## $Id$
## Copyright (C) 2001 Brian S. Yandell
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
## Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
## later version.
## These functions are distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## The text of the GNU General Public License, version 2, is available
## as or by writing to the Free Software
## Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
rangene <- function (n = 10000, center = 4, spread = 2, contamination = 0.05,
alpha = c(1,1), noise = 0.5, omega = c(20,20))
contam <- round(n * contamination)
data <- list()
r <- rnorm(n, center, spread)
rr <- rank(r) / ( 1 + n )
## contaminate preferentially genes with smaller intensities
cc <- seq( n )[ contam >= rank( runif( n )^2 * (2 - rr )) ]
## half of contaminated genes upregulate
upreg <- .5 < runif( contam )
for (i in 1:2) {
data[[i]] <- r
s <- cc[upreg]
if( length( s ))
data[[i]][s] <- data[[i]][s] + rnorm(length(s),3-rr[s],0.25)
upreg <- !upreg
for (i in 1:2)
data[[i]] <- data[[i]] + rnorm(n, 0, noise)
known <- data <-
for (i in 1:2) {
data[[i]] <- alpha[i] * exp(data[[i]])
data[[i]] <- data[[i]] + rnorm(n, 0, omega[i])
list(observed = data, true = known,contam=cc)
### Find top ranked genes
toprankgene <- function( yy, n = 500 )
tmpy2 <- rank( apply( yy$true, 1, function(x) -abs( diff( x )) ))
tmpy <- pickgene(yy$obs, npickgene = n )$pick[[1]]$probe
count <- rep(NA,n)
for( i in 1:n ) {
count[i] <- sum( tmpy2[ tmpy[1:i] ] <= i )
### Yi Lin's original random gene generator
### Classical contamination model for robust statistics
orangene <- function( n = 10000, center = 4, spread = 2, contamination = .05,
alpha = c(3,2), noise = 0.1, omega = c(20,30) )
contam <- round( n * contamination )
data <- list()
r <- rnorm(n,center,spread)
for( i in 1:2 ) {
## gene expression
data[[i]] <- r
## contamination = differential expression
data[[i]][seq(contam)] <- data[[i]][seq(contam)] + rnorm(contam)
## intrinsic noise
data[[i]] <- data[[i]] + rnorm(n,0,noise)
known <- data <- data )
for( i in 1:2 ) {
## attenuation
data[[i]] <- alpha[i] * exp( data[[i]] )
## measurement error
data[[i]] <- data[[i]] + rnorm(n,0,omega[i])
list( observed = data, true = known )
### Organize scores from pickgene structure
pickedhist <- function( pick, show = names( pick ), title = show, p1 = .05,
plotit = TRUE, rotate = FALSE, mfrow = c(nr,nc), bw = NULL )
pick <- pick$score
if( is.numeric( show ))
show <- names( pick )[show]
else {
if( any( match( show, names( pick )))))
stop( paste( "show choices do not match contrasts:",
paste( names( pick ), collapse = ", " )))
n <- nrow( pick[[1]] )
if( plotit ) {
nr <- min( 2, ceiling( length( show ) / 3 ))
nc <- min( 3, ceiling( length( show ) / nr ))
if( !is.null( mfrow ))
par( mfrow = mfrow, pty = "s" )
tmplvl <- qnorm( adjustlevel( n * 2, .05 ) / 2, lower.tail
names( title ) <- show
if( !is.null( bw )) {
bw <- array( bw, length( show ))
names( bw ) <- show
for( i in show ) {
if( is.null( bw ))
tmp <- density( pick[[i]]$score )
tmp <- density( pick[[i]]$score, bw = bw[i] )
cat( "density bandwidth:", tmp$bw, "\n" )
if( rotate )
plot( tmp$y, tmp$x, type = "l", ylab = title[i],
xlab = "Relative Frequency", main = "" )
plot( tmp$x, tmp$y, type = "l", xlab = title[i],
ylab = "Relative Frequency", main = "" )
tmpd <- dnorm( tmp$x )
if( rotate )
lines( tmpd, tmp$x, lty = 2, col = "blue" )
lines( tmp$x, tmpd, lty = 2, col = "blue" )
tmphi <- 2 * tmpd < tmp$y
xx <- range( tmp$x[ abs( tmp$x ) < tmplvl & !tmphi] )
if( rotate ) {
lines( tmp$y * tmphi, tmp$x, lty = 4, col = "red" )
abline( h = c(-1,1) * tmplvl, lty = 3, col = "red" )
axis( 2, xx, labels = round( xx, 1 ))
lines(( tmp$y - (1 - p1) * tmpd ) / p1, tmp$x, lty = 5, col = "purple" )
else {
lines( tmp$x, tmp$y * tmphi, lty = 4, col = "red" )
abline( v = c(-1,1) * tmplvl, lty = 3, col = "red" )
axis( 1, xx, labels = round( xx, 1 ))
lines( tmp$x, ( tmp$y - (1 - p1) * tmpd ) / p1, lty = 5, col = "purple" )
invisible( tmp )
### Organize scores from pickgene structure
pickedchisq <- function( pick, show = names( pick ),
title = "Squared Distance",
plotit = TRUE, alpha = .05 )
pick <- pick$score
if( is.numeric( show ))
show <- names( pick )[show]
else {
if( any( match( show, names( pick )))))
stop( paste( "show choices do not match contrasts:",
paste( names( pick ), collapse = ", " )))
n <- nrow( pick[[1]] )
if( plotit ) {
tmplvl <- sqrt( qchisq(( 1 - alpha ) ^ ( 1 /n ), length( show )))
sumsq <- 0
for( i in show )
sumsq <- sumsq + pick[[i]]$score^2
tmp <- density( sumsq )
plot( tmp$x, tmp$y, type = "l", log = "x", xlab = title,
ylab = "Relative Frequency", main = "" )
tmpd <- dchisq( tmp$x, length( show ))
lines( tmp$x, tmpd, col = "blue" )
tmphi <- 2 * tmpd < tmp$y
xx <- max( tmp$x[ tmp$x < tmplvl & !tmphi ] )
lines( tmp$x, tmp$y * tmphi, col = "red" )
abline( v = tmplvl, col = "red" )
axis( 1, xx, labels = round( xx, 1 ))
lines( tmp$x, tmp$y - tmpd, col = "purple" )
invisible( tmp )
holms <- function( x, alpha = .05, cut = TRUE ) {
n <- length( x )
x <- sort( 2 * ( 1 - pnorm( abs( x ))))
x[x==0] <- min( x[x>0] ) / 2
if( cut )
x <- x[ x <= alpha ]
nx <- length( x )
plot( x, log = "y", xlab = "rank order", ylab = "raw p-value" )
axis( 2, alpha )
abline( h = c(alpha,alpha/n), col = "red" )
text( nx, 0.5 * ( alpha / n ), "Bonferroni", adj = 1, col = "red" )
abline( h = 1-(1-alpha)^(1/n), col = "blue" )
text( nx, 2 * ( 1-(1-alpha)^(1/n)), "Sidak", adj = 1, col = "blue" )
lines( alpha / ( 1 + n - seq( x )), col = "purple" )
text( nx, alpha / sqrt(n), "Holms", adj = 1, col = "purple" )
abline( v = max( seq( x )[ x < alpha / n ] ), col = "blue", lty = 2 )
abline( v = max( seq( x )[ x < alpha / ( 1 + n - seq( x )) ] ),
col = "purple", lty = 2 )
points( seq( x ) / ( 1 + n ), col = "grey" )
invisible( x )
### Organize scores from pickgene structure
pickedscore <- function( pick, description, show = 1:2, alpha = .05,
xlab = show[1], ylab = show[2], main = "",
mfrow = c(1,1))
score <- list()
for( i in names( pick$score ))
score[[i]] <- pick$score[[i]]$score
score <- data.frame( score )
show <- array( show, 2 )
if( is.numeric( show ))
show <- names( pick$pick )[show]
else {
if( any( match( show, names( pick$pick )))))
stop( paste( "show choices do not match contrasts:",
paste( names( pick$pick ), collapse = ", " )))
if( !is.null( mfrow ))
par( mfrow = mfrow, pty = "s" )
eqscplot( score[[show[1]]], score[[show[2]]], type = "n",
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab )
title( main )
points( score[[show[1]]], score[[show[2]]], cex = .25 )
n <- length( score[[1]] )
tmplvl <- qnorm( adjustlevel( n * 2, alpha ) / 2, lower.tail
abline( h = c(-1,1)*tmplvl, v = c(-1,1) * tmplvl, col = "red" )
tmp <- sqrt( qchisq(( 1 - alpha ) ^ ( 1 /n ), 2 ))
x <- seq( -tmp, tmp, length = 200)
y <- sqrt( tmp^2 - x^2 )
tmp <- abs( score[[show[1]]] ) > tmplvl | abs( score[[show[2]]] ) >
points( score[[show[1]]][tmp], score[[show[2]]][tmp], cex = .75, col =
"blue" )
probes <- character()
for( i in names( pick$pick ))
probes <- c( probes, as.character( pick$pick[[i]]$probe ))
probes <- sort( unique( probes ))
score <- score[ match( probes, pick$score[[1]]$probe, nomatch = 0 ), ]
dimnames( score ) <- list( probes, names( score ))
pick <- pick$pick
fold <- pvalue <- matrix( NA, length( probes ), length( pick ),
dimnames = list( probes, names( pick )))
for( i in names( pick )) {
fold[ as.character( pick[[i]]$probe ), i ] <- pick[[i]]$fold
pvalue[ as.character( pick[[i]]$probe ), i ] <- pick[[i]]$pvalue
ll <- list( score = score, fold = fold, pvalue = pvalue )
## add descriptions if provided
if( !missing( description ))
ll$description <- description[probes]
### want to add probe description to list
pickedpair <- function( x, columns, description,
probe = "Probe.Set",
renorm = c(sqrt(2),sqrt(6)),
pick = pickgene( x[,columns],
x[,probe], ...,
renorm = renorm, plotit = FALSE ),
main = "", ... )
par(mfrow=c(2,2),pty = "s" )
score <- pickedscore( pick, description, mfrow = NULL,
xlab = "Additive Effect",
ylab = "Dominance Effect",
main = main )
pickedhist( pick, 2, title = "Dominance Effect", mfrow = NULL,
rotate = TRUE )
pickedhist( pick, 1, title = "Additive Effect", mfrow = NULL )
invisible( score )
xlab = "Log Average Intensity", ylab = "Standardized Difference",
shrink = FALSE,
crit = qnorm( adjustlevel( n , overalllevel ) / 2, lower.tail = FALSE),
overalllevel = .05, cex = 0.1, lwd = 2, plotit = TRUE )
ylim <- if( shrink )
c(-1,1) * crit
range( y )
slicef<-factor(cut(rx, breaks = c(k*(0:(nslice-1)),n)))
slicex<-unlist(tapply(x, slicef, median), recursive = TRUE, use.names=FALSE)
slicebox <- t( matrix( unlist( tapply( y, slicef, function(x)
boxplot.stats(x)$stats ), recursive = TRUE, use.names=FALSE), 5 ))
robmed <- apply( slicebox, 2, median )
plot(x,y, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim )
if( plotit )
points(x,y,cex = cex)
for( i in seq( ncol( slicebox ))) {
if( diff( range( slicebox[,i] )) > 0 ) {
tmp <- smooth.spline( slicex, slicebox[,i] )
tmp <- predict( tmp, x )$y
lines( x, tmp, col = "blue", lwd = lwd )
lines( range( x ), rep( robmed[i], 2 ), col = "red", lwd = lwd )
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