#' Get different features and elements of the 'proDAFit' object
#' The functions listed below can all be accessed using the
#' fluent dollar notation (ie. \code{fit$abundances[1:3,1:3]}) without
#' any additional parentheses.
#' @param object the 'proDAFit' object
#' @param formula specific argument for the \code{design} function
#' to get the formula that was used to create the linear model.
#' If no formula was used \code{NULL} is returned.
#' @return See the documentation of the generics to find out what each method returns
#' @name accessor_methods
#' @rdname accessor_methods
#' @export
setMethod("abundances", signature = "proDAFit", function(object){
#' @rdname accessor_methods
#' @export
setMethod("design", signature = "proDAFit", function(object, formula = FALSE){
#' @rdname accessor_methods
#' @export
setMethod("hyper_parameters", signature = "proDAFit", function(object){
list(location_prior_mean = object@location_prior_mean,
location_prior_scale = object@location_prior_scale,
location_prior_df = object@location_prior_df,
variance_prior_scale = object@variance_prior_scale,
variance_prior_df = object@variance_prior_df,
dropout_curve_position = colData(object)$dropout_curve_position,
dropout_curve_scale = colData(object)$dropout_curve_scale)
#' @rdname accessor_methods
#' @export
setMethod("feature_parameters", signature = "proDAFit", function(object){
rd <- rowData(object)[, which(mcols(rd)$type == "feature_parameter"), drop=FALSE])
#' @rdname accessor_methods
#' @export
setMethod("coefficients", signature = "proDAFit", function(object){
rd <- rowData(object)
as.matrix(rd[, which(mcols(rd)$type == "coefficient"), drop=FALSE])
#' @rdname accessor_methods
#' @export
setMethod("coefficient_variance_matrices", signature = "proDAFit", function(object){
rd <- rowData(object)
n <- result_names(object)
p <- length(n)
lapply(rd[, which(mcols(rd)$type == "coefficient_variance"), drop=TRUE], function(elem){
stopifnot(length(elem) == p^2)
res <- matrix(elem, nrow=p, ncol=p)
colnames(res) <- n
rownames(res) <- n
#' @rdname accessor_methods
#' @export
setMethod("reference_level", signature = "proDAFit", function(object){
#' @rdname accessor_methods
#' @export
setMethod("convergence", signature = "proDAFit", function(object){
setMethod("show", signature = "proDAFit", function(object){
header <- "\tParameters of the probabilistic dropout model\n"
size_descr <- paste0("The dataset contains ", ncol(object), " samples and ", nrow(object), " proteins")
frac_miss <- sum( / (ncol(object) * nrow(object))
na_descr <- paste0(formatC(frac_miss * 100, digits = 3, width=1, format="g"), "% of the values are missing\n")
formal_descr <- if(!is.null(form <- design(object, formula = TRUE))){
paste0("Experimental design: y", format(form))
"Experimental design was specified using a design matrix (design(object))."
converged_txt <- "The model has successfully converged."
converged_txt <- paste0("Attention: the model has not converged.\n",
"The error in the last iteration (", convergence(object)$iteration, ") was ", sprintf("%.2g",convergence(object)$error), "\n",
"Please re-run the model with increased number of max_iter.")
hp <- object$hyper_parameters
hyper_para_txt <- paste0("\nThe inferred parameters are:\n",
paste0(vapply(seq_along(hp), function(idx){
pretty_num <- if(names(hp)[idx] == "dropout_curve_scale"){
scales <- hp[[idx]][seq_len(min(length(hp[[idx]]), 4))]
ifelse( | scales > -100,
formatC(scales, digits=3, width=1, format="g"),
"< -100")
}else if(names(hp)[idx] == "variance_prior_df"){
if([[idx]]) || hp[[idx]] < 100){
formatC(hp[[idx]][seq_len(min(length(hp[[idx]]), 4))], digits=3, width=1, format="g")
"> 100"
formatC(hp[[idx]][seq_len(min(length(hp[[idx]]), 4))], digits=3, width=1, format="g")
paste0(names(hp)[idx], ":",
paste0(rep(" ", times=24-nchar(names(hp)[idx])), collapse=""),
paste0(pretty_num, collapse=", "),
(if(length(hp[[idx]]) <= 4) "" else ", ..."))
}, FUN.VALUE = ""), collapse = "\n"))
cat(paste0(c(header, size_descr, na_descr, formal_descr, converged_txt, hyper_para_txt), collapse = "\n"))
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