A = 1L:7L;
B = matrix(1:18, ncol = 2);
D = seq(0, 1, by=0.1)
E = as.raw(sample(0:255, size = 5))
attr(D, "scale") <- "centimeters"
G = data.frame("col_A" = 1:10, "col_B" = letters[1:10], "col_C" = as.raw(1:10))
## output file name
h5File <- tempfile(pattern = "ex_read", fileext = ".h5")
# create file with group hierarchy
h5createGroup(file = h5File, group = "foo")
h5createDataset(file = h5File, dataset = "foo/A", dims = c(1, length(A) ), storage.mode = "integer")
h5write(obj = A, file = h5File, name = "foo/A")
h5createDataset(file = h5File, dataset = "foo/B", dims = c(2, length(B)/2 ))
h5write(obj = B, file = h5File, name = "foo/B")
h5createDataset(file = h5File, dataset = "baa", dims = c(1, length(D) ))
h5write(obj = D, file = h5File, name = "baa", write.attributes = TRUE)
h5write(obj = C, file = h5File, name = "logi")
h5write(obj = E, file = h5File, name = "raw")
h5write(obj = G, file = h5File, name = "data.frame")
test_that("Reading a dataset", {
expect_silent(baa <- h5read(h5File, name = "baa", read.attributes = TRUE)) %>%
expect_is("matrix" )
expect_identical( dim(baa), c(1L, length(D)) )
expect_silent(C2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "logi")) %>%
expect_is("array") %>%
expect_identical(storage.mode(C2), "logical")
expect_silent(E2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "raw")) %>%
expect_is("array") %>%
expect_identical(storage.mode(E2), "raw")
test_that("Reading a group", {
foo <- h5read(h5File, name = "foo")
expect_is( foo, "list" )
expect_equal( length(foo), 2 )
expect_true( all(c("A", "B") %in% names(foo)) )
test_that("Reading a nested dataset", {
fooA <- h5read(h5File, name = "foo/A")
expect_is( fooA, "matrix" )
expect_equal( dim(fooA), c(1, length(A)) )
test_that("Dropping dimensions", {
fooA <- h5read(h5File, name = "foo/A", drop = TRUE)
expect_is( fooA, "integer" )
expect_null( dim(fooA) )
expect_equal( fooA, A )
## this drops for matrices too
fooB <- h5read(h5File, name = "foo/B", drop = TRUE)
expect_is( fooB, "numeric" )
expect_null( dim(fooB) )
expect_equal( fooB, as.numeric(B) )
test_that("Reading attributes too", {
baa <- h5read(h5File, name = "baa", read.attributes = TRUE)
expect_equal( as.character(attributes(baa)$scale), attributes(D)$scale )
test_that("Error if file doesn't exist", {
expect_error( h5read(file = "/foo/baa.h5", name = "missing"),
regexp = "does not exist.$")
test_that("Error if asking for something that isn't there", {
expect_error( h5read(file = h5File, name = "missing"),
regexp = "does not exist in this HDF5 file.$")
test_that("writing & reading empty vectors", {
h5File <- tempfile(pattern = "ex_read", fileext = ".h5")
expect_silent(h5write(obj = character(0), file = h5File, name = "char"))
expect_silent(h5write(obj = integer(0), file = h5File, name = "int"))
expect_silent(h5write(obj = double(0), file = h5File, name = "double"))
expect_silent(h5write(obj = logical(0), file = h5File, name = "logical"))
expect_silent(h5write(obj = raw(0), file = h5File, name = "raw"))
#expect_silent(h5write(obj = factor(levels = c("L1", "L2")), file = h5File, name = "factor"))
expect_silent(tmp <- h5read(file = h5File, name = "char")) %>%
expect_is("character") %>%
expect_silent(h5read(file = h5File, name = "int")) %>%
expect_is("array") %>%
expect_length(0) %>%
storage.mode() %>% expect_identical("integer")
expect_silent(h5read(file = h5File, name = "double")) %>%
expect_is("array") %>%
expect_length(0) %>%
storage.mode() %>% expect_identical("double")
expect_silent(h5read(file = h5File, name = "logical")) %>%
expect_is("array") %>%
expect_length(0) %>%
storage.mode() %>% expect_identical("logical")
expect_silent(h5read(file = h5File, name = "raw")) %>%
expect_is("array") %>%
expect_length(0) %>%
storage.mode() %>% expect_identical("raw")
test_that("writing & reading empty arrays", {
h5File <- tempfile(pattern = "ex_read", fileext = ".h5")
expect_silent(h5write(obj = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0), file = h5File, name = "mat"))
expect_silent(tmp <- h5read(file = h5File, name = "mat")) %>%
expect_is("matrix") %>%
test_that("reading & writing scalar dataspaces", {
h5File <- tempfile(pattern = "ex_read", fileext = ".h5")
expect_silent(fid <- H5Fcreate(h5File))
expect_silent(sid <- H5Screate(type = "H5S_SCALAR"))
expect_silent(tid <- H5Tcopy("H5T_C_S1"))
expect_silent(H5Tset_size(tid, 12))
expect_silent(did <- H5Dcreate(fid, "scalar", tid, h5space = sid))
expect_silent(H5Dwrite(did, "test string"))
context("NA values")
## output file name
h5File <- tempfile(pattern = "ex_read", fileext = ".h5")
test_that("NA characters are supported", {
expect_silent(h5write(c(NA_character_, LETTERS), h5File, "NA_char"))
expect_true( any(, name = "NA_char")) ) )
expect_warning(h5write(c(NA_character_, LETTERS, "NA"), h5File, "NA_char_2"),
"Both NA_character_ and the string 'NA' detected")
test_that("No warnings are generated for integers containing NA written from R", {
expect_silent(h5write(c(NA_integer_, 1:5), h5File, "NA_int"))
expect_silent( na_int <- h5read(h5File, name = "NA_int") )
expect_true( na_int[1] ) )
test_that("Warnings are generated for integers containing NA written outside rhdf5", {
## remove the rhdf5-NA.OK attribute to simulate data not written by rhdf5
fid <- H5Fopen(name = h5File)
did <- H5Dopen(fid, name = "NA_int")
H5Adelete(did, "rhdf5-NA.OK")
expect_message(h5read(h5File, name = "NA_int"),
"The value -2^31 was detected in the dataset",
fixed = TRUE)
A = matrix(1:100, ncol = 10);
B = array(1:1000, dim = c(10,10,10))
## output file name
h5File <- tempfile(pattern = "ex_read", fileext = ".h5")
# create file with group heirachy
h5write(obj = A, file = h5File, name = "A")
h5write(obj = B, file = h5File, name = "B")
test_that("Works with a dimension of length 1", {
expect_silent(A2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "A", index = list(NULL, 5)))
expect_is(A2, "matrix")
expect_equal(ncol(A2), 1L)
expect_equal(nrow(A2), 10L)
expect_identical(A2[,1], A[,5])
test_that("Columns specified multiple times", {
expect_silent(A2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "A", index = list(NULL, c(9,1,1,5))))
expect_equal(ncol(A2), 4L)
expect_equal(nrow(A2), 10L)
expect_identical(A2[,2], A[,1])
test_that("Indexing multiple dimensions works", {
expect_silent(A2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "A", index = list(c(1,3), c(1,5,10))))
expect_equal(ncol(A2), 3L)
expect_equal(nrow(A2), 2L)
expect_equal(A2[2,3], A[3,10])
expect_silent(B2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "B", index = list(c(1,8,10), NULL, NULL)))
expect_equal(dim(B2), c(3,10,10))
expect_identical(B2[3,,], B[10,,])
expect_silent(B2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "B", index = list(c(8), NULL, c(4,6))))
expect_equal(dim(B2), c(1,10,2))
expect_identical(B2[1,6,], B[8,6,c(4,6)])
test_that("Empty index retain dimensionality", {
expect_silent(A2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "A", index = list(integer(0), 5))) %>%
expect_equal(dim(A2), c(0,1))
expect_silent(A2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "A", index = list(integer(0), 1:5))) %>%
expect_equal(dim(A2), c(0,5))
expect_silent(A2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "A", index = list(integer(0), integer(0)))) %>%
expect_equal(dim(A2), c(0,0))
expect_silent(B2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "B", index = list(integer(0), integer(0), 5))) %>%
expect_equal(dim(B2), c(0,0,1))
expect_silent(B2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "B", index = list(integer(0), 1:5, 6))) %>%
expect_equal(dim(B2), c(0,5,1))
expect_silent(B2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "B", index = list(integer(0), integer(0), integer(0)))) %>%
expect_equal(dim(B2), c(0,0,0))
context("64-bit conversion")
## output file name
h5File <- tempfile(pattern = "ex_read", fileext = ".h5")
# create file with integers of different types
h5createDataset(h5File, "int32", dims=50, storage.mode="integer")
h5createDataset(h5File, "int64", dims=50, storage.mode="integer64")
h5createDataset(h5File, "uint32", dims=50, H5type = "H5T_STD_U32LE")
h5write(obj = 1:50, file = h5File, name = "int32")
h5write(obj = 1:50, file = h5File, name = "int64")
h5write(obj = 2^31 + 1:50, file = h5File, name = "uint32")
test_that("Signed 32bit integers are unchanged for all conversion arguments", {
expect_is(x1 <- h5read(h5File, name = "int32", bit64conversion = "int"), "array")
expect_equal(storage.mode(x1), "integer")
expect_is(x2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "int32", bit64conversion = "double"), "array")
expect_equal(storage.mode(x2), "integer")
expect_is(x3 <- h5read(h5File, name = "int32", bit64conversion = "bit64"), "array")
expect_equal(storage.mode(x3), "integer")
expect_identical(x1, x2)
expect_identical(x1, x3)
test_that("signed 64-bit integers are converted", {
expect_is(x1 <- h5read(h5File, name = "int64", bit64conversion = "int"), "array")
expect_equal(storage.mode(x1), "integer")
expect_is(x2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "int64", bit64conversion = "double"), "array")
expect_equal(storage.mode(x2), "double")
expect_is(x3 <- h5read(h5File, name = "int64", bit64conversion = "bit64"), "integer64")
expect_equal(storage.mode(x3), "double")
test_that("Unsigned 32bit integers are converted to NA out of range", {
expect_warning(x1 <- h5read(h5File, name = "uint32", bit64conversion = "int"))
test_that("Unsigned 32bit integers are converted properly to double/bit64", {
expect_is(x2 <- h5read(h5File, name = "uint32", bit64conversion = "double"), "array")
expect_equal(storage.mode(x2), "double")
expect_equivalent(x2, 2^31 + 1:50)
expect_is(x3 <- h5read(h5File, name = "uint32", bit64conversion = "bit64"), "integer64")
expect_equal(storage.mode(x3), "double")
expect_equal(class(x3), "integer64")
expect_true(all(x3 > 2^31))
context("Using filters other than ZLIB")
test_that("Reading SZIP", {
szip_file <- system.file("testfiles", "h5ex_d_szip.h5", package = "rhdf5")
expect_silent(h5read(szip_file, "DS1")) %>%
expect_is("matrix") %>%
dim() %>% expect_equal(c(64,32))
test_that("Failing to read BLOSC", {
blosc_file <- system.file("testfiles", "h5ex_d_blosc.h5", package = "rhdf5")
expect_silent(h5read(blosc_file, "dset"))
test_that("No open HDF5 objects are left", {
expect_equal( length(h5validObjects()), 0 )
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