## We used the SRS code, developed by Balasubramanian Narasimhan
## available at:
## and the code developed by RG for the PRS system
## as a starting point - this is heavily modified from those origins
## factors is a list, one element for each factor;
## the names of the list are the names of the factors;
## the elements of the list are the levels of the factors
## patientIDs indicate the ids that can must be used.
## we need some way to describe strata - not yet implemented
## the randomization field should be a list of lists. One element of
## the top level list for each strata, then the randomizers are
## represented in a list - this let's them change as the trial goes on;
## eg if a treatment is not available for a while
##patient IDs have a vector of strata names, starts and stops
representation(strata = "character",
setMethod("show", "PatientID", function(object){
cat("randPack PatientID instance for ", ns <- length(object@strata), " strata.\n")
cat("The total number of IDs prepared is ", sum(sapply(1:ns, function(x)
length(object@start[x]:object@stop[x]))), ".\n", sep="")
validPID = function(pID) {
if( !is(pID, "PatientID") ) stop("need a PatientID instance")
len = length(pID@strata)
if( length(pID@start) != len || length(pID@stop) != len )
stop("all slots must have the same length")
if( len == 0 ) return(TRUE)
ans = vector("list", length=len)
for( i in 1:len) ans[[i]] = seq(pID@start[i], pID@stop[i])
possSeqNames = unlist(ans)
stop("duplicated sequence names")
##the randomization slot contains a list, the names determine the
##strata and for each strata there is a list of randomizers (we need
##this second generalization to allow randomizers to change during the
##course of the trial. In practice, some treatments may become
## unavailable, or may be contra-indicated, yet the trial will continue
## so we have to be able to change randomizers, and remove them,
## and potentially add the treatments back, once they are available
##the strataFun is a function that takes as input an instance of the
##PatientData class and returns a character string identifying the
representation(name ="character",
factors ="list",
randomization = "list",
strataFun = "function",
##for now no generics/methods, just a simple API
treatmentNames = function(object) names(object@treatments)
numberOfTreatments = function(object) length(object@treatments)
treatmentFactors = function(object) object@factors
factorNames = function(object) names(treatmentFactors(object))
numberOfFactorLevels = function(object)
sapply(treatmentFactors(object), length)
numberOfStrata = function(object) length(object@randomization)
strataNames = function(object) names(object@randomization)
setMethod("show", "ClinicalExperiment",
function(object) {
cat("ClinicalExperiment: ", object@name, "\n")
cat(" With", numberOfTreatments(object), "treatments\n")
cat(" ", paste(selectSome(names(object@treatments)), collapse=" "), "\n")
cat(" With", numberOfStrata(object), "strata\n")
cat(" ", paste(strataNames(object), collapse=" "))
##this class holds the data, the description of the trial and
## the randomizers (one for each strata)
representation(Experiment = "ClinicalExperiment",
PatientData = "environment",
Randomizers = "list")
##FIXME: need to have a better way of dealing with the randomizers, so that seeds
## start and stop dates are specified in the Desc object and then just used
## need to be able to have multiple randomizers/strata
createTrial = function(CExp, seed) {
Denv = new.env(parent=emptyenv())
Denv$count = 0 # does this get used? VJC
nstrata = numberOfStrata(CExp)
Rands = vector("list", length=nstrata)
names(Rands) = strataNames(CExp)
if(length(seed) != length(Rands) ) stop("not enough seeds specified")
names(seed) = names(Rands) # so seed indexing works below
for(i in names(Rands) )
Rands[[i]] = list(makeRandomizer(i,
CExp@randomization[[i]][[1]], seed=seed[i])) # VC asks: why [[1]] here?
new("ClinicalTrial", Experiment=CExp,
PatientData = Denv,
Randomizers = Rands)
## we need both a description of a randomizer, as a class, and an instance of
## that randomizer, the treatments slot is a named integer vector, the names
## are the treatment names and the counts are relative numbers of each
## the type must be one of: "Random", "PermutedBlock", "Minimization",
## "EfronBiasedCoin", "Urn"
representation(treatments = "integer",
type = "character",
setClass("MinimizationDesc", contains="RandomizerDesc",
# we load the ForcedAllocDesc with tools that will make it function
# as a MinimizationDesc upon coercion
#setClass("ForcedAllocDesc", contains="MinimizationDesc",
# representation=representation(forcedTreatments="character",
# featuresInUse="character", method="function"))
contains = "RandomizerDesc",
representation = representation(numBlocks = "integer")
contains = "RandomizerDesc",
representation = representation(numPatients = "integer"))
contains = "RandomizerDesc",
representation = representation(numPatients = "integer", alpha="numeric", beta="numeric"))
contains = "RandomizerDesc",
representation = representation(numPatients="integer", p = "numeric"))
## a virtual class that all randomizers can extend
## there are some variables that will be placed into the environment
## and they can be incremented/modified without affecting the instance
treatmentTable = "integer",
stateVariables = "environment",
.Randomizertypes = c("Random", "PermutedBlock", "Minimization",
"EfronBiasedCoin", "Urn", "ForcedAlloc")
setClass("Random", contains="Randomizer")
setClass("PermutedBlock", contains="Randomizer")
setClass("Urn", contains = "Randomizer")
setClass("Minimization", contains = "Randomizer")
setClass("EfronBiasedCoin", contains = "Randomizer")
# .newPBlock pregenerates all allocations
.newPBlock = function(pbdesc) {
if(!is(pbdesc, "PermutedBlockDesc")) stop("need a PermutedBlockDesc")
trttable = pbdesc@treatments
base = rep(names(trttable), times=trttable)
x = matrix("", ncol=pbdesc@numBlocks, nrow=length(base))
for(i in 1:pbdesc@numBlocks) x[,i] = sample(base)
.newRandom = function(rdesc) {
trttable = rdesc@treatments
sample(names(trttable), size=rdesc@numPatients, replace=TRUE,
prob = trttable/sum(trttable))
.newForced = function(rdesc) {
.newEBC = function(rdesc) {
if(!is(rdesc, "EfronBiasedCoinDesc")) stop("need an EfronBiasedCoinDesc")
if (length(rdesc@treatments) != 2) stop("EfronBiasedCoin randomization only implemented for 2 treatments")
if (rdesc@treatments[1] != rdesc@treatments[2]) stop("EfronBiasedCoin randomization not implemented for unequal allocation")
if (rdesc@p <= 0.5) stop("p must be in (0.5, 1.0)")
if (rdesc@p >= 1.0) stop("p must be in (0.5, 1.0)")
ebc = function(n, p, trts=c("A", "B")) {
# implement the basic Efron algorithm
allocs = rep(trts[1], n)
allocs[1] = sample(trts, prob=c(.5,.5), size=1)
for (j in 2:n) {
# print(D)
D = 2*sum(allocs[1:(j-1)]==trts[1])-(j-1)
if (D == 0) allocs[j] = sample(trts, size=1, prob=c(.5,.5))
if (D < 0) allocs[j] = sample(trts, size=1, prob=c(p,1-p))
if (D > 0) allocs[j] = sample(trts, size=1, prob=c(1-p,p))
ebc(rdesc@numPatients, rdesc@p, names(rdesc@treatments))
.newUrn = function(rdesc) {
if (!is(rdesc, "UrnDesc")) stop("need an UrnDesc")
urnalloc = function(n, alpha, beta, trts=c("A", "B")) {
allocs = rep(trts[1], n)
allocs[1] = sample(trts, prob=c(.5,.5), size=1)
for (j in 2:n) {
NB = sum(allocs[1:(j-1)]==trts[2])
p = (alpha + beta*NB)/(2*alpha + beta*(j-1))
allocs[j] = sample(trts, size=1, prob=c(p,1-p))
urnalloc(rdesc@numPatients, rdesc@alpha, rdesc@beta, names(rdesc@treatments))
##note that randomization takes place at the strata level;
##and it does seem that patient data needs to be stored at this level
##as well
makeRandomizer = function(name, type, seed){
# note that a RandomizerDesc is bound to 'type'
if( !is(type, "RandomizerDesc") ) stop("need to specify the randomizer")
Rand = new(type@type, name=name,
treatmentTable=type@treatments, stateVariables = new.env(parent=emptyenv()))
Rand@stateVariables$seed = seed
Rand@stateVariables$count = 1 # this quantity gives the index of the 'next' rand
trts = NULL
trts = switch(class(type),
RandomDesc = .newRandom(type),
PermutedBlockDesc = .newPBlock(type),
EfronBiasedCoinDesc = .newEBC(type),
UrnDesc = .newUrn(type),
MinimizationDesc = { # no precomputation of trts here...
Rand@stateVariables$method = type@method
Rand@stateVariables$featuresInUse = type@featuresInUse
ForcedAllocDesc = {
Rand@stateVariables$method = type@method
Rand@stateVariables$featuresInUse = type@featuresInUse
Rand@stateVariables$treatments = trts
##what level of copying is going on
##need to fix this up so it checks its args a lot better
addPData = function(cRand, pData) {
if( !is(cRand, "Randomizer") ) stop("need a Randomizer")
#cRand@stateVariables$pData = c(pData,cRand@stateVariables$pData)
cRand@stateVariables$pData = c(cRand@stateVariables$pData,pData)
count = function(object)
##not for export
trtAlloc = function(cRand, pData) {
if( is(cRand, "Random")) {
ct = count(cRand)
trt = cRand@stateVariables$treatments[ct] # all precomputed
cRand@stateVariables$count = ct + 1
else if( is(cRand, "PermutedBlock")) {
ct = count(cRand)
trt = cRand@stateVariables$treatments[ct] # all precomputed
cRand@stateVariables$count = ct + 1
else if( is(cRand, "EfronBiasedCoin")) {
ct = count(cRand)
trt = cRand@stateVariables$treatments[ct]
cRand@stateVariables$count = ct + 1
else if( is(cRand, "Urn")) {
ct = count(cRand)
trt = cRand@stateVariables$treatments[ct]
cRand@stateVariables$count = ct + 1
else if( is(cRand, "ForcedAlloc")) { # needs to precede Minimization
# sorry, inefficient
maxtrt = length(cRand@stateVariables$treatments)
ct = count(cRand)
if (ct > maxtrt) stop("All forced treatments specified in the ForcedAlloc description have been allocated.")
trt = cRand@stateVariables$treatments[ct]
cRand@stateVariables$count = ct + 1
# else if( is(cRand, "Urn")) {
# trttable = cRand$stateVariables$treatments
# base = rep(names(trttable), times=trttable)
# trt = sample(base, 1)
# cRand$stateVariable$treatments = trttable + cRand$stateVariables$add
# }
else if (is(cRand, "Minimization")) {
ct = count(cRand)
ttab = cRand@treatmentTable
if (ct==1) { # start things off
trt = sample( rep(names(ttab), times=ttab), 1)
else {
alld = cRand@stateVariables$pdata
trt = cRand@stateVariables$method(alld,
cRand@stateVariables$featuresInUse, alld$alloc,
pData@covariates, ttab)
cRand@stateVariables$pdata = rbind(cRand@stateVariables$pdata,
data.frame(pData@covariates, alloc=trt)) # this seems redundant with addPData -- is it?
cRand@stateVariables$treatments = c(
cRand@stateVariables$treatments, trt)
cRand@stateVariables$count = ct + 1
##the basic idea is to get a new treatment; but this function must
##have side effects - the patient data has to be added to the current
##set of patient data and the count has to be incremented.
## and this is where environments really don't perform well, as we
##cannot easily get all updates made in a single commit - so it is
##relatively easy for the whole thing to get quite out of sync. We
##need a more structured way to commit, or we need to think about a
##database, so we have some ability to control the resolution of
getTreatment <- function(cTrial, pData) {
if( !is(cTrial, "ClinicalTrial") ) stop("need a clinical trial")
if( !is(pData, "PatientData")) stop("need a PatientData instance")
##step 1 - select a randomizer: FIXME needs to be more general
## eg select according to strata or similar
strata = cTrial@Experiment@strataFun(pData)
rand = cTrial@Randomizers[[strata]][[1]]
if( is.null(rand) ) stop("no appropriate randomizer list found")
##otherwise we go on
trt = trtAlloc(rand, pData)
addPData(rand, pData)
##a class for Patient Data - just to formalize this
## we get their name (maybe), the randomization covariates,
## that come as a list so we can check them against the study design
## the variables used for stratification
covariates = "list",
date = "Date", #date of randomization
patientID = "character",
strata = "character"))
##FIXME: right now we are assuming 1 randomizer per strata
## this gives us no option to turn treatments on and off
## during a trial - not important for simulations, but
## a problem if this will be used in practice
setMethod("show", "ClinicalTrial",
function(object) {
cat("randPack Clinical Trial instance\n")
randomizers= object@Randomizers
for(i in names(randomizers)) {
cat(" Randomizer: ", i , "\n")
cat(" Patients Randomized", randomizers[[i]][[1]]@stateVariables$count-1, "\n")
setGeneric("randomization<-", function(object, value)
# FIXME: still depending on only one element of list of randomizer descriptions per stratum
.checkRand2CT = function(ce, randdlist) {
chkc = sapply(randdlist, function(x) is(x[[1]], "RandomizerDesc"))
if (!all(chkc))
stop("some element of list supplied for randomization<- is not a list of RandomizerDesc instance")
if (length(randdlist) != length(ce@patientIDs@strata))
stop("there must be one element of list supplied for randomization<- per stratum")
setMethod("randomization<-", c("ClinicalExperiment", "list"),
function(object, value) {
.checkRand2CT(object, value)
object@randomization = value
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