hitheatmap <- function(fit, threshold = 0.2, sharedness.score = FALSE,
main = "", na.action = "use", ...)
## NA-Handling for genes that were not measured for all conditions
if(na.action == "na.omit") fit <- na.omit(fit)
## Check if input is a result of pmm
stop("Your input matrix is not a result of pmm.")
}else if(attr(fit,"doc")!= "PMM.Result"){
stop("Your input matrix is not a result of pmm.")
## Selects hits from fit, i.e. genes that have fdr values below the
## given threshold.
fdr <- fit[,c(grep("fdr",colnames(fit)))]
hits <- function(fdr, threshold){ <- apply(fdr,2,function(x) which(x < threshold))
hit.genes <- hits(fdr,threshold)
## Saving ccg values of hit genes in one data.frame
d.hit <- fit[fit[,"GeneID"] %in% hit.genes,
d.hit <- d.hit[order(apply(d.hit[,grep("ccg",colnames(d.hit))],1,mean,
na.rm = TRUE)),]
## If there are no hits, then output an error.
if(nrow(d.hit) == 0)
stop("No genes have FDR below the given threshold.")
## Caculating Sharedness
sh <- sharedness(fit,threshold, na.action = na.action)
## Plotting Options
par(mar = c(5,10,4.1,6), ...)
## Define color for up and down hits and sharedness
ramp <- colorRamp(c("white","indianred","red","red2","red4","darkred"))
red <- rgb(ramp(seq(0, 1, length = 102)), maxColorValue = 255)
ramp <- colorRamp(c("white","lightblue", "blue","blue2","blue4","darkblue"))
blue <- rgb(ramp(seq(0, 1, length = 102)), maxColorValue = 255)
ramp <- colorRamp(c("white","lightgreen","green","green2","green4",
green <- rgb(ramp(seq(0, 1, length = 102)), maxColorValue = 255)
## Number of genes and conditions
condition <- unique(substring(colnames(d.hit)[2:ncol(d.hit)],5))
N <- nrow(d.hit)
cn <- length(condition)
## Prepare Plot Window
sy <- 1
if(sharedness.score) sy <- 0
plot(y = c(sy-0.5,cn+0.5), x = c(1,N+3.1), type = "n",
bty ="n", xaxt ="n", yaxt = "n", main = main,
xlab = "", ylab = "")
## Plotting Results
for(j in 1:cn){
cc <- condition[cn - j + 1]
for(g in 1:N){
ind <- round(100/(max(abs(d.hit[,-1]),na.rm = TRUE))*
abs(fit[fit$GeneID == d.hit$GeneID[g],
if(ind != 0){
color <- ifelse(fit[fit$GeneID == d.hit$GeneID[g],
paste("ccg",cc,sep=".")] > 0,
red[ind], blue[ind])
color <- "white"
marker <- ifelse(fit[fit$GeneID == d.hit$GeneID[g],
paste("fdr",cc,sep=".")] < threshold,
markersize <- ifelse(fit[fit$GeneID == d.hit$GeneID[g],
paste("fdr",cc,sep=".")] < threshold,
polygon(x = c(g - 0.5, g - 0.5, g + 0.5, g + 0.5),
y = c(j - 0.5, j + 0.5, j + 0.5, j - 0.5),
border = "white", col = color, lwd = 1.2)
points(g,j,pch = 8, cex = markersize, col = marker)
color <- "white"
polygon(x = c(g - 0.5, g - 0.5, g + 0.5, g + 0.5),
y = c(j - 0.5, j + 0.5, j + 0.5, j - 0.5),
border = "white", col = color, lwd = 1.2)
text(g,j,"NA", cex = 0.4)
## Adding Sharedness
for(g in 1:N){
ind <- 100*abs(sh[sh$GeneID == d.hit$GeneID[g],"Sharedness"])
polygon(x = c(g - 0.5, g - 0.5, g + 0.5, g + 0.5),
y = c(-0.3, 0.3, 0.3, -0.3),
border = "white", col = green[ind],lwd = 2)
## Adding Legend
col.legend <- colorRampPalette(c("darkblue","blue4","blue2","blue",
"red","red2","red4","darkred"))(200) <- function(lut, min, max, max.scale = NULL) {
scale <- (length(lut)-1)/(max-min)
axis(4, round(seq(min, max, len=3),2),
c(-round(max.scale,1),0,round(max.scale,1)),las=1,tck = -0.01)}
for (i in 1:(length(lut)-1)) {
y <- (i-1)/scale + min
rect(N+2.5,y,N+3.5,y+1/scale, col=lut[i], border=NA)
},1/3*cn,cn,max(abs(d.hit[,-1]),na.rm = TRUE))
axis(4,cn+0.5,"c_cg values",las=2,tck=0,mgp=c(0,-1.5,0))
points(N+3, 1/4*cn, pch=8, col = "yellow", cex = 1.2)
axis(4,1/4*cn,paste("FDR <",threshold),las=2,tck=0,mgp=c(0,-0.1,0))
if(sharedness.score){ <- colorRampPalette(c("white","lightgreen","green",
axis(4,c(-0.5,1/6*cn),c(0,1),las=1,tck = -0.01)
## Axis labelling
axis(1,1:N,d.hit$GeneID,las = 2, tick = FALSE, ...)
axis(2,1:cn,condition[cn:1], las = 2, tick = FALSE, ...)
if(sharedness.score) axis(2,0,"Sharedness", las = 2, tick = FALSE)
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