,y,paste,sep=""))
mapply(FUN=function(x,y) {paste(x, y, sep="_")}, treatmentSamples, controlSamples),
# Ok, I know that we are in R, but this seems straightforward to me.
for (i in 1:length(treatmentSamples)) {
mat <- cbind(countsTreatmentAssays[[treatmentSamples[i]]], countsControlAssays[[controlSamples[i]]])
assay(rds@pVals,1,withDimnames=TRUE)[,i] <- apply(mat, 1, getFisher)
assay(rds, 2,withDimnames=TRUE)[,"control_post"] <- apply(assay(rds@pVals,1,withDimnames=TRUE), 1, combineFisherMethod)
# Here in theory we could remove countsTreatment/control slots, TODO check memory footprint and decide.
rds@paired <- TRUE
rds@step <- 3
setMethod("totalResults", signature(rds="RoarDataset"),
function(rds) {
goOn <- checkStep(rds, 3)
rds <- goOn[[2]]
res <- data.frame(row.names=sub("^\\s+","", sub("_POST","", mcols(rds@postCoords)$gene_id)),
if (length(rds@treatmentBams) != 1 || length(rds@controlBams) != 1) {
pvals <- data.frame(assay(rds@pVals,1,withDimnames=TRUE))
colnames(pvals) <- rownames(colData(rds@pVals))
res <- cbind(res, pvals)
setMethod("sumRoarCounts", signature(rds="RoarDataset"),
# Used by multipleAPA where we summarize gene info using counts/FPKM for different possible
# PRE for genes. So we get the counts on the different PRE portions of roar objects.
function(rds) {
res <- data.frame(row.names=sub("^\\s+","",sub("_POST","", mcols(rds@postCoords)$gene_id)),
# In this case several rows of the same roar obj will have counts for different choices
# and we choose to report them all (reporting the "whole" gene counts is not possible at
# this stage cause if we sum up with colSums counts we will count some reads multiple times
# and we do not have counts for fragments available anymore.)
# This function will add to the totalResults dataframe RPKM gotten on the pre portions, then
# the user will be able to apply its preferred filtering/pvalue correction strategy.
# RPKM are gotten from counts over the PRE portions working on means across replicates.
# As total number of mapped reads we use the total number of reads mapped over all PRE portions.
setMethod("fpkmResults", signature(rds="RoarDataset"),
function(rds) {
dat <- totalResults(rds)
if ("length" %in% names(mcols(rds))) {
preLen <- as.numeric(mcols(rds)$length)
} else {
preLen <- end(rowRanges(rds)) - start(rowRanges(rds)) + 1
sumPreTreatment <- sum(assay(rds, 1, withDimnames=TRUE)[,"treatment_pre"])
sumPreControl <- sum(assay(rds, 1, withDimnames=TRUE)[,"control_pre"])
dat$treatmentValue <- (assay(rds, 1, withDimnames=TRUE)[,"treatment_pre"]*1000000000)/(preLen*sumPreTreatment)
dat$controlValue <- (assay(rds, 1, withDimnames=TRUE)[,"control_pre"]*1000000000)/(preLen*sumPreControl)
setMethod("countResults", signature(rds="RoarDataset"),
function(rds) {
dat <- totalResults(rds)
dat$treatmentValue <- assay(rds, 1, withDimnames=TRUE)[,"treatment_pre"]
dat$controlValue <- assay(rds, 1, withDimnames=TRUE)[,"control_pre"]
.standardFilter <- function(rds, fpkmCutoff) {
# Here we need to: remove all genes with a mean FPKM <= fpkmCutoff,
# a negative/NA m/M-roar.
# P-value correction? In the single samples case it seems sensible to do that,
# otherwise we will report all pvalues (and correct their product.)
# Due to chr by chr scanning bonferroni correction has been removed.
dat <- fpkmResults(rds)
# mM_treatment, mM_control , roar columns filtering (< 0 / NA)
# dat <- subset(dat, mM_treatment >= 0) # subset is ok for interactive use only
dat <- dat[is.finite(dat$mM_treatment) & dat$mM_treatment >= 0,]
#dat <- subset(dat, mM_control >= 0)
dat <- dat[is.finite(dat$mM_control) & dat$mM_control >= 0,]
#dat <- subset(dat, !
# Changed to is.finite to avoid Inf/-Inf, did not add a unitTest as long as it's trivial.
dat <- dat[is.finite(dat$roar),]
# treatmentValue/controlValue filtering (<= fpkmCutoff)
#dat <- subset(dat, treatmentValue > fpkmCutoff)
#dat <- subset(dat, controlValue > fpkmCutoff)
dat <- dat[dat$treatmentValue > fpkmCutoff,]
dat <- dat[dat$controlValue > fpkmCutoff,]
setMethod("standardFilter", signature(rds="RoarDataset", fpkmCutoff="numeric"),
setMethod("standardFilter", signature(rds="RoarDatasetMultipleAPA", fpkmCutoff="numeric"),
setMethod("pvalueFilter", signature(rds="RoarDataset", fpkmCutoff="numeric", pvalCutoff="numeric"),
function(rds, fpkmCutoff, pvalCutoff) {
dat <- standardFilter(rds, fpkmCutoff)
if ((length(rds@treatmentBams) != 1 || length(rds@controlBams) != 1) && !rds@paired) {
# In this case we add to dat a col that says how many comparisons yielded
# a pvalue < pvalCutoff.
# esany <- apply(data, 1, function(x) {any(x[seq(1,12)] < 0.05)})
if(nrow(dat) != 0) {
cols <- grep("^pvalue_", colnames(dat))
sel <- apply(dat, 1, function(x) {x[cols] < pvalCutoff})
# This yields a transposed dat with cols rows and TRUE/FALSE. ncol = nrows of dat
dat$nUnderCutoff <- apply(sel, 2, function(x){length(x[x==TRUE])})
} else {
dat <- dat[dat$pval < pvalCutoff,]
setMethod("pvalueCorrectFilter", signature(rds="RoarDataset", fpkmCutoff="numeric", pvalCutoff="numeric", method="character"),
function(rds, fpkmCutoff, pvalCutoff, method) {
dat <- standardFilter(rds, fpkmCutoff)
if ((length(rds@treatmentBams) != 1 || length(rds@controlBams) != 1) && !rds@paired) {
# In this case we add to dat a col that says how many comparisons yielded
# a pvalue < pvalCutoff.
# esany <- apply(data, 1, function(x) {any(x[seq(1,12)] < 0.05)})
if(nrow(dat) != 0) {
cols <- grep("^pvalue_", colnames(dat))
sel <- apply(dat, 1, function(x) {x[cols] < pvalCutoff})
# This yields a transposed dat with cols rows and TRUE/FALSE. ncol = nrows of dat
dat$nUnderCutoff <- apply(sel, 2, function(x){length(x[x==TRUE])})
} else {
dat$pval <- p.adjust(dat$pval, method=method)
dat <- dat[dat$pval < pvalCutoff,]
# Simple getters and setters.
setMethod("cores", signature(rds="RoarDataset"),
function(rds) {
# setReplaceMethod("cores", signature(rds="RoarDataset", value="numeric"),
# function(rds, value) {
# if (value < 1) {
# stop("You can specify only a positive number of cores")
# }
# rds@cores <- value
# return(rds)
# }
# )
# Here signature does not work. We are overriding show, that's why?
setMethod("show", "RoarDataset",
function(object) {
cat("RoarDataset object\n")
cat("N. of treatment alignments:", length(object@treatmentBams), "\n")
cat("N. of control alignments:", length(object@controlBams), "\n")
cat("N. of genes in study:", length(object@prePostCoords)/2 , "\n")
cat("N. of cores:", object@cores, "\n")
cat("Analysis step reached [0-3]:", object@step, "\n")
cat("Paired?", object@paired, "\n")
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