#' Test associations between phenotype and RNA editing levels.
#' @description A wrapper function to test associations between phenotype and
#' RNA editing levels in single-site analysis or summarized RNA editing
#' levels in region-based analysis.
#' @param rnaEdit_df A data frame with class \code{rnaEdit_df}, which is a
#' output from function \code{\link{CreateEditingTable}()} or function
#' \code{\link{SummarizeAllRegions}()}. This data frame should include RNA
#' editing level values, with row names as site IDs or region IDs, and column
#' names as sample IDs.
#' @param pheno_df A data frame with phenotype and covariates, which should
#' include all the samples in \code{rnaEdit_df}. Please make sure the input
#' \code{pheno_df} has the variable named \code{"sample"} to indicate sample
#' IDs.
#' @param responses_char A character vector of names of response variables in
#' \code{pheno_df}. When respType is set as \code{"survival"},
#' \code{responses_char} should have length 2. The first element must be the
#' name of the variable with following up time, and the second element must
#' be status indicator. Status indicator should be coded as 0/1(1=death),
#' TRUE/FALSE(TRUE=death), or 1/2(death). Please make sure variable names are
#' in this order. We have not tested this code on interval-censored data; use
#' at your own risk. See \code{\link[survival]{Surv}} for more details.
#' @param covariates_char A character vector of names of covariate variables in
#' \code{pheno_df}.
#' @param respType Type of outcome. Defaults to \code{"binary"}.
#' @param progressBar Name of the progress bar to use. There are currently five
#' types of progress bars: \code{"time"}, \code{"none"}, \code{"text"},
#' \code{"tk"}, and \code{"win"}. Defaults to \code{"time"}. See
#' \code{\link[plyr]{create_progress_bar}} for more details.
#' @param orderByPval Sort co-edited regions by model p-value or not? Defaults
#' to TRUE.
#' @return A data frame with locations of the genomic regions or sites
#' (\code{seqnames, start, end, width}), test statistics
#' (\code{estimate, stdErr} or \code{coef, exp_coef, se_coef}), \code{pValue}
#' and false discovery rate (\code{fdr}).
#' @importFrom plyr alply
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{TransformToGR}}, \code{\link{AllCloseByRegions}},
#' \code{\link{AllCoeditedRegions}}, \code{\link{CreateEditingTable}},
#' \code{\link{SummarizeAllRegions}}, \code{\link{AnnotateResults}}
#' @examples
#' data(rnaedit_df)
#' genes_gr <- TransformToGR(
#' genes_char = c("PHACTR4", "CCR5", "METTL7A"),
#' type = "symbol",
#' genome = "hg19"
#' )
#' exm_regions <- AllCoeditedRegions(
#' regions_gr = genes_gr,
#' rnaEditMatrix = rnaedit_df,
#' output = "GRanges",
#' method = "spearman"
#' )
#' sum_regions <- SummarizeAllRegions(
#' regions_gr = exm_regions,
#' rnaEditMatrix = rnaedit_df,
#' selectMethod = MaxSites
#' )
#' exm_pheno <- readRDS(
#' system.file(
#' "extdata",
#' "pheno_df.RDS",
#' package = 'rnaEditr',
#' mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' )
#' TestAssociations(
#' rnaEdit_df = sum_regions,
#' pheno_df = exm_pheno,
#' responses_char = "sample_type",
#' covariates_char = NULL,
#' respType = "binary"
#' )
TestAssociations <- function(rnaEdit_df,
covariates_char = NULL,
respType = c("binary", "continuous", "survival"),
progressBar = "time",
orderByPval = TRUE){
respType <- match.arg(respType)
if (!("rnaEdit_df" %in% class(rnaEdit_df))) {
stop("Please use function CreateEditingTable() or SummarizeAllRegions()
to create rnaEdit_df.")
metaDataCol_char <- c("seqnames", "start", "end", "width")
dat <- rnaEdit_df[, !(colnames(rnaEdit_df) %in% metaDataCol_char)]
# Make model formula
formula_char <- MakeModelFormula(
responses_char = responses_char,
covariates_char = covariates_char,
respType = respType
# Make model preparation list
model_ls <- switch(
"binary" = {
# To fit GLM with categorical outcomes, must factor character response.
pheno_df[, responses_char] <- as.factor(
pheno_df[, responses_char]
# Fit model
minSize <- CountSamplesPerGroup(
pheno_df = pheno_df,
responses_char = responses_char,
covariates_char = covariates_char
modelFormula_char = formula_char,
pheno_df = pheno_df,
minSize = minSize
"continuous" = {
modelFormula_char = formula_char,
pheno_df = pheno_df,
minSize = NULL
"survival" = {
# update: add a check to make sure second ele of responses_char only
# have two unique values/options/levels. (adter dropping missingness)
# make a warning, add link to coxph documentation
# The `[` operator works slightly differently on tibbles, so be aware.
levs <- sum(
![, responses_char[2]]))
if (levs != 2) {
"Please make sure status indicator has only two values or levels!
For more details, please see documentation for argument
'responses_char' by using ?TestAssociations.",
immediate. = TRUE
# Create a survival object, used as a response variable in Cox model
pheno_df$surv_object <- Surv(
time = pheno_df[, responses_char[1]],
event = pheno_df[, responses_char[2]]
modelFormula_char = formula_char,
pheno_df = pheno_df,
minSize = NULL
# Fit model
results_ls <- alply(
.data = dat,
.margins = 1,
.fun = function(row){
# we use unlist() instead of as.numeric() here to preserve colnames
rnaEdit_num = unlist(row),
modelPrep_ls = model_ls,
respType = respType
.progress = progressBar
results_df <-, results_ls)
results_df$fdr <- p.adjust(results_df$pValue, method = "fdr")
results_meta_df <- cbind(rnaEdit_df[, metaDataCol_char], results_df)
# Order final results
if (orderByPval) {
results_meta_df[order(results_meta_df$pValue), ]
} else {
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