## qpgraph package - this R code implements functions to learn qp-graphs from
## data, to estimate partial correlations, simulate undirected Gaussian
## graphical models and deal with microarray and genetic data in order
## to build network models of molecular regulation
## Copyright (c) 2008-2014 R. Castelo and A. Roverato, with contributions from Inma Tur.
## This package is open source and free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0
## as published at
## See the Artistic License 2.0 for more details.
## function: qpCItest
## purpose: perform a conditional independence test between two variables given
## a conditioning set
## parameters: X - data where to perform the test
## i - index or name of one of the two variables in X to test
## j - index or name of the other variable in X to test
## Q - indexes or names of the variables in X forming the conditioning set
## I - indexes or names of the variables in X that are discrete
## n - sample size (when data is directly the sample covariance matrix)
## long.dim.are.variables - if TRUE it assumes that when the data is
## a data frame or a matrix, the longer
## dimension is the one defining the random
## variables, if FALSE then random variables
## are assumed to be at the columns
## exact.test - employ an exact test when working with HMGMs
## R.code.only - flag set to FALSE when using the C implementation
## return: a list with two members, the t-statistic value and the p-value
## on rejecting the null hypothesis of independence
## ADD gLevels to either directly denote the number of genotype levels or trigger their
## automatic calculation
## X comes as a Biobase::ExpressionSet object
setMethod("qpCItest", signature(X="ExpressionSet"),
function(X, i=1, j=2, Q=c(), exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"),
tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE) {
use <- match.arg(use)
p <- as.integer(nrow(X))
h <- as.integer(ncol(pData(X)))
n <- as.integer(ncol(X))
fNames <- Biobase::featureNames(X)
pNames <- colnames(Biobase::pData(X))
Xsub <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=length(c(i, j, Q)))
colnames(Xsub) <- 1:length(c(i, j, Q))
x <- Y <- I <- c()
missingMask <- rep(FALSE, length(c(i, j, Q)))
nam_i <- i
if (is.character(i)) {
if (, fNames)) &&, pNames)))
stop(sprintf("i=%s does not form part of the variable names of the data\n", i))
if (!, fNames))) ## then 'i' refers to an expression profile (cont.)
x <- Biobase::exprs(X)[i, ]
else ## then 'i' refers to a phenotypic variable (cont. or discrete)
x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, i]
} else {
if (i <= p) ## then 'i' refers to an expression profile (cont.)
x <- Biobase::exprs(X)[i, ]
else ## then 'i' refers to a phenotypic variable (cont. or discrete)
x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, i-p]
i <- 1L
names(i) <- nam_i
if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
Xsub[, 1] <- as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x)))
I <- 1L
} else {
Xsub[, 1] <- as.numeric(x)
Y <- 1L
missingMask[1] <- any(
nam_j <- j
if (is.character(j)) {
if (, fNames)) &&, pNames)))
stop(sprintf("j=%s does not form part of the variable names of the data\n", j))
if (!, fNames))) ## then 'j' refers to an expression profile (cont.)
x <- Biobase::exprs(X)[j, ]
else ## then 'j' refers to a phenotypic variable (cont. or discrete)
x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, j]
} else {
if (j <= p) ## then 'j' refers to an expression profile (cont.)
x <- Biobase::exprs(X)[j, ]
else ## then 'j' refers to a phenotypic variable (cont. or discrete)
x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, j-p]
j <- 2L
names(j) <- nam_j
if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
Xsub[, 2] <- as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x)))
I <- c(I, 2L)
} else {
Xsub[, 2] <- as.numeric(x)
Y <- c(Y, 2L)
missingMask[2] <- any(
nam_Q <- Q
if (is.character(Q)) {
Qe <- match(Q, fNames)
if (any(! {
Xsub[, 3:(2+sum(!] <- t(Biobase::exprs(X)[Qe[!], ])
Y <- c(Y, 3:(2+sum(!
if (any( { ## then some variables in Q should refer to phenotypic vars.
Qp <- match(Q[], pNames)
if (any(
stop(sprintf("Q={%s} do(es) not form part of the variable names of the data\n",
paste(Q[][], collapse=", ")))
for (k in seq(along=Qp)) {
x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, Qp[k]]
idx <- 2L+sum(!
if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x)) {
Xsub[, idx] <- as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x)))
I <- c(I, idx)
} else {
Xsub[, idx] <- as.numeric(x)
Y <- c(Y, idx)
missingMask[idx] <- any(
Q <- 3:length(c(i, j, Q))
names(Q) <- nam_Q
} else if (!is.null(Q)) { ## if argument Q was empty, it should remain empty
if (any(Q > p+h))
stop(sprintf("Q={%s} is/are larger than the number of expression profiles (%d) and phenotypic variables (%d) together (%d+%d=%d)\n",
paste(Q[Q > p+h], collapse=", "), p, h, p, h, p+h))
if (any(Q <= p)) { ## Q indices smaller or equal than p correspond to expression profiles
Xsub[, 3:(2+sum(Q <= p))] <- Biobase::exprs(X)[Q[Q <= p], ]
Y <- c(Y, 3:(2+sum(Q <= p)))
Qp <- which(Q > p) ## Q indices larger than p correspond to phenotypic variables
for (k in seq(along=Qp)) {
x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, Q[Qp[k]]-p]
idx <- 2L+sum(Q <= p)+k
if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
Xsub[, idx] <- as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x)))
I <- c(I, idx)
} else {
Xsub[, idx] <- as.numeric(x)
Y <- c(Y, idx)
missingMask[idx] <- any(
Q <- 3:length(c(i, j, Q))
names(Q) <- nam_Q
rval <- NA
rownames(Xsub) <- 1:nrow(Xsub)
if (is.null(I)) {
S <- qpCov(Xsub)
rval <- .qpCItest(S, i, j, Q, R.code.only)
} else {
missingData <- any(missingMask)
ssd <- mapX2ssd <- NULL
if (!missingData) {
ssd <- qpCov(Xsub[, Y, drop=FALSE], corrected=FALSE)
mapX2ssd <- match(colnames(Xsub), colnames(ssd))
names(mapX2ssd) <- colnames(Xsub)
nLevels <- rep(NA_integer_, times=ncol(Xsub))
nLevels[I] <- apply(Xsub[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
if (any(nLevels[I] == 1))
stop(sprintf("Discrete variable %s has only one level", colnames(Xsub)[I[nLevels[I]==1]]))
rval <- .qpCItestHMGM(Xsub, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i, j, Q,
exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only)
if (is.nan(rval$statistic))
warning(paste(sprintf("CI test unavailable for i=%s, j=%s and Q={",
i, j, paste(Q, collapse=", ")),
"}. Try a smaller Q or increase n if you can\n"))
class(rval) <- "htest" ## this is kind of redundant but otherwise
## the object returned by the C function does
## not print by default as a 'htest' object
## X comes as a qtl::cross object
setMethod("qpCItest", signature(X="cross"),
function(X, i=1, j=2, Q=c(), exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"),
tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE) {
use <- match.arg(use)
p <- as.integer(qtl::nphe(X))
sByChr <- qtl::nmar(X)
gLevels <- sum(unique(as.vector(as(X$geno[[1]]$data[, 1:min(sByChr[1], 1000)], "matrix"))) > 0, na.rm=TRUE)
cumsum_sByChr <- c(0, cumsum(sByChr))
s <- sum(sByChr)
n <- as.integer(qtl::nind(X))
pNames <- colnames(X$pheno)
sNamesByChr <- lapply(X$geno, function(x) colnames(x$data))
sNames <- unlist(sNamesByChr, use.names=FALSE)
qtlNames <- c()
nqtl <- 0
if ("qtlgeno" %in% names(X)) {
qtlNames <- colnames(X$qtlgeno)
nqtl <- length(qtlNames)
Xsub <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=length(c(i, j, Q)))
colnames(Xsub) <- 1:length(c(i, j, Q))
nLevels <- rep(NA, length(c(i, j, Q)))
missingMask <- rep(FALSE, length(c(i, j, Q)))
x <- Y <- I <- c()
nam_i <- i
if (is.character(i)) {
smt <- match(i, sNames)
if (, qtlNames)) &&, pNames)) &&
stop(sprintf("i=%s does not form part of the variable names of the data\n", i))
if (!, pNames))) ## then 'i' refers to a phenotypic variable (cont. or discrete)
x <- X$pheno[, i]
else if (!, qtlNames))) { ## then 'i' refers to a QTL genotype (discrete)
x <- as(X$qtlgeno[, i], "numeric") ## assume genotypes come as 1, 2, ...
nLevels[1] <- gLevels
} else { ## then 'i' refers to a marker genotype (discrete)
x <- as(X$geno[[sum(cumsum_sByChr < smt)]]$data[, i], "numeric") ## assume genotypes come as 1, 2, ...
nLevels[1] <- gLevels
} else {
if (i <= p) ## then 'i' refers to a phenotype
x <- X$pheno[, i]
else if (i <= p+s) ## then 'i' refers to a marker genotype (discrete)
x <- as(X$geno[[sum(cumsum_sByChr < i-p)]]$data[, i-p], "numeric") ## assume genotypes come as 1, 2, ...
else { ## then 'i' refers to a QTL (discrete)
x <- as(X$qtlgeno[, i-p-s], "numeric") ## assume genotypes come as 1, 2, ...
nLevels[1] <- gLevels
i <- 1L
names(i) <- nam_i
if (![1]) || is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
x <- factor(x)
if ([1]))
nLevels[1] <- nlevels(x)
I <- 1L
} else
Y <- 1L
missingMask[1] <- any(
Xsub[, 1] <- as.numeric(x)
nam_j <- j
if (is.character(j)) {
smt <- match(j, sNames)
if (, qtlNames)) &&, pNames)) &&
stop(sprintf("j=%s does not form part of the variable names of the data\n", j))
if (!, pNames))) ## then 'j' refers to a phenotypic variable (cont. or discrete)
x <- X$pheno[, j]
else if (!, qtlNames))) { ## then 'i' refers to a QTL genotype (discrete)
x <- as(X$qtlgeno[, j], "numeric") ## assume genotypes come as 1, 2, ...
nLevels[2] <- gLevels
} else { ## then 'j' refers to a marker genotype (discrete)
x <- as(X$geno[[sum(cumsum_sByChr < smt)]]$data[, j], "numeric") ## assume genotypes come as 1, 2, ...
nLevels[2] <- gLevels
} else {
if (j <= p) ## then 'j' refers to a phenotype
x <- X$pheno[, j]
else if (j <= p+s) ## then 'j' refers to a marker genotype (discrete)
x <- as(X$geno[[sum(cumsum_sByChr < j-p)]]$data[, j-p], "numeric") ## assume genotypes come as 1, 2, ...
else { ## then 'j' refers to a QTL (discrete)
x <- as(X$qtlgeno[, j-p-s], "numeric") ## assume genotypes come as 1, 2, ...
nLevels[2] <- gLevels
j <- 2L
names(j) <- nam_j
if (![2]) || is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
x <- factor(x)
if ([2]))
nLevels[2] <- nlevels(x)
I <- c(I, 2L)
} else
Y <- c(Y, 2L)
missingMask[2] <- any(
Xsub[, 2] <- as.numeric(x)
nam_Q <- Q
if (is.character(Q)) {
Qp <- match(Q, pNames)
Qs <- Qqtl <- c()
if (any( { ## then some variables in Q should refer to marker genotypes
Qs <- match(Q[], sNames)
if (any( { ## then some variables in Q should refer to QTL genotypes
Qqtl <- match(Q[][], qtlNames)
if (any(
stop(sprintf("Q={%s} do(es) not form part of the variable names of the data\n",
paste(Q[][][], collapse=", ")))
Qs <- Qs[!]
Qp <- Qp[!]
for (k in seq(along=Qp)) {
x <- X$pheno[, Qp[k]]
idx <- 2L+k
missingMask[idx] <- any(
if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
x <- factor(x)
nLevels[idx] <- nlevels(x)
Xsub[, idx] <- as.numeric(x) ## transforming factor variable values into 1, 2, ...
I <- c(I, idx)
} else {
Xsub[, idx] <- as.numeric(x)
Y <- c(Y, idx)
for (k in seq(along=Qs)) {
x <- as(X$geno[[sum(cumsum_sByChr < Qs[k])]]$data[, Qs[k]-cumsum_sByChr[sum(cumsum_sByChr < Qs[k])] ], "numeric") ## assume genotypes come as 1, 2, ...
idx <- 2L+sum(!
missingMask[idx] <- any(
Xsub[, idx] <- x
I <- c(I, idx)
nLevels[idx] <- gLevels
for (k in seq(along=Qqtl)) {
x <- as(X$qtlgeno[, Qqtl[k]], "numeric") ## assume genotypes come as 1, 2, ...
idx <- 2L+sum(!!
missingMask[idx] <- any(
Xsub[, idx] <- x
I <- c(I, idx)
nLevels[idx] <- gLevels
Q <- 3:length(c(i, j, Q))
names(Q) <- nam_Q
} else if (!is.null(Q)) { ## if argument Q was empty, it should remain empty
if (any(Q > p+s+nqtl))
stop(sprintf("Q={%s} is/are larger than the number of phenotypic variables (%d), marker genotypes (%d) and QTL genotypes together (%d+%d+%d=%d)\n",
paste(Q[Q > p+s+nqtl], collapse=", "), p, s, nqtl, p, s, nqtl, p+s+nqtl))
Qp <- which(Q <= p) ## Q smaller than p correspond to phenotypic variables
for (k in seq(along=Qp)) {
x <- X$pheno[, Q[Qp[k]]]
idx <- 2L+k
missingMask[idx] <- any(
if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x)) {
x <- factor(x)
nLevels[idx] <- nlevels(x)
Xsub[, idx] <- as.numeric(x)
I <- c(I, idx)
} else {
Xsub[, idx] <- as.numeric(x)
Y <- c(Y, idx)
Qs <- which(Q > p && Q <= p+s) ## Q indices larger than p and smaller than p+s correspond to marker genotypes
for (k in seq(along=Qs)) {
x <- as(X$geno[[sum(cumsum_sByChr < Q[Qs[k]]-p)]]$data[, Q[Qs[k]]-p-cumsum_sByChr[sum(cumsum_sByChr < Q[Qs[k]]-p)] ], "numeric") ## assume genotypes come as 1, 2, ...
idx <- 2L+sum(Q <= p)+k
missingMask[idx] <- any(
Xsub[, idx] <- x
I <- c(I, idx)
nLevels[idx] <- gLevels
Qqtl <- which(Q > p+s) ## Q indices larger than p+s correspond to QTL genotypes
for (k in seq(along=Qqtl)) {
x <- as(X$qtlgeno[, Q[Qqtl[k]]-p-s], "numeric") ## assume gentypes come as 1, 2, ...
idx <- 2L+sum(Q <= p+s)+k
missingMask[idx] <- any(
Xsub[, idx] <- x
I <- c(I, idx)
nLevels[idx] <- gLevels
Q <- 3:length(c(i, j, Q))
names(Q) <- nam_Q
rval <- NA
rownames(Xsub) <- 1:nrow(Xsub)
if (is.null(I)) {
S <- qpCov(Xsub)
rval <- .qpCItest(S, i, j, Q, R.code.only)
} else {
if (any(nLevels[I] == 1))
stop(sprintf("Discrete variable %s has only one level", colnames(Xsub)[I[nLevels[I]==1]]))
missingData <- any(missingMask)
ssd <- mapX2ssd <- NULL
if (!missingData) {
ssd <- qpCov(Xsub[, Y, drop=FALSE], corrected=FALSE)
mapX2ssd <- match(colnames(Xsub), colnames(ssd))
names(mapX2ssd) <- colnames(Xsub)
rval <- .qpCItestHMGM(Xsub, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i, j, Q,
exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only)
if (is.nan(rval$statistic))
warning(paste(sprintf("CI test unavailable for i=%s, j=%s and Q={",
i, j, paste(Q, collapse=", ")),
"}. Try a smaller Q or increase n if you can\n"))
class(rval) <- "htest" ## this is kind of redundant but otherwise
## the object returned by the C function does
## not print by default as an 'htest' object
## X comes as a data frame
setMethod("qpCItest", signature(X="data.frame"),
function(X, i=1, j=2, Q=c(), I=NULL, long.dim.are.variables=TRUE,
exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE) {
use <- match.arg(use)
X <- as.matrix(X)
if (!is.double(X))
stop("X should be double-precision real numbers\n")
if (long.dim.are.variables &&
sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
X <- t(X)
if (is.null(colnames(X)))
colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)
nam_i <- names(i)
if (is.character(i)) {
if (, colnames(X))))
stop(sprintf("i=%s does not form part of the variable names of the data\n",i))
i <- match(i,colnames(X))
i <- as.integer(i)
names(i) <- nam_i
nam_j <- names(j)
if (is.character(j)) {
if (, colnames(X))))
stop(sprintf("j=%s does not form part of the variable names of the data\n",j))
j <- match(j,colnames(X))
j <- as.integer(j)
names(j) <- nam_j
nam_Q <- names(Q)
if (is.character(Q)) {
if (any(, colnames(X)))))
stop(sprintf("%s in Q does not form part of the variable names of the data\n",
Q[, colnames(X)))]))
Q <- match(Q, colnames(X))
Q <- as.integer(Q)
names(Q) <- nam_Q
if (is.character(I)) {
if (any(, colnames(X)))))
stop(sprintf("%s in I does not form part of the variable names of the data\n",
I[, colnames(X)))]))
I <- match(I, colnames(X))
rval <- NA
rownames(Xsub) <- 1:nrow(Xsub)
if (is.null(I)) {
S <- qpCov(X)
n <- nrow(X)
rval <- .qpCItest(S, i, j, Q, R.code.only)
} else {
if (!is.character(I) && !is.numeric(I) && !is.integer(I))
stop("I should be either variables names or indices\n")
Y <- colnames(X)
if (is.character(I))
Y <- setdiff(colnames(X), I)
Y <- (1:ncol(X))[-I]
if (is.character(Y)) {
if (any(, colnames(X)))))
stop(sprintf("Some variables in Y do not form part of the variable names in X\n",i))
Y <- match(Y, colnames(X))
nLevels <- rep(NA_integer_, times=ncol(X))
nLevels[I] <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
if (any(nLevels[I] == 1))
stop(sprintf("Discrete variable %s has only one level", colnames(X)[I[nLevels[I]==1]]))
missingMask <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) any(
missingData <- any(missingMask)
ssd <- mapX2ssd <- NULL
if (!missingData) {
ssd <- qpCov(X[, Y, drop=FALSE], corrected=FALSE)
mapX2ssd <- match(colnames(X), colnames(ssd))
names(mapX2ssd) <- colnames(X)
rval <- .qpCItestHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i, j, Q,
exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only)
if (is.nan(rval$statistic))
warning(paste(sprintf("CI test unavailable for i=%s, j=%s and Q={",
colnames(X)[i], colnames(X)[j]),
paste(colnames(X)[Q], collapse=", "),
"}. Try a smaller Q or increase n if you can\n"))
class(rval) <- "htest" ## this is kind of redundant but otherwise
## the object returned by the C function does
## not print by default as a 'htest' object
## X comes as a matrix
setMethod("qpCItest", signature(X="matrix"),
function(X, i=1, j=2, Q=c(), I=NULL,
long.dim.are.variables=TRUE, exact.test=TRUE,
use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE) {
use <- match.arg(use)
if (!is.double(X))
stop("X should be double-precision real numbers\n")
if (long.dim.are.variables &&
sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
X <- t(X)
if (is.null(colnames(X)))
colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)
nam_i <- i
if (is.character(i)) {
if (, colnames(X))))
stop(sprintf("i=%s does not form part of the variable names of the data\n",i))
i <- match(i,colnames(X))
i <- as.integer(i)
names(i) <- nam_i
nam_j <- j
if (is.character(j)) {
if (, colnames(X))))
stop(sprintf("j=%s does not form part of the variable names of the data\n",j))
j <- match(j,colnames(X))
j <- as.integer(j)
names(j) <- nam_j
nam_Q <- Q
if (is.character(Q)) {
if (any(, colnames(X)))))
stop(sprintf("%s in Q does not form part of the variable names of the data\n",
Q[, colnames(X)))]))
Q <- match(Q, colnames(X))
Q <- as.integer(Q)
names(Q) <- nam_Q
if (is.character(I)) {
if (any(, colnames(X)))))
stop(sprintf("%s in I does not form part of the variable names of the data\n",
I[, colnames(X)))]))
I <- match(I, colnames(X))
rval <- NA
rownames(X) <- 1:nrow(X)
if (is.null(I)) {
if (use == "em")
stop("EM not implemented yet for missing values in continuous variables. Please set use=\"complete.obs\"\n")
S <- qpCov(X)
n <- nrow(X)
rval <- .qpCItest(S, i, j, Q, R.code.only)
} else {
if (!is.character(I) && !is.numeric(I) && !is.integer(I))
stop("argument I should contain either variables names or indices\n")
Y <- colnames(X)
if (is.character(I))
Y <- setdiff(colnames(X), I)
Y <- (1:ncol(X))[-I]
if (is.character(Y)) {
if (any(, colnames(X)))))
stop(sprintf("Some variables in Y do not form part of the variable names in X\n",i))
Y <- match(Y, colnames(X))
nLevels <- rep(NA_integer_, times=ncol(X))
nLevels[I] <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
if (any(nLevels[I] == 1))
stop(sprintf("Discrete variable %s has only one level", colnames(X)[I[nLevels[I]==1]]))
missingMask <- apply(X, 1, function(x) any(
missingData <- any(missingMask)
ssd <- mapX2ssd <- NULL
if (!missingData) {
ssd <- qpCov(X[, Y, drop=FALSE], corrected=FALSE)
## mapX2ssd <- match(colnames(X), colnames(ssd))
## names(mapX2ssd) <- colnames(X)
mapX2ssd <- rep(NA, ncol(X))
mapX2ssd[Y] <- 1:length(Y)
rval <- .qpCItestHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i, j, Q,
exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only)
if (is.nan(rval$statistic))
warning(paste(sprintf("CI test unavailable for i=%s, j=%s and Q={",
colnames(X)[i], colnames(X)[j]),
paste(colnames(X)[Q], collapse=", "),
"}. Try a smaller Q or increase n if you can\n"))
class(rval) <- "htest" ## this is kind of redundant but otherwise
## the object returned by the C function does
## not print by default as a 'htest' object
## X comes as an SsdMatrix (i.e., a covariance matrix calculated with qpCov())
setMethod("qpCItest", signature(X="SsdMatrix"),
function(X, i=1, j=2, Q=c(), R.code.only=FALSE) {
if (is.null(colnames(X)))
colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)
nam_i <- i
if (is.character(i)) {
if (, colnames(X))))
stop(sprintf("i=%s does not form part of the variable names of the data\n",i))
i <- match(i,colnames(X))
i <- as.integer(i)
names(i) <- nam_i
nam_j <- j
if (is.character(j)) {
if (, colnames(X))))
stop(sprintf("j=%s does not form part of the variable names of the data\n",j))
j <- match(j,colnames(X))
j <- as.integer(j)
names(j) <- nam_j
nam_Q <- Q
if (is.character(Q)) {
if (any(, colnames(X)))))
stop(sprintf("%s in Q does not form part of the variable names of the data\n",
Q[, colnames(X)))]))
Q <- match(Q, colnames(X))
Q <- as.integer(Q)
names(Q) <- nam_Q
rval <- NA
if (is.null(rownames(X)))
rownames(X) <- colnames(X)
rval <- .qpCItest(X, i, j, Q, R.code.only)
class(rval) <- "htest" ## this is kind of redundant but otherwise
## the object returned by the C function does
## not print by default as a 'htest' object
.qpCItest <- function(S, i=1L, j=2L, Q=c(), R.code.only=FALSE) {
if (class(S) != "SsdMatrix")
stop("internal function .qpCItest() expects an 'SsdMatrix' object as first argument\n");
p <- (d <- dim(S))[1]
if (p != d[2] || !isSymmetric(S))
stop("S is not squared and symmetric. Is it really a covariance matrix?n")
n <- S@n
if (!is.integer(i) || !is.integer(j) || (!is.null(Q) && !is.integer(Q)))
stop("i, j and Q should contain only integer values when calling .qpCItest()")
if (!R.code.only) {
return(.qpFastCItestStd(S, i, j, Q));
q <- length(Q)
Mmar <- S[c(i, j, Q), c(i, j, Q)]
S11 <- Mmar[1,1]
S12 <- Mmar[1,-1]
S21 <- Mmar[-1,1]
S22 <- Mmar[-1,-1]
S22inv <- solve(S22)
betahat <- as.numeric(S12 %*% S22inv[,1])
df <- c(df = n - q - 2)
sigma <- sqrt((S11 - S12 %*% S22inv %*% S21) * (n - 1) / df)
se <- as.numeric(sigma * sqrt(S22inv[1,1] / (n - 1)))
t.value <- c(t = betahat / se)
p.value <- c(two.sided = 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t.value), df)))
est <- c(beta = betahat)
n.value <- c("partial regression coefficient" = 0)
method <- "Conditional independence test for continuous data using a t test for zero partial regression coefficient"
RVAL <- list(statistic=t.value,
method=method,"%s and %s given {%s}", names(i), names(j), paste(names(Q), collapse=", ")))
class(RVAL) <- "htest"
## calculate the ssd matrix using complete observations only
.ssdStatsCompleteObs <- function(X, I, Y, missingMask) {
if (length(I) == 0) {
ssd <- qpCov(X[!missingMask, Y, drop=FALSE], corrected=FALSE)
n <- nrow(X) <- n - sum(missingMask)
xtab <- tapply(1:n,[, I, drop=FALSE]))
xtab[missingMask] <- -1 ## label missing observations
xtab <- split([, Y, drop=FALSE]), xtab)
xtab <- xtab[as.integer(names(xtab)) > 0] ## remove missing observations
xtab <- xtab[which(sapply(lapply(xtab, dim), "[", 1) > 0)]
## ni <- sapply(lapply(xtab, dim), "[", 1)
ssd <- Reduce("+",
function(i, x) qpCov(as.matrix(x[[i]]), corrected=FALSE)@ssd, xtab))
##function(i, x, ni, n) (ni[i]-1)*cov(x[[i]]), xtab, ni, n))
new("SsdMatrix", ssd=as(ssd, "dspMatrix"),
## the following functions calculate the ssd matrix using the EM algorithm
## k(i) = y^T\Sigma^{-1}\mu(i) - 1/2 * [y^T\Sigma^{-1} y + \mu(i)^T \Sigma^{-1}\mu(i)] + log p(i)
Ki <- function(x, Ys, i, mapX2Y, Sigma, mu, p) {
aux <- p[i]
if (length(Ys) > 0) {
Ys_Sigma <- mapX2Y[Ys]
aux <- exp( t(x[ ,Ys]) %*% solve(Sigma[Ys_Sigma, Ys_Sigma]) %*% mu[i, Ys_Sigma] -
(t(x[ ,Ys]) %*% solve(Sigma[Ys_Sigma, Ys_Sigma]) %*% x[ ,Ys] +
t(mu[i, Ys_Sigma]) %*% solve(Sigma[Ys_Sigma, Ys_Sigma]) %*% mu[i, Ys_Sigma])/2 + log(p[i]) )
## calculate the probability of I=i for each observation with missing values
## pr(I=i' | (i_{obs}, y)^{(\nu)}) = exp k(i') / \sum_{s\in{\cal S}} exp k(s)
prob_i <- function(idxMissingObs, X, I, Is, Ys, k, level_i, levels_I, mapX2I, mapX2Y, p, mu, Sigma) {
p_i <- vector(length=length(idxMissingObs))
## names(p_i) <- idxMissingObs
for (i in 1:length(idxMissingObs)) {
x <- X[idxMissingObs[i], ,drop=FALSE]
## I_obs <- which(![, I])) ## 2/4/13 I_obs should be on the X-scale and not on the I-scale
I_obs <- intersect(which(!, I)
## if (length(I_obs) > 0 && !all(x[, intersect(Is, I_obs)] == level_i[intersect(Is, I_obs)])) {
if (length(I_obs) > 0 && !all(x[, intersect(Is, I_obs)] == level_i[!, I_obs))])) {
p_i[i] <- 0
} else {
index_S <- 1:nrow(levels_I),
index_S <- which(apply(levels_I[, mapX2I[I_obs], drop=FALSE], 1, function(l) {all(l == x[, I_obs])})))
index_Si <- index_S[which(sapply(index_S, function(i) {all(levels_I[i, mapX2I[Is]] == level_i)}))]
if (all(intersect(index_S, index_Si)==index_S)) {
p_i[i] <- 1
} else {
K_den <- sum(sapply(index_S, function(i) {Ki(x, Ys, i, mapX2Y, Sigma, mu, p)}))
ifelse (K_den == 0,
p_i[i] <- 0,
p_i[i] <- sum(sapply(index_Si, function(i) {Ki(x, Ys, i, mapX2Y, Sigma, mu, p)/K_den})))
## complete sufficient statistics: calculate sufficient statistics (En, Es and Ess) of those
## observations that do not have missing values
stat_com <- function(X, idxCompleteObs, idxMissingObs, mapAllObs2MissingObs, Is, Ys, levels_Is) {
Es_com <- Ess_com <- n_com <- c()
if (length(idxCompleteObs) > 0) {
xi_level <- lapply(1:nrow(levels_Is), function(k) names(which(apply(X[idxCompleteObs, Is, drop=FALSE], 1, function(x){all(x == levels_Is[k, ])}))))
n_com <- sapply(xi_level, length)
if (length(Ys) > 0) {
Es_com <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(levels_Is), ncol=length(Ys))##, dimnames=list(1:nrow(levels_Is), Ys))
Ess_com <- matrix(0, nrow=length(Ys), ncol=length(Ys))##, dimnames=list(Ys, Ys))
if (length(idxCompleteObs) > 0) {
aux <- which(n_com > 0)
Es_com[aux, ] <- matrix(t(sapply(aux, function(i) colSums(X[xi_level[[i]], Ys, drop=FALSE]))), ncol=length(Ys))##, dimnames=list(aux, Ys))
Ess_com <- Reduce("+" ,lapply(xi_level, function(i) t(as.matrix(X[i, Ys, drop=FALSE]))%*%as.matrix(X[i, Ys,drop=FALSE])))
list(idxMissingObs=idxMissingObs, mapAllObs2MissingObs=mapAllObs2MissingObs,
n_com=n_com, Es_com=Es_com, Ess_com=Ess_com)
## sufficient statistics from missing data: perform the E step for the observations with missing values.
stat_mis <- function(X, Is, Ys, levels_Is, stat, I, levels_I, mapX2I, Y, mapX2Y, p, mu, Sigma) {
m <- vector(length=nrow(levels_I))
h <- bar_y <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(levels_I), ncol=length(Y))##, dimnames=list(1:nrow(levels_I), Y))
K <- matrix(0, nrow=length(Y), ncol=length(Y))##, dimnames=list(Y, Y))
n <- nrow(X)
Ys_Sigma <- mapX2Y[Ys]
### Is != emptyset
if (length(Is) > 0) {
### Pr(I=i | x_obs)
p_i <- sapply(1:nrow(levels_Is),
function(k) prob_i(stat$idxMissingObs, X, I, Is, Ys, k,
levels_Is[k, ], levels_I, mapX2I, mapX2Y, p, mu, Sigma))
if (!is.matrix(p_i)) {
p_i <- t(as.matrix(p_i))
## dimnames(p_i) <- list(stat$idxMissingObs, 1:nrow(levels_Is))
index <- lapply(1:nrow(levels_Is), function(k) which(apply(levels_I[, mapX2I[Is], drop=FALSE], 1, function(l){all(l == levels_Is[k, ])})))
### En
E_n <- stat$n_com + colSums(p_i)
### m # afegit
for (k in 1:nrow(levels_Is)) {
j <- index[[k]]
m[j] <- rep(E_n[k], length(j))
### Is != emptyset & Ys != emptyset
if (length(Ys) > 0) {
### Es
Es <- stat$Es_com + t(p_i) %*% X[stat$idxMissingObs, Ys, drop=FALSE]
## mapX2Ys <- rep(NA, ncol(X))
## mapX2Ys[Ys] <- 1:length(Ys)
### Ess
Ess <- stat$Ess_com + Reduce("+", lapply(1:nrow(levels_Is),
function(k, idxMissingObs, mapAllObs2MissingObs)
Reduce("+" , lapply(idxMissingObs,
function(i, k, mapAllObs2MissingObs) {
p_i[mapAllObs2MissingObs[i], k]*t(X[i, Ys, drop=FALSE]) %*% X[i, Ys, drop=FALSE]
}, k, mapAllObs2MissingObs)
stat$idxMissingObs, stat$mapAllObs2MissingObs)
### ssd
ssd <- Ess - t(Es)%*%(Es/E_n)
for (k in 1:nrow(levels_Is)) {
j <- index[[k]]
bar_y[j, Ys_Sigma] <- matrix(rep(Es[k, ]/E_n[k], length(j)), byrow=TRUE, ncol=length(Ys))##, dimnames=list(j, Ys))
h[ , Ys_Sigma] <- t(n*solve(ssd)%*%t(bar_y[ ,Ys_Sigma]))
K[Ys_Sigma, Ys_Sigma] <- n*solve(ssd)
} else { ### Is != emptyset & Ys == emptyset
ssd <- 1
} else {
### Is == emptyset & Ys == emptyset
if (length(Ys)==0) {
m <- 1
ssd <- 1
} else { ### Is == emptyset & Ys != emptyset
m <- n
ssd <- (n - 1)*cov(X[ , Ys, drop = FALSE])
h[, Ys_Sigma] <- matrix(rep(n*solve(ssd) %*% colMeans(X[, Ys, drop=FALSE]), nrow(levels_I)), ncol=length(Ys), byrow=TRUE)
K[Ys_Sigma, Ys_Sigma] <- n*solve(ssd)
list(ssd=ssd, K=K, h=h, m=m, bar_y=bar_y)
## convergence: calculate convergence diagnostic of the EM algorithm by comparing
## the updated values of the moment parameteres to the moment parameters of the
## previous iteration
convergence <- function(Sigma_update, mu_update, m_update, Sigma, mu, m) {
delta_m <- abs(m_update - m)/sqrt(m_update + 1)
delta_mu <- abs(mu_update - mu)/sqrt(diag(Sigma_update))
delta_Sigma <- abs(Sigma_update - Sigma)
for (i in 1:ncol(Sigma)) {
for (j in 1:nrow(Sigma)) {
delta_Sigma[i,j] <- delta_Sigma[i,j]/sqrt(Sigma_update[i,i]*Sigma_update[j,j] + Sigma_update[i,j]^2)
list(mdiff=max(max(delta_m), max(delta_mu), max(delta_Sigma)), m=m_update, mu=mu_update, Sigma=Sigma_update)
## calculate ssd matrices for H0 and H1 using the EM algorithm
.ssdStatsEM <- function(X, idxCompleteObs, idxMissingObs, mapAllObs2MissingObs,
I, mapX2I, nLevels, Y, mapX2Y, i, j, Q, tol=0.01) {
if (length(I) > 0) {
levels_I <- expand.grid(sapply(nLevels[I], seq_len, simplify=FALSE))
dimnames(levels_I) <- list(1:nrow(levels_I), I)
} else {
levels_I <- matrix(1, ncol=1, nrow=1, dimnames=list(1,1))
p0 <- rep(1/nrow(levels_I), nrow(levels_I))
mu0 <- matrix(0, ncol=length(Y), nrow=nrow(levels_I))
## colnames(mu0) <- Y
Sigma0 <- diag(length(Y))
## dimnames(Sigma0) <- list(Y, Y)
p <- p0
mu <- mu0
Sigma <- Sigma0
n <- nrow(X)
I_j <- intersect(I, c(i, Q))
Y_j <- intersect(Y, c(i, Q))
levels_I_j <- comStat_j <- c()
if (length(I_j) > 0) {
levels_I_j <- as.matrix(unique(levels_I[, mapX2I[I_j], drop=FALSE]))
## colnames(levels_I_j) <- I_j
comStat_j <- stat_com(X, idxCompleteObs, idxMissingObs, mapAllObs2MissingObs,
Is=I_j, Ys=Y_j, levels_Is=levels_I_j)
if (any(comStat_j$n_com == 0))
stop("Some joint levels of the discrete variables involved lack observations (n(i) == 0).")
## cat("Es_com_j=\n")
## print(comStat_j$Es_com)
## cat("Ess_com_j=\n")
## print(comStat_j$Ess_com)
## cat("n_com_j=", comStat_j$n_com,"\n")
I_i <- intersect(I, c(j, Q))
Y_i <- intersect(Y, c(j, Q))
levels_I_i <- comStat_i <- c()
if (length(I_i) > 0) {
levels_I_i <- as.matrix(unique(levels_I[, mapX2I[I_i], drop=FALSE]))
## colnames(levels_I_i) <- I_i
comStat_i <- stat_com(X, idxCompleteObs, idxMissingObs, mapAllObs2MissingObs,
Is=I_i, Ys=Y_i, levels_Is=levels_I_i)
if (any(comStat_i$n_com == 0))
stop("Some joint levels of the discrete variables involved lack observations (n(i) == 0).")
## cat("Es_com_i=\n")
## print(comStat_i$Es_com)
## cat("Ess_com_i=\n")
## print(comStat_i$Ess_com)
## cat("n_com_i=", comStat_i$n_com,"\n")
I_ij <- intersect(I, Q)
Y_ij <- intersect(Y, Q)
levels_I_ij <- comStat_ij <- c()
if (length(I_ij) > 0) {
levels_I_ij <- as.matrix(unique(levels_I[, mapX2I[I_ij], drop=FALSE]))
## colnames(levels_I_ij) <- I_ij
comStat_ij <- stat_com(X, idxCompleteObs, idxMissingObs, mapAllObs2MissingObs,
Is=I_ij, Ys=Y_ij, levels_Is=levels_I_ij)
if (any(comStat_ij$n_com == 0))
stop("Some joint levels of the discrete variables involved lack observations (n(i) == 0).")
## cat("Es_com_ij=\n")
## print(comStat_ij$Es_com)
## cat("Ess_com_ij=\n")
## print(comStat_ij$Ess_com)
## cat("n_com_ij=", comStat_ij$n_com,"\n")
mdiff <- 1
while (mdiff > tol) {
sufstat_j <- stat_mis(X, I_j, Y_j, levels_I_j, comStat_j, I, levels_I, mapX2I, Y, mapX2Y, p, mu, Sigma)
sufstat_i <- stat_mis(X, I_i, Y_i, levels_I_i, comStat_i, I, levels_I, mapX2I, Y, mapX2Y, p, mu, Sigma)
sufstat_ij <- stat_mis(X, I_ij, Y_ij, levels_I_ij, comStat_ij, I, levels_I, mapX2I, Y, mapX2Y, p, mu, Sigma)
K <- sufstat_j$K + sufstat_i$K - sufstat_ij$K
h <- sufstat_j$h + sufstat_i$h - sufstat_ij$h
m <- sufstat_j$m*sufstat_i$m/sufstat_ij$m
if (all(K == matrix(0,ncol=length(Y), nrow=length(Y)))){
Sigma_update <- 0
} else {
Sigma_update <- solve(K)
mu_update <- t(Sigma_update%*%t(h))
conv <- convergence(Sigma_update=Sigma_update, mu_update=mu_update, m_update=m, Sigma=Sigma, mu=mu, m=p*n)
mdiff <- conv$mdiff
p <- conv$m/n
mu <- conv$mu
Sigma <- conv$Sigma
mdiff <- 1
p <- p0
mu <- mu0
Sigma <- Sigma0
comStat <- stat_com(X, idxCompleteObs, idxMissingObs, mapAllObs2MissingObs, Is=I, Ys=Y, levels_Is=levels_I)
while (mdiff > tol) {
sufstat <- stat_mis(X, I, Y, levels_I, comStat, I, levels_I, mapX2I, Y, mapX2Y, p, mu, Sigma)
ssd <- sufstat$ssd
bar_y <- sufstat$bar_y
m <- sufstat$m
conv <- convergence(Sigma_update=ssd/n, mu_update=bar_y, m_update=m, Sigma=Sigma, mu=mu, m=p*n)
mdiff <- conv$mdiff
p <- conv$m/n
mu <- conv$mu
Sigma <- conv$Sigma
list(ssd_j=sufstat_j$ssd, ssd_i=sufstat_i$ssd, ssd_ij=sufstat_ij$ssd, ssd=sufstat$ssd)
.qpCItestHMGM <- function(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssdMat, mapX2ssdMat, i, j, Q,
exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01,
R.code.only=FALSE ) {
if (!is.null(ssdMat)) {
p <- (d <- dim(ssdMat))[1]
if (p != d[2] || !isSymmetric(ssdMat))
stop("ssdMat is not squared and symmetric. Is it really an ssd matrix?\n")
if (class(ssdMat) != "SsdMatrix")
stop(".qpCItestHMGM: the ssdMat argument should be an object of class SsdMatrix\n")
if (all(!,j), I))))
stop("i and j cannot be both discrete at the moment")
if (!R.code.only) {
return(.qpFastCItestHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssdMat, mapX2ssdMat,
i, j, Q, exact.test, use, tol))
if (!, I))) { ## if any of (i,j) is discrete, it should be i
tmp <- i
i <- j
j <- tmp
## cat ("\n", i, "ci", j,"\n")
I <- intersect(I, c(i, Q))
Y <- intersect(Y, c(i, j, Q))
if (!, I))) ## put the continuous i or j (if i is discrete)
Y <- c(Y[match(j, Y)], Y[-match(j, Y)]) ## as first continuous variable in the margin
Y <- c(Y[match(i, Y)], Y[-match(i, Y)])
ssd <- ssd_i <- ssd_j <- ssd_ij <- diag(2)
n_co <- n <- nrow(X)
## build logical mask of missing observations
missingMask <- apply(X[, c(I, Y), drop=FALSE], 1, function(x) any(
missingData <- any(missingMask)
rss0 <- NA
if (!missingData || use == "complete.obs") { ## either no missing data or use complete obs
n_co <- n - sum(missingMask)
if (!missingData && !is.null(ssdMat) && length(I) == 0)
ssd <- ssdMat[mapX2ssdMat[Y], mapX2ssdMat[Y], drop=FALSE]
ssd <- .ssdStatsCompleteObs(X, I, Y, missingMask)
## cat("ssd:\n")
## print(as.matrix(ssd))
## ssd_i = ssd_Gamma when i is discrete or ssd_{Gamma\i} when i is continuous
if (!missingData && !is.null(ssdMat) && length(setdiff(I, i)) == 0)
ssd_i <- ssdMat[mapX2ssdMat[setdiff(Y, i)], mapX2ssdMat[setdiff(Y, i)], drop=FALSE]
ssd_i <- .ssdStatsCompleteObs(X, setdiff(I, i), setdiff(Y, i), missingMask)
## cat("ssd_i:\n")
## print(as.matrix(ssd_i))
if (length(setdiff(Y, j)) > 0) {
ssd_j <- .ssdStatsCompleteObs(X, I, setdiff(Y, j), missingMask)
## cat("ssd_j:\n")
## print(ssd_j)
if (length(setdiff(Y, c(i,j))) > 0) {
if (!missingData && !is.null(ssdMat) && length(setdiff(I, i)) == 0)
ssd_ij <- ssdMat[mapX2ssdMat[setdiff(Y, c(i, j))],
mapX2ssdMat[setdiff(Y, c(i, j))], drop=FALSE]
ssd_ij <- .ssdStatsCompleteObs(X, setdiff(I, i), setdiff(Y, c(i, j)), missingMask)
## cat("ssd_j:\n")
## print(ssd_ij)
rss0 <- var(X[!missingMask, Y[1]])*(n_co-1)
} else { ## missing data and should use the EM algorithm
missingMask2 <- apply(X[, Y, drop=FALSE], 1, function(x) any(
if (length(I) == 0 || any(missingMask2))
stop("EM not implemented yet for missing values in continuous variables. Please set use=\"complete.obs\"\n")
mapX2Y <- rep(NA, ncol(X))
mapX2Y[Y] <- 1:length(Y)
mapX2I <- rep(NA, ncol(X))
mapX2I[I] <- 1:length(I)
idxMissingObs <- which(missingMask)
idxCompleteObs <- setdiff(1:n, idxMissingObs)
mapAllObs2MissingObs <- rep(NA, n)
mapAllObs2MissingObs[idxMissingObs] <- 1:length(idxMissingObs)
ssdMats <- .ssdStatsEM(X, idxCompleteObs, idxMissingObs, mapAllObs2MissingObs,
I, mapX2I, nLevels, Y, mapX2Y, i, j, Q, tol)
ssd <- as.matrix(ssdMats$ssd)
ssd_i <- as.matrix(ssdMats$ssd_i)
ssd_j <- as.matrix(ssdMats$ssd_j)
ssd_ij <- as.matrix(ssdMats$ssd_ij)
rss0 <- var(X[, Y[1]])*(n-1) ## assuming there is no missing data in Y
## calculate residual sums of squares for estimating effect size as partial eta-squared
## assuming response continuous variable is on the first row and column
## REMINDER: this might need a flag to avoid doing this calculation for the sake of speed
if (!, I))) { ## if i is discrete, j is the response and RSS1 = SSD_i
if (nrow(ssd_i) > 1)
rss1 <- as.vector(ssd_i[1, 1] - ssd_i[1, -1] %*% solve(ssd_i[-1, -1]) %*% ssd_i[-1, 1])
rss1 <- as.matrix(ssd_i)[1, 1]
} else { ## otherwise, when both i, j are continuous, i is the response and RSS1 = SSD_j
if (nrow(ssd_j) > 1)
rss1 <- as.vector(ssd_j[1, 1] - ssd_j[1, -1] %*% solve(ssd_j[-1, -1]) %*% ssd_j[-1, 1])
rss1 <- as.matrix(ssd_j)[1, 1]
if (nrow(ssd) > 1)
rss2 <- as.vector(ssd[1, 1] - ssd[1, -1] %*% solve(ssd[-1, -1]) %*% ssd[-1, 1])
rss2 <- as.matrix(ssd)[1, 1]
ssd <- determinant(ssd) ## WATCH OUT! when using Matrix::determinant(..., logarithm=TRUE)
ssd_i <- determinant(ssd_i) ## $modulus is always 0, don't know why. since this is its default
ssd_j <- determinant(ssd_j) ## this argument is not being put explicitly in the call
ssd_ij <- determinant(ssd_ij) ## keep an eye in case the default ever changes
final_sign <- ssd$sign * ssd_ij$sign * ssd_j$sign *ssd_i$sign
lr <- parEta2hat <- NaN
p.value <- df <- a <- b <- NA
stat <- param <- n.value <- method <- alt <- NA
zero_boundary <- log(.Machine$double.eps)
if (ssd$modulus > zero_boundary && ssd_ij$modulus > zero_boundary &&
ssd_j$modulus > zero_boundary && ssd_i$modulus > zero_boundary &&
final_sign == 1) {
mixedEdge <- sum(!, j), I))) > 0
nGamma <- length(Y)
Delta <- I
DeltaStar <- setdiff(I, c(i, j))
llr <- ssd$modulus[1]+ssd_ij$modulus[1]-ssd_j$modulus[1]-ssd_i$modulus[1] ## log-likelihood ratio
parEta2hat <- (rss1 - rss2) / rss0
names(parEta2hat) <- "partial eta2"
if (exact.test) {
lr <- exp(llr)
a <- (n_co-nGamma-prod(nLevels[Delta])+1)/2 ## by now missing data w/ complete.obs
b <- ifelse(mixedEdge,
prod(nLevels[DeltaStar])*(nLevels[intersect(Delta, c(i,j))]-1)/2,
if (a > 0 && b > 0)
p.value <- c(less = pbeta(q=lr, shape1=a, shape2=b, lower.tail=TRUE))
else {
p.value <- a <- b <- NA
names(p.value) <- "less"
stat <- lr
names(stat) <- "Lambda"
param <- c(a=a, b=b, n=ifelse(use == "em", n, n_co))
n.value <- c("Lambda" = 1)
method <- "Conditional independence test for homogeneous mixed data using an exact likelihood ratio test"
alt <- "less"
} else {
lr <- -n_co * llr
df <- 1
if (mixedEdge)
df <- prod(nLevels[DeltaStar])*(nLevels[intersect(Delta, c(i, j))]-1)
stat <- lr
names(stat) <- "-n log Lambda"
param <- c(df=df, n=ifelse(use == "em", n, n_co))
p.value <- c(greater = 1 - pchisq(lr, df=df, lower.tail=TRUE))
n.value <- c("-n log Lambda" = 0)
method <- "Conditional independence test for homogeneous mixed data using an asymptotic likelihood ratio test"
alt <- "greater"
RVAL <- list(statistic=stat,
p.value=if (use != "em") p.value else NA_real_, ## p-values currently not valid with EM
method=method,"%s and %s given {%s}", names(i), names(j), paste(names(Q), collapse=", ")))
class(RVAL) <- "htest"
setMethod("qpAllCItests", signature(X="matrix"),
function(X, I=NULL, Q=NULL, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL,
long.dim.are.variables=TRUE, exact.test=TRUE,
use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01,
return.type=c("p.value", "statn", "all"), verbose=TRUE,
R.code.only=FALSE, clusterSize=1, estimateTime=FALSE,
nAdj2estimateTime=10) {
use <- match.arg(use)
return.type <- match.arg(return.type)
startTime <- c(user.self=0, sys.self=0, elapsed=0, user.child=0, sys.child=0)
class(startTime) <- "proc_time"
if (estimateTime)
startTime <- proc.time()
if (clusterSize > 1 && R.code.only)
stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) only works with R.code.only=FALSE\n")
if (clusterSize > 1 &&
(!.qpIsPackageInstalled("snow") || !.qpIsPackageInstalled("Rmpi")))
stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) requires first installing packages 'snow' and 'Rmpi'\n")
if (long.dim.are.variables &&
sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
X <- t(X)
if (is.null(colnames(X)))
colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)
.qpAllCItests(X, I, Q, pairup.i, pairup.j,
exact.test, use, tol, return.type,
verbose, R.code.only, clusterSize,
startTime, nAdj2estimateTime)
.qpAllCItests <- function(X, I=NULL, Q=NULL, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL,
exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01,
return.type=c("p.value", "statn", "all"), verbose=TRUE,
R.code.only=FALSE, clusterSize=1, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime=10) {
cl <- NULL
if (use == "em" && !R.code.only)
stop("use=\"em\" does not work yet with R.code.only=FALSE\n")
if (class(clusterSize)[1] == "numeric" || class(clusterSize)[1] == "integer") {
if (clusterSize > 1) {
## copying ShortRead's strategy, 'get()' are to quieten R CMD check, and for no other reason
## makeCl <- get("makeCluster", mode="function")
## clSetupRNG <- get("clusterSetupRNG", mode="function")
## clEvalQ <- get("clusterEvalQ", mode="function")
## clExport <- get("clusterExport", mode="function")
## clApply <- get("clusterApply", mode="function")
## stopCl <- get("stopCluster", mode="function")
## clCall <- get("clusterCall", mode="function")
## clOpt <- get("getClusterOption", mode="function")
if (startTime["elapsed"] == 0)
message("Testing conditional independences using a ", snow::getClusterOption("type"),
" cluster of ", clusterSize, " nodes\n")
message("Estimating time of testing conditional independences using a ", snow::getClusterOption("type"),
" cluster of ", clusterSize, " nodes\n")
## cl <- makeCl(clusterSize, snowlib=system.file(package="qpgraph"))
## clSetupRNG(cl)
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(clusterSize, type="MPI", snowlib=system.file(package="qpgraph"))
res <- parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, require(qpgraph, quietly=TRUE))
if (!all(unlist(res))) {
stop("The package 'qpgraph' could not be loaded in some of the nodes of the cluster")
assign("clusterSize", clusterSize, envir=.GlobalEnv)
parallel::clusterExport(cl, list("clusterSize"))
rm("clusterSize", envir=.GlobalEnv)
parallel::clusterApply(cl, 1:clusterSize, function(x) assign("clusterRank", x, envir=.GlobalEnv))
} else {
if (!"cluster", class(clusterSize))))
cl <- clusterSize
stop("Unknown class for argument clusterSize:", class(clusterSize))
## X the matrix of data with columns as r.v. and rows as multivariate observations
var.names <- colnames(X)
n.var <- ncol(X)
N <- nrow(X)
## check that the q parameter has proper values
q <- length(Q)
if (q > n.var - 2)
stop(paste("q=",q," > p-2=", n.var-2))
if (q < 0)
stop(paste("q=",q," < 0"))
if (q > N - 3)
stop(paste("q=",q," > n-3=",N-3))
## check whether there are discrete variables and whether they're properly set
nLevels <- rep(NA_integer_, times=ncol(X))
if (!is.null(I) && length(I) > 0) {
if (is.character(I)) {
if (any(, var.names))))
stop("Some variables in I do not form part of the variable names of the data in X\n")
I <- match(I, var.names)
} else {
if (any(, 1:n.var))))
stop("Some variables in I do not form part of the variables of the data in X\n")
nLevels[I] <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
if (any(nLevels[I] == 1))
stop(sprintf("Discrete variable %s has only one level", colnames(X)[I[nLevels[I]==1]]))
Y <- (1:n.var)[-I]
if ((!is.null(pairup.i) && is.null(pairup.j)) ||
(is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j)))
stop("pairup.i and pairup.j should both either be set to NULL or contain subsets of variables\n")
if (is.null(pairup.i) || length(pairup.i) == 0)
pairup.i <- 1:n.var
else {
if (is.character(pairup.i)) {
if (any(, var.names))))
stop("Some variables in pairup.i do not form part of the variable names of the data in X\n")
pairup.i <- match(pairup.i, var.names)
if (is.null(pairup.j) || length(pairup.j) == 0) {
pairup.j <- 1:n.var
if (!is.null(I)) { ## by now, interactions between discrete variables are not considered
pairup.j <- (1:n.var)[-I]
} else {
if (is.character(pairup.j)) {
if (any(, var.names))))
stop("Some variables in pairup.j do not form part of the variable names of the data in X\n")
pairup.j <- match(pairup.j, var.names)
if (!is.null(Q) && length(Q) > 0) {
if (is.character(Q)) {
if (any(, var.names))))
stop("Some variables in Q do not form part of the variable names of the data\n")
Q <- match(Q, var.names)
} else {
if (any(, 1:n.var))))
stop("Some variables in Q do not form part of the variables of the data\n")
## variables in Q are removed from the pairs for which CI tests are performed
pairup.i <- setdiff(pairup.i, Q)
pairup.j <- setdiff(pairup.j, Q)
if (length(pairup.i) == 0 || length(pairup.j) == 0)
stop("Cannot condition on Q. Either Q is too large or there are too few variable pairs to test.")
## pair the two sets pairup.i and pairup.j without pairing the same variable
l.pairup.i <- length(pairup.i)
l.pairup.j <- length(pairup.j) <- length(intersect(pairup.i, pairup.j))
l.pairup.i.noint <- l.pairup.i -
l.pairup.j.noint <- l.pairup.j -
n.adj <- * l.pairup.j.noint + * l.pairup.i.noint +
l.pairup.i.noint * l.pairup.j.noint + * ( - 1) / 2 <- intersect(pairup.i, pairup.j)
pairup.i.noint <- setdiff(pairup.i,
pairup.j.noint <- setdiff(pairup.j,
pvstatn <- list(p.value=NA, statistic=NA, n=NA)
if (!R.code.only) {
elapsedTime <- 0
if (startTime["elapsed"] > 0) {
elapsedTime <- (proc.time() - startTime)["elapsed"]
startTime <- proc.time()
if (is.null(cl)) { ## single-processor execution
cit <- .qpFastAllCItests(X, I, Y, Q, pairup.i.noint,
exact.test, use, tol, return.type, verbose,
startTime["elapsed"], nAdj2estimateTime)
if (startTime["elapsed"] == 0) {
if (return.type == "all" || return.type == "p.value") {
pvstatn$p.value <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names), x=cit$p.value)
if (return.type == "all" || return.type == "statn") {
pvstatn$statistic <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names), x=cit$statistic)
pvstatn$n <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names), x=as.numeric(cit$n))
} else ## completion time estimation comes directly as a vector
pvstatn <- cit
} else { ## use a cluster !
## clCall <- get("clusterCall", mode="function")
valIdx <- list()
if (verbose && startTime["elapsed"] == 0) { ## no cluster progress-call when only estimating time
valIdx <- clPrCall(cl, .qpFastAllCItestsPar, n.adj, X, I, Y, Q,
pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint,,
exact.test, use, tol, return.type, verbose, FALSE, nAdj2estimateTime)
} else {
valIdx <- parallel::clusterCall(cl, .qpFastAllCItestsPar, X, I, Y, Q,
pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint,,
exact.test, use, tol, return.type, verbose, startTime["elapsed"] > 0,
if (startTime["elapsed"] > 0) {
## the following calculation makes important part of the estimation of the time
## it assumes that the estimated time per processor is stored on the first position of 'p.value'
## and uses the median of the times estimated for each processor to try to be robust against
## fluctuations on the execution time taken in some processors
elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + median(sapply(valIdx, function(x) x$p.value[1]))
startTime <- proc.time()
if (class(clusterSize)[1] == "numeric" || class(clusterSize)[1] == "integer")
if (return.type == "all" || return.type == "p.value") {
pvstatn$p.value <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names),
x=rep(as.double(NA), n.var*(n.var-1)/2+n.var))
pvstatn$p.value@x["c", lapply(valIdx, function(x) x$idx))] <-"c", lapply(valIdx, function(x) x$p.value))
if (return.type == "all" || return.type == "statn") {
pvstatn$statistic <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names),
x=rep(as.double(NA), n.var*(n.var-1)/2+n.var))
pvstatn$statistic@x["c", lapply(valIdx, function(x) x$idx))] <-"c", lapply(valIdx, function(x) x$statistic))
pvstatn$n <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names),
x=rep(as.double(NA), n.var*(n.var-1)/2+n.var))
pvstatn$n@x["c", lapply(valIdx, function(x) x$idx))] <-"c", lapply(valIdx, function(x) as.numeric(x$n)))
if (startTime["elapsed"] > 0) {
elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + (proc.time() - startTime)["elapsed"]
d <- as.vector(floor(elapsedTime / (24*3600)))
h <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600)/3600))
m <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600)/60))
s <- as.vector(ceiling(elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600-m*60))
pvstatn <- c(days=d, hours=h, minutes=m, seconds=s)
missingMask <- apply(X[, , drop=FALSE], 1, function(x) any(
missingData <- any(
S <- ssd <- mapX2ssd <- NULL
if (!missingData) {
if (!is.null(I)) { ## calculate the uncorrected sum of squares and deviations
ssd <- qpCov(X[, Y, drop=FALSE], corrected=FALSE)
mapX2ssd <- match(var.names, colnames(ssd))
## names(mapX2ssd) <- colnames(X) ## is this necessary?
} else ## calculate sample covariance matrix
S <- qpCov(X)
## return an efficiently stored symmetric matrix
if (return.type == "all" || return.type == "p.value") {
pvstatn$p.value <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names),
x=rep(as.double(NA), n.var*(n.var-1)/2+n.var))
if (return.type == "all" || return.type == "statn") {
pvstatn$statistic <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names),
x=rep(as.double(NA), n.var*(n.var-1)/2+n.var))
pvstatn$n <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names),
x=rep(as.double(NA), n.var*(n.var-1)/2+n.var))
elapsedTime <- 0
if (startTime["elapsed"] > 0) {
elapsedTime <- (proc.time() - startTime)["elapsed"]
startTime <- proc.time()
ppct <- -1
k <- 0
pb <- NULL
if (verbose && elapsedTime == 0)
pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3)
cit <- NA ### build return object depending on return.type CONTINUE HERE !!!!
## intersection variables against ij-exclusive variables
for (i in {
for (j in c(pairup.i.noint,pairup.j.noint)) {
if (is.null(I)) {
Xsub <- X[, c(i, j, Q), drop=FALSE]
S <- qpCov(Xsub)
cit <- .qpCItest(S, 1L, 2L, 2L+seq(along=Q), R.code.only=TRUE)
} else
cit <- .qpCItestHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i, j, Q,
exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only=TRUE)
if (return.type == "all" || return.type == "p.value")
pvstatn$p.value[j,i] <- pvstatn$p.value[i,j] <- cit$p.value
if (return.type == "all" || return.type == "statn") {
pvstatn$statistic[j,i] <- pvstatn$statistic[i,j] <- cit$statistic
pvstatn$n[j,i] <- pvstatn$n[i,j] <- cit$param["n"]
k <- k + 1
if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)
pct <- floor((k * 100) / n.adj)
if (pct != ppct && verbose && elapsedTime == 0) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, pct/100)
ppct <- pct
if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)
## i-exclusive variables against j-exclusive variables
if (elapsedTime == 0 || k < nAdj2estimateTime) {
for (i in pairup.i.noint) {
for (j in pairup.j.noint) {
if (is.null(I)) {
Xsub <- X[, c(i, j, Q), drop=FALSE]
S <- qpCov(Xsub)
cit <- .qpCItest(S, 1L, 2L, 2L+seq(along=Q), R.code.only=TRUE)
} else
cit <- .qpCItestHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i, j, Q,
exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only=TRUE)
if (return.type == "all" || return.type == "p.value")
pvstatn$p.value[j,i] <- pvstatn$p.value[i,j] <- cit$p.value
if (return.type == "all" || return.type == "statn") {
pvstatn$statistic[j,i] <- pvstatn$statistic[i,j] <- cit$statistic
pvstatn$n[j,i] <- pvstatn$n[i,j] <- cit$param["n"]
k <- k + 1
if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)
pct <- floor((k * 100) / n.adj)
if (pct != ppct && verbose && elapsedTime == 0) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, pct/100)
ppct <- pct
if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)
## intersection variables against themselves (avoiding pairing of the same)
if (elapsedTime == 0 || k < nAdj2estimateTime) {
for (i in seq([-1])) {
i2 <-[i]
for (j in (i+1) {
j2 <-[j]
if (is.null(I)) {
Xsub <- X[, c(i, j, Q), drop=FALSE]
S <- qpCov(Xsub)
cit <- .qpCItest(S, 1L, 2L, 2L+seq(along=Q), R.code.only=TRUE)
} else
cit <- .qpCItestHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i2, j2, Q,
exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only=TRUE)
if (return.type == "all" || return.type == "p.value")
pvstatn$p.value[j2,i2] <- pvstatn$p.value[i2,j2] <- cit$p.value
if (return.type == "all" || return.type == "statn") {
pvstatn$statistic[j2,i2] <- pvstatn$statistic[i2,j2] <- cit$statistic
pvstatn$n[j2,i2] <- pvstatn$n[i2,j2] <- cit$param["n"]
k <- k + 1
if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)
pct <- floor((k * 100) / n.adj)
if (pct != ppct && verbose && elapsedTime == 0) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, pct/100)
ppct <- pct
if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)
if (verbose && elapsedTime == 0) {
if (elapsedTime > 0) {
elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + ((proc.time()-startTime)["elapsed"]/k) * n.adj
startTime <- proc.time()
## this is necessary till we find out how to properly assign values in a dspMatrix
## nrrMatrix <- as(nrrMatrix, "dspMatrix")
if (elapsedTime > 0) {
elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + (proc.time()-startTime)["elapsed"]
d <- as.vector(floor(elapsedTime / (24*3600)))
h <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600)/3600))
m <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600)/60))
s <- as.vector(ceiling(elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600-m*60))
pvstatn <- c(days=d, hours=h, minutes=m, seconds=s)
.qpFastCItestStd <- function(S, i, j, Q) {
return(.Call("qp_fast_ci_test_std", S@ssd@x, nrow(S), as.integer(S@n), i, j, Q))
.qpFastCItestOpt <- function(S, n, i, j, Q) {
return(.Call("qp_fast_ci_test_opt", S@ssd@x, nrow(S), as.integer(S@n), i, j, Q))
.qpFastCItestHMGM <- function(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i, j, Q,
exact.test, use, tol) {
x <- NULL
if (!is.null(ssd)) {
if (class(ssd) != "SsdMatrix")
stop(".qpFastCItestHMGM: the ssd argument should be an object of class SsdMatrix\n")
x <- ssd@ssd@x
return(.Call("qp_fast_ci_test_hmgm", X, I, nLevels, Y, x, as.integer(mapX2ssd),
i, j, Q, as.integer(exact.test),
as.integer(factor(use, levels=c("complete.obs", "em"))), tol))
.qpFastAllCItests <- function(X, I, Y, Q, pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint,, exact.test, use, tol, return.type,
verbose, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime) {
nLevels <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
return(.Call("qp_fast_all_ci_tests", X, as.integer(I), as.integer(nLevels),
as.integer(Y), as.integer(Q),
as.integer(pairup.i.noint), as.integer(pairup.j.noint),
as.integer(, as.integer(exact.test),
as.integer(factor(use, levels=c("complete.obs", "em"))), tol,
as.integer(factor(return.type, levels=c("p.value", "statn", "all"))),
as.integer(verbose), as.double(startTime),
as.integer(nAdj2estimateTime), .GlobalEnv))
.qpFastAllCItestsPar <- function(X, I, Y, Q, pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint,, exact.test, use, tol, return.type,
verbose, estimateTime, nAdj2estimateTime) {
## clOpt <- get("getClusterOption", mode="function")
myMaster <- snow::getClusterOption("masterNode")
startTime <- 0
if (estimateTime)
startTime <- proc.time()["elapsed"]
nLevels <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
## clusterRank and clusterSize should have been defined by the master node
return(.Call("qp_fast_all_ci_tests_par", X, as.integer(I), as.integer(nLevels),
as.integer(Y), as.integer(Q),
as.integer(pairup.i.noint), as.integer(pairup.j.noint),
as.integer(, as.integer(exact.test),
as.integer(factor(use, levels=c("complete.obs", "em"))), tol,
as.integer(factor(return.type, levels=c("p.value", "statn", "all"))),
as.integer(verbose), as.double(startTime),
as.integer(nAdj2estimateTime), as.integer(get("clusterRank")),
as.integer(get("clusterSize")), myMaster, .GlobalEnv))
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