
Defines functions renderDataTableSparklines textSuggestions enableTab disableTab closeProgress updateProgress startProgress display warningDialog errorDialog inlineDialog removeAlert warningAlert errorAlert successAlert showAlert infoModal warningModal errorModal styleModal endProcess startProcess processButton toJSarray prepareWordBreak HTMLfast colourInputMod linkToRunJS sidebar

Documented in closeProgress colourInputMod disableTab display enableTab endProcess errorAlert errorDialog errorModal HTMLfast infoModal inlineDialog linkToRunJS prepareWordBreak processButton removeAlert renderDataTableSparklines showAlert sidebar startProcess startProgress styleModal successAlert textSuggestions toJSarray updateProgress warningAlert warningDialog warningModal

#' Sidebar without a well
#' Modified version of \code{shiny::sidebarPanel} without a well
#' @importFrom shiny div tags
#' @inheritParams shiny::sidebarPanel
#' @return HTML elements
#' @keywords internal
sidebar <- function(..., width=4) {
    div(class = paste0("col-sm-", width), tags$form(...))

#' Link to run arbitrary JavaScript code
#' @param text Character: text label
#' @param code Character: JavaScript code
#' @return HTML elements
#' @keywords internal
linkToRunJS <- function(text, code) {
    HTML(sprintf('<a href="#" onclick="%s; return false;">%s</a>', code, text))

#' Create a row for a HTML table
#' @param ... Elements to include in the row
#' @param th Boolean: is this row the table head?
#' @return HTML elements
#' @keywords internal
tableRow <- function (..., th=FALSE) {
    args <- list(...)
    if (th) row <- tags$th
    else    row <- tags$td
    do.call(tags$tr, lapply(args, row))

#' Modified colour input with 100\% width
#' @inheritDotParams colourpicker::colourInput
#' @importFrom colourpicker colourInput
#' @return HTML elements
#' @keywords internal
colourInputMod <- function(...) {
    colourSelector <- colourInput(...)
    colourSelector[[2]][["style"]] <- "width: 100%;"

#' Faster version of \code{shiny::HTML}
#' @param text Character: text
#' @return HTML element
#' @keywords internal
HTMLfast <- function(text) {
    attr(text, "html") <- TRUE
    class(text) <- c("html", "character")

#' Create word break opportunities (for HTML) using given characters
#' @param str Character: text
#' @param pattern Character: pattern(s) of interest to be used as word break
#' opportunities
#' @param html Boolean: convert to HTML?
#' @importFrom shiny HTML
#' @return String containing HTML elements
#' @keywords internal
prepareWordBreak <- function(str, pattern=c(".", "-", "\\", "/", "_", ",", 
                                            " ", "+", "="),
                             html=TRUE) {
    res <- str
    # wbr: word break opportunity
    for (p in pattern) res <- gsub(p, paste0(p, "<wbr>"), res, fixed=TRUE)
    if (html) {
        if (length(res) == 1) {
            res <- HTML(res)
        } else {
            res <- lapply(res, HTMLfast)

#' Convert vector of values to JavaScript array
#' @param values Character vector
#' @return Character with valid JavaScript array
#' @keywords internal
toJSarray <- function(values) {
    paste0("[", paste0(paste0("\'", values, "\'"), collapse=", "), "]")

#' Style button used to initiate a process
#' @param id Character: button identifier
#' @param label Character: label
#' @inheritDotParams shiny::actionButton -inputId -label
#' @param class Character: class
#' @importFrom shinyjs hidden
#' @importFrom shiny tags actionButton
#' @return HTML for a button
#' @keywords internal
processButton <- function(id, label, ..., class="btn-primary") {
    spinner <- tags$i(id=paste0(id, "Loading"), class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin")
    button  <- actionButton(id, class=class, type="button", 
                            label=div(hidden(spinner), label), ...,
                            style="margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px;")

#' Create an icon based on set operations
#' Based on the \code{\link[shiny]{icon}()} function
#' @param name Character: icon name
#' @param class Character: additional classes to customise the icon element
#' @param ... Extra arguments for the icon HTML element
#' @importFrom shiny icon
#' @importFrom htmltools htmlDependency htmlDependencies htmlDependencies<-
#' @return Icon element
#' @keywords internal
setOperationIcon <- function (name, class=NULL, ...) {
    if (length(list(...)) == 0) {
        style <- paste("font-size: 20px;", "line-height: 0;",
                       "vertical-align: bottom;", "display: inline-block;")
    } else {
        style <- NULL
    prefix <- "set"
    iconClass <- ""
    if (!is.null(name)) 
        iconClass <- paste0(prefix, " ", prefix, "-", name)
    if (!is.null(class)) 
        iconClass <- paste(iconClass, class)
    iconTag <- tags$i(class=iconClass, style=style, ...)
    htmlDependencies(iconTag) <- htmlDependency(
        "set-operations", "1.0",
        c(href="set-operations"), stylesheet = "css/set-operations.css")

#' Set the status of a process to style a given button
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{startProcess}: Style button to show a process is in progress}
#'   \item{\code{endProcess}: Style button to show a process finished; also, 
#'   closes the progress bar (if \code{closeProgressbar = TRUE}) and 
#'   prints the difference between the current time and \code{time}}
#' }
#' @param id Character: button identifier
#' @importFrom shinyjs show
#' @return \code{startProcess} returns the start time of the process (may be 
#' used as the \code{time} argument to \code{endProcess}), whereas
#' \code{endProcess} returns the difference between current time and \code{time}
#' (or \code{NULL} if \code{time} is not specified)
#' @keywords internal
startProcess <- function(id) {
    show(paste0(id, "Loading"))

#' @rdname startProcess
#' @param time \code{POSIXct} object: start time needed to show the interval
#' time (if \code{NULL}, the time interval is not displayed)
#' @param closeProgressBar Boolean: close progress bar?
#' @importFrom shinyjs enable hide
endProcess <- function(id, time=NULL, closeProgressBar=TRUE) {
    hide(paste0(id, "Loading"))
    if (closeProgressBar) suppressWarnings(closeProgress())
    if (!is.null(time)) {
        diffTime <- Sys.time() - time
        display(diffTime, "Process finished in")

#' Create a modal window
#' @param session Shiny session
#' @param title Character: title
#' @inheritDotParams shiny::modalDialog -title -size -footer
#' @param style Character: style (\code{NULL}, \code{warning}, \code{error} or
#'   \code{info})
#' @param iconName Character: icon name
#' @param footer HTML elements to use in footer
#' @param echo Boolean: print to console?
#' @param size Character: size of the modal (\code{small}, \code{medium} or
#'   \code{large})
#' @param dismissButton Boolean: show dismiss button in footer?
#' @param caller Character: caller module identifier
#' @importFrom shiny renderUI div icon showModal modalButton modalDialog
#' @importFrom R.utils capitalize
#' @seealso \code{\link{showAlert}()}
#' @inherit psichomics return
#' @keywords internal
styleModal <- function(session, title, ..., style=NULL,
                       iconName="exclamation-circle", footer=NULL, echo=FALSE, 
                       size="medium", dismissButton=TRUE, caller=NULL) {
    size <- switch(size, "small"="s", "large"="l", "medium"="m")
    if (dismissButton) footer <- tagList(modalButton("Dismiss"), footer)
    modal <- modalDialog(..., title=div(icon(iconName), title), size=size,
                         footer=footer, easyClose=FALSE)
    if (!is.null(style)) {
        style <- match.arg(style, c("info", "warning", "error"))
        modal[[3]][[1]][[3]][[1]][[3]][[1]] <-
    showModal(modal, session)
    if (echo) {
        if (style == "info") style <- "Information"
        msg <- sprintf("%s: %s", capitalize(style), title)
        if (!is.null(caller)) msg <- sprintf('%s [in "%s"]', msg, caller)

#' @rdname styleModal
errorModal <- function(session, title, ..., size="small", footer=NULL, 
                       caller=NULL) {
    styleModal(session, title, ..., footer=footer, style="error", size=size,
               echo=TRUE, iconName="times-circle", caller=caller)

#' @rdname styleModal
warningModal <- function(session, title, ..., size="small", footer=NULL,
                         caller=NULL) {
    styleModal(session, title, ..., footer=footer, style="warning", size=size,
               echo=TRUE, iconName="exclamation-circle", caller=caller)

#' @rdname styleModal
infoModal <- function(session, title, ..., size="small", footer=NULL,
                      caller=NULL) {
    styleModal(session, title, ..., footer=footer, style="info", size=size,
               echo=TRUE, iconName="info-circle", caller=caller)

#' Show or remove an alert
#' @inheritParams styleModal
#' @param ... Arguments to render as elements of alert
#' @param style Character: style (\code{error}, \code{warning} or \code{NULL})
#' @param dismissible Boolean: is the alert dismissible?
#' @param alertId Character: identifier
#' @seealso \code{\link{showModal}()}
#' @importFrom shiny span h3 renderUI div tagList
#' @inherit psichomics return
#' @keywords internal
showAlert <- function(session, ..., title, style=NULL, dismissible=TRUE, 
                      alertId="alert", iconName=NULL, caller=NULL) {
    if (dismissible) {
        dismissible <- "alert-dismissible"
        dismiss <- tags$button(type="button", class="close",
                               "data-dismiss"="alert", "aria-label"="Close",
                               span("aria-hidden"="true", "\u00D7"))
    } else {
        dismissible <- NULL
        dismiss <- NULL
    # Log information
    args <- list(...)
    if (style == "info") style <- "Information"
    msg <- sprintf("%s: %s", capitalize(style), title)
    if (!is.null(caller)) msg <- sprintf('%s [in "%s"]', msg, caller)
    body <- paste(lapply(args, format), collapse=" ")
    newline <- "\n  "
    processHTML <- function(str, newline) {
        str <- gsub("\n[ ]*", " ", str) # Strip forced newlines
        str <- gsub("[ ]*<br[/]{0,1}>[ ]*", newline, str) # Convert newline
        str <- gsub("[ ]*<.*?>[ ]*", "", str) # Strip other HTML tags
    body <- processHTML(body, newline)
    message(msg, newline, body)
    style <- switch(style, "error"="alert-danger", "warning"="alert-warning",
    output <- session$output
    output[[alertId]] <- renderUI({
        tagList(div(h4(icon(iconName), title), id="myAlert", class="alert",
                    class=style, role="alert", class="animated bounceInUp", 
                    class=dismissible, dismiss, ...))

#' @rdname showAlert
successAlert <- function(session, ..., title=NULL, dismissible=TRUE,
                         alertId="success", caller=NULL) {
    showAlert(session, ..., style="success", title=title, 
              iconName="check-circle", dismissible=dismissible, 
              alertId=alertId, caller=caller)

#' @rdname showAlert
errorAlert <- function(session, ..., title=NULL, dismissible=TRUE,
                       alertId="alert", caller=NULL) {
    showAlert(session, ..., style="error", title=title, 
              iconName="times-circle", dismissible=dismissible, 
              alertId=alertId, caller=caller)

#' @rdname showAlert
warningAlert <- function(session, ..., title=NULL, dismissible=TRUE,
                         alertId="alert", caller=NULL) {
    showAlert(session, ..., style="warning", title=title, 
              iconName="exclamation-circle", dismissible=dismissible, 
              alertId=alertId, caller=caller)

#' @rdname showAlert
#' @param output Shiny output
removeAlert <- function(output, alertId="alert") {
    output[[alertId]] <- renderUI(NULL)

#' Alert in the style of a dialogue box with a button
#' @param id Character: identifier
#' @param description Character: description
#' @param buttonId Character: button identifier
#' @param buttonLabel Character: button label
#' @param buttonIcon Character: button icon
#' @param ... Extra parameters when creating the alert
#' @param type Character: type of alert (error or warning)
#' @param bigger Boolean: wrap the \code{description} in a \code{h4} tag?
#' @importFrom shiny icon div actionButton
#' @return HTML elements
#' @keywords internal
inlineDialog <- function(description, ..., buttonLabel=NULL, buttonIcon=NULL, 
                         buttonId=NULL, id=NULL, type=c("error", "warning"),
                         bigger=FALSE) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (identical(type, "error")) type <- "danger"
    typeIcon <- switch(type, danger="exclamation-circle",
    if (!is.null(buttonLabel)) {
        if (!is.null(buttonIcon))
            icon <- icon(buttonIcon)
            icon <- NULL
        typeClass <- sprintf("btn-%s btn-block", type)
        button <- tagList(br(), br(), actionButton(buttonId, icon=icon, 
    } else {
        button <- NULL
    if (bigger) {
        description <- h4(style="margin-top: 5px !important;",
                          icon(typeIcon), description)
    } else {
        description <- tagList(icon(typeIcon), description)
    typeClass <- sprintf("alert alert-%s", type)
    div(id=id, class=typeClass, role="alert", style="margin-bottom: 0px;",
        description, button, ...)

#' @rdname inlineDialog
errorDialog <- function(description, ...)
    inlineDialog(description, ..., type="error")

#' @rdname inlineDialog
warningDialog <- function(description, ...)
    inlineDialog(description, ..., type="warning")

#' Display characters in the command-line
#' @param char Character: message
#' @param timeStr Character: message when a \code{difftime} object is passed to
#' the \code{char} argument
#' @importFrom shiny isRunning
#' @return \code{NULL} (display message in command-line)
#' @keywords internal
display <- function(char, timeStr="Time difference of") {
    if (!isRunning()) cat("", fill=TRUE)
    if (is(char, "difftime")) {
        message(timeStr, " ", format(unclass(char), digits=3), " ", 
                attr(char, "units"))
    } else {
        cat(char, fill=TRUE)

#' Create, set and terminate a progress object
#' @param message Character: progress message
#' @param divisions Integer: number of divisions in the progress bar
#' @param global Shiny's global variable
#' @importFrom shiny isRunning Progress
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @inherit psichomics return
#' @keywords internal
startProgress <- function(message, divisions,
                          global=if (isRunning()) sharedData else getHidden()) {
    if (isRunning()) {
        global$progress <- Progress$new()
        global$progress$set(message = message, value = 0)
    } else {
        global$progress <- txtProgressBar(style=3)
    global$progress.divisions <- divisions

#' @rdname startProgress
#' @details If \code{divisions} is not \code{NULL}, a progress bar starts with 
#' the given divisions. If \code{value = NULL}, the progress bar increments one
#' unit; otherwise, the progress bar increments \code{value}.
#' @param value Integer: current progress value
#' @param max Integer: maximum progress value
#' @param detail Character: detailed message
#' @param console Boolean: print message to console?
#' @importFrom shiny isRunning Progress
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
updateProgress <- function(message="Loading...", value=NULL, max=NULL, 
                           detail=NULL, divisions=NULL, 
                           global=if (isRunning()) sharedData else getHidden(),
                           console=TRUE) {
    isGUIversion <- isRunning()
    if (!interactive()) return(NULL)
    if (!is.null(divisions)) {
        if (!isGUIversion) {
            setHidden(startProgress(message, divisions, new.env()))
        } else {
            startProgress(message, divisions, global)
    divisions <- global$progress.divisions
    if (is.null(value)) {
        if (!isRunning()) { # CLI version
            currentValue <- global$progress$getVal()
            max   <- 1
        } else {
            currentValue <- global$progress$getValue()
            max          <- global$progress$getMax()
        value <- currentValue + (max - currentValue)
    amount <- ifelse(is.null(max), value/divisions, 1/max/divisions)
    # Print message to console
    if (console) {
        msg <- message
        if (!is.null(detail) && !identical(detail, ""))
            msg <- paste(msg, detail, sep=": ")
    # Increment progress
    if (!isGUIversion) {
        if (!is.null(global)) {
            value <- min(global$progress$getVal() + amount, 1)
            setTxtProgressBar(global$progress, value)
    } else {
        if (is.null(detail)) detail <- ""
        global$progress$inc(amount=amount, message=message, detail=detail)

#' @rdname startProgress
#' @importFrom shiny isRunning Progress
closeProgress <- function(message=NULL, 
                          global=if (isRunning()) sharedData else getHidden()) {
    # Close the progress even if there's an error
    if (!is.null(message)) display(message)
    isGUIversion <- isRunning()
    if (isGUIversion)
    else if (is(global$progress, "txtProgressBar"))

#' Enable or disable a tab from the \code{navbar}
#' @param tab Character: tab
#' @importFrom shinyjs disable addClass
#' @inherit psichomics return
#' @keywords internal
disableTab <- function(tab) {
    # Style item as disabled
    addClass(selector = paste0(".navbar li:has(a[data-value=", tab, "])"),
             class = "disabled")
    # Disable link itself
    disable(selector = paste0(".navbar li a[data-value=", tab, "]"))

#' @rdname disableTab
#' @importFrom shinyjs removeClass enable
enableTab <- function(tab) {
    # Style item as enabled
    removeClass(selector = paste0(".navbar li:has(a[data-value=", tab, "])"),
                class = "disabled")
    # Enable link itself
    enable(selector = paste0(".navbar li a[data-value=", tab, "]"))

#' Create script for auto-completion of text input
#' Uses the JavaScript library \code{jquery.textcomplete}
#' @param id Character: input ID
#' @param words Character: words to suggest
#' @param novalue Character: string when there's no matching values
#' @param char Character to succeed accepted word
#' @return HTML string with the JavaScript script prepared to run
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples 
#' words <- c("tumor_stage", "age", "gender")
#' psichomics:::textSuggestions("textareaid", words)
textSuggestions <- function(id, words, novalue="No matching value", char=" ") {
    varId <- paste0(gsub("-", "_", id), "_words")
    var <- paste0(varId, ' = ["', paste(words, collapse = '", "'), '"];')
    js <- paste0('$("#', escape(id), '").textcomplete([{
            match: /([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]{1,})$/,
            search: function(term, callback) {
                var words = ', varId, ', sorted = [];
                for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { 
                    sorted[i] = fuzzy(words[i], term);
                sorted = sorted.map(function(i) { return i.term; });
            index: 1,
            cache: true,
            replace: function(word) {
            return word + "', char ,'";
        }}], { noResultsMessage: "', novalue, '"});')
    js <- HTML("<script>", var, js, "</script>")

#' Render a data table with sparkline HTML elements
#' @details This slightly modified version of \code{\link{renderDataTable}()}
#' calls a JavaScript function to convert the sparkline HTML elements to an
#' interactive \code{highchart} object
#' @inheritDotParams shiny::renderDataTable -options -escape -env
#' @param options List of options to pass to \code{\link{renderDataTable}()}
#' @importFrom DT renderDataTable JS
#' @inherit psichomics return
#' @keywords internal
renderDataTableSparklines <- function(..., options=NULL) {
    # Escape is set to FALSE to render the Sparkline HTML elements
    renderDataTable(..., escape=FALSE, env=parent.frame(n=1), options=c(
        list(drawCallback=JS("drawSparklines")), options))

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

psichomics documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:44 p.m.