#' Add metadata columns to GRanges object.
#' @description Add metadata information to GRanges object.
#' @param target_gr A GRanges object that will be annotated with metadata
#' @param annot_gr A GRanges object that includes the metadata
#' information. When \code{annotType_char} = \code{"geneSymbol"}, this
#' argument can be left as NULL, and the gene annotation file saved in the
#' package will be used to annotate \code{target_gr}. When
#' \code{annotType_char} = \code{"region"}, this argument must be specified,
#' each row in \code{target_gr} will be annotated with rows in
#' \code{annot_gr} that overlap with it.
#' @param annotType_char Type of the metadata column, defaults to
#' \code{"geneSymbol"}.
#' @param genome Use \code{"hg19"} or \code{"hg38"} gene reference. Defaults
#' to \code{"hg38"}.
#' @param annotLabel_char Name of the metadata column, defaults to
#' \code{"symbol"} which corresponds to default setting \code{"geneSymbol"}
#' for argument \code{annotType_char}.
#' @return A GRanges object with \code{seqnames, ranges, region}, and supplied
#' metadata information.
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom S4Vectors subjectHits mcols "mcols<-"
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' data(rnaedit_df)
#' input_gr <- TransformToGR(
#' genes_char = "PHACTR4",
#' type = "symbol",
#' genome = "hg19"
#' )
#' # identifies co-edited region within input_gr
#' coedited_gr <- AllCoeditedRegions(
#' regions_gr = input_gr,
#' rnaEditMatrix = rnaedit_df,
#' output = "GRanges",
#' method = "spearman"
#' )
#' # identify input regions for co-edited regions
#' AddMetaData(
#' target_gr = coedited_gr,
#' annot_gr = input_gr,
#' annotType_char = "region",
#' annotLabel_char = "inputRegion",
#' genome = "hg19"
#' )
AddMetaData <- function(target_gr,
annot_gr = NULL,
annotType_char = c("geneSymbol", "region"),
annotLabel_char = "symbol",
genome = c("hg38", "hg19")){
# browser()
genome <- match.arg(genome)
annotType_char <- match.arg(annotType_char)
if (annotType_char == "region" & is.null(annot_gr)) {
"annot_gr can't be NULL when annotType_char is 'region'. Please specify!"
if (annotType_char == "geneSymbol" & is.null(annot_gr)) {
if (genome == "hg38") {
annot_gr <- readRDS(
package = 'rnaEditr',
mustWork = TRUE
} else {
annot_gr <- readRDS(
package = 'rnaEditr',
mustWork = TRUE
# Find overlaps of target_gr in annot_gr
# in OverlapIndex, "subjectHits" (row names of annot_gr) tells us where
# each row of target_gr locations in in annot_gr. We use "subjectHits" to
# extract the correct metadata info for target_gr in the next steps.
OverlapIndex <- findOverlaps(
query = target_gr,
subject = annot_gr,
ignore.strand = TRUE
# Convert OverlapIndex into dataframe for convenience
OverlapIndex_df <- data.frame(OverlapIndex)
if (annotType_char == "region") {
# Create region name based on seqnames, start and end in annot_df.
annot_df <- data.frame(annot_gr, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
annot_df$region <- paste0(
annot_df$seqnames, ":",
annot_df$start, "-",
# Match each region ranges of annot_gr into target_gr based on
# OverlapIndex In GRanges, anything except for seqnames and ranges will
# go into meta data, so here we add meta data columns with $ into
# target_gr.
OverlapIndex_df$region <- annot_df$region[subjectHits(OverlapIndex)]
} else {
# Find symbol names for each query in OverlapIndex_df
OverlapIndex_df$region <- annot_gr$symbol[subjectHits(OverlapIndex)]
# In GRanges, anything except for seqnames and ranges will go into meta
# data, so here we add meta data columns with $ into target_gr.
target_gr$region <- vapply(
X = seq_len(length(target_gr)),
FUN = function(query){
OverlapIndexRow_df <- OverlapIndex_df[
OverlapIndex_df$queryHits == query,
if (nrow(OverlapIndexRow_df) == 0) {
} else {
paste(OverlapIndexRow_df$region, collapse = ";")
FUN.VALUE = character(1)
# Name the newly added annotaion metadata column
if (!is.null(annotLabel_char)) {
# Find the position of the newly added annotation metadata column. As
# it's always added the last. I just need to find the length of meta
# columns.
annotNameLen <- length(mcols(target_gr))
# Only change the name of the last added meta column from "region" to
# input annotLabel_char.
names(mcols(target_gr))[annotNameLen] <- annotLabel_char
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