###### PROTEIN EXPERIMENT ======================================================
#' @rdname SilacProteinExperiment-class
#' @name SilacProteinExperiment-class
#' @title SilacProteinExperiment class
#' @description S4 class that extends the \code{\link{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' class. This class is designed for proteomics data, more especifically
#' protein level data. The \code{metadata} slot comes already initialized with
#' the metaoptions (see details).
#' @details The \code{SilacProteinExperiment} class has been designed to store
#' protein level data and to be used in the functions provided in this package
#' for pulsed SILAC data analysis; in combination with the other two classes
#' from the package: the \code{\link{SilacPeptideExperiment}} and
#' \code{\link{SilacProteomicsExperiment}} classes.
#' SilacProteinExperiment metaoptions are stored in the \code{metadata} slot
#' This contains a \code{list} with some parameters that are automatically
#' initialized by the constructor. Some parameters are mandatory for certain
#' functions or operations. The user can add or remove items at their
#' discretion. These parameters are meant to help automate certain pipeline or
#' data analysis steps. These metaoptions are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{conditionCol}{\code{character} indicating the column name of
#' \code{colData(x)} that defines the different experiment conditions.}
#' \item{timeCol}{\code{character} indicating the column name of
#' \code{colData(x)} that defines the different timepoints of the experiment.}
#' @section Constructor:
#' See \link{SilacProteinExperiment-constructor} for details.
#' @section Accessors:
#' See \link{SilacProteinPeptideExperiment-accessors} for details.
#' @seealso \code{\link{SilacProteinExperiment-constructor}},
#' \code{\link{SilacProteinPeptideExperiment-accessors}},
#' \code{\link{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' @importClassesFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @export
.SilacProteinExperiment <- setClass(Class = 'SilacProteinExperiment',
contains = 'SummarizedExperiment'
.valid.SilacProteinExperiment.metaoptions <- function(x) {
metaoptions_names <- c('conditionCol',
## missing one or more of the metaoptions
if (!all(metaoptions_names %in% names(metaoptions(x)))) {
missing_names_pos <- which(!metaoptions_names %in% names(metaoptions(x)))
missing_names <- metaoptions_names[missing_names_pos]
txt <- sprintf(
'Incomplete metaoptions, the following are missing: %s',
paste(missing_names, collapse = ' ')
## all validity is passed
.valid.SilacProteinExperiment.rowData <- function(x) {
if (is.null(x@elementMetadata)) {
rd_rows <- nrow(x@elementMetadata)
if (rd_rows != nrow(x)) {
txt <- sprintf(
paste('The number of rows of rowData (%d) does not match with the',
'number of rows of the ProteinExperiment (%d)'),
rd_rows, nrow(x))
.valid.SilacProteinExperiment.colData <- function(x) {
if (any(duplicated(colData(x)))) {
return('colData cannot have duplicated entries')
} else {
## Wrapper for all the validity check functions
.valid.SilacProteinExperiment <- function(x) {
#' @importFrom S4Vectors setValidity2
#' @keywords internal
setValidity2('SilacProteinExperiment', .valid.SilacProteinExperiment)
###### PEPTIDE EXPERIMENT ======================================================
#' @rdname SilacPeptideExperiment-class
#' @name SilacPeptideExperiment-class
#' @title SilacPeptideExperiment class
#' @description S4 class that extends the \code{\link{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' class. This class is designed for proteomics data, more especifically
#' peptide level data. The \code{metadata} slot comes already initialized with
#' the metaoptions (see details).
#' @details The \code{SilacPeptideExperiment} class has been designed to store
#' peptide level data and to be used in the functions provided in this package
#' for pulsed SILAC data analysis; in combination with the other two classes
#' from the package: the \code{\link{SilacProteinExperiment}} and
#' \code{\link{SilacProteomicsExperiment}} classes.
#' ProteinExperiment metaoptions are stored in the \code{metadata} slot
#' This contains a \code{list} with some parameters that are automatically
#' initialized by the constructor. Some parameters are mandatory for certain
#' functions or operations. The user can add or remove items at their
#' discretion. These parameters are meant to help automate certain pipeline or
#' data analysis steps. These metaoptions are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{conditionCol}{\code{character} indicating the column name of
#' \code{colData(x)} that defines the different experiment conditions.}
#' \item{timeCol}{\code{character} indicating the column name of
#' \code{colData(x)} that defines the different timepoints of the experiment.}
#' \item{proteinCol}{\code{character} indicating the column name of
#' \code{rowData(x)} that defines to which protein a peptide is assigned.}
#' @section Constructor:
#' See \link{SilacPeptideExperiment-constructor} for details.
#' @section Accessors:
#' See \link{SilacProteinPeptideExperiment-accessors} for details.
#' @seealso \code{\link{SilacPeptideExperiment-constructor}},
#' \code{\link{SilacProteinPeptideExperiment-accessors}},
#' \code{\link{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' @importClassesFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' @export
.SilacPeptideExperiment <- setClass(Class = 'SilacPeptideExperiment',
contains = 'SilacProteinExperiment'
.valid.SilacPeptideExperiment.metaoptions<- function(x) {
metaoptions_names <- c('conditionCol',
## missing one or more of the metaoptions
if (!all(metaoptions_names %in% names(metadata(x)))) {
missing_names_pos <- which(!metaoptions_names %in% names(metaoptions(x)))
missing_names <- metaoptions_names[missing_names_pos]
txt <- sprintf(
'Incomplete metaoptions, the following are missing: %s',
paste(missing_names, collapse = ' ')
## all validity is passed
.valid.SilacPeptideExperiment.rowData <- function(x) {
if (is.null(x@elementMetadata)) {
rd_rows <- nrow(x@elementMetadata)
if (rd_rows != nrow(x)) {
txt <- sprintf(
paste('The number of rows of rowData (%d) does not match with the',
'number of rows of the PeptideExperiment (%d)'),
rd_rows, nrow(x))
.valid.SilacPeptideExperiment.colData <- function(x) {
if (any(duplicated(colData(x)))) {
return('colData cannot have duplicated entries')
} else {
## Wrapper for all the validity check functions
.valid.SilacPeptideExperiment <- function(x) {
#' @importFrom S4Vectors setValidity2
#' @keywords internal
setValidity2('SilacPeptideExperiment', .valid.SilacPeptideExperiment)
###### PROTEOMICS EXPERIMENT ===================================================
#' @rdname SilacProteomicsExperiment-class
#' @name SilacProteomicsExperiment-class
#' @title SilacProteomicsExperiment class
#' @description S4 class that contains a \code{SilacProteinExperiment} object
#' and a \code{SilacPeptideExperiment} object. The two objects are linked by a
#' \code{data.frame} (linkerDf). This class can be used to manage both protein
#' and peptide data at the same time.
#' @slot SilacProteinExperiment Contains a \code{SilacProteinExperiment} object.
#' @slot SilacPeptideExperiment Contains a \code{SilacPeptideExperiment} object.
#' @slot colData Contains a \code{data.frame} with sample information like
#' conditions, replicates, etc.
#' @slot linkerDf Contains a \code{data.frame} that has been created with
#' \code{\link{buildLinkerDf}}. It contains the relationships between proteins
#' and peptides.
#' @slot metadata Contains a \code{list} to store any kind of experiment-wide
#' data and the metaoptions.
#' @details The \code{SilacProteomicsExperiment} object is just a
#' \code{SilacProteinExperiment} object and a \code{SilacPeptideExperiment}
#' object together.
#' The rows of the \code{SilacProteinExperiment} object represent proteins.
#' The rows of the \code{SilacPeptideExperiment} object represent peptides.
#' The columns of the \code{SilacProteomicsExperiment} object represent samples.
#' Samples are shared at both protein and peptide levels.
#' Experiment-wide information can be stored in the \code{metadata} slot, which
#' is accessed with the \code{metadata} function. This contains a \code{list}
#' object in which each item is left to the discretion of the user. Some
#' possible examples could be: data of the experiment, author, machine used,
#' etc.
#' SilacProteomicsExperiment options are stored in the \code{metadata} slot.
#' This contains a \code{list} with some parameters that are automatically
#' initialized by the constructor. Some parameters are mandatory for certain
#' functions or operations. The user can add or remove items at their
#' discretion. These parameters are meant to help automate certain pipeline or
#' data analysis steps. These metaoptions are:
#' These metaoptions are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{conditionCol}{\code{character} indicating the column name of
#' \code{colData(x)} that defines the different experiment conditions.}
#' \item{timeCol}{\code{character} indicating the column name of
#' \code{colData(x)} that defines the different timepoints of the experiment.}
#' \item{idColProt}{A \code{character} indicating which column from the
#' rowData (protein) should be used as ids.}
#' \item{idColPept}{A \code{character} indicating which column from the
#' rowData (peptides) should be used as ids.}
#' \item{linkedSubset}{A \code{logical} if subsetting should be linked between
#' proteins and peptide.}
#' \item{subsetMode}{A \code{character}, either 'protein' or 'peptide'
#' indicating which level should be used first when subsetting.}
#' @section Constructor:
#' See \link{SilacProteomicsExperiment-constructor} for details.
#' @section Accessors:
#' See \link{SilacProteomicsExperiment-accessors} for details.
#' @seealso \code{\link{SilacProteomicsExperiment-constructor}},
#' \code{\link{SilacProteomicsExperiment-accessors}},
#' \code{\link{SilacProteinExperiment}},
#' \code{\link{SilacPeptideExperiment}}
#' @export
.SilacProteomicsExperiment <- setClass('SilacProteomicsExperiment',
slots = representation(SilacProteinExperiment = 'SilacProteinExperiment',
SilacPeptideExperiment = 'SilacPeptideExperiment',
colData = 'DataFrame',
linkerDf = 'data.frame',
metadata = 'list')
.valid.SilacProteomicsExperiment.ncol <- function(x) {
ncol_prot <- ncol(x@SilacProteinExperiment)
ncol_pept <- ncol(x@SilacPeptideExperiment)
if (ncol_prot != ncol_pept) {
txt <- sprintf(
paste('\n Number of columns of ProteinExperiment (%d) must be equal to',
'the number of columns of PeptideExperiment (%d)'),
ncol_prot, ncol_pept
} else {
.valid.SilacProteomicsExperiment.metaoptions <- function(x) {
metaoptions_names <- c('conditionCol',
## missing one or more of the metaoptions
if (!all(metaoptions_names %in% names(metaoptions(x)))) {
missing_names_pos <- which(!metaoptions_names %in% names(metaoptions(x)))
missing_names <- metaoptions_names[missing_names_pos]
txt <- sprintf(
'Incomplete metaoptions, the following are missing: %s',
paste(missing_names, collapse = ' ')
## metaoptions have to be NA, numeric or character
## checking if the column is at the colData/rowData is done on function call
## not on validity because it could cause problems when changing those
## DataFrames
for (mopt in metaoptions_names) {
val <- metaoptions(x)[[mopt]]
## hardcode two special metaoptions
if (mopt == 'subsetMode') {
if (val %in% c('protein', 'peptide')) {
} else {
txt <- 'subsetMode must be a character: "protein" or "peptide"'
if (mopt == 'linkedSubset') {
if (val %in% c(TRUE, FALSE)) {
} else {
txt <- 'linkedSubset must be a logical: TRUE or FALSE'
.valid.SilacProteomicsExperiment.linkerDf <- function(x){
linkM <- x@linkerDf
# no linker matrix, no need to check
if (nrow(linkM) == 0) {
if (! {
return('The linkerDf should be a data.frame')
if (ncol(linkM) != 4) {
return('The linkerDf should have 4 columns')
if (metaoptions(x)[['linkedSubset']]) {
if (length(unique(linkM[, 3])) < nrow(rowDataProt(x))) {
return('Not all proteins have a link')
if (length(unique(linkM[, 4])) < nrow(rowDataPept(x))) {
return('Not all peptides have a link')
.valid.SilacProteomicsExperiment.colData <- function(x) {
if (any(duplicated(colData(x)))) {
return('colData cannot have duplicated entries')
} else {
## Wrapper for all the validity check functions
.valid.SilacProteomicsExperiment <- function(x) {
#' @importFrom S4Vectors setValidity2
#' @keywords internal
setValidity2('SilacProteomicsExperiment', .valid.SilacProteomicsExperiment)
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