#' DelayedArray bridge
#' @rawNamespace importClassesFrom("DelayedArray", "DelayedArray")
#' @importFrom DelayedArray matrixClass
#' @importFrom S4Vectors new2
newDA = function (seed = new("array"), Class = "DelayedArray")
seed_ndim <- length(dim(seed))
if (seed_ndim == 2L)
Class <- matrixClass(new(Class))
new2(Class, seed = seed)
# implementation of
# for BigQuery server back end, table with 'triples'
#' Represent information about a BigQuery resource with a 'triple' database schema.
#' This is targeting the isb-cgc TCGA layout.
#' BigQuery Records are regarded as triples, within major groups defined by filtervbl.
#' Triples have content subject - gene - value, to be pivoted to genes(rows) x
#' subjects(columns) with values as entries.
#' @importFrom dplyr select_ filter_ group_by_ summarise tbl n select
#' @importFrom Biobase selectSome
#' @import DelayedArray
#' @export
setClass("BQ3_Source", representation(
bqconn = "BigQueryConnection",
tblnm = "character",
rowkeyfield = "character",
colkeyfield = "character",
filterfield = "character",
filterval = "character",
filtervbl = "character",
assayvbl = "character",
assaysampletype = "character",
allrownames = "character",
allcolnames = "character"))
setMethod("show", "BQ3_Source", function(object) {
cat(sprintf("BQ3_Source for project %s, dataset %s, assayvbl %s\n",
object@bqconn@project, object@bqconn@dataset, object@assayvbl))
cat("table [filter]:\n")
cat(sprintf("\t%s, [%s == %s]\n", object@tblnm, object@filtervbl, sQuote(object@filterval)))
cat(sprintf("rownames (of %d):\n", length(object@allrownames)))
cat("\t", selectSome(object@allrownames), "\n")
cat(sprintf("colnames (of %d):\n", length(object@allcolnames)))
cat("\t", selectSome(object@allcolnames), "\n")
#' construct a BigQuery resource interface
#' @param bqconn instance of BigQueryConnection from bigrquery
#' @param tblnm character(1) table name known to bqconn
#' @param rowkeyfield character(1) field in the table that will
#' generate rownames for matrices derived from table
#' @param colkeyfield character(1) field in the table that will
#' generate colnames for matrices derived from table
#' @param filtervbl character(1) field in the table that will be used to filter out a group of records,
#' for example, all records pertaining to a given tumor in TCGA
#' @param filterval character(1) value in the range of filtervbl to identify records to retain --
#' @param assayvbl character(1) field with assay quantifications
#' @param assaysampletype character(1) value for filtering pancancer-atlas assays, which include normals and other sample types, defaulting to "TP"; ignored if project element of \code{bqconn} is not `pancancer-atlas`
#' @param maxnrec numeric(1) defaults to Inf: number of records to convert with
#' @note Tailored to ISB-CGC projects 'isb-cgc' and 'pancancer-atlas'.
#' @return instance of BQ3_Source
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' con = cgcConn("TCGA_hg38_data_v0")
#' lungConn = BQ3_Source(con, filterval="TCGA-LUAD")
#' lungConn
#' }
#' @export
BQ3_Source = function(bqconn, tblnm = "RNAseq_Gene_Expression",
rowkeyfield = "Ensembl_gene_id", colkeyfield = "case_barcode",
filtervbl = "project_short_name", filterval = "TCGA-GBM",
assayvbl = "HTSeq__Counts", assaysampletype="TP", maxnrec=Inf) {
stopifnot(tblnm %in% dbListTables(bqconn))
conc = function (x)
paste("c(", paste0(sQuote(x), collapse = ","), ")", collapse = "")
if (slot(bqconn, "project") == "pancancer-atlas") {
ini = bqconn %>% tbl(tblnm) %>% select_(rowkeyfield, filtervbl,
colkeyfield, "SampleTypeLetterCode") %>%
filter_(paste(c(filtervbl, "%in%", conc(filterval)), collapse="")) %>%
filter(SampleTypeLetterCode == assaysampletype)
} else {
ini = bqconn %>% tbl(tblnm) %>% select_(rowkeyfield, filtervbl,
colkeyfield) %>%
filter_(paste(c(filtervbl, "==", sQuote(filterval)), collapse=""))
rowdf = ini %>%
select_(rowkeyfield) %>% group_by_(rowkeyfield) %>% summarise(n=n()) %>%
coldf = ini %>%
select_(colkeyfield) %>% group_by_(colkeyfield) %>% summarise(n=n()) %>%
colns = coldf[,2]
ntab = table(colns)
modal = ntab[which.max(ntab)]
outl = which(ntab != modal)
if (length(outl)>0) {
message(paste(colkeyfield, "has", sum(ntab[outl]), "contributors with excess contributions that are omitted"))
coldf = coldf[ which(coldf[,2] == as.numeric(names(modal))), ]
new("BQ3_Source", bqconn=bqconn, tblnm = tblnm,
rowkeyfield=rowkeyfield, colkeyfield=colkeyfield,
filtervbl = filtervbl, filterval = filterval,
assayvbl = assayvbl,
assaysampletype = assaysampletype,
# produce a determinate order on seed dimnames
allrownames = sort(as.character(rowdf[,rowkeyfield])),
allcolnames = sort(as.character(coldf[,colkeyfield])))
#' BQ3_Array for BigQuery matrix content
#' @import DelayedArray
slots = c(
#'@import DelayedArray
BQ3_ArraySeed = function(filepath) {
# tst = try(validObject(obj <- BQ3_Source(filepath@bqconn)))
# if (!is(obj, "BQ3_Source")) stop("could not resolve BQ3_Source request")
stopifnot(is(filepath, "BQ3_Source"))
stopifnot(is(filepath@bqconn, "BigQueryConnection"))
new("BQ3_ArraySeed", filepath=filepath)
#' dimnames are saved in the BQ3_ArraySeed
#' @param x instance of BQ3_ArraySeed
#' @return currently returns list(NULL, NULL) as we do not store dimnames in HDF5
#' @export
setMethod("dimnames", "BQ3_ArraySeed", function(x) {
list(x@filepath@allrownames, x@filepath@allcolnames)
#' dim derived from saved dimnames
#' @param x instance of BQ3_ArraySeed
#' @return integer(2) vector of dimensions corresponding to R's layout, assuming 2-d data
#' @export
setMethod("dim", "BQ3_ArraySeed", function(x) {
# # note that for HDF Server the internal dims are
# transposed relative to R expectations
as.integer(c(length(x@filepath@allrownames), length(x@filepath@allcolnames)))
#' @import DelayedArray
setMethod("extract_array", "BQ3_ArraySeed", function(x, index) {
# if (is.null(index[[1]])) {
# nomNrow = length(x@filepath@allrownames)
# index[[1]] = unique(c(seq_len(10), (nomNrow-9):nomNrow))
# }
rsel = x@filepath@allrownames
if (!is.null(index[[1]])) rsel = x@filepath@allrownames[ index[[1]] ]
csel = x@filepath@allcolnames[ index[[2]] ]
ans = BQ3m2(x, rsel, csel, maxrow=Inf)
if (!is.null(index[[1]])) ans[order(index[[1]]), order(index[[2]])] = ans
else ans[, order(index[[2]])] = ans
#' extension of DelayedArray for BigQuery content
#' @exportClass BQ3_Array
setClass("BQ3_Array", contains="DelayedArray")
#' extension of DelayedMatrix for HDF Server content
#' @exportClass BQ3_Matrix
setClass("BQ3_Matrix", contains=c("DelayedMatrix",
setMethod("matrixClass", "BQ3_Array", function(x) "BQ3_Matrix")
#' coercion for remote array to remote matrix
#' @rdname BQ3_Array-class
#' @aliases coerce,BQ3_Array,BQ3_Matrix-method
#' @import DelayedArray
#' @export
setAs("BQ3_Array", "BQ3_Matrix", function(from)
new("BQ3_Matrix", from))
setMethod("DelayedArray", "BQ3_ArraySeed",
# function(seed) DelayedArray:::new_DelayedArray(seed, Class="BQ3_Array"))
function(seed) newDA(seed, Class="BQ3_Array"))
#' create BQ3_Array instance given url (filepath) and entity (host) name
#' @param filepath a BQ3_Source instance
#' @return an instance of \code{\link[DelayedArray]{DelayedArray-class}}
#' @examples
#' # authentication issues may arise. if you are authorized
#' # to use bigquery with GPC project isb-cgc, a token may
#' # be generated through the following
#' # options(httr_oob_default=TRUE)
#' # example(BQ3_Source)
#' # a browser authentication event may occur, or if you are in
#' # a browserless session, a URL will be emitted, possibly in
#' # the context of warnings ... browse to this URL and an
#' # authentication event will occur, and a token will be provided
#' # this can be provided back to the R session to allow the
#' # query to proceed
#' #
#' if (interactive()) {
#' con = cgcConn("TCGA_hg38_data_v0")
#' ss = BQ3_Source(con, filterval="TCGA-LUAD")
#' BQ3_Array(ss)
#' }
#' @export
BQ3_Array = function(filepath)
BQ3m2 = function(x, i, j, maxrow=Inf) {
stopifnot(is.character(i), is.character(j))
i = sort(i)
j = sort(j)
bqconn = x@filepath@bqconn
tblnm = x@filepath@tblnm
rowkeyfield = x@filepath@rowkeyfield
colkeyfield = x@filepath@colkeyfield
filtervbl = x@filepath@filtervbl
filterval = x@filepath@filterval
assayvbl = x@filepath@assayvbl
assaysampletype = x@filepath@assaysampletype
allrows = FALSE
allcols = FALSE
if (!is.null(i) & length(i)>0)
rowsel = i
else if (is.null(i)) {
rowsel = x@filepath@allrownames
allrows = TRUE # condition the filter
else if (length(i)==0) {
if (length(j)==0 & !is.null(j)) return(matrix(0, nrow=0, ncol=0))
else if (is.null(j)) cn = x@filepath@allcolnames
else cn = j
ans = matrix(0, nrow=0, ncol=length(cn))
colnames(ans) = cn
if (!is.null(j) & length(j)>0) {
colsel = j
else if (is.null(j)) {
colsel = x@filepath@allcolnames
allcols = TRUE
else if (length(j)==0) {
ans = matrix(0, nrow=length(i), ncol=0)
rownames(ans) = rowsel
isPancan = x@filepath@bqconn@project == "pancancer-atlas"
if (isPancan) {
df = bqconn %>% tbl(tblnm) %>%
select_(rowkeyfield, colkeyfield, filtervbl, assayvbl, "SampleTypeLetterCode") %>% # confine columns
filter_(paste(c(filtervbl, "==", sQuote(filterval)), collapse="")) # major row confinement
} else {
df = bqconn %>% tbl(tblnm) %>%
select_(rowkeyfield, colkeyfield, filtervbl, assayvbl) %>% # confine columns
filter_(paste(c(filtervbl, "==", sQuote(filterval)), collapse="")) # major row confinement
if (!allcols) df = df %>%
filter_(paste(c(colkeyfield, "%in% colsel"), collapse="")) # col confinement
if (!allrows) {
if (isPancan) {
df = df %>% filter_(paste(c(rowkeyfield, "%in% rowsel"), collapse="")) %>%
filter( SampleTypeLetterCode == assaysampletype ) # minor row confinement
} else {
df = df %>% filter_(paste(c(rowkeyfield, "%in% rowsel"), collapse=""))
df = (df %>%
df = df[ which(df[[colkeyfield]] %in% x@filepath@allcolnames), ]
df = dcast(df, as.formula(paste(rowkeyfield, "~", colkeyfield, collapse="")), value.var=assayvbl, fun.aggregate=mean)
rownames(df) = as.character(df[,1])
df = df[,-1,drop=FALSE]
mat = data.matrix(df)
mat[] = as.double(mat)
dimnames(mat) = dimnames(df)
mat[i, j, drop=FALSE] # for length(i)==1 need drop=FALSE
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