
Defines functions addExperimentsToReadset addDataToReadset newSeqReadsFromGene addBamData getBamData newSeqReads

Documented in addBamData addDataToReadset addExperimentsToReadset getBamData newSeqReads newSeqReadsFromGene

# The class SeqReads keep the reads for a given region on a chromosome
#  for a number of experimnets. Thus the genomic coordinates 
#  must be defined on initialization/construction 
# NucleotideDistribution, which is S4
#  AL,MO, 18.08.2010 update 19.04.2011, re-design: Mar/Apr 2011

setClass( "SeqReads",
    contains= "eSet",
      chr ="character",

# create SeqReads object from a matrix with 2 rows or list
newSeqReads <- function( chr, start, end, strand, datain=NULL, phenoData=NULL, featureData=NULL, covdesc=NULL)
   if (is.null(datain)) datain <- list()
   else (stopifnot(datain,"list"))

   chr <- as.character(chr)
   start <-  as.numeric(start)
   end <-  as.numeric(end)
   strand <-  as.numeric(strand)
   if( !is.null( covdesc ) )
     cvd <- read.table(covdesc)
     if( is.null( phenoData ) )
     phenoData <- as(cvd, "AnnotatedDataFrame")
   else phenoData <- annotatedDataFrameFrom(phenoData, byrow=FALSE)

   rs <- new ("SeqReads", 
         chr=chr, start=start, end=end, strand=strand, phenoData=phenoData)

# version changed into Gapped Alignments in the RS object. MO 28 06 2012
getBamData <- function( rs, exps=NULL, cvd=NULL, covdesc.file="covdesc")
  if (is.null(cvd)) cvd <- read.table(covdesc.file)
  bams <-rownames(cvd)
  if (length(bams)<1) stop("No .bam files?")
  if (!is.null(exps)) bams <- bams[exps]
   chr <- rs@chr
   start <-  as.numeric(rs@start)
   end <-  as.numeric(rs@end)
   strand <-  rs@strand
   if (strand==1)  strand <- "+"
   if (strand==-1)  strand <- "-"
   gr <- GRanges(seqnames =  chr,
                 ranges = IRanges(start,end),
                 strand =  strand)
   attrs <- c("strand", "pos", "qwidth")
   param <- ScanBamParam(which = gr, what=attrs)
   for (i in 1:length(bams))
     outbam <- readGAlignments(bams[i],index=bams[i],param = param)
     if (strand==1 | strand==-1) outbam <- outbam[strand(outbam)==strand]
     rs@data[[i]] <- outbam

# old version - to change/remove
addBamData <- function( rs, file, exp, phenoDesc=NULL)
  bams <- file
  if (length(bams)<1) stop("No .bam files?")
   chr <- paste("chr", as.character(rs@chr), sep="")
   start <-  as.numeric(rs@start)
   end <-  as.numeric(rs@end)
   strand <-  as.numeric(rs@strand)
   if (strand==1)  strand <- "+"
   if (strand==-1)  strand <- "-"
   gr <- GRanges(seqnames =  chr,
                 ranges = IRanges(start,end),
                 strand =  strand)
   attrs <- c("strand", "pos", "qwidth")
   param <- ScanBamParam(which = gr, what=attrs)
   #cat(str(param), )

     outbam <- scanBam(bams,index=bams,param = param)[[1]]
     idx <- which(outbam$strand==strand)
     if (length(idx)>0)
        ttt <- cbind (outbam$pos[idx],outbam$pos[idx] + outbam$qwidth[idx] )
        rs@data[[exp]] <- ttt
     else rs@data[[exp]] <- t(as.data.frame(as.numeric(c(0,0))))
   # adds only id size matches!
    if (!is.null(phenoDesc) & dim(phenoData(rs))[2]==length(phenoDesc) )  phenoData(rs) <- rbind(phenoData(rs), phenoDesc)

# creating empty SR with gene coordinates
newSeqReadsFromGene <- function(g)
	gd <- gene.details(g)
        if (is.null(gd)) stop("Gene not found in the database.")
        g.st <- as.numeric(start(gd@ranges))
	g.end <- as.numeric(end(gd@ranges))
	ch <- gd@ranges@partitioning@NAMES
	g.ch <- .chromosome.number(ch)
	g.strand <- gd$strand

	rs <- newSeqReads(g.ch,g.st,g.end,g.strand)

setValidity("SeqReads", function(object)
 # czy dane w liscie sa macierzami readow czyli: n x 2 (start, end)
 if (length(data)<(-10)) #temporary -10 to switch off
   for (i in 1:length(data))
      if (dim(data[[i]])[2]!=2 | !is.null(data)) stop("Reads matrices should have 2 columns.")

# to remove 
addDataToReadset <- function(rs, datain, spl)
  stopifnot( is( rs, "SeqReads" ) )
  if (dim(datain)[2]!=2)  stop("Reads matrices should have 2 columns.")
  ll <- rs@data
  ll[[spl]] <- datain
  rs@data <- ll

# to remove
addExperimentsToReadset <- function(rs,exps)
# e - identifier of the experiment in the database, an int
  rs@data <- vector("list",max(exps))
  stopifnot( is( rs, "SeqReads" ) )
  for (e in exps)
    datain <- readsInRange (rs@chr, rs@start, rs@end, rs@strand,e)
    if (is.null(datain)) rs@data[[e]] <- t(as.data.frame(as.numeric(c(0,0)))) 
      #empty readstable is marked as (0,0) 
      # see the joke about programmer looking for elephants in Africa
    else rs@data[[e]] <- datain

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rnaSeqMap documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:50 p.m.